Michael Jai White on Taraji, Jonathan Majors, Aries Spears, Mike Tyson, Tyler Perry (Full Interview)

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all right here we go Michael ji white welcome back first interview of the New Year yes sir yes sir yes sir got the show enough shirt on yes yely let's open up the there it is show gun har rest in peace he died not too long ago right oh yeah yeah yeah man Julius Cary man what a what a cool cat that was one of the most iconic characters yeah yeah I I go back with him with uh uh Dolomite no is it no no no avenging disco Godfather he was Bucky okay yeah where is Bucky and what has he had which is one of my my favorite uh you know Rudy Ray Moore lines and I put that in Black Dynamite oh okay okay I missed that I miss that yeah it's you know it's it's kind of very campy the way he delivered stuff so you know I'm a big fan of that you know that's why I wrote the movie I got I love that genre so you know it is yeah well we have a lot to talk about today but right now the thing that's on everyone's mind and I have a role in all this as we'll we'll discuss in a little bit is the whole tarachi P Henson thing okay now did you see the interview that she did yes I did I I I did some damn homework this time okay instead of like walking blindly in the [ __ ] that you talking about so I like let me let me make sure I know what I'm talking about or what he's delivering to me well she did an interview mhm uh you know around the time that the color purple was about to get released and they asked her if she gets the money that she feels she deserves and she started to cry M and she actually talked about how she considered quitting acting right right and that set off a whole discussion about the whole thing so number one what' you think about the interview well I mean my heart went went out I mean I I do recognize as a as an artist like another one that's you know not appreciated but there so much just so many of of black artists are just not appreciated and that just goes with the whole um with the whole industry um just recently I saw an interview with Terence Howard her counterpart who's who been a co-star of hers for a long time is essentially the same story but I thought I commented at one time on the fact that um Terren had gotten such little money for Hustle and Flow yeah yeah um and that just you know that's part for the course that's what happens sometimes you're doing these things to to increase your um visibility and you know give you more opportunities going forward yeah he got $2,000 for starring $112,000 for starring in that movie which is which is egregious right yeah to some level but there's um there's things that you weigh out in in in particular parts of your career that you're going to do that for the sake of the long run right yeah U but I understand someone like taji who's been around in a you know for a very long time uh it's like man it it sucks when you have to sing for your supper right I I I know this all too well and I warn a lot of a lot of women a lot of uh you know act female actors that this comes this this this industry comes um um takes a lot of your blood in a way and you got to really love it uh because it's not going to love you in a number of ways because it's show it's called show business for a reason because it's business when it comes down to it yeah and um now someone like Taraji I mean like she is an amazing performer agreed and one of the one of the things about her is that she uses herself as a vessel for us all and that's where her her strength and talent lies even though the reality of of the situation is that you know I mean if that was my sister my if my you know she's my little sister I'm like we're going to get a team to create avenues for you that that beit you of course I come from that world because who was going to write Black Dynamite but me right so but here's another thing though but you can't put that on them like it's kind of like a thing well I go back and I think about like I remember back in 97 I had this conversation with Angela Basset and the fact that um she was so exalted and so revered but yet um wasn't she wasn't getting the the roles that that she wanted or the respect that she felt like she deserved and she was you know she was right and I was really trying to encourage her to um you know produce get these things produced for herself okay cats out of the B Angel bass and I used to date okay so um I remember at the time her response was Jamie Lee Jam Lee Curtis doesn't have to do this so and so doesn't have to do this and I said yeah well uh it's you know this is a different circumstance and you know how how we're treated and it's going to take a little bit more now that was a weird thing to like you know that's something from a male perspective like we're talking about okay you know having to do these I mean of course it it it feels unfair for for Angela or Taj or anybody to have to step to links that no one else no other white counterpart has to step to right it's it it's really disconcerting so but the but also we got to be be careful as like people like you and myself I mean we're guys right we we Forge forward we kick down the doors we have to do that right right um that's kind of our work ethic can't put that on um you know I mean I I feel like that that's a little little rough on an actress who is like I say man any actress has to just what they're giving of themselves is like they they have to lay their heart their heart has to be on their sleeve they are like I say vessels for us they have to show undying love that they would normally show to only one person to the whole world and every every actress if you I mean every actress has to play okay you lost your child action okay now your husband has died action you know what I mean and guys it's like we your whole family was slaughtered right and cut to the funeral and you got to and you're just you know keeping a stiff upper lip right women have to just bear their souls and be naked in front of the whole world so I get it there's there's emotions involved in that and there's like I say singing for your supper that very few people are ever going to understand what what that person has had to give of themselves for their art and then not to be treated or respected in that that sense I mean that's something that hurts that hurts deeply and if you feel deeper like like women tend to do so you're going to feel it and so and you know you my brother like as a as a guy you know we we sometimes you know we put our gu [ __ ] into it right which is like yeah yeah you know it's called mansplaining yeah mansplaining to so yeah you I think I think you were uh a a little bit uh um you you you were guilty doing that a little bit too much and you know you know there was a there and it's kind of like you know it's tanm out to going oh you've been sexually abused get over that [ __ ] no you're not not going to compare these wait to wait to hear the analogy okay is not is not I know that sounds harsh but I'm I'm doing that to make a point okay go ahead you know I'm I'm exaggerating my point it's of course it's not the same but the thing that is similar is that there's somebody who's been traumatized right just like a victim of you know assault or you know you dare I say not rape or sexual assault and to go and to say well you too damn Rich to be upset about this [ __ ] okay so I'm almost there I'm almost there go ahead so it's it's not it's not a thing about a status you know I don't care how rich you are you still can be hurt yes you know and so that's all I'm saying and not like you didn't have a point nobody can say you didn't have a point of as far as what it takes to you know uh remedy this and you you know of course you took the role you know your team did all that yeah of course those those things but it's just kind of like you know just like you could you know some things are best used with a scalpel and not a sledgehammer right that's all okay so let me go ahead and address what what I've said mhm and and first of all I want to start off by saying I'm a huge to rajie P Hansen fan in terms of her acting I have seen probably every film that she's ever been in and I can honestly say on record that she's killed every role you ain't lying she's never had anybody can say anything about that yeah no she's never slouched she's never given a half ass performance she's given it her all and I've thoroughly enjoyed every time I see her on the screen and if it was up to me I would feel that she was an A-list leading actress yes and if I was making movies I would put her in that role myself unfortunately I'm just a fan so I'm speaking from the outside and I also want to apologize for what I said in terms of she has a $12 million net worth and she lives in a $6 million house and you know and I said that you know most working people don't want to hear rich people complain that they didn't get an extra few million you know this is coming from something I've dealt with myself no wants to hear me complain about I didn't get the money I felt I deserve but that was a cheap shot you know someone close to me pointed that out recently and I apologize to teraji for saying that that was not part of the conversation I kind of veered off course a little bit with that so I I'm sorry about that yeah I I I know where it went it's because you're in a debate right I'm in a debate so so it didn't it it turned into a sledgehammer it turned into a sledgehammer yes and I'm sorry I'm sorry about that you know and but but my My overall feeling about this is still the same and that is as you go through life and you're working for other people with various projects if you're not getting what you feel you deserve it's time to start to Pivot and move around and a lot of people have reached out to me and say oh listen I'm a producer and an actor and a producer is not the same role one cannot do the other or a writer that's a totally different role and so forth and I understand that but you could always hire people and partner with people now that's that that's what I said that's what I say if if if I were her big brother yes I'm like we going to create something it's a team that's going to put you where you need to be I can do Vlad TV on my own yes I could shoot yes I could edit yes I could write but but I'm not great at those things so I hire people and pay them out of my own pocket to create projects that I oversee and I am quote unquote the star of I'm doing the interview you know as well as the person obviously who I'm interviewing but I'm the interview star of the you know of the projects and I hire people and pay them fairly out of my own pocket because I have confidence in my own ability and the own and my own final projects and I feel like teraji as long as she's been in this business she has so many people that admire her and love her that she could get the best producers the best writers the best cinematographers for you know that will work relatively cheaply based on their relationship because they want to see her win yeah that's my point and I'm talking to someone who has had to go through the same thing absolutely of course I mean firsthand I mean I was told by Studio ex Studio head that uh I think you're as talented as Tom Cruz too bad you're black I mean this was actually said to me so and so so yeah I I I understand it firsthand um but like a lot of but you know I actually started out technically I started out directing before I did anything else I was directing and and shooting things when I was 10 and editing and before I even realized so that's part of my whole you know wheelhouse but a lot of people aren't necessarily not say not saying I'm better but I'm just a lot of people are not you know equipped to do that and you're right got to hire folks who can right and that's unfortunately the sadest [ __ ] but it it takes that for you know sisters like you know sometimes it takes that for sisters like taji and and and so many to step up to the next next uh level because it's not going to be written for them right what the I mean I would I would venture to Guess that taji hasn't even shown you her best but if if somebody creates it hello Academy Award and everything else you know she got the talent right you don't even have to you don't even have to pay people you could partner with people right right and find a great director okay boom we're Partners on this I will be the lead role you direct it yo let's get the best writer make him a partner or her a partner see and see you know you know I'm an optimist and I love this kind of [ __ ] because what if this resulted in that right wouldn't that be right I would no longer to be the bad guy oh look teraji made her own film and it was a huge hit yeah you Pokey was reason you ain't going get you know I'll never get the credit for that's okay that's okay I could be the bad guy in these kind of conversations because there's a huge number of people that agree with me they're not as vocal as the people that disagree they know I'm I'm being told I should not even be allowed to comment about black women and stuff like that and that's that's fine I we're man we got big shoulders we we we we take take it I take we take it and and then you know that that's just you know that's how we husbands fathers everything else yeah you know it's like that's part of our our job is to you know be there behind you get get you where you're going right um you know no accolades to us it's not it's not important but if if what we did uh resulted in something positive there it is there it is we yeah well one of the things that was brought up was that when she did the role for uh Benjamin Button when she played a uh you know supporting actress in there was a $150 million budget and she asked for $500,000 for this film and they turned her down and they would only give her 150,000 right right which is 0.1% of the total budget um now she did get nominated for an Oscar in that role which I'm sure you know brought her to the next level in terms of her roles after that she was also starring in a huge that was probably her biggest film I think at the time that she's ever been in probably and Brad Pit was a total dominant A-list guy yeah you know um with other big A-list actors in it and so forth she ultimately took it but a lot of people are upset saying that that was way too low now from your point of view you understand how Hollywood works is 150,000 for her role is that considered just egregiously low or is that like okay it's relatively Fair uh it's it is see what what she did she showed and proved right I mean if that were someone else they probably wouldn't have gotten