Michael Jackson (ACAPELLA Medley) - Billie Jean, Thriller, Beat it, Man in the Mirror, Bad and MORE!

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[Music] [Music] [Music] and so right now just to tell you once again to - teacher - G - no but you wanna be right just hold me let your head lowly stop me then boldly carry me lift me up lift me up to me [Music] you're the world make it a better place for you and for me and the entire human race if you can think of better things for you or not no I am here with you [Applause] [Music] I am you stay [Music] [Music] [Music] coolest happen tonight if you go by you gotta feel that beat and we can rock son [Music] [Music] oh no no no she's mine reaching out of crush this morning the city's heart begins to be we Jenna at touches shoulder I'm dreaming now girls if they say why why tell them that is human nature why why does he do me that way to be the best a white white tell them that is human nation white Oh I just can't stop loving you I just can't stop [Music] - changes way [Music] so let's make [Music] hey guys just real quick one - thank you for watching if you enjoyed this video don't forget to subscribe and hit that notification bell for me lots of awesome stuff coming up including warmth at least like this one as always a huge thank-you know my patrons on patreon calm the reason I'm able to continue to do these videos if you'd like to visit my patreon page and see what it's all about you can click this button over here or I'll leave a link in the description down below anyways thank you guys again so much for watching leave a comment down below let me know what you thought about the video and we'll talk to you soon bye
Channel: Jared Halley
Views: 2,490,328
Rating: 4.9398713 out of 5
Keywords: michael jackson, michael jackson billie jean, michael jackson man in the mirror, michael jackson bad, michael jackson smooth criminal, michael jackson thriller, michael jackson songs, michael jackson beat it, michael jackson moonwalk, michael jackson live, michael jackson dance, king of pop, billy jean, cover, cover songs, michael jackson cover, michael jackson cover acapella, michael jackson bad cover, michael jackson billie jean cover, michael jackson acapella, acapella
Id: SxAq2c5CjeI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 43sec (403 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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