Michio Kaku - This is Why Quantum Computers Will Change Everything

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in a world where technology is advancing  at Breakneck speeds Quantum Computing and   artificial intelligence stand as the Trailblazers  of a new era quantum computers with their ability   to process complex computations at speeds  Unthinkable before and artificial intelligence   with its capacity to learn and evolve are  transforming our world but how do they relate   what sparks fly when these two technological  Titans meet well first of all AI is a software   program it's a software question however quantum  computers is bigger than that quantum computers   is a hardware question where it actually  increases your ability to do much more than   with an ordinary digital computer so the two  of them the chat Bots that are revolution in   software and then quantum computers which are  Revolution and Hardware when they get together   watch out so we're talking about an extremely  powerful alliance between software and Hardware   quantum computers harness the peculiarities of  quantum physics to process information in ways   far beyond the reach of even the most advanced  classical computers using Quantum bits or qubits   they can manage and store massive amounts of data  perform complex calculations simultaneously and   solve intricate problems in mere seconds but what  could this mean for our future could the rise   of quantum Computing Herald a new era in Global  Security reshaping our understanding of encryption   and decryption these quantum computers can crack  any known digital code so this means that crown   jewels of Any Nation with all their top secrets  about the military and defense posture all of   that can be broken into by an advanced quantity  of computer but of course everybody else in the   Sciences are to say because this means better cars  Rockets food energy we're talking about building   the secrets of the Big Bang the understanding  of black holes neutron stars in other words   everything is going to be affected when we can  multiply the power of digital computer by a factor   of millions to billions so we're talking about a  new era in computation that'll change everything   here's a fascinating fact while a classical  bit can be in one of two states zero or one a   Quantum bit or qubit can be in a superposition of  States embodying both zero and one simultaneously   this is the secret behind the astronomical  computational power of quantum machines but   could this unrivaled power ignite a new kind  of competition a global race not just for   technological Supremacy but for Quantum dominance  is the Advent of quantum Computing sparking a new   arms race well computers have gone through three  stages the first stage was analog computers when   we computed on sticks levers gears we return the  crank into a calculation then comes electricity so   and the transistor so all of a sudden everything  becomes a matter of zeros and ones zeros and ones   in digital and that's the computer revolution  of today now we are beginning to enter the third   stage in the evolution of the computer no longer  Computing on transistors competing on atom friends   this is the ultimate computer you can't do better  than that Computing on atoms and that's what the   quantum computer is all about they exist already  they are millions of times more powerful than our   most powerful digital computer on certain tasks  so there's a race a race between China between   IBM Google Microsoft a race to see who can get  the first all-purpose quantum computer to put on   the marketplace which will change everything the  CIA is interested in this all the big commercial   banks are interested in this Aerospace energy you  name it everyone is interested in who is going to   be first to bring out a commercialized quantum  computer that could outrace any normal computer   by a factor of a million the quantum Revolution  is not just about speed and power it's about   reshaping the very fabric of our society as we  grapple with the challenges of misinformation   and Truth discernment the potential of quantum  computers to sift through vast amounts of data   with unprecedented accuracy is tantalizing  could we possibly see a future where quantum   computers serve as the ultimate fact Checkers  reliably separating truth from fiction in a   world Awash with data is this the dawn of a  new era of Truth powered by Quantum computing   quantum computers can act as a fact Checker you  can ask a quantum computer to remove all the   garbage remove all the nonsense in these articles  and it'll do that so in other words the hardware   may be a check on some of the while statements  made by software with a quantum computer you   can fact check things and then you can say this  is ninety percent correct this is totally wrong   this is sometimes correct and you get gradations  of what is correct and incorrect if this is not   done legally if there are no laws passed in this  direction and it's in fact the wild west then of   course the politicians get involved and it becomes  a real mess we do know that you cannot yell fire   in a crowded theater therefore there are limits  to free speech and we get that but how do you   make limits on statements that are written on