an Oscar nomination that's you know it's not like you know it's going to be Oscar nominated from the beginning true she she pulled into a performance that seems like okay now if it was done by someone else then maybe oh well yeah it's about $150,000 R right M she turned it into a $500,000 performance yeah but see that's that's one of those things that you know it puts you into that next that next realm I just personally wouldn't would would choose to think of it in those terms um because of of course hindsight being 2020 now you you you you uh improved upon what the role was written as right because of your t you don't get paid you know subsequently for that right somebody could have just turned in a average role and nobody we wouldn't be talking about this right now yeah right so so going forward people should put respect on her name because that's what she did if if they really had uh really had had some class they should they should have cut her a check for for about $350,000 after she got nominated personally this is and I understand what you're saying but you got understand that this is coming from a business side and I understand that most people listening to this are fans they're just fans they've never been involved in financing a business they don't have their own business but when it comes to business here's here's sort of the problem with what you're talking about because I've had people approach me oh look this interview did well you owe me extra or whatever else but the reality of business is this when someone works on a project with you you agree to a fee you pay them the project does well better than expected a lot of people feel well you should have paid me extra after the fact but I've never heard anyone say hey I worked on this project with you and it flopped let me give you some of that money back true no that that that's on you true but it's not my fault let let's be let's be careful this this is my argument this not hers yeah she's never asked to be paid after the fact for right Benjamin Buck no I get it all right you know no she was she was right about you know this is very low right and I remember I read about this she was trying to negotiate she was like she asked for 500 The Producers ultimately said this is our budget take it or leave it she took it that's absolutely normal that's that's what happens all the time that's a Terrence Howard situation with hustle and Flo this is what we got yeah and and then he made something of it and then you know he's upet after the fact yeah so you know what it is like I said that would be classy for them to go you know what you were right right youve turned this in this performance boom here you go here's a bonus you know you put us on you you turned into the performance that's an Oscar worthy performance yeah and you did that for us and you did that for this little money that would have been cool that would have been some class but again that's my argument that's not taj's argument so uh you know as far as that is concerned you know like well you know you look at the color purple right now well it's not make the mo the money that that you know was was hoped for well so that would have been the situ you know that would have been a situation where you're you're talking about with saying okay you know give back the money that you know like would you give back the money which is you know still ridiculous but that's not the argument well is it ridiculous why why is giving back the money ridiculous but paying someone extra not ridicul no I I I get I get it's ridiculous both ways but the thing is remember she's not asking to be paid we're just saying like yeah we're bringing up hypothetical situations I'm bringing up hypothetical for afterwards right let let's be clear that this is not her argument afterwards now if there was then there would be licensed to say okay if you want us to pay you afterwards well pay us back afterwards if it slaps right because in the color purple it's a $100 million budget and so far it's made 60 million at the box office right right but that but for all of purposes for what it's looking like this is probably going to be a money losing project it will be it it it will be yeah but but that but again that's not the argument yeah that's not that would be an argument if it was talking about getting paid um subsequently well Well here here's what I don't understand also this is my argument also when it comes to these types of NE uh negotiations why not just say screw The Upfront money give me a percentage the movie does great we all benefit if it flops okay I've done it for nothing yeah okay life goes on and a lot of and you're not gonna tell me because I remember Jason Weaver the actor yeah who did the uh the singing for The Lion King yeah the the the Simba you know the the the young Simba he did all the the singing yeah and he got offered $2 million by Disney to do the role and his mom said hold on yeah if they're offering this much we're going we're gonna forego this money and do a percentage instead Disney didn't want to do it they've never done it before but the role was so key and he did such a perfect job that they agree to it and over time he made way more money you go from 880,000 which is cool it's not yeah you're not buying a Ferrari with 80,000 hell no to being offered 2 million up front and your mom was smart enough to turn that down absolutely shout out to my mother no I mean you so you gave up $1.9 million at that time at that time at that time yeah wow because it was in her opinion she and she she's absolutely right because honestly that income that residual income that I generate man that [ __ ] is so helpful okay like even nowadays like man when I get in and check from the line be like [ __ ] yes did you make more than 1.9 million over time over time yes okay so that was actually the smart move yeah it yeah I don't think that applies in this situation only because um that that's that's a lead that's a Disney it's a you know it's it's a franch it's it's a whole different thing see see the thing that you got to really look at is with Benjamin Button right that could have flopped yeah that could have absolutely flopped uh she doesn't know what performance that you know U uh Brad Pit's going to pull in or whatever it could have been a flop right so then we wouldn't be talking about that but why not but why not take that chance like you know what I'm saying like like yeah but it's this is what I'm saying like if you want the guaranteed money you're going to have to hold it and accept that if it blows up you're guaranteed every person I listen when I interview people a lot of people get appearance fees some of those interviews lose money I hold that I never complain I never hit them up and be like hey man listen can you give some of that no you hold that now now if we're Partners in it everyone has a role in it and most actors depending on who they are especially if they're notable actors can usually negotiate a percentage if not not if they're fifth leads not if they're not leads if they're fifth leads fifth lead what is the fifth there's Brad who who who who are the U Marquee people in in B I don't know I don't remember but uh as there's several supporting characters right here we go Brad Pit uh Kate Blanchett uh Mersa Ali oh I forgot he was in it me too yeah go figure Maha Ali is in it Taraji B Hansen and then a few other people I'm not familiar with okay so third third lead fourth fourth lead fourth lead so so it's kind of like when you are fourth lead you're not you're not really in a position to uh make those kind of um deals you know because what they feel you're replaceable in a way well that's I mean I'm telling you bro it's it's like the way they do these type of things it's like well you know here's a here's an offer it expires on Tuesday take could leave it so that's that's really how that happens you know and you want to ask for more money this is all the money we got take it or leave it and now if they're going to say this is all the money we got take it or leave it you're not going to talk about well give me some percentage on the you know they they're like come on you're not if it's a take or a leave situation you're kind of at the end of your rope to some degree and then and and let me tell you tra traditionally money on the back end okay I'll take money on the backend and and you don't know if it's going to be a flop or not and even if it's successful a lot of time you never see that money on the back end believe me that's true I mean we're talking about this my first documentary I never saw a backend check yeah so just just what I'm saying we're going down the warm hole here but it's just but but really it usually is like the other 50 movies that she may have done or whatever it's an offer here it is and I think recognizing the U possibility of you know I think she I think she probably specula I think she probably knew she was gonna kill this she proba knew she was and she did and she did which should result in her her not having to sing for her supper in the future well one of the things she mentioned was that she's always told that her um celebrity doesn't transl overseas uh yeah uh know this is something well you're kind of the opposite because you're a celebrity does translate overseas based on the type of movies that you do right right um this this is this is something that uh of course man you know when a man is telling me you could be Tom Cruz but too bad you're black and they have this belief that you know you don't you unfortunately don't sell overseas [ __ ] action always sold overseas true there's the only reason why we know Jackie Chan and Jet Lee and you know John Claude vanam is because they're from another country but they do action exactly the point is is this uh as a dramatic actor as a comedic actor China got their own dramatic and leading actors no one really translates overseas unless they're doing action that's right because they say black movies don't trans trans uh translate overseas white movies don't translate overseas action is the only thing that translates it does yeah action does see just that's the that's the [ __ ] that they don't tell you because of course okay yeah now I get you're right because Marvel movies Tom Cruz I mean Tom Cruz the action star is an action star yes I mean you know how many movies I have to put to try to put together as a producer and I'll throw out all these household names of white actors in from the states and be shocked that they go that person has no no no value overseas I'm like what that person is like a houseold name and it we they don't know him I'm like oh [ __ ] that as a producer that was a big lesson to me right and that's why I did these movies in Romania and all these different places you know because it makes you overseas mark right so when they say black people don't sell overseas it's no different than white people don't sell overseas the type movie A a white comedian unless it's a blockbuster a white comedian a dramatic actor or whatever what the hell they need with with our white comedians or dramatic actors when they got their own in other countries that speak their damn language right but they only need our action stuff because we blow up [ __ ] in this country we do that we do budgets that they don't have so that's that's why our action content some of our horror content even though Korea kills it right now and and Korea is like some of the best action too um but it it's our action and our uh LGBT cute um content that sells overseas oh really yeah the gay content does well overseas yeah especially in um in uh um parts of India you know which is you know that you know India is the you think about India is the biggest biggest English-speaking country in the world yeah right yeah far bigger than this country so yeah that's a huge market so it's it's like you gota you got to see these things worldwide and um so that so getting back to it like that would be the that would be the move to me is that you get these people who are not honored for what they bring and their talent and you pull it together and because you know the the fan base is out there it's just got to be crafted in such a way that it's Global well uh she made some comments about uh The Color Purple when she was working on that she said they gave us rental cars and I was like I can't drive myself to set in Atlanta this is Insurance liability it's dangerous now they robbing people what do I look like taking myself to work by myself in a rental car so I was like can I get a driver security to take me I'm not asking for the moon they're like well if we do it for you we got to do it for everybody well do it for everybody and stuff like that that I shouldn't have to fight for right and she said I haven't had a raise since Proud Mary from 2018 I still didn't get a raise they don't care they're always looking for a deal and trying to pay you the least amount of money I remember on Empire I was fighting over trailers now now keep I just I just want to say this before you go on Proud Mary was one of the few movies that she did star in had a 30 $30 million budget and made 22 million at the box office so unfortunately the movie that she did star in wasn't a big success so when it comes to Hollywood and they look at past performance you know I mean the same thing with me when I have my repeat guests and I have a lot of them I look at what they did last time and I base you know in the future whether I want to bring them back on how much I'm going to pay them everything else like that it's all the business at the end of the day like yes there's art and you you're trying to create incredible products I do too but there's a business aspect there's lots of people who I love to interview but I know their interviews flop so I can't keep bringing them back on it it's just life mhm I'm the one that's having to pay for it and when you do a Proud Mary and it doesn't blow up now Proud Mary becomes massive then it would have been a different conversation moving forward but unfortunately it did it and you know this is this is the thing and once again The Color Purple $100 million budget 60 million at the box office it's probably going to lose money and the people who are involved in that that's part of their resume at that point so when it comes time to book them for other projects people are going to be looking at these numbers and saying it's not entirely their fault but this is this is part of it it's Show Business and people don't want to hear this because people love teraji I love teraji but people don't want to hear the pluses and minuses in the actual you know I'm saying the