Michael Jai White on Steven Seagal & Jean-Claude Van Damme Beef: Jean-Claude would Win (Part 22)

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well uh be funny one one of my uh one of my members fre Pedro he actually brought this up to ask you he said there's an old story about jeanclaude vanam calling out Stephen Sagal to a real fight after uh Stephen was talking talking crap to him at uh Sylvester salon's house party and they claimed that Stephen backed down and left and then jeanclaude vanam went and found him at a at a bar somewhere and challenged him again and Steven back down again have you ever heard the story and you work with vanam as well yeah I worked with vanam yeah okay based on vanam and Seagal based on your familiarity with both of them can you see something like this happen yes absolutely absolutely absolutely okay yep yep I vanam Van Dam's not afraid to spar people he sparred me back in and uh with uh uh when we were doing um what's the name of the damn movie um universal Soldier yeah I was in the first one yeah and we would work out together and he had no real fear I mean and I mean which was which was a trip because he's the lead and I was still competing at the time but you know I you know I never cheap shot anybody we were working out really you know we we had fun working out together but he he um you know he would he would spar and um so you know he had timing and everything and I know he does he wouldn't have any kind of fear like he knew how to fight uh so yeah but again like with with Stephen like come on he's here's a guy like he's never fought anybody so like you know it's a different thing you're you're performing and again he doesn't have to know how of to fight somebody he just has to look like it again like Steven sagal's movies i l them when he first when they first came out uh on deadly ground and you know um that's what he's supposed to do like Clint Ewood doesn't have to have be an accurate shot he just needs to look like it so I don't hold that against Steven Seagal he's not supposed to be able to fight people like he's I don't think Steven SC has ever had to block a punch toward his face who would have done it who would have been punching at him you know what what ring would he have ever been in so it's but but the the Layman always holds up like you got to be a real fighter no you don't no you [ __ ] don't um like David kerine doesn't have to fight no nobody you know what I mean but but Stephen zal is I don't know why he puts that upon himself like he has to try to legitimize himself as a fighter it's [ __ ] ridiculous well you know and I looked it up there really is beef between vanam and stepen Seagal they actually talk talk crap about each other yeah I mean Steven seal is Never Gonna Spar he I think Steven seel really knows that there's never GNA be he can challenge anybody there's never going to be a a instance where they're gonna they're gonna face each other so in an actual fight between Steven Seagal and John uh jeanclaude vanam who would you give it to CL in look anybody I'm sorry in in my my belief you would beat stens theal as far as I in in my my estimation okay you would beat him just like you probably beat um David ker if you really fight he's not he's not when would he have fought somebody yeah when would be the instance where somebody's trying to kick the [ __ ] out of Stevens ago in in a match and who would that be if that person who tried to kick Seagal or tried to fight him or that sparred with Seagal if that ever happened we would know who that person would be right there's no way that that happens so here's a guy who's never done that he's never had to block a punch intended to knock his ass out vanam has right because vanam was an actual martial artist before he went to Hollywood right yes and there I know he spars people he sparred me how do he do he's a you know I mean he's he's not the same level you know he wasn't the same he's not supposed to be again he's not supposed to be I was still competing at that time he was doing movies yeah but that's the thing that's why I give him all the respect in the world because he's sparring a guy who who's fighting people and the fact is I'm not going to chap shot him we're we're we're sparking to sharpen each other okay you you're you're doing so you know when you're sparring you're and like myself I'm trying to you know work on my reflexes and things like that and you're controlling you're hitting you know because it's not trying trying to kill each other and plus you're doing a movie you know you're not trying to injure anybody but the fact is he has to be brave enough to know I'm I'm fighting another fighter that I I'm susceptible for him cheap shotting me and the fact that he gave me that trust made me go man what what a what a upstanding guy and plus he looked out for me on that set like you would not believe like you know we we had I was freezing he insisted that you know he would give me his his coat between shots because I was in in in short sleeves and he was you know he would insist I wear his coat and you know he had a long sleeve shirt underneath it that's who he is and I'm always gonna fight for that guy like but he's a really nice person he's always been that way um but yeah he actually I give respect to people who really fight there we have it Michael J white always a pleasure all right till next time all right time to eat time to eat
Channel: djvlad
Views: 174,787
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Id: PXdLM817sZs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 27sec (387 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 13 2024
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