Michio Kaku: 3 mind-blowing predictions about the future | Big Think

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MICHIO KAKU: We are entering what I call  the next golden era of space exploration.   We have not just new energy and new financing and  money coming from Silicon Valley, we also have   a new vision emerging. For Elon Musk of SpaceX  it's to create a multi-planet species. However,   for Jeff Bezos of Amazon, he wants to make Earth  into a park so that all the heavy industries,   all the pollution, goes into outer space. And Jeff  Bezos wants to set an Amazon-type delivery system   connecting the earth to the moon. And so he  wants to lift all the heavy industries off   the planet Earth to make Earth a paradise and  to put all the heavy industries in outer space. Now, I once talked to Carl Sagan and he said  that because the earth is in the middle of a   shooting gallery of asteroids and comets and  meteors, it's inevitable that we will be hit   with a planet buster. Something like what  hit the dinosaurs, 65 million years ago,   we need an insurance policy. Now, he was clear  to say that we're not talking about moving the   population of the earth into outer space—that  costs too much money. And we have problems of   our own on the earth like global warming. We  have to deal with those problems on the earth   not flee to outer space. But as an  insurance policy, we have to make sure   that humans become a two-planet species.  These are the words of Carl Sagan. And now, of course, Elon Musk has revived this  vision by talking about a multi-planet species.   He wants to put up to a million colonists on the  planet Mars, sent to Mars by his rockets financed   by a combination of public and private funding,  including fusion rockets, ramjet fusion rockets,   including anti-matter rockets. Some of these  rockets, of course, their technologies won't   be available till the next 100 years. However,  the laws of physics make it possible to send   postage-stamp-size chips to the nearby stars. So  think of a chip, perhaps this big, on a parachute   and have thousands of them sent into  outer space energized by perhaps 800   megawatts of laser power. By shooting this  gigantic bank of laser energy into outer space,   by energizing all these mini-parachutes you  could then begin to accelerate them to about 20%   the speed of light. This is with doable  technology today. It's just a question   of engineering. It's a question of political  will and economics but there's no physics,   there's no law of physics preventing you from  shooting these chips to 20% the speed of light.   That means Proxima Centauri, part of  the Alpha Centauri triple star system,   could be within the range of such a device. Now  think about that. That means that within 20 years,   after 20 years of launch, we might be able to  have the first starship go to a nearby planet.   And it turns out that Proxima Centauri B  is an Earth-like planet that circles around   the closest star to the planet Earth—what a  coincidence. So it means that we've already   staked out our first destination for  visitation by an interstellar starship.   And that is Proxima Centauri B, a planet that goes  around one of the stars in the triple-star system.   And so this could be the first of many  different kinds of starship designs. But remember, we're talking about the future of  humanity. If Elon Musk wants to put a million   settlers on Mars you have to have a million  hammers. You have to have a million saws.   You have to have fleets of workers to  begin the process of building things—unless   you create the first self-replicating robot.  With one self-replicating robot, you get two,   then four, then eight, 16, 32, 64, until you  have an army of these robots that can build   cities on Mars. And so that's the weak link.  Everyone dreams of having these gigantic   dome cities on Mars as part of our science  fiction heritage. But who's going to build   these dome cities? I say, they're going  to be built by self-replicating robots.   Robots that can make copies of themselves by  mining the minerals that are already on Mars.   And then beyond that who knows? Maybe our  destiny really does lie in outer space. Remember that on the earth, 99.9% of all species  eventually go extinct. Extinction is the norm. We   think of Mother Nature as being warm and cuddly.  And for the most part, she is. But sometimes the   savagery of Mother Nature is revealed. And if you  don't believe me, dig underneath your feet. Right   under your feet, right now, are the bones of all  the different organisms and fossils, the 99.9%   that were doomed by the laws of nature. And the  laws of physics also doom the entire planet Earth.   And that's why I say given the fact  that Mother Nature and the laws of   physics have a death warrant for humanity that  ultimately our destiny will be in outer space. In the history of science, we've had some  big projects that galvanized entire nations.   First, we had the Manhattan Project which  gave us the atomic bomb. Then we had the   Genome Project which allowed us to map the  genes of the body. And President Barack Obama   initiated the Connectome Project, a project to map  the entire human brain. It is possible to connect   the brain directly to a computer now. Stephen  Hawking, the late physicist, my colleague—if you   watch videotapes of him and look at his right  frame, you'll realize that there was a chip   in his right glass that communicated by radio  with his brain, the chip in turn communicated   to a laptop and it allowed him to type mentally.  So we can now have telepathy. We can now combine   minds with the internet, send memories, send  emotions on the internet, and who's paying for   it? The United States Pentagon. The United States  Pentagon has already donated over $150 million for   GIs from Iraq and Afghanistan who have spinal  cord injuries. We can now bypass the spinal cord   and connect the brain directly to the muscles  of our body. And, in fact, Iron Man—it's   possible to create an Iron Man exoskeleton.  At the World Cup games in Sao Paulo, Brazil,   there was a man who kicked the football and  started the soccer games. Now, what's so important   about that? That man was paralyzed. He couldn't  move. At Duke University, they suited him up with   an exoskeleton, connected to his brain and he was  mentally able to walk and then kick the football,   initiating the World Cup games. Now  that's today. You can imagine what it's   going to be like in the future now when  we have direct brain-computer interface. Eventually, computer chips will cost a  penny which is the cost of scrap paper.   