actual numbers in these projects and which is why I've always said screw these production companies screw these big studios create your own project like you did with the outlaw Johnny Black and when it starts to actually come come together there's going to be bidding wars on who is going to buy this you think if you if teraji made a kick-ass project with her own production company you don't think Netflix would be dying to buy it or Apple TV or Amazon or Paramount plus tell to put down that Sledgehammer put down that Sledgehammer okay you're starting to you're starting to get up there again okay okay yeah you know yeah there's there's points points takeen but you know of course it's kind of don't you know can't blame the victim uh but but I feel like again as somebody who's very protective and and you know wanting the best yeah it's it's disconcerting but yeah I think it it might take some some other uh Avenues to get get to where she really wants to be and where she deserves to be right uh I mean you know honestly like Tyler was one of the first people that really pay people what did yeah I heard she got the most from Tyler yeah you know Tyler but in that same ethic I mean Tyler respected her for who she who she is and what she brings right and Tyler's done that for a number of people um and and you know but now but as far as that team building and her new team I would love her team to consist of some some great writers who have not had their due some great directors who have not had their due who are hungry and want to put out some amazing content because you know she may have starred in Proud Mary which was probably written well I don't know I don't know what the situation was it might have been a more than likely it might have been a script that existed and then it's like insert to Raji and if there's something that is organically her that's kickass that's created for her that she has a part in you know I mean a part and developing I can't see it stopping I can't I can't see it not being what problem Mary probably should have been or something like that that's me speculating I don't know if that was designed for her in in in particular but I think if she had a team uh that really really a creative team that could put together and produce things I think she'd be I think she'd be happy with the result you know um so that's just my guess well so I looked this up while you were talking the film you're talking about the Ty Perry put together with her starring was AC yeah okay and she talked about how she got half a million dollars for that role that film had a $20 million budget and made 46.4 million the box office so there you go profitable film MH working outside of traditional Hollywood M Tyler Perry is not mainstream Hollywood he's built his own Niche built his own Studio hired people that he likes M and they put together a successful project why not say [ __ ] Paramount [ __ ] Sony I'm just going to work with Tyler moving forward he likes me we made a profitable project I'm gonna get with Tyler and people who are like him yes they may not be $160 million budget of Benjamin Button it's only a $20 million budget but it's a profitable project see I think a lot of times people want the fame more so than the money right in Hollywood entertainment there's always a balancing act with it the the thing about entertainment is that yes if you do these huge projects with these hundred million budgets and hundreds of people involved you will be famous once when it's all done but so many people have to get paid and there's so many hands in the pot that you won't get a ton of money for these projects if you do smaller projects where you're the primary owner and there's only a couple people like for example lunell I had lunell on the show and she said listen I'm not complaining about pay in Hollywood and I asked her what was the most she ever made on a film she like oh that's easy Borat made over a million dollars there's only five people in the film and it was essentially independent film by Sasha Baron Cohen five people she walks away with a million bucks all the films you've done what was the most you've ever gotten for a Borat no doubt straight no no not without question still to this day can you say how much or no oh definitely over a million dollars you got over a million dollars for B yeah cuz the first check I ever got for Bor Borat was 167,000 some out dollars the first one and they just kept coming for and the movie is 15 years old Aha and I still give residuals in the four figures and you're not even the star of that movie no but there was only five people to pay I got you more so than Taraji and I think most people people would say this is no shout at lunell you know I love you lunell most people say Taraji is a better actress than lunell lunell is more just you know more so a stand up comedian who also acts but she made more money than teraji because she's like okay I'm gonna do an independent project only a couple people in it and there you go but you're not getting the accolades of a Benjamin Button and you know it's not being nominated for Oscars and everything else like that so you have to sometimes balance it and sometimes it's not one way or the other okay I'm going to do some of some of this here not a lot of money a lot of publicity but I'll do this to make my real money yeah see but the thing is Taraji could produce a Benjamin Button she doesn't have to be bradle to even smaller budgets personally because she can she can go out and get meral street and get dairo I AG because of her her resume yeah just her her her Talent yes but so it's not it's it that's the thing it's like I I don't even want to look at it as something that can you know you know do it cheaply or whatever she could she could do a $ hundred million budget she could she can produce something in that way uh the sky's a limit I just you know there there is unfortunately there is the the feeling that oh why why must it take this uh to be treated fairly uh you know but you know it is the world we live in and but if you really look on a certain side of it and it's my perspective that she has a lot more power than I feel that she's be aware of I agree and that was my whole point my first argument was [ __ ] these companies if you feel like you're not being compensated yo like you could do it on your own like a lot of people compare her look ree Witherspoon is worth a billion dollars but Reese Witherspoon has a production company that puts together a lot of the projects that she's in she took it into her own hands Brad Pit oh Brad Pit's get well Brad has a production company that puts together stuff that he's passionate about that he's putting his own money and resources in and you know yeah he he'll get more in the back end because he probably not charging for the acting in these projects because they're his projects I mean you personally what was the most you ever got as a role in a movie that you weren't involved in in terms of the production shoot I don't even think about it Batman uh I don't remember man spawn I I no definitely not spawn that that was one of those situations where I was a new kid on the Block right so I didn't but that set off a career for you that yeah may not have gone the way where you are now had you not been a lead in uh a relatively High budget film it wasn't a super high budget film but it was super high for that time for that time exactly exactly special effects was what they were at the time but they pushed it as far as they could and you're the lead in a superhero film mhm listen you know how many interviews I do for free you know what I'm saying even though like I get paid to do interviews on other platforms sometimes but if the Breakfast Club calls me I'm like yeah of course I'm going to charge The Breakfast Club like you know I mean like I'm not going to charge drink Champs like you know these are all platforms that I respect and I understand by being on these platforms it'll benefit me you do [ __ ] for free sometimes you do [ __ ] for cheap sometimes because there's a bigger picture involved hence the spawn situation you did it for cheap yeah I'm sure Batman you didn't for cheap no but yeah is yeah that all Rel yeah that's that's you know early part of my career you're gonna have to do those things I think think we all have done that yeah so I mean you know as far as the uh the applicable nature to that to where sister Taraji is it's you know still I feel like you know we I think we we've gotten to the point where it's like well you know we see both sides yeah uh where yeah I mean you know I I hope it results in in in a positive direction and I hope I you know some producer picks things up instead of you know because man what really breaks my heart is that you know some some some people in the media they just want to I think not only people in the media but uh people want to want to excuse to do what's in their heart anyway and if anybody wants to paint her to be somebody who's difficult or whatever I would hate them for them to use this as a remedy to to Black baller or do do anything like that oh she's difficult that that old [ __ ] um I would love for for this to result in people respecting her and producers knowing that she's bankable and a creative team to create something that gives her her Oscar you know because it's right there you know all that is you you got that amount of talent and I would hate for her to ever think about quitting because there's so many people who were looking up to her and rooting for her it's it's very important y that that she you know overcome this and just you know I just wanted to like kick ass at this point take this take this low you know if it's a low you know if she sees it as a low and begin this this hell of an arc to like where she wants to be I mean I don't think that taraji's at a low uh I think that she's still being booked she's still no but I'm saying by movie goers I may be saying spiritually we're talking about quitting is a low yeah I mean somebody that damn talented talking about quitting I hope that doesn't happen uh you know because it's there's a lot of people that Inspire to be like her so you know I don't want to put that extra stuff on it but I mean I personally that would be a tragedy well the outlaw Johnny Black that was a film that you put together yourself you wrote it directed it MH produced it without going to specifics the money you made off outlaw Johnny Black was that more than any of the checks you got for AC oh yeah it's it's going to continue it's it's long run money it's you know it's mailbox money it's it's uh I tend to uh have created movies that keep being played over and over yeah and so my deal is not necessarily a whole bunch you know bunch of money uh up front certain certain amount of course but it's like I know the type of movies I do people find them uh as opposed to having a lot of money dealing with a studio that's going to barrage and put millions and millions of dollars on commercials that you're just is going to fast forward that things like Black Dynamite become cult mhm and people play them over and over and over and outlaw Johnny Black is that same kind of a thing to where people keep discovering it and when you have that long run it's it's more profitable than you know hitting hard in the beginning and having the o a lot of uh companies for you know a lot of U marketing dollars and everything else which gets a little you know tricky so my thing is you know it's it's in the long run type yeah what I was going to say is a lot of times the marketing of a movie is as big as the budget usually so if you're down about a $10 million budget sometimes you have to spend 10 million to Market it right so it's really $20 million yeah and sometimes they they spend that type of money to Market it because they have to compete with everything else exactly and so they got to force feed that thing down your throat commercials everything else and and sippy cups and all that kind of stuff which costs a lot and you got to make that money back before you see anything right so you know if they if they put 20 million in the marketing that's 20 million that has to come back to them before you get a dime correct which which is yeah how regular business Works mhm right and not not only that that if that 20 minut in marketing and then you got the money that was used to make the movie that has to come back and the marketing money has to come back right then you get your di exactly so if you don't have a Blockbuster on your hands you probably won't get anything which is what I dealt with myself this is the truth and so you have a slow burn that didn't cost much in marketing but people find it and they watch it and watch it and watch it um you know like I I tell you like Blood and Bone that that movie is constantly watched It's was that did you put that movie together yourself mhm oh okay I didn't know that so you produced that yeah aha yeah and that's a CO classic yeah so that you know the proceeds are long and they you know did you try to get that movie done with a big Studio no okay so you just said okay I'm totally big studios were ignorant big studios are like we're not going to put this money in a black guy that doesn't sell overseas [ __ ] y'all then then look at it you know what I mean so um that's that's what you know what the deal was uh because it's an action movie but again what I just said a little while ago people are going to do use whatever excuse to to act on what's in their heart you know um I might not be the type that makes an executive feel very I don't know secure or whatever that's a on them um in the in the room maybe they they're intimidated or who who knows but there's a lot of things that going to kind of um uh putting us into the margins and so they're gonna if they if they want to do that they're going to search for whatever that reason is and usually that reason is H they don't sell o overseas and that's what it is oh they don't no they don't sell overseas H interesting because I've I've argued for years that wait a minute what action what black action movie doesn't settle overseas um um crickets because I you know I did my research all black action movies make money overseas Wesley Snipes was making more money than denel quietly and people did not realize that and and Wesley Snipes day he was making far more money than oh yeah like blade and you know movies like that of course oh not even blade I'm talking about you know passenger 57 um uh Art of War all these things all these movies that sold around the world he was making a killing yep yep too bad he didn't pay his taxes see people always want to do what's