Jimmy Page Comes to Listen When Someone Requests Led Zeppelin at The Crossroads Guitar Festival

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that's a good joke right okay one last song of the Night song you have been great audience you still are a great audience CL okay A classic I know just the song oh my God so I play this this is so appropriate because it's like Guitar Center Village I play this song at every Guitar Center anytime I go to Guitar Center to try out a guitar I play this this one song and they love me for it so yeah I'm going to do it right now what don't stare away I can't hear you don't stare away what don't St away got my [Music] [Music] headphones [Music] that's all I [Music] know and I don't know if you noticed I didn't even play correctly but like kutus once said it is what it is [Music] [Music] oh [Music] you [Music] [Music] a is that the same [Music] song [Music] [Music] thank you so much uh you're my best audience of the week I'm here every Thursday and Saturday from 8:00 a.m. and until 10:00 a.m. for continental breakfast we have bagels and fruit and yeah you've been wonderful thank you please clap what well I live in American about from lithu thank you thank you appreciate it yeah man for sure all right
Channel: DØVYDAS
Views: 3,284,527
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Dovydas, music, guitar
Id: NkeM-Qv3jdY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 51sec (291 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 08 2023
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