the  web that no human can possibly follow that's where   quantum computers can come in quantum computers  are powerful enough to survey the entire landscape   and give reasonable rebuttals to things that  are just outrageous quantum computers with   their ability to perform calculations at an  unparalleled scale could potentially be the   key to unlocking some of the universe's greatest  Mysteries they might even help us model complex   Quantum phenomena such as the early universe  or black holes but here's an intriguing thought   could we be the only ones dabbling in this realm  could Advanced alien civilizations have already   mastered Quantum Computing harnessing its power  to build civilizations far beyond our imagination   quantum computers are the ultimate computers  because they're competing on atoms if there   are aliens in outer space and I think there are  it means that they also have perfected quantum   computers and they can do calculations that  are far beyond anything that we can calculate   with like for example a wormhole a wormhole in  principle is a gateway between two distant points   of space and time which allows you to break the  Einstein barrier and go faster than the speed of   light but the calculations are horrendous it  may take a quantum computer to sort through   2 what happens when you go through a wormhole  and wind up on the other side of the universe   and the aliens probably already have done that  probably had centuries of experience with quantum   computers because that's the ultimate computer  you can't compute in anything smaller than an   atom and they probably already have used the  quantum computers to navigate through wormholes   let's say hypothetically why are quantum computers  so staggeringly powerful it all comes down to the   principles of quantum mechanics they exploit two  Key Properties make them fundamentally different   from classical computers superposition and  entanglement superposition allows Quantum bits or   qubits to exist in multiple States at once vastly  increasing computational capacity entanglement a   phenomenon Einstein famously dubbed spooky action  at a distance links qubits in such a way that the   state of one instantly influences the other no  matter the distance these Quantum phenomena enable   quantum computers to process enormous amounts of  information simultaneously but could there be even   more to this Quantum Supremacy quantum computers  allows us to calculate things that are way beyond   our ability to calculate today like going through  a wormhole or warp drive or even the question of   multiple universes uh people ask the question  how come quantum computers are so powerful it's   because they compute in parallel universes this  is the Multiverse which of course Marvel Comics   has discovered and the Oscars have discovered  recently but the Multiverse idea comes from   quantum physics electrons can be two places at the  same time now some people have a hard time getting   their head around that but get used to it that's  why we have lasers that's why we have transistors   that's why we have the internet that's why we  have this conversation because the electrons   that are in this microphone dance between  universes at the atomic level and so we have   to get used to the idea that quantum computers  introduces a whole new way of looking at reality   now reality is not a Marvel comic but the  idea of the Multiverse comes from quantum   physics and that is electrons can be multiple  places at the same time in the ever-evolving   Journey of technological advancement Quantum  Computing has had its notable Milestones take   for instance Google AI quantum's groundbreaking  achievement in 2019 they conducted calculations   on their Sycamore quantum computer that were  more than 3 million times faster than Summit   then the world's most advanced classical computer  this leap was not just a stride but a Quantum   Leap towards a future once deemed the stuff of  Science Fiction it begs the question if this is   the era of quantum computers what lies beyond what  could possibly come after the quantum Revolution   the Step Beyond Quantum Computing is nuclear  Computing because Quantum Computing Confucian   electron shells we're talking about the  electron shells that give us the Bohr   atom electrons going around the nucleus but the  nucleus itself is nuclear and it also is quantum   mechanical and that in principle is stable  so you can make things out of it of course   if you don't watch out you can hit critical  mass in which case that would ruin your day foreign
Channel: Science Time
Views: 181,548
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: michio kaku, michio kaku quantum computers, Quantum Computing, Quantum Physics, Quantum Mechanics, Future of Computing, Quantum Computers, Quantum Technology, Quantum Supremacy, Quantum Entanglement, Theoretical Physics, Physics Explained, Quantum Theory, Quantum Bits (Qubits), Quantum Algorithms, Quantum Computer Explained, Future Technology, String Theory, Quantum Computing Documentary, Quantum Computer 2023, How Quantum Computers Work, Michio Kaku Quantum Theory
Id: 6Pb_NdBRX6A
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 5sec (605 seconds)
Published: Sat May 27 2023
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