in their heart he want want to say some [ __ ] up [ __ ] all I'm saying is listen I'm being fous all I'm saying is messing with you I'm being fous all I'm saying is that he was on a incredible trajectory true yeah and having to do all that jail time ultimately where he is now I feel like he could have been a mega Star by now if it wasn't for that jail stin yeah he was like doing all big budget a I'm not trying to turn it into like I love Wesley I love Wesley [Music] it's not a shot at you Wesley yeah well you know why we got to go there we got to go all I'm saying is hey man listen these these could get you off track you could be the point being point being action movies sell overseas yes exactly we'll leave it at that okay we'll leave it at that well the other big thing that's happened since our last interview was Cat Williams basically went scorched Earth and dissed everyone in Hollywood okay essentially you saw the interview was sh sharp no no I didn't you heard about it though I've been hearing stuff about yeah well he went off on a bunch of people one of the people he hit up was Kevin Hart and the two of them kind of been going back and forth for years now and he said Kevin Hart is an industry plant he said that when he came up he already had movie roles in place no one saw him do the circuit and the standup clubs and stuff like that and this is a very interesting term I remember TK Kirkland was here the other day and we both agree there's no such thing as an industry plant do you know what that even means I don't know what that means okay an industry plant almost like an Illuminati kind of term meaning that someone high up takes someone who's relatively unknown and puts them in these high positions because maybe they did they they were performed in some Illuminati ritual or they somehow sexually compromised themselves in order to do that they they you know they they they gave sexual favors drives me sometimes they'll gay favors to someone in exchange for being put in these positions that they do not actually deserve I just feel like people want to believe that [ __ ] they just want to believe any kind of oh he had what do he have to do for that Ro because it existed somewhere and they people just you know they go crazy you know how many times I hear oh you know they they to to make it you got to put on a dress I'm like what the [ __ ] really well he talked about that as well he said that Martin Lawrence called him up and said hey I want to do this buddy film with you he's like okay that sounds great so he went to this meeting and the whole meeting was about Big Mama's House too where both of them would have to wear dresses and Cat Williams walked out because he's not going to wear a dress okay okay how how how is it not connected that comedy is where somebody might wear a dress in comedies so we so we should be talking about it should be framed as comedians are encouraged to wear a dress because people think that shit's funny yeah and it is funny in certain cases yes but it's comedy the [ __ ] you think somebody's asking Terence Howard wear a dress Denzel like come on now it's ridiculous that's ridiculous you you think somebody's asking me to wear no no like and if you want to list the major what the [ __ ] if it's okay here here's here's one thing if you got to wear a dress or to to make it right where the [ __ ] are the performances where somebody wore a dress do they keep him SE secret the the the the ones where uh I guess whoever like Denzel says no to it and therefore who then did the role we would see that or if I was asked to wear a dress somebody then is in a movie that they that there somebody who said yes where where is that where people act like there's a there's dramas where they want to emasculate black men and then you got the we this person wore a dress for this drama that [ __ ] doesn't exist so it's just it's just ridiculous because I mean people just want to believe that [ __ ] uh it's it's just stupid because there the proof would be out there because there would be some dress wearing performance that is outside of Comedy now uh I there's no comparison to where white people in comedy white men in comedy wearing dresses you almost can that I I haven't researched this but I bet you it's [ __ ] 80% 80% of white comedians wore dress I would think so because there's no there's there's no Stigma there's no Stigma to a white comedian wearing a dress at all it it's only a stigma to Black comedians wearing a dress right and and like for example I think Dave Chappelle he did an interview on Oprah here we go yeah I remember this so when doing Blue Streak with Lawrence yeah right yeah I remember that like because um they wanted they they wanted I remember I saw the interview recently so basically in the in the midst of filming Blue Streak he goes into his dressing room and there's a dress dress room and the director comes in goes Hey listen I had this great idea Mar always going to break out of prison you're going to pretend to be the prostitute so you're going to wear this dress and whatever and he was like no I'm not wearing a dress yeah right yeah but with the internet being the internet they actually found this old skit uh with Howard Stern where Dave Chappelle is wearing a dress oh is that right you want to see it no okay he's wearing uh he's got fake boobs he's wearing lipstick he's got big earrings oh he's playing a woman yeah you know it's this was very ear on and it was just a random little skit with Howard Stern but yeah man but he wore a dress so [ __ ] well that's my point so a lot of times people take this high and mighty role and I think that a lot of these conversations are based off that interview about earlier on is not the Dave Chappelle later on I mean true but but so if he says okay Blue Streak I don't want to wear a dress guess what if he had worn a dress in Blue Streak probably been funny he probably looked funny in it but I mean Martin lwen is you know so so Mar law did a whole movie wearing a dress exactly so it's like this emasculation CU a black man in a [ __ ] comedy yeah come on let let's let's let's kind of get that's [ __ ] stupid most there's a lot of black men in comedies that wore dress I even defend Tyler Tyler Perry wore [ __ ] dress and said some of the deepest [ __ ] in that character he I'm sorry he was very uh impacting in that that as that character yeah you want to you know say oh yes you know cross TRS whatever but he he did so I think in a brilliant manner yeah because what came out of media's mouth at times was some deep [ __ ] and then and you forget that that's a dude that's that's good acting so so in comedies come on that's relegated to comedies when it's not reg relegated to comedies please show me that [ __ ] because then maybe I'll when you know somebody's trying to get Idis to wear a dress to to play a a badass Char or what then I'm gonna listen Okay so the outlaw Johnny black and black dynamite were both comedies in a way yeah yes they had other you know aspects but overall they're more or less comedies I would say yeah agree yeah if no the scripts no called for I [ __ ] wrote the script saying could you have Envision part of the script where you would wear a dress that's not me no not me no it's a comedy I don't think the shit's funny okay personally you pretty funny though I'm not yeah yeah yeah people would laugh at it but that's not me it would be hilarious in the same way where you know Dave Chappelle has gotten to a point in his career where he's like no I don't want to do that because you know there's a I think Dave is one of the most brilliant people out there and I think he got to a point where it's like oh there is a point where people are laughing at you or laughing with you and I think he know knew the difference that's why when Dave you know resurface Dave is buff now yeah and it's like no you ain't you ain't laughing at me [ __ ] yeah you laughing with you I mean like yeah it's like you know he's standing in in his masculinity his aless I would not if I got booked to do a movie where I had to wear a dress I would say no mhm or for example if I got offered a bunch of money there's no Stigma for a white man wearing a dress but but but it's also like who I am is that's just not me just in the same fashion where if I was offered to do a celebrity boxing match I would say no I wouldn't care how much the money was it's just not me it's not who I am I'm not going to go in there and what I feel is embarrass myself for a few dollars I'm cool I'm cool right but you know you're right yeah people stand on even Marlon Waynes he kind of defended male actors wearing dresses yeah yeah come it's comedy yeah it's comedy like what the [ __ ] you somebody going to try to tell tell you Marlin is less of a man because he get the [ __ ] out of here that's just stupid that's just insecure people that that want to just chop somebody the [ __ ] down that's all it is you know it's like and then people want to believe that [ __ ] they want to believe there's some Illuminati [ __ ] or somebody had to sell their soul because they got money that they didn't [ __ ] have true you know so it's whatever you know it's like H nowadays you know the internet and all that kind of [ __ ] it's like you can have a hundred people talking about something significant and one dumbass who will just derail the whole subject and take it like somewhere the hell else yep and so and the stupid people you know they love to hear themselves they love to say you know the dumbest [ __ ] on the planet and then everybody else got to go to dumb land well uh since since our last interview Jonathan major was found guilty and he got dropped by Marvel faster than didd he paid Cassie now it was what he got convicted of is very minor right these are like misdemeanor not that serious there's actually a video of him running away from the girl and her chasing him for like blocks but now he's sort of you know looked at a certain type of way and being dropped by Marvel was Major cuz he's a central character in the Marvel Universe Kane the Conqueror Not only was he the main villain in the Ant-Man movie that just passed but he was also the main villain in the Loki uh series on Disney plus so getting dropped for that is huge over what I feel is not on when all came out it didn't seem like he really did that much sound like a regular argument between someone and their girlfriend that just got out of hand a little bit I mean what's your take on that I think it's the times man people really want to cancel folks and they're just people can't wait to be outraged you know so it's it's it's crazy to me this is on some King Kong [ __ ] to me I mean it's like I was when I heard about it I I started drawing parallels between the original King Kong and then what's happening with with Jonathan majors and they build up this this attraction and uh when uh King Kong goes for Fay Ray they shoot him down uh so it's it's it's kind of a thing where I mean this a it's kind of a terrible storm yeah uh yeah I don't know if the punishment fits the crime but I did not delve deep into it I'm seeing it from a periphery well I I could tell you he was found guilty of one count of Reckless assault in the third degree which is the lowest possible degree and a charge of harassment as a violation and then again the theme of today's show is people want to do what they have in their heart they just want an excuse to do what they [ __ ] want to do and maybe they wanted to cancel this brother and found an excuse and if you provide them with that excuse well I don't think that disy wants to recast one of their main characters I don't think Disney wants to do that and if you think think about the whole situation the reason why he didn't just take a plea deal because these are very minor charges he's going to be a sentenced uh February 6th I believe well if they wanted not to you know uh oust him they wouldn't have done it they had the choice I see where you're going with this cuz you know for example Robert Downey Jr had horrible drug problems at one point he wandered in some stranger's house and fell asleep in their kids bed you know what I'm saying so and now what he became the biggest Marvel star ever as Iron Man MH but a certain amount of time has passed you know someone you've done movies with uh you know Mel Gibson was a superstar and then he went through what he went through and you know now he still gets roles but they're nowhere near the roles that he used to get now you could also argue what you have is that he's older and by time this part of your career you're not an A-list actor anymore most times but yeah I mean you could you could juggle it it's hard to say you know but you know he got dropped uh he was supposed to play uh Dennis Rodman in an upcoming film they dropped him for that yeah King Kong ran away and ran up on top of a building Empire State Building and they shot him down so that's what you think this is well uh yeah it's it's who doesn't think that there's there's a side to not penalize this guy for um for what has occurred I I again like yeah there's some things that I kind of feel like it's a it's he's he's not I mean he's brought some things on himself of course I think he wouldn't I would hope he could see that you just there's the he didn't do himself a any service by the comments the um you know the Michelle Obama and crit Scott K Scott King and he might as well said King Kong ain't got nothing to do nothing on me you know in a way King Kong he got [ __ ] on me but but it's which is hell of a you know analogy but it it's um that didn't help him but um uh yeah man it's it it does appear to me that that there there was there was a another route to pick up and and move on um with his career uh yeah and you know listen we don't know a year or two from now he could be an aist star once again and people kind of get over stuff and who knows yeah and and the fear hard to say yeah the the fear I believe that's different that changes it from a Robert Downey Jr and um and Mel is that this day and age they're they're into crucifixion big time you know and maybe maybe it's a just a sign of the times and and Robert Downey is lucky that it happened qu is not going on right now true yeah so yeah because I I I I'd have to I'd have to see what what characters what white actors have um been able to withstand the slings and arrows of today uh because Kevin spacy sure enough didn't yeah you're right his career seems to be over right now right he was actually found not guilty in all his trials there you go now now if Kevin spacy were black let's look at it like that but he's white and he's gay yeah would would we yeah so