Michael Jordan vs Larry Bird Highlights (1991.03.31) - 71pts, Crazy Battle! Must Watch!

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they have won their division only once that was back in 74 75 a team of jerry sloan and nom van leer and bob love chet walker tom barwinkel however their success will be measured by only one standard that is making it out of the easton conference to the nba final don case the assistant mentioned we just haven't been running as much therefore not getting as many open shots in transition an open jumper for jordan caught right jordan has had a number of big games against lewis and lewis has also turned the trick i'm jordan campbell opening up by hitting his first here's bird yes so larry bird with his first field goal wasn't making so many of their first shot attempts action played louis well as lewis tried to use the the height advantage two-on-one pippin from jordan and the bulls now lead 19-14 and jordan got the ball out of his hands without putting it back on the start for michael jordan only one for four for two points here's bird in the season but he has been breaking out away from chicago recently again he appears to have the rhythm and the official joe forte here's jordan they have carried it and the foul last minute when he notices the guy on the right isn't there realized that you know what there's somebody else over the left he wants to go right but instead at the last second that's hang time mike mcgee was a man who played jordan for uh the atlanta hawks and i know as paxson hits again he is honest one thing he is he's honest yes he does say what's what's on his mind which can be good and bad [Applause] larry bird with eight points one minute to go first quarter berg with the snap and hit from behind a couple of the last two games including boston and uncharacteristic fashion here's jordan [Applause] michael jordan right on the rebound caught right back for purdue two celtics back jordan going right at them yes and it counts nightmare for a defender michael jordan coming at you one on one a great goal left one dribble concentration nva tell me they do not want to be as they say posterized now bird going to work on cliff levingston who just checked in and made it look [Music] heard one on one with levingston he backs him down backs him down gets to the point where he's comfortable with the shot final seconds here's shaw and it was stopped by jordan he bottled him up [Music] grant over bird yes six by three reggie lewis playing with a bad back packson [Music] brad not giving bird any room bird was looking to step back he was caught that time so he took a shot and gambled came up with the steal here's bird yes he was met on a switch by jordan and there was no hesitation after the good start by chicago here on the third here's jordan swinging in michael time yesterday putting in let's call them the celtics rules for michael jordan a little bit different and they played him in the past as larry bird strokes another jump shot again they just decided who's going to do the double teaming where they're going to come from are they going to double all the time or whoa hip in with the drive transition to go in the third boston by 2. jordan with a rare open shot then being very aggressive with him the game is tied at 67. harris off the headbank beats cartwright 69 chicago 67. jordan eluding a triple team michael really wanted to get that shot off that time because he had made the previous one he wants to see if he can get himself on a little roll off a gorgeous pass from bird now reggie lewis up tight on michael jordan and it's an offensive horizon of travel let's see traveling violation reggie lewis [Applause] at one point celtics led by as many as seven jordan yes well he has located the touch he has 15 he is seven for 16 jordan getting inside and is foul will purdue the nba is scoring at 30.8 now bird backing pippin five of the 24. brown fires [Applause] celtics by seven lewis again cutting off the path to jordan and bird jumping out has not been looking for the three-pointers he's been off in that department recently jordan had it knocked away by bird and again bird stepping in the path to help break up the play [Music] that time it wound up being bird on jordan byrd has to give him room because he knows he's too quick three on bird among the leaders in field goal percentage larry bird with 20 points to leave the celtics and michael jordan heating up in the second half and they are now matched which is most unusual here's brown he's been on fire yes and it counts now being guarded by ed pickney and michael jordan with 20 let's turn over mikael for three he's at 12 under 204 that's one stroke in front of fuzzy zeller here's pippin spectacular move by scottie pippen he has 21. jordan puts the move on reggie lewis and gets the roll 23 for jordan who's come on michael jordan knows that he can take any one defender but when it's one two three and even four coming over still pretty tough [Applause] bird for three larry bird from downtown he now has 23 he's opened up a nine point left just a little bit closer that time challenge in the shot he said no no no more easy ones jordan yes michael jordan has 20. with it but the idea is good celtics control the tap good luck by bird at the goalkeeper for deuce slapping it aside it will count what they're doing is keeping jordan in the