Michoel schnitzler-kol nidre|מיכאל שניצלער-קול נדרי
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Channel: Michoel Schnitzler
Views: 40,031
Rating: 4.8392859 out of 5
Keywords: Michoel, Michuel, Schnitzler, Shnitzler, Schnitsler, Wedding, Singing, Dencing, Jewish, Music, YouTube, Funny, Chasidic, Chasidim, Chassene, Simcha, Freilach, michael, michael schnitzler, michael shnitzler, jewish music, jewish wedding, jewish singer, jews, jewish song, jewish dance, jewish prayer, singer, singers, singer songwriter, musically, music2018, music music, music to help you sleep, music video, jews dancing, songs, song 2018, song 2017, 2018, rock, rocking, rock music
Id: Ikn0SoZtH7U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 12sec (552 seconds)
Published: Thu Sep 28 2017
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