if he's black and he's gay would we be looking for a culprit that you know racial culprit in it you know think about here's the thing with Kevin spacy though we don't really know what's happening because I feel he can come out with a huge role right now and it can still work I think but the but the fear is hiring him yeah so so so people are scared to touch him right now yes you're right so it's almost a self-fulfilling prophecy exactly because you know so are you going to be the guy that hires Jonathan majors and and invest your millions and and be you know have your project be crucified because it's a sign of the times remember when Travis Scott had that concert and uh a few people died I don't know who that is okay so Travis Scott who is one of the biggest rappers in the world really yes I'm old you're old that's fine I I I I'll bring you up to speed Travis Scott is huge he's got two kids with Kylie Jenner if that connects things for you okay any it doesn't I don't know who Kylie J is Kylie Jenner Kim Kardashian sister oh okay you heard Kim Kardashian right she did Sex a while back know that girl anyways uh so Travis Scott had a huge it was a festival that he put on huge concert tens of thousands of people at one point while he was performing people started getting crushed and a few people died in the process huge outrage over this because he just kept performing they were trying to to get him to stop performing but they couldn't really get to him because he was like in the zone and whatever else bunch of people died he's being sued by the families whatever else his album that was supposed to Got That was supposed to have come out got delayed he had like a Nike sneaker That was supposed to come out he's got these huge like you know popular Nike sneakers that was put on hold a certain amount of time passed Alum came out went number one sneakers come out everyone's buying them no one's even talking about this whole situation anymore except for the families of course mhm and a few people who hate them but in general time passes people forget people get back to their own careers and you could say there's some people think of him as a murderer which I don't think so but the families are suing him and these lawsuits are are ongoing so there's some legal basis to this but time passes people forget people people go back to liking who they like that's easy that's e you know you know respect to the you know to the dead but that's easier for fans to forget because it's not like he was to you know Direct in the passing of those people it well depending on who you who you talk to you know they were trying to get him to stop and he was ignoring people in the process they who they were trying some of the staff members at the venue were were literally to get him to stop performing because it was a disaster in the audience oh but did he know what the disaster was not until later no listen listen I'm not I'm not I'm not saying it was his fault right right right yeah so I mean and now people are going over over the board like you know when things happen you see performers constantly stop shows and try to break things up and right tell security to handle things and stuff like that because no one wants to be in that same position but right yeah my point is people get over stuff for example Kanye has a new album coming out big anticipation over this album he said egregious things not about just about Jewish people but about black people said George Floyd was a drug addict you know slavery was a choice MH um you know people like booy are still very much angry over these statements that Kanye made but some time past he put out a little ass apology in Hebrew and you know now everyone's looking forward to his album yes and he wore a a kookas clan hood that was black so he's still you know doing stuff that's upsetting people but people want to hear his music and I'm sure this album will go will do pretty well like his previous albums time passes people forget people don't give a [ __ ] people get outraged about whatever else is new so I don't know I personally think Jonathan major will make a comeback that's my guess I think so but you know people people are going to have to have uh courage and I don't know if there's a lot of there's a there's a lot of cowards out there well yeah especially when you're talking about100 million dollar budgets Yeah well yeah you know what I'm saying like heaven forbid a Marvel film gets boycotted because Jonathan major is in it they don't want to take that chance right yeah yeah they don't want to take that chance so they H we'll just recast them yeah well uh Alec Baldwin just got charged with involuntary manslaughter for that shooting you heard about this no I didn't hear that remember he killed somebody on accident on the rest on the set of rust yeah and they dropped charges but now they actually they're actually bringing the charges back up again and he's being charged with involuntary manslaughter over the death of that woman on set I I didn't hear I I didn't know well you yourself you've done a lot of films with guns how serious is firearm safety on sets it should be very serious it's but what happens is uh nowadays uh you to do the same film you're doing the same film uh that 10 years ago that you would have done like for $5 million and now is $3 million and and half the time so things are rushed and when you you're shooting a movie on was it Albuquerque where was it uh I forget it was it probably one of the places with um oh I mean where rust was being shot hold on New Mexico New Mexico the movie sh Albuquerque you're right Albuquerque or you know banan banan's a city okay yeah well so yeah what happens is I've shot several films there too because there's a there's a tax credit there's uh you you make your money go longer that way because it's way too more too too expensive to shoot in La um so what happens is you hire local people from that area to keep the budget down and usually the the main star is the one that's kind of gobbling up the majority of the budget well he's also the producer of that film right yeah you know producer and you know and star yeah yeah so what usually happens is you get a crew that's not as tried and true as you're used to and uh because it's it's it's a thing that there's a benefit to those people who live there because you're hiring local people mhm and and you're putting them you know giving them that that uh opportunity and a lot of times they're they're spent and you you've got people who I don't know um might cut Corners which is what I believe happened in this situation because usually when you think about uh normal Hollywood movie there are a lot of um there are a lot of checks and balances that happen there that wer weren't on this this movie uh so that's that's one of the things here uh because there's a lot of things that I go well that shouldn't have that shouldn't have been the case U yeah I me and I I know that you got to be even more careful especially with the firearm situation because that's a safety issue you might be skimping on some of some of the other things but you can't skimp on that have you ever had uh a gun go off or any sort of guns you have on set well there's been some mistakes that have happened okay what movie um well I remember famously like H I don't want to stick this actor out but in one of the one of my earlier movies I ain't going to mention it somebody was supposed to hold p a gun to my head that had a uh a blanket okay and is you know threatening me and then they're supposed to go like this and shoot it off you know and the director was like can you trust you he's not going to shoot while it's while it's you know poined at you he's going to go like this and shoot it off I said no absolutely not I fought with it and I'm like there's no way in hell I'm going to let him hold the blank that can kill me if it goes off here a blank can kill you a blank can kill you from here okay right so he had to have the gun empty and we're g he's going to go like this and then we cut yeah cut a whole cut and I'm not in the frame and shoots it off let me tell you what happened while this actor had the gun in my head like this acting and he's supposed to be iate he goes what you know he's yelling at me and he goes click oh he did that with the empty gun well on accident yeah cuz he was hyped up and he clicked it I looked at him and I said I'll be back and I had to just walk I just walked till I calmed down because I'm going y was killed you yeah you you know what could have happened so I do not play with that there when you're doing your art there's a the director himself they're not they're they're in the moment they're not thinking about that but you know what even on that and this was here there should have been no way that a uh a person in charge should have ever let a live gun be that close to my head yeah I actually looked it up it says although blank cartridges do not contain a bullet precautions are still required because fatalities and severe injuries have resulted on occasions blank cartridges have been fired in very close ranges I forget the actor's name talking about a very close range blank an actor K mistakenly killed himself joking around had a had a blank and did this to himself like figuring it was just going to be noise but fire shoots out of that thing killed him you know so uh John Eric Hexum yeah yeah and famously you know Brandon Lee was killed yeah where a gun that was supposed to have nothing in it yeah Bruce Lee son yeah so some shrapnel something was in it and and penet you can't play with that yeah it's it's just yeah it's you got to have the fail safes there I mean Alec bwin is a is a performer he's he probably I mean speculating he's he's more than likely used to being free to perform without having to worry about these other things um because I'm sure you know there's times where it's been checked um so and I don't know what that scenario was but I feel like there were Corners cut from the things I I heard and um that's that's that's due to having less uh less money less tried and true people on the set and that's just one of those things that you just can't skimp on and uh unfortunately you know uh you know the young lady you know paid that price and passed um but um as a result man in Hollywood they don't play anymore yeah you know I sad situation man sad yeah I had Aries Spears on my Show recently and uh Aries who's primarily a comedian has also done some acting roles he was in Jerry Maguire oh yeah and also he was like one of the leads on Mad TV for a long time and he feels that a lot of rapper actors have no range he named 50 Cent Ice Cube common and DMX you talk about rappers that could really act and people say DMX Ice Cube yeah Ice Cube was the other one yeah I go how hard you think it is for Street [ __ ] to play Street [ __ ] if Ice Cube did a movie where he played a doctor and then did a movie where he played a lawyer what would be different now I'm my man comedian Tommy Chung had a great joke where he goes Ice Cube is a guy that colleges all right Miss Johnson I looked at your CH now get up on that th and it was so funny because I'm going that's what it would be you know somebody else said uh and the one movie and I forget the name of the movie but it was a movie with Sylvester Stallone where he and Arnold schwarzeneger wearing glass presents and um 50 Cent played a computer hack and somebody goes man what about 50 Cent he played a computer hacker that's different I said you put glasses on a [ __ ] and now he's a computer cuz he's Nerdy with glasses get the [ __ ] out of here and and listen if you got the range and you got the ability hats off to you would you agree or disagree um acting range yeah I I gota I gota I got to agree with him even though you know could could ruffle some feathers there but I mean a lot of times they're hired to play play basically their person yeah and you've acted with DMX have you done work with uh 50 Ice Cube or common no okay but DMX you have and I mean you can't argue I'm sorry but but Ice Cube Ice Cube I I don't know if I'd put in that that same category well because you could do comedy oh yeah but I feel like these days well okay he does comedy and he does Action yeah I mean yeah he's a he's a straight man he's a great straight man he's he's done some really I mean he's a I didn't think about that yeah he's actually well actually he's more known for his comedy roles yeah yeah yeah boys in the hood was cool but he's more known for Friday yeah but he he turned in dramat he turned in hella dramatic performances has he yeah boys and yeah yeah you're right yeah but Bo learning learning yeah no you're right so yeah I would I would damn sure take him off that list okay I agree yeah 50 does some acting but he's really more behind the scenes I really haven't seen him in many things yeah get Richard ey trying he's in uh Power yeah I've never seen yeah I you know I computer hacker but you know things like you put glasses on anyone that look nerdy you know what I'm saying yeah I just yeah I I I'm limited I I haven't really seen him have I seen I think I saw saw get rich of die trying I think that's the only I think what Aries is really saying though and I think this does kind of pertain to Ice Cube as well is that when he says range it's an actor that you forget is the real person you want forget that he's like a Daniel de Lewis will transform into a totally different human being you forget that Lincoln is actually Daniel de Lewis there are certain actors that you know like um Leonard DiCaprio yeah Eating Gilbert Grape you happen to be mentioning the alltime greats no no no you happen to be mentioning actors who are very um eclectic and uh and and uh very you know have unusual range but I'm telling you the majority of actors play themselves is that you in your case no definitely not me in my Cas you don't you don't feel you play Michael ji white in most movies I I very very rarely play Michael dry white I feel like myself what's what's the the person that I am right now you don't usually see in movies okay well I don't know yeah well well more more now but I'm not outlaw Johnny Black my friend Michael pretty much I seem just like that character more or less okay that that's age I don't feel it's a huge stretch you're playing a tough guy in a western movie do I seem like a tough guy right now you don't see like a soft guy right now yeah well do am I playing that so the thing is you know I'm I'm a I'm a very ecle eclectic person like okay if I now I play I don't want to be talking about you know my my my range whatever what's the what's the most outof character role you have ever