May 12, 1992 Bulls vs Knicks game 5 highlights

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Chicago Stadium Michael and the Bulls find themselves in a 2-2 deadlock with the feisty Knicks Jordans averaging 30 but Scottie Pippen's found the going tough against a physical New York team so physical in fact that Phil Jackson has been crying foul Pat Riley's response no whining tonight on Chicago's South Side Pat Ewing in the Knicks we're off with the world champs in pivotal game eight seconds to shoot and dreams at 3:00 to Nick's big basket and nice composure by New York so he really has not been a factor in the post in his series of and he has four Daniel to Oakley from outside it is tied at fool and like so be aware of Michael Jordan over the lab plank one second about the one thing you don't want in this situation is you do not want to commit a foul with a ball not being thrown in that's a two-shot foul you go to make sure you let the ball to come in bounds before you foul if you are going to foul McCann goes down and this is the same McDaniel is sitting on the floor take a 20 second I don't think Pat Riley sees we better get a 20 second timeout he's trying to call it now they get 20 seconds take another foul on here that would be major part right over your head blocked and let's get the violation and turn it over good timing here part right fades away in doing with the blockage is to pick from you and roll and Wilkins is gonna launch it and raise it Gerald Wilkins had a big game and gave force in game number born in New York I think Phil this wants to make sure that if Pat Riley got to say something he also got his word and also wanting to make sure what to say Paxson with seven now six five Pippen to the third violation their defense back to Chicago to file week they're setting excellent screens right now I'm getting very good shot today burned right there exactly the same play that we saw in our opening that you talked about here comes it's been excessively first water McDaniel wants to post pimping jumpers drain / Oakley there's the double-team on grant very difficult turnaround jumper Jordan with the board hopefully just growing into the hands are Paxson that be maybe two in the ball also got New York excited offensively they got them out of their rhythm here's Andy he's had trouble delivering the ball but he's had no problem taking shots in cash at the knick space to Daniel and it's time Stark's goes for three grant got a piece of it without for Armstrong hit bar pipin gives the bills a four-point lead by Chicago and Horace Grant and Anthony having trouble dribbling the ball tonight you must set the tone for your team and if you get excited your team's going to get excited horse grant took the foul there we had one to give in the last two minutes it is intelligent who write Greg Anthony took exception to that him and score for you and strong with a steal he's upset at the carelessness of the ball Chicago defense tremendous right now offensive family this not give will Perdue those kind of baskets here's the double team trap ten to shoot police scramble the game they think things I wish four-on-three it's a good substitution Mark Jackson in the game he does not have the quickness but he has more experience than Anthony he'll try to calm this team down a little bit Wilkins with five to shoot hits the open jumper against Rick I mean you saw on phonetic in Chicago once that that's exactly what they want to happen doing kicks it to Wilkins George gets right in his face back to Ewing for the three-foot jumper right ash Wilkins Ekans has the sore foot little Purdue working very hard in the low post against Ewing Ewing just too big and strong you see them locking in there can bother in the penalty you don't want to sell for jump shot you want to get to the free-throw line let's alter you it get the ball to Ewing and let him operate then big big big drive dip and fell and Wilkins took advantage of it look get open fouls on Horace Grant his second tip and stepping out for the double-team that leads McDaniel in the corner the running screen were very confident junior in our studio Scotty's not going to be able to rock you better stamp on his feet McDaniels shoot the jumper well but they hadn't been able to stop the x-man he has 16 tours in the backcourt great versatility of Scott bigger you can take that jump shot away not this time when you're hot you're doesn't matter who plays you McDaniel is hit his last five Bulls by one ran on the right and that's why pensive confusion are part of the Nick Saban's straightened out now crying stop Jordan got a scoop shot in each other's face right now at the top of the field the two superstars and their friends also which goes to show you that that friendship goes out the window when you're trying to defend your title and Patrick Ewing's trying to get his first you