Michael Jordan Career Highlights (Hall of Fame 2009) [HD]
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Channel: Derkach77
Views: 26,427,652
Rating: 4.8719864 out of 5
Keywords: MichaelJordan, 23, Derkach77, rtbulls23x, Kobe, Bryant, Lebron, NBA, ESPN, Sloan, John, Stockton, Phil, Jackson, Scottie, Pippen, HD, Paxson, David, Robinson, Derrick Rose, Wade, Hall of Fame, Chicago, Bulls, Hoiberg, GOAT, Lebron James, Kobe Bryant, Shaq, 90's, Wizards, Dynasty, Championship, NBA Finals, Rings, Phil Jackson, Karl Malone, Dwyane Wade, Jimmy Butler, Chicago Bulls, Michael Jordan, Highlights, 2009, 2017
Id: -bDKq4O8bhc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 43sec (463 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 12 2009
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
I don't usually watch basketball, but when I do it's highlight clips of Michael Jordon on YouTube.
Curse these Michael Jordan vids. Start watchin'... end up watchin' the whole thing. I have stuff I need to be doing, dammit..
LeBron will never be better than that.
Don't you ever dare to compare Lebron to MJ. How quickly people forget...Hell, half of the people saying Lebron is the best weren't even alive for MJ's era.
his girlfriend is smoking
I have the urge to watch Space Jam now.
Jordan was the greatest and, relevant to this most recent Finals series, his greatest superpower was his indomitable will. He could literally will his team to a win. The laws of nature and probability would bend to his whim and he made himself, his team, you, me, the opposing team, everybody believe that he could do anything. It was uncanny and awe-inspiring.
All that said, I watch this clip and all I can think about is the speech that followed it. MJ was the greatest, most breathtaking basketball player I've ever seen. But I remember watching his induction speech and thinking, "Oh my God. This guy is a raging asshole." It was one of the most disappointing sports moments ever, right behind the '03 Cubs NLCS meltdown (don't ask, I do not want to talk about it.) The greatest sports Hero of his sport revealed as an absolute asshat. Crushing.
TL;DR - Jordan is a superhero. LeBron schadenfreude is unbecoming, but fun.
there has never been someone that dominated his sport as much as michael did