played in a movie you should look at my my my acting real I'm asking you what's the most I've seen most of your movies well the most out of character far from who you are role that you've ever played well there's I played man there's a lot of lot of really eclectic name it well I forgot what the character I play most out of character Michael J white roll okay yeah um uh two days in the valley uh I don't know if you ever saw that I didn't see that uh who who who do you play in two days in the valley I play a very flamboyantly gay character in that in that movie okay well there you go okay you prove you actually dispelled my point right yeah but but there's You Know Why Did I Get Married is not the same dude as spawn is not the same dude as Tyson I'm not even me in that like you know I do different R I feel you I'll give that all right fair enough you do play a box you do play Tyson you are playing a boxer and you were a martial artist before you played him so that's not Aug that's exactly the same what talk about huge stretch not a huge stretch not a huge stretch I'm playing a different human being that everybody [ __ ] in every role you're playing a different human being yeah unless you're do your bio I seem like M Tyson sitting here no but was was I was I believable as Mike Tyson yes even M Tyson said so yeah well that's not just because I'm a a fighter that I have happen to have a physicality that I can't change but but you know you know what role that I almost I was it's like a hell it's a funny story but do you know I was um first approached uh and was the lead you know leading candidate for boskat wow you look nothing like basat yes I actually Well here here's what's at all no this is no [ __ ] and interviewed his sisters recently in '93 okay right I had an audition for movie called Bild the fort set it on fire is the Jean Michelle bashat story okay I got the the sides I'm going what the hell am I gonna do with this at the time I was like I wasn't known I was living in the gym I was like working out all the time I was like 235 ripped you know I go to this audition and I'm like I guess I I gotta basically I I'll I'll be auditioning for something else I'll audition as a character but this is ridiculous I can't play bosot he was a heroin addict maybe might have weighed 110 pounds right so so um I audition I get call back then I get call back again and know of course the call back there's like me and a bunch of lyy kraves like like I look like what am I The Bodyguard of the like this it doesn't make any sense and at the time Joanna Ray was one of the biggest casting directors in Hollywood and I kept going back kept getting called back and I'm thinking and I I would try to dress like in raggedy clo I try to hide my size in way and I'm going why the hell do they keep calling me back and I and then one of the one of my last auditions she gives me a a videotape of je Melle basad that a a friend of his um shot gave her it was a birthday party that and so she says look you're doing such an amazing job I want you to look at this and and you know study it yeah I took it home and I was like oh yeah the guy's like this big what this feels like a prank you know what I mean I come back my agents man they're they love you you're you're the lead you're like what now I'm reading with other people and I'm reading as BOS and these famous people I'm reading against and I'm like this is the most [ __ ] up prank in the world do they not see what I look like yeah I did have a good I felt like a good grasp on the in the internal of what this character was but reality is I'm a [ __ ] bison I can't play a heroin look then eventually it gets shelved right it gets put on hold you know propaganda fil films is we gotta we got to put this you know in the back burner then I I got cast as Tyson I get cast as Tyson and then a year later after uh after the Tyson comes out Joan aay calls my people up and say hey we're we're on the move again we're now we're just calling it basat and I'm like and like how do you not no I just did Tyson like Now the secrets out I'm a large person like and they're like they're calling me I'm like I just I just refuse to respond to anything and I and they you know they eventually cast a thing and then years later I'm doing um uh uh what do you call it um Kill Bill and Joanna Ray casting it and I asked Joanna I said you gotta you got to tell me years ago when you guys were having me play basat what were you thinking H did you not know the size I was and she said we just all we always figured you just lose weight and I was like oh you got and I realized they didn't have a a hold on reality they didn't real like cuz the characters walking around shirtless and you know in his underwear and physically I could probably get to maybe 195 but I'd be ripped to shreds I'd look like a a fitness model and I'm supposed to be on heroin so they just didn't understand she was saying well you know uh they talk about you know dairo dropping weight yeah for Raging Bull Christian Bale he lost 6 for the they didn't start out as 235 pounds of muscle yeah it's and if you lose muscle and you lose size the muscle ain't going no damn you're gonna be ripped I'm I'm gonna look like I'm getting ready to step on a contest stage but they did but H they had no idea of that I did I'm like I'm not making a fool of myself just like when they try to you know they approached me about playing the Marvin Gay story after spawn I'm like I'm not going to f I'm not going to embarrass myself and be some Buff Ass Marvin Gay not limit not trying to limit myself but reality is reality you know yeah and I actually just looked it up I remember seeing this movie I was in Israel at the time and I had some time to kill before my flight so I actually went to the theater and watch bosot Jeffrey Wright played bosot yeah one of his very early roles I realiz he was even acting back then yeah yeah and he did a good job of course yeah of course great actor yeah but you know you can you imagine me embarrassing myself like some yeah I mean I like I said I felt like I understood the character but you know there's reality and physicality that um you know I mean not not you know if it was it was a different thing by by then I'm not sure it was exactly the same script but um yeah uh but yeah there that goes I don't know how I got off on this tangent let's talk about uh fighting for a second oh here we go here we go uh well Francis and ganu supposed to fight Anthony Joshua now he's actually coming from the MMA side yeah into the boxing ring how do you think this is gonna end up oh I hate to say it out loud man CA Francis is my man but but no you think T gonna tap him up huh yeah yeah yeah it's Tyson Fury has footwork he's a tall man with footwork that's hard to be yeah you think I'm gonna say anything other than Francis is going to win I ain't stupid I was wrong as hell but but but proba to be wrong that last time France is is France is a much deeper smarter person and just he's just a talented individual he and dwey what a great team so I I I'm I'm going for Francis in this situation okay and he says that Tyson Fury owes him a rematch after this fight do you think that's actually gonna happen I would love for that to happen I do you think it'll happen based on the politics of boxing yeah yeah yeah I do be a big draw hell yeah yeah lot a lot of money in it I would I would think Tyson would want to rectify himself and say yeah well you know that that was a fluke and you knocking me down as a fluke and coming that close to like dethroning me on your first your first ever professional boxing match that's like like I said that that that's never happened that nothing nothing I I I can't even think of an equivalent to that javante Davis converted to Islam his new name is Abdul wahed I'm glad you told me because somebody would have been talking about Abdul rahid and i' been like who yeah yeah I mean everyone is kind of reminded about the whole Muhammad Ali thing true and uh listen man I'm I'm really all for if someone wants to pursue their religion and and change their name and everything else like that I mean a lot of people didn't want to call Muhammad Ali anything but Cash's clay for years true and now people don't even remember who Cashes Clay is right right seriously if you see to a 20-year-old like who's that right right you know what I'm saying you know javante I me he's been through some personal turmoil and stuff like that so maybe religion is really what he's using to kind of Center himself and anything else like that I'm I'm happy for him I think relig religion and pride of who you really are you know your name is not your name you know when it comes down to it somebody somebody uh you that yeah so you know I I I respect that to the fullest and your real name is Michael J White yeah yeah yeah you never changed it for Hollywood no no it's um I mean my real name is something else probably but uh you know I have I have another name called it's odan and that's my uh Ghana my name from okay but I'm saying that the name that your mother and father gave you when you were born is Michael ji white right did you ever think about changing it early on um cuz most actors I think have different names most not all I think you know I I I I think um I I had thought about it at first because there was another Michael White and there's and um yeah I mean I didn't give much to thought to it well yeah you owned it you know well uh let's talk about UFC for a second uh Conor McGregor is supposed to come back uh against Michael Chandler inter interesting what do you think of that that's going to be a hell of a that that's going to be some uh some some drama I feel it could go either way um I I have to give the edge to Michael Chandler really McGregor okay why is that normally I wouldn't because um you know there's a little bit of a size difference and when I say bone density and and I think uh Connor has the the advantage in that that's a that scenario but Michael Chandler's he he's got a hell of a chin and the thing with Connor unless he develops another weapon equivalent to his left hand like like um Chuck Liddell people are going to catch on well see if if if you look at a uh a bevy of uh McGregor Knockouts or wins it's going to be left hand left hand left hand and a left hand so you basically have to watch out for his left hand and and if Chandler avoids that then I I think he takes advantage okay so you got your money on Chandler if he's smart enough to watch out for the left hand because I mean it's different if you see oh Conor McGregor submits somebody here ends you know defeats someone with a kick you you just just never saw that so yeah I mean maybe I'm kind of telling Chandler watch out for the left hand dude are you familiar with some of the stuff that Sean Strickland has been saying no I actually tried to watch his most recent fight and I don't know what happened so don't tell me okay I I tried to watch it last night but fell asleep so yeah I didn't I didn't get up to his fight okay you know so I've been editing like crazy I I've been tired so I started to watch the UFC I taped it and I haven't gotten to his fight well before the fight and in previous times he had a lot of comments that got people upset uh he said on Twitter if I had a gay son I think I would have failed as a man uh he said you know a lot of stuff about trans people um you know he's criticized Bud Light with the whole uh Dylan movani thing the whole trans campaign and you know so forth at one point he even got kicked off of Twitter for some of his comments and uh he's standing behind what what he's saying I love it um do you feel in today's you know the temperature of today's society that you could say something like him if I had a gay son I think I'd be a failure as a man I don't personally agree with that you know because I don't I don't agree with it but I applaud it I'm so [ __ ] tired of people being outraged by words yeah you know if you want to call a guy silly call him silly disagree with him okay you have a right to disagree but let's not [ __ ] like I mean I I applaud somebody who is just authentically themselves and I and so I don't give a [ __ ] if this guy says stuff that I completely disagree with I want to hear it I'm tired of this [ __ ] you know I'm almost at this point of yeah Clan speak out speak out Clan please well the clan is allowed to speak out yeah so but but it's it's like I'm it's it's gone too far you know people are afraid of [ __ ] words and then and then you know and it's like toughen up man like you know people get a CH I mean just like with comedy you know comedians can't can't speak if anybody is supposed to be able to say controversial [ __ ] it should be them yeah so it's just you know I I I I applaud this guy I applaud Strickland I I'm I'm glad he's he's got you know the the balls enough to be who he is yeah I mean you talked about the whole trans thing where he was like yo people are getting on me because I'm saying there's not two genders you know what I mean that like uh that I'm not saying that a trans woman is really a man like you know so forth and look for example booy who's you know a regular on my show he talked about how he was seeing the color purple with his I believe 9-year-old do 9-year-old daughter MH and during the lesbian scene he walked out of the movie now you could say the movie's PG-13 your daughter's a little too young to have been in that movie to begin with but if he took her it is what it is you have you have daughters yourself how many daughters do you have three three daughters did you have to wrestle with when they were younger watching a movie or TV show with them and there was gay IM on on the screen and them asking you Oh Daddy what what is that no one of my daughters is gay really yeah okay how old is she 22 okay when did you find out she was gay uh we figured that out kind of we you know we were like hedging bats me and my wife okay like no that thing you know it was was going either way but you know we then and it's never beening B that's funny it was it's never been a slight issue you are who who the [ __ ] you are okay so at what point did you and Gillian say okay we're totally sure our daughter is gay how old was she at the time there wasn't a point it didn't matter it didn't matter it just didn't [ __ ] matter got it you know what I mean it's just it's not an issue and it and it shouldn't be to me it's it's like you are who you are so she's brought a girlfriend's home for you guys to meet and stuff like that yeah she lives with her girlfriend okay yeah and it's all good why would it not be that's what I'm saying yeah it's like I'm