might call it a discussion of Olympic proportions got the mismatch doing against Cartwright with the jump shot 14 seconds or make that Jackson hit the floor hard he slipped on condoms lost the heat Jordan you're on doesn't tonight there's a nice cut sniffing in this ballgame Oakley kinda got lost on by ten seconds to shoot inside Jackson that's a hot shot what's got in New York he's held by Jackson God where he takes it to the basket Wilkins get just Bon Jovi the work to live with that there's that Chicago pressure almost stolen doing to Wilkins the best of the lead the early transition steps out yes sir big Hill and Jackson now it's to welcome he's everywhere they're not calling the tonight though Nixon committed several careless turnovers McDaniel look at PacSun he couldn't be the Chicago was very fortunate there excuse me New York was catch that fast break pass on the fly well Scotty little indecisive here the pass goes in the air and you see it bounce Paxson almost breaks it up but there's Gerald Wilkins 19 points he's not making his outside shot Wilkins has rebounded off Jordan again the steal by McDaniel to Jackson's right out of screen roll that's his fourth foul all right so here's John Paxton again room I said he loves to shoot the ball with his left hand around the basket gotta be careful the mixer Mazzilli he does not want to get a silly foul they got lost that time drains it from outside and isolated this has happened sensor the big it was Mason Ann Ewing in the face he came down watch his arms now and we go right there he's in good position and now if we roll it forward he comes down with his arm the minute his arm came down it was a foul Patrick Ewing coming to the ball running the ball you can't get it so what do you do since I used oh there's a screen now you roll tourists are still shot Tyler it's full they're seven to shoot the Daniels rips at Lou's Jordan like loose balls remember how important loose balls are looks like New York has enough speed and quickness Michael Jordan there's the foul Michael wanted to go to him you said no I got to leave that alone you under a minute to go third quarter Ewing punches it away off Pippen good rotation starts you through all this you don't leave Purdue they don't get in the ball in the urine again Oh peg by sky McDaniel for this crowd six seconds to shoot Armstrong loses my dream there's the two free-throws the double-up McDaniel does not handle it well you bring it down the quickness knocks it loose and this is Lee Chicago's at they're bastards in getting seven look at a cretinous nation of the hard files they are on almost committing this Valentin I'm not so sure Mason couldn't got the shot block and then he comes down strong he's six feet eight or whatever iteration for michael for a three-point shot six to shoot jordan denied the penetration of kind of Bulls by six six sixteen to go as it hammered this Jackson with a very you're going to get tenant to force on in there still hanging around Wilkins on top on Jordan had to make the out pass to DJ from mrs. Mason playing Scottie Pippen's right now that general Wilkins on Michael Jordan Ellen steps up shooter to have no content believe Jordan has to kick it on the penetration now back on you in with the five-pound for tration right on this possession you can bank on it he dished it to pepper well tonight when the Bulls have taken the fall to youth body what if they take it into his body that's three thousand I'm not so sure I like that call what since now is Ewing straight up he's got the perfect I think pimping cause that contact starts as the miss might inside mr. C Michael takes it to the basket here trouble no shot blocker Daniel nice pass Dartz went for the dunk Jordan teed in this quarter that guy started out the season shooting sorry is great anyone starts Jackson the stars okay God he took a nasty fall on his back and I want to say this in a nice way with just not much padding back there easier for him to fall on when Scotty goes down this is you see the great block and there's the foul and full anything that saved him he catches the ball I do not want this guy half of the basket echelons Wilkins who came away with the steal this bike is smart he's going to make him take a family or he's going to get to the basket because guilt accident Chicago came down the foresaid I want to make four passes and Michael said I want the fall clear out we're going to ride home
Channel: alexmj basketball
Views: 3,921,151
Rating: 4.4080038 out of 5
Keywords: Michael Jordan, Scottie Pippen, Chicago Bulls, Basketball, Highlights, Patrick Ewing, Charles Oakley, Xavier McDaniel, Gerald Wilkins, John Starks, New York Knicks
Id: GYQxHZgi-8Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 13sec (973 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 23 2016
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