There'll be everywhere and nowhere including  your eyeball, in your contact lens. You'll   blink and you'll be online. And who are the  first people to buy internet contact lenses?   College students taking final examinations. They  will blink and see all the answers to my exam   right there in their contact lens. And this could  be very useful. If you're at a cocktail party,   and there's some very important people there who  could influence your future but you don't know who   they are, in the future, you'll know exactly who  to suck up to at any cocktail party. On a blind   date, they could be great because, of course,  your blind date could say that he's single,   he's rich and he's successful. But  your contact lens says that he pays   child support, that he's three times  divorced, and the guy is a total loser.   So yes, we're going to have almost infinite  knowledge and then beyond that we will communicate   mentally. That is, we'll be able to think  about emails, think about images, memories,   and send them on the internet. Already, we can  record memories. We've been able to record small   memory, short memories in mice. Now it's being  done on monkeys. Next, Alzheimer's patients.   They'll push a button and memories will come  flooding into their hippocampus. And maybe one day   you'll push a button and have that  vacation that you've never had. So we're entering a new era where the internet  itself could become 'brain net'. Brain net could   replace digital internet. Instead of zeros  and ones, you'll send emotions, feelings,   memories on the internet. And, of course,  teenagers will love it. Instead of putting a   happy face at the end of every sentence, they'll  put the entire emotion—their first dance, their   first date, their first kiss, will be right there  on the internet. And that's going to revolutionize   entertainment. Because remember the talkies? When  the talkies came, the silent movies went out of   business. No one wanted to see Charlie Chaplin  when you could hear actors talk. So movies are   nothing but sound and a screen. Think of what will  happen when you can feel emotions, sensations—feel   what the actor is feeling. Then the movies  will seem so barbaric, they'll seem such like a   dinosaur technology once we have brain net capable  of sending emotions, feelings, on the internet. I think we're entering the fourth wave of  scientific innovation. The first era was steam   power. When we physicists worked out the laws  of thermodynamics, we could calculate how much   energy you get from a lump of coal to energize a  locomotive or a steam engine or a factory. That   was the first big breakthrough. The second  wave of innovation and wealth generation was   electricity and magnetism. When we physicists  worked out the laws of electromagnetism that gave   us the light bulb, that gave us television,  radio, gave us the electric age. The third   revolution took place when we physicists  worked out the transistor and the laser,   opening up the world of high technology. The  fourth wave is at the molecular level and   that is artificial intelligence, nanotechnology,  and biotechnology. In fact, I think the synergy   between biotechnology and artificial intelligence  is going to revolutionize everything around us.   First of all, the job market is going to explode  in that area because baby boomers are aging,   and baby boomers have disposable income,  they want answers now to their problems,   not next year. And so there's going to be plenty  of money involved with people who want to find   cures for horrible diseases like Alzheimer's,  Parkinson's—at the present time we have no cure   for these—but a tremendous amount of effort is  now being redirected toward illnesses of old age. Also, take a look at cancer research. We're  going to have a magic bullet against cancer   using nanomedicine. That is individual molecules  in the cells that can target individual   cancer cells using nanotechnology. And the next  big thing is when your toilet becomes intelligent.   In the future, your toilet will be your  first line of defense against cancer   because your bodily fluids—blood and your bodily  fluids—contain signatures of cancer colonies   of maybe a few hundred cancer cells in  your body maybe years before a tumor forms.   Think about it for a moment. There are people  watching this program right now, right now,   who have cancer growing in their body, maybe  a few hundred cancer cells in a colony but   they won't know it for perhaps 10 years, when you  have 10 billion cancer cells growing in your body,   forming a tumor. We will have what is called  liquid biopsies, DNA chips that allow us to search   for the signatures of cancer at colonies of a  hundred cells—cancer genes, cancer enzymes, cancer   proteins circulating in our blood and bodily  fluids. So, in other words, one day your toilet   will tell you that you have cancer; do something,  you have 10 years to do it. So, in other words,   ladies and gentlemen, what I'm trying to tell you  is in the future the word 'tumor' will disappear   from the English language. We will have years  of warning that there is a colony of cancer   cells growing in our body. And our descendants  will wonder how could we fear cancer so much?   Cancer is going to become like the common  cold, that is, we live with the common cold,   it doesn't really kill anybody except maybe if you  have pneumonia. But for the most part, we tolerate   the common cold because it's too difficult to  cure 300 different varieties of rhinoviruses.   In the future, we may see cancer in the same  way. There are probably thousands of different   varieties of cancer. We can't cure every single  one, but we'll live with it. We'll tolerate it.   And we will eradicate it in the same  way that we live with a common cold.
Channel: Big Think
Views: 895,364
Rating: 4.8350239 out of 5
Keywords: Education, Educational Videos, Videos, Faster smarter, big think, bigthink, michio kaku, michio kaku big think, michio kaku future of humanity, michio kaku future of humans aliens space travel, michio kaku future predictions, michio kaku future of humanity review, future, future of humanity, future of humanity michio kaku, predictions for the future, predictions for humanity, carl sagan, elon musk, mars colony, human space travel, cancer, cancer treatment, space travel, aliens
Id: tuVuxKTJeBI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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