middle of the floor trying to get the defense to collapse from the wings so he opens up his teammates for the three just like that did not have the room in that first opportunity but then who as we mentioned earlier was a question mark for today because of a bad back here's jordan yes michael jordan with the pure penetration here's jordan giving it up hiffin it is a full point boston league so jordan with 27 and bird with 25 larry bird with a terrific all-around performance celtics have led by as many as 14. jordan off the double bound last touch by the celtics celtics were headed up the floor the officials reach around they still just get it back out on the side oh look out jordan strangled he was only three for 11 from the floor and like despite the success of the ball circle out of five pod right jordan had an initial back cutter early that he didn't take right around the middle of the foul line area instead when he got over on the sideline that's when he tried to back it back for up from a game winner we go to overtime everyone held their breath they still thought it was going to go in after it was up on the top of the glass 28 from the foul boston has been at the line only 12 times pippin with the step and then rejected by bird jordan was deflected short oh surprise and shoot 60 here's jordan and he's hacked in overtime [Applause] 45 seconds to go in the overtime lewis with the snap [Applause] themselves in this position by pressing after the maid free throw as a result the shot clock is way down mikhail knows he's just got to get it out of there before the buzzer goes off instead the steal on their way at the other end pippin leading the break turns around finds paxton trailing knocks out a three to tie the score now grant over to help hurt us stop bird recovers stopped again and caught right able to get to it bill jackson says keep going no time out they'll try to win it here final seconds jordan [Applause] and berg is found with one tenth of a second as you see bird over his last eight and jordan hold for his last seven one and one tenth second left and here it is bird intended pass for the prayer time runs out only d brown was in size scottie pippen now look to throw in four tenths of a second and here it is jordan with the flame yes but it's where you go will not count did not beat the clock [Applause] that's a tough ball right there well that ball is still in his hands that red light is on right there that's what you're looking for if it's in his hands then it has not been released yet and the shot would not count everything from there looks good except we just can't see the clock or the red light from that angle all right here's a look at regular speed you see the uh the shot clock now you couldn't really see it it ran off too quickly so mike mathis said too late and the chicago bulls with a mild protest and uh have to accept the fact that they're going into a second overtime he has not shot well down the stretch either has jordan it's great to hear all these coaches talk about they're really concerned as bird hits a little fade away they're really concerned about the minutes building up they want to be fresh going into the playoffs until the first time number two bird yes barry bird heating it up it's boston 120 front right with the duncan under move and his shot was bottled up alright thought he was fouled and the foul called on the celtics this and i see the disparity of the free throws finished with ten points six three forty to go in the second overtime berg with the well at least we got the whistle on the two free throws bird never gave up on the shot after he released it he hangs with it hank he's still hanging with it yeah i knew it was going and hits the free throw by point celtic lead 2 20 to go second overtime third script pippin on the recovery and shaw comes away with it just under two minutes to go in the second overtime jordan draws it and he hits very friendly rims here at the boston garden his concentration is so great he honestly feels this thing is going in he hangs with it hangs with it he's on the ground right now saying i know this is going in shaw called for his fourth he has 45 to go in the second overtime bird fires yes grant just kind of shook his head and said this guy's too much [Music] [Applause] chicago has one timeout remaining three-point attack by kevin if not he's going to try to get it to passing the pippin on the wing and here's jordan for three gets it up for jordan again for three time running down five tenths of a second remaining in the second overtime and that will do it across the celtics in double overtime and defeated the chicago balls 135 to 132 in a wild one they even up the season series at two and two the bulls now 53 and 18 and boston goes to 52 and 20. today's been a genuine draft player of the game larry bird with 34 points 15 rebounds and eight assists on behalf of larry bird nbc and miller genuine draft [Music] you
Channel: MJ23 His Airness Forever
Views: 838,008
Rating: 4.8751512 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jordan, Basketball, National Basketball Association, Chicago Bulls, Washington Wizards, NBA, Cavaliers, Warriors, Highlights
Id: tzKwuk7jXdk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 36sec (936 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 11 2020
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