Michelin Star Omakase Sushi Chef - Close Kept Secrets Finally Revealed!!

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all right now that we're here at Ocean fresh see what they have Fuji sounds packing some Motors right now and whatever is left over we can have and Mike and Harold talking about the menu for tonight while I do sushi you can um yeah more cookies okay oh yeah and I want to start this oh yeah we can put it in between okay yeah summer in the fresh tuna inside okay and then we have a Wasabi boot okay okay and the whole body so far yes okay from here we have a server put some money on there let's just do like a whole thing crazy yeah laughs oh let's meet you look at that big boy oh yeah yeah very good it's a really nice oyster beautiful salty really good okay yeah okay you have to be a your parking yeah okay [Laughter] look we decided to walk in this is a man right here that's our brother how's it going tuna Chef Ryan yeah here we go this is the man right right here pleasure to meet you can't wait to see what uh What uh it's gonna happen tonight now caviar bomber you have to play it yeah you know you're used to this already but I'm gonna put Wasabi on there oh yeah you didn't say stand bye he's gonna do another one with shopping Jesus this guy's a nut come on that's the best way to each other thank you foreign [Music] happen but we're gonna heavily salt this for about an hour and then vinegar so this is the first thing what kind of sauce just this is just a Japanese natural sea salt okay you just coat it both sides yeah pretty aggressively and for about an hour is that right just about an hour yeah what kind of vinegar do you use uh we're just gonna use regular rice wine vinegar okay and what does it do this is gonna tighten up the fish and basically we want to cure it almost all the fish for for sushi is gonna get either vinegar or salt on it at some of some level that's kind of the Edo Style is to make sure that we have some sort of uh preservation aspect yeah looks like a lot of salt but don't don't worry so all the fish if you can see the fish is like round on this side uh and then it's flat here this is the part that we'll use first because um all the Japanese fish is always stored this way okay so you always want to use the flat side first for sushi because that's the one wrong side the round sign is just gonna be more um like hot uh it'll last longer because it's not sitting like this in shipping but they every Japanese vendor always knows to put fish this way okay yeah so what we're doing right now this is going to be this is kimidai Goldeneye snapper it's known for its beautiful eye if you go up and down motion you don't uh the scales don't go everywhere rather than this so just up in there up and down okay let's take the head [Music] [Music] s this is deep water fish so it always has a lot of kind of black to it so um so the fish we received the fish and I'm gonna put it in ice water like this salt yeah salted yeah slush and that's just gonna help bring the temperature down and also like uh just get it ready for for sushi so I'm gonna leave it like this and I'm gonna take my over there I'm gonna take this and take out some of that blood so you make a real flush flurry huh that's like a flurry yeah and I'm gonna actually leave this for a couple like an hour just until we're ready for uh Sushi time okay I'm gonna break down this ocean to do this or you don't take too much of a skin It Won't Be Right Above It so this line you want to remove and go all the way up all the way up so what are you removing these girls this way as opposed to the other way and this fish for this fish and we have the scales like this because you see this line you can't remove that without cutting it off okay so you want to remove that with uh with knife okay and then we'll go back and we'll this and Sava you peel that top layer of something off yeah but this is very uh very hard it's like a crease or something all right [Music] um it's a measurement what's the number uh we want to get to about 250 250 grams 250 grams there's so much of uncooked rice for that uh for 250 grams of sushi soup we're gonna go 450 450 grams of uncooked rice uncooked rice I'm gonna change the vinegar a little bit this is maple vinegar we have very vinegar so we're going to mix a few vinegars we'll do uh this is a very white version it's like vinegar made from grapes so a total of 250. come on okay and you have to cook it to bring it to a boil or not yep we're gonna add our uh some salt just about this fish is pretty Fresh So I want this to be intense so I'm gonna go maybe 50 grams 50 grams should do it salt and we found some amazing beautiful premium rice the markets you guys have here are amazing now what is this this is just a Japanese sugar Japanese sugar okay and how much of this yes you can go get about 60. 