all for that man that that whole you know is aice has a gay daughter too his oldest daughter is his oldest child is actually gay okay yeah so what yeah it's like saying oh his oldest daughter is a is a Scorpio same thing it's no different so like I yeah I I don't get it I I but that's even as a when I was a when I was a kid it didn't matter to me H at all uh I remember one time um when I was doing spawn right um and when it you know really occurred to me that it doesn't [ __ ] matter is um you know I didn't know how to dress you know and I had had this Premiere coming up and you know some guy who's like a brother or cousin to me a brother named Sammy mckenny who was you know rest in peace who was very close to me you know Sam Sammy is as gay as they come right amazing songwriter you know wrote songs for Patty leel and so many other people but Sammy was like my brother and you know he was going to help me you know you know get something fashionable or whatever and here we are me and Sammy on Melrose walking around the stores and I it occurred to me I'm going huh well a lot of people are going to probably think I'm gay then I was like so who gives a [ __ ] this is my brother and and I realized hey you know that's that's some that was a silly notion to think about worrying about who gives I gave no [ __ ] and so um it kind of kind of you know brought it home that it really doesn't matter you know and uh I've always had friends who were gay and and and and it's like they were less boring than a lot of my Straight friends yeah I think if anyone seriously has a problem with the gay community they are wrestling with their own sexual identity themselves it's it's what people were grew up to believe anything that's different from them they're taught to just and it's it's almost instinctual I mean the time when we were in villages and you know we were you know primary we had to notice what was different about these people walking toward our village because are they here to kill us or not so we've ousted those who are different so that's that's in our DNA but it's it's but now it's like you know these camps that you have you know realize I mean you're [ __ ] stupid if you don't think that there's somebody from another Walk of Life or another sect that doesn't have something to contribute to you then you're just dumb yeah because you're shutting yourself off from knowledge you know there's I I don't you can learn from everybody and I think that's the whole point really is not outing these people that you don't understand try to understand them I told you about that story uh with me when I was talking to these guys who were um you know um you know white supremacists and I had this conversation with them that was very informative um but you know U you can you know provide a link to that old story but but I'm always I mean this is my life this is my world I'm going to extract all the knowledge I can well look like I went on Twitter recently and I said this and a lot it caused kind of a debate over this and what I said was if you look at dozens of my interviews I will tell my male guests especially ones that are you know starting to get older that they look great if they're staying in shape and stuff like that like oh oh oh you're looking great like I'll say that on camera m I have no problems telling another man they look great I'm not telling him you look handsome or I'm attracted to you but it's like yo like I work out myself I take care of my weight if I see someone in their 50s or their 60s and they're in shape like yo you look great but men are so afraid of saying that because it somehow implies some sort of gay stigma insecure men are scared women constantly tell other women they look great M whether they totally accept it whether they believe it or not right yeah you know but men are so scared to tell another man that hey y man you looking good like y you go to the gym you're working out I have no problem saying that but in the comment oh Vlad you gay okay just tell them you're gay you know what I mean gay gay gay gay gay gay I'm not gay but you know listen I understand that eating right and working out is a hard process for any human to do so I want to recognize that someone who's sitting down with me has been taking care of themselves so I'm going to tell them Yo at your age you're looking great now if you're fat and sloppy I'm not gonna tell them that you know what I'm saying you know and like for example when F you know FaZe on love was on my show we had a conversation based on your phone call to me I'm like yo listen Michael just called me and said that you couldn't get up the up the street and so forth you need to start losing weight you know he's like yeah you're right you know I took my daughter to Disneyland I had to be on one of those little motorized carts the whole time I'm I'm I'm GNA do okay I'm not GNA tell you gas your head up and say you're looking great yo you need to lose some weight you could do it you're still young enough stands man I'll I'll train with him I I'll help you exactly exactly I just feel like men need to be more honest with their feelings sometimes and with the way they they speak and not be so scared to be judged as gay or whatever else mhm by complimenting you know what I mean like I'm confident who I am I'm a straight man I love women I always have but you know I could see hey that's a beautiful horse doesn't mean I want to have sex with a horse I could just say yo like that horse is muscular and wellb built like yo like whoever the trainer is congrats it's going to go all types of weird directions okay USA boxing they just announced they're going to allow trans women to compete against female boxers I I disagree with this I disagree as well because you could take all the hormones you want you still have the muscle mass and the bone density how you like to say of a Man true and you essentially have a man beating up a woman yeah I agree I think um why don't they fight each other oo a trans League that makes sense then it's totally equal yeah no one could say nothing right no one's gonna be mad at a transom fighting another transom or a trans man fighting another trans man right well yeah this I guess I get confused yeah well a trans woman is a man who is transitioning to a woman and a trans man is a woman that's transitioning into a man people have gotten on me for this saying that I've misgendering people yeah it's not it's not purpose I purposeful I'm not doing this on purpose I you know although I have gay friends I don't have any trans friends so I I don't really I'm not as familiar with that Community yeah me neither I I don't know any I I don't have any I don't think I have any no I don't I don't yeah I don't know nothing is the trans Community it's just a very small yeah I would think that was a small small fraction of the population I just haven't I've interviewed trans people before but I don't have I wouldn't say that I've continued you know friendships with them for whatever reason right so yeah I I think it's kind of crazy because I I think you're probably going to have a trans woman champion at one point if they continue down this road and then that's going to really I just wonder how many I mean I don't know there's not I don't think that there there's many in the community anyway and then you want to delineate it then you're going to chop it down to those who are than wrestlers or boxers and yeah what you know what I mean I think is you're going to end up with like like five people right yeah and that one of them is the world champion exactly yeah well speaking of fighting one of my members uh cash flow ace1 actually had an interesting question for you now how many fighting styles have you studied yourself uh well this martial arts style everything's not fighting okay even though like say um Wu and um uh taiichi things like that have fighting kind of at their base they're not a combative style okay so how many combative fighting styles have you actually studied yourself uh about six okay yeah what is the best martial arts fighting style for a street fight MMA is now considered a style I would I would imagine so it would be MMA because it's mixed martial arts so that but if if it's one pure style I see what you're saying so MMA can't count because it's incorporating a bunch of different styles into one yes yes I I would say the if somebody had a a street fight street fight I would still give the edge to the boxer okay above everything else I'd give the edge to the boxer first then it would be the wrestler right it would not be the martial artist on a street fight yeah it would not be the karate guy in a street fight that I would that I would say that that would come I would go to tie boxing right after that cuz you're kicking and and and punching well you're you're hitting hard you you because these things like when you're boxing you are fighting you know you you have you are striking the face you're getting struck in the face fully in karate you are not getting hit fully it's kind of a business but boxing no you learn how to fight wrestling you would learn how to fight yeah most street fights end up on the ground too so I I disagree with that some some some I absolutely disagree with that really M yeah because it starts on the feet it starts on your feet somebody ends up on the ground probably but if I mean somebody who knows how to box gets in an altercation they're probably not going to the ground true yeah cuz uh unless you are another professional boxer you don't know how to block that [ __ ] you just don't and you're dealing with fractions of seconds so you know so boxer number one wrestler number two tie boxing number three yeah because a leg kick or whatever somebody knows how to throw a leg kick you don't know how to block that [ __ ] neither yeah I'll I'll tell you my my worst violent experience when I had the home invasion situation I could tell you with 100% certainty that wrestling and High School saved my life M because it turned into a wrestling match at one point right and the fact because you couldn't box well yeah yeah you're right I can't box either you're right but but it turned into a wrestling match and my wrestling instincts of you know catching someone when you're sort of on the floor with them yeah and the way you move around and swing your legs around it's funny because I only wrestled for one year my freshman year in high school then I quit but at the time that I needed it the most I had it and the guy that attacked me did not and it was things w a certain type of way because of that yeah you know I mean and I to this day I'm thinking that had I not wrestled I might be dead yeah and and the thing is um not to get too deep into it's a mindset [ __ ] wrestling your mind you are fighting yeah it ain't it ain't some damn you know drop you off at a karate school and you got to do no no you're fighting yeah there's no rest there's no it's it's constant violence nobody stopping you you you you keep going you keep going you know what I mean so yeah that so until get pinned yeah yeah so yeah so that so that mindset of being in the fight yeah that's a thing that unfortunately with karate in normal karate Studios they don't have that you know because you're not fighting you're like you're bowing you're do you know you're you're being getting points yeah so it's a spiritual thing there's a thing where what you do develop over over time in karate is a fortitude a mental it takes takes a while to where um and if you if you use that discipline with honing your fighting skills then you're very much you're very formidable uh but that takes a while uh so and then then when you're fighting an average person they have no idea what you're doing it's it's unfair [Music] well since our last interview I interviewed Teddy Alice and I asked him about the rumor that custado was gay and I pointed out that cus was never married had no children the woman who worked with him his partner was not a romantic partner right she just helped him run the school and Teddy said uh that's just not true he said he talked to cus and he said cus told him the reason why he never got married was because he was married to the sport of boxing and he felt that he need to devote his entire life to creating world champion boxers and had he had a wife or kids it would have taken him away from that or it would have been unfair to his kids so he completely dedicated his whole life to creating world champions which he did on two separate occasions right right yeah um Jose Torres and Mike Tyson there was always rumors that that cus was possibly gay or something like that is that any truth in that I don't no none when it comes to as far as as far as I know none but I can't control what people say but none he was a man's man he grew up in BR brno Boulevard in Everlast near Everlast Factory me and him drove down there to get equipment all the time he would drive me nuts before we could get to the warehouse to buy the equipment he' go buy his old house Teddy that's where I grew up across the I know cuz I've been here 452 times I know cuz across the street murderers Incorporated they they they were there yep that's right that was his neighborhood all right cuz I know nothing about any of that stuff all I know is he was a great trainer he was a great mentor um and like everybody he was human he was human and at the end I think he got tested in those human ways where he wanted to have one more champion and and I I feel if he wasn't at that point in his life where he was getting older and his whole life was boxing he once told me to your point he said Teddy you know why I never got married I never got married because it would have been unfair so what do you mean CA I never got married because it would have been unfair to a woman and to a child to marry them because my marriage was this boxing so Camille ewal was not his wife no I don't think so okay might as okay hold on let me look this up because now yeah never married okay uh damato and Ewald were never buried okay Al their close friendship lasted for decades case h yeah she was responsible for cooking in household chores oh according to this article mhm Wikipedia all right yes so no he was never married all right do you believe that believe what that that uh he wasn't gay yeah but you know I don't I shoot I don't know I I think I've heard the rumor before but of course I don't know yeah yeah you know's because the the rumor C culminated with he passed from from pneumonia and his partner Jim Jacobs passed from pneumonia as well oh me he had AIDS pneumonia yeah yeah I that that's where I believe I've heard the rumor because they they go oh you know usually people who die of AIDS die of pneumonia and so for yeah yeah so I you know I don't know I I of course I had no idea never really yeah but but you played Mike Tyson and you went up there did you go up to like the camp and everything else like that and spoke to people around him and and so forth did you with Teddy Atlas what's that did you ever meet with Teddy Atlas oh yeah I met with Teddy Atlas before doing the movie ah I I sat down across the table with him I I sat down with uh Kevin Rooney I I put myself on the porch of that Catskill home home and met with people who lived with him because I mean I was just basically like a detective I was like hey I got to play this role anyway so I'm using my own dime to go there and talking to Kevin Rooney and get getting his side I wanted to know Mike Tyson's side instead of just going off of a script that some things I didn't believe you know and I was like I I don't believe this you know because it was it was something in the script that said that when Teddy Atlas pulled the gun on on himh okay and pointed it at his head but then shot off like this WOW but it's segue right you know see how these things turn around but um that Mike Tyson cowered and cried I read that in the script I'm like I don't believe that [ __ ] sat with Teddy Atlas who admitted I said did did did Mike Tyson cry did he the coward he said no no no he just kind of looked at me definantly I said oh okay but you see on the script it says says this he said he kind of ran away and coward he no no he just kind of looked at me like I was said okay thank you and that that was changed in the script because I I absolutely did not believe a cat like myself from Brooklyn and around the same age would behave that way yeah I asked him about that and uh yeah he didn't say that he he cowered and you know I brought up in that script it's it it totally had Mike Tyson bitching out and that I'm like get the [ __ ] out of here yeah and I also because me and you talked before that you said that uh that he Mike Tyson went and got a crew to go back and kill Teddy Atlas I don't I ain't gonna say nothing to that I ain't gonna I've heard that did not cow he was like okay yeah I asked him whether that part was true he goes well I don't know he goes but basically after the gun incident cus basically said hey I got to choose one of you and I'm going with Tyson what he also said was that he offered him uh 5% of Tyson's lifetime earnings uh to leave and uh he turned it down but you know he said in retrospect that was just a makeb believe number you can't give someone 5% of their lifetime no nobody could do that you know it's just a yeah let me just get you out of here really quickly and we got a knock from one of the guys that friend of mine friend of C's from the gym and you know he said can I talk to you because wants me to tell you something and he gave me a deal offered me a deal 5% of Tyson's earnings for the rest of his life or whatever the rest of his career if I would leave I'm leaving anyway and you know I still I still had a a little bit of growing to do a little maturing to do so I did the easy thing I told him to shove it somewhere and to tell CZ to shove it somewhere because all I felt was betrayed I didn't feel nothing else I didn't feel like I lost money are you kidding me are you kidding me I felt like I got betrayed that's all I felt yeah yeah you know I mean he could have been they could have got him out to to keep him alive because yeah you know Tyson's got dogs back home you I'm sure he does you know what I mean sure you can tell by the people he hung out with later life yeah yeah yeah because I know [ __ ] I know what would happen if somebody did that to me you know and and I got Warriors that I grew up with well what he said and this is actually true because I looked it up he said that uh before Tyson's fight with Holyfield the the rematch he predicted that Tyson would get disqualified it's actually on record he didn't say exactly how but he said that Tyson's GNA do something to disqualify himself because he's not going to be able to win and sure enough the whole ear biting thing happened I said Tyson's goingon to get disqualify and they said what did you just say and Jack's a great writer to so that tweaked his interest Jack said Teddy did you just say say he's going to I said yeah there's no other out he goes what do you mean there's no other out I said I know Tyson and if I'm right about him he got stood up against Douglas he got stood up too against Holyfield the first time he knows he's empty in the areas that he can't be empty to beat this man I've always said I felt there was a psychological component in that fight that if he didn't know holy Phil personally he would have ran over him that's my belief but he knew him personally I believe he would have ran right over him if he didn't know him personally well yeah and I interviewed holy fileld we talked about that and he said that early on you know he said that Tyson was great at what he did and they they sparred early on but he said at no point was he ever scared of Mike Tyson and coming into the fight he was not scared of Mike Tyson M Mike was all one of the fighters who charge at you all the time yeah and and so and what I had that a lot of people didn't have had good good good Rhythm and good movement so I can I can pop back and and and make you run into my shots I was able I had I had fast hands and and like this and but and what I had too I I had this thing where that I wasn't afraid of nobody and that was kind of the first person I think that Tyson had to really meet I mean of course after Buster Douglas but but I think Buster was probably still unsure in the beginning I think Evander came in confidently not scared each other yeah they knew each other exactly you know so that's that's another component um where you know I believe Tyson had fought opponents that you know didn't have the same kind of um Rapport that he had with with Holyfield well I interviewed uh Sammy the bull recently and uh what was interesting actually is that uh there was a part of the story part of the interview where at one point he actually tried to extort Donald Trump but he couldn't get to him he said that Trump was surrounded by xcia security guards and you know they thought of trying to something but once they looked into it they said ah this guy is essentially Untouchable this is a waste of time years later Steve wi was trying to block Trump from starting a casino in Vegas a competing Casino so he sent a couple of his like FBI X FBI guys to go meet with Sammy the bull and they were like listen Steve wi would be very appreciative if you could tell us about Donald Trump's mob ties h and Sammy was like well there are none we tried nothing happened you know you want me to lie how much you gonna pay me to lie well no Steve wi's not gonna want you to lie well how much he gonna pay me is he gonna give me a certain amount of money do I get a piece of the casino I'll lie if you want me to lie but I'm telling you he didn't do nothing so what do you want me to do Donald Trump reposted this part of the interview on his Instagram H kind of crazy you wake up in the morning Donald Trump's posting interviews you could hear my voice on it and everything else like that s did he have the right to do that n not really but who cares whatever I'm not gonna copyright strike Donald Trump you know getting ly exactly but the reason I'm mentioning this in my interview with Sammy the bull he talked about his dealings with Steven Sagal who you have worked with before yeah and at one point John Gotti's brother was extorting Steph Sagal you know about the story so so the Gottis were extorting Seagal to kick back a part of his movie money at one point Stephen wanted to take a break from doing movies but Gotti's brother wasn't trying to hear that [ __ ] he was like no you're gonna get back and start doing these movies so we can make our money so Steven Seagal ended up cooperating with the police and according to Sammy the bull he was forced to take the stand against God's brother Steven Seagal and he said the whole time he cried on the stand and had a blanket like lonus from peanuts and was basically holding his blanket and crying on the stand as he was testifying against God's brother he testifies in court SE ago and uh he didn't want to do it he was scared to death and uh I think when I said the story he had some sort of you know when you're young you're a kid you carry this little secure blanket a little blankie or like Linus from the peanuts whatever yeah well he had that while he was on the stand on his lap so he was crying on the stand with had his little blankie and he forced to testify wow that was recorded it's probably the transcript somewhere well the you know you think they would put the blanket in the transcript maybe maybe there's a court artist you know that's that's kind of that's that's interesting that that I I keep seeing things in movies and I'm like wow that that'd be a pretty fun movie yeah yeah well uh be funny one one of my uh one of my members freak and Pedro he actually brought this up to ask you he said there's an old story about jeanclaude vanam calling out Stephen Seagal to a real fight after uh Stephen was talking talking crap to him at uh Sylvester salon's house party and they claimed that step back down and left and then jeanclaude vanam went and found him at a at a bar somewhere and challenged him again and Stephen back down again have you ever heard the story and you with vanam as well yeah I worked with vanam yeah okay based on vanam and Seagal based on your familiarity with both of them can you see something like this happening yes absolutely absolutely absolutely okay yep yep vanam vanam is not afraid to spar people he sparred me back in in uh with uh uh when we were doing um what's the name of the damn movie um universal Soldier yeah I was in the first one yeah and we would work out together and he had no real fear I mean and I mean which was which was a trip because he's the lead and I was still competing at the time but you know I you know I never cheap shot anybody we were working out really you know we we had fun working out together but he he um you know he would he would Spar and um so you know he had timing and everything and I know Hees he wouldn't have any kind of fear I he knew how to fight uh so yeah but again like with with Stephen like come on he's here's a guy like he's never fought anybody so like you know it's a different thing you're you're performing and again he doesn't have to know how to fight somebody he just has to look like it again like Steven sagal's movies I love them when he first when they first came out uh on deadly ground and you know um that's what he's supposed to do like Clintwood doesn't have to have be an accurate shot he just needs to look like it so I don't hold that against Steven Sagal he's not supposed to be able to fight people like he's I don't think Steven Sagal has ever had to block a punch toward his face who would have done it who would have been punching at him you know what what ring would he have ever been in not so it's but but the the Layman always holds up like you got to be a real fighter no you don't no you [ __ ] don't um like David kerine doesn't have to fight no nobody you know what I mean but but Stephen zagal is I don't know why he puts that upon himself like he has to try to legitimize himself as a fighter it's [ __ ] ridiculous well you know and I looked it up there really is beef between vanam and Stephen Seagal they actually talk talk crap about each other both yeah I mean Steven SEL is Never Gonna Spar F's he I think stevenel really knows that there's never going to be he can challenge anybody there's never going to be a a instance where they're going to they're gonna face each other in an actual fight between Steven Seagal and John uh jeanclaude vanam who would you give it to John CL anybody I'm sorry in in my my belief you would beat Stevens zal as far as I in in my my estimation okay you would beat him just like you probably beat um David ker if you really fight he's not he's not when would he have fought somebody yeah when would be the instance where somebody's trying to kick the [ __ ] out of Steven Zago in in a match and who would that be if that person who tried to kick Seagal or tried to fight him or that sparred with Sagal if that ever happened we would know where that person would be right there's no way that that happens so here's a guy who's never done that he's never had to block a punch intended to knock his ass out vanam has right because vanam was an actual martial artist before he went to Hollywood right yes and there I know he spars people he sparred me how do he do he's a you know I mean he he's not the same level you know he wasn't the same he's not supposed to be again he's not supposed to be I was still competing at that time he was doing movies yeah but that's the thing that's why I give him all the respect in the world because he's sparring a guy who who's fighting people and the fact is I'm not going to cheap shot him we're we're we're sparking to sharpen each other okay you you're you're doing so you know when you're sparring you and like myself I'm trying to you know work on my reflexes and things like that and you're controlling you're hitting you know because it's not trying trying to kill each other and plus you're doing a movie you know you're not trying to injure anybody but the fact is he has to be brave enough to know I'm I'm fighting another fighter that I I'm susceptible for him cheap shotting me and the fact that he gave me that trust made me go man what what a what a upstanding guy and plus he looked out for me on that set like you would not believe like you know we we had I was freezing he insisted that you know he would give me his his coat between shots because I was in in in short sleeves and he was you know he would insist I'd wear his coat and you know he had a long sleeve shirt underneath it that's who he is and I'm always going to fight for that guy like but he's a really nice person he's always been that way um but yeah he actually I give respect to people who really fight there we have it Michael J white always a pleasure all right until next time all right time to eat time to eat
Channel: djvlad
Views: 72,689
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: VladTV, DJ Vlad, Interview, Hip-Hop, Rap, News, Gossip, Rumors, Drama
Id: DDE98ki2iL4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 141min 2sec (8462 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 14 2024
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