60 grams ah let's go seven and then we adjust okay and this is the sushi soup it's pretty too boil and just let it dissolve and that's it okay so that's going back to going in and I'm gonna work my house soy sauce yeah this one we don't need scale this one okay we're just gonna figure out so how many different kinds of soy sauce go in here this is gonna be two different types of soy sauce okay perfect thank you so this is a regular like um single variety soy sauce this is smoked shoyu this is smoked soy sauce equal parts yeah just about equal parts okay half part half part mirroring we're gonna do sake and a little sugar and kombu and then we're gonna burn off the sake and that will be for our sushi rice and we're just gonna let that kombu steep all the way until the time already this is kombu but the tower combo very delicious this will go with the Saba this is per pound of one of the most expensive like things that we have in our kitchen right now so beautiful flavor and the natural MSG I'm just gonna use rice wine vinegar the flavor of the vinegar but also to pickle this combo soy sauce we bring it up so last step to making our nikiti soy sauce I want the cuts over here you add the cups of Gucci you want to cut cut the heat the oil is going to be once it boils cut it once you add cut some boost you cut the heat okay I'm gonna use this I'm going to chop this up I'm going to put this on the niggity freneta on top of that sushi so I don't waste anything okay so we chop this up we'll put on one of the fish just let it sit in here for now and then that's gonna be our Sushi soup foreign how much all of the fish has salt on it it's because we want to draw all the moisture out we don't have time to to dry age the fish so we want to draw as much moisture and bring in a lot of the concentrated flavor some people think you just freshest fresh fish is best but it's it's not you want to age your fish you want to get it funky so how long are you baby like this this one hour one just like it is right that's it no vinegar nothing whoa oh maybe not cut there no uh vinegar later okay you can see how wet this is now almost ready and later on you just remove the salt and just let it sit later remove the salt that's it okay do you have to remove the salt do you actually rinse it you don't rinse it because you're adding more water into it uh yeah I rinse it okay now it's all the skin is so tight it's not gonna penetrate I said it should be fine you want a piece of this I don't know maybe I'm gonna do some spiritual sashimi rice is very difficult to do so he said 450 right chef and this is Koshi Hikari this is coming from negata prefecture this is a short grain rice one of my favorite rice very expensive too this is probably four three to four times more expensive than um normal sushi rice that you find at your traditional sushias um this just I mean you'll see it it has a beautiful shine to it and uh I mean this prefecture is just fantastic this bag was forty dollars holy smokes this is only the rice we use wow so how many times you watch this I wash the rice until it's done until it's cleared no like you can actually over Overwatch but uh at least three to five times careful not to lose any we take all that time to measure it and then you're gonna lose all that so you have to be careful yeah so how much water Chef we put in 425 oh and same equal amounts basically uh 94 percent well who's counting except me just 94 percent well who's counting when you see this together yeah you want clear not too clear it can be you can over wash it stop following and this is the rice you made you take credit for this okay this is the Bonito right this is uh the soy sauce yeah yeah uh the house soy and then this is gonna be just um a little Bonita that we're gonna throw on a piece [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] thank you [Music] [Applause] [Music] foreign thank you [Music] foreign [Music] [Music] [Applause] everyone [Music] that looks so good oh yeah fresh fresh summer noodlesi too that's right I saw you making that earlier all of the fish bowls yes roast that off and then make the Dashi and then it was in that handashi powdered stuff [Laughter] hell yeah all right guys how's everything tonight all right thanks so much to everyone Chef Heroes chef Mike Ali for your home let's thank Brian over there for it he picked up a lot of stuff at the groceries thank you so much ocean fresh thank you all right yes thank you guys [Music]
Channel: Hiroyuki Terada - Diaries of a Master Sushi Chef
Views: 55,360
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: master sushi chef, master sushi chef hiroyuki terada, sushi master, how to make sushi, diy sushi, best sushi chef in the world, Michelin Star Chef reveals secrets, michelin star omakase chef tells all, how to make michelin star sushi, how to make michelin star sushi rice, how to make michelin star omakase soy sauce, how to prepare fish for sushi, how to cure fish for sushi, ocean fresh fish san diego, bakkafrost salmon, soseki modern omakase, chef michael collantes
Id: y-aGuxR_KI0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 26sec (1526 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 15 2022
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