Michael Corleone Blanco on Why Griselda Never Stopped Drug Dealing After Making Billions (Part 26)

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how do you feel when when you look back on it in 20 you know cuz hindsight's always 2020 and you have kids Yourself four four kids although I've never met your kids I would probably guess that if your kids wanted to follow in your mom's footsteps you would do everything in your power to stop it man my my eldest kid never saw a toy gun till Pirates of the Caribbean and he was 8 years old when when you look at some of your mom's decisions and the fact that your brothers followed in her footsteps and everything and and you you dabbled in your own way and so forth now listen once you get to a certain age you can't stop kids from doing what they're going to do but you could do your best to try to you know Steer them in a certain direction and your brothers ended up unfortunately having the same story as your mom and your dad and stuff like that when you look at that how do you feel I guess it's a mix of feelings because as her son and a member of the blanco cartel I kind of used to glamorize the lifestyle and I kind of had this understanding or or this this brainwash illusion and I've spoken to shrinks pastors ministers name it and it's like this monarchy that you believe that this is in your blood this is what you have to do I had a surgeon tell me um a neurologist tell me and my sister which my sister's my father's daughter and he told me look um I go I go was it my fault was it our my brother's fault you know was it my mother's fault because as a boy the day comes that you have to blame somebody right and you look at your parents and it's like I learned it from watching you like the [ __ ] commercial right and then they say the apple don't fall from the tree so this neurologist said it's not only your fault why cuz genetics plays a crazy role in this life because even and then I'm going to say this once I had a conversation with my mother once right and uh she's like why why you doing this why do you do that why are you so bad like your father and I and then and then she goes to me I'm going say in front of my auntie she she goes to me she goes Michael I have friends that I did time with their kids are doctors their kids are lawyers why did you just decide to do what you do and I told her and I I'm kind of wrong for it because I kind of blamed her and I go did I ever question you on how you fed your family did I ever question you on anything you did because you know I'm not going a sugarcoat I was a Jack boy and a drug dealer for many years and she she uh she told me yeah she go no they're doctors and look at you and I told her you show me a [ __ ] doctor in my family that's it yeah I mean I guess the question that I ask myself when when we go through this whole story is that your mom touched hundreds of millions if not billions of dollars billions of dollars multi-generational wealth yeah she could have stopped very early on and had more than enough money to last forever facts I remember for example when I was hanging out with BMF and I I got to see everything you know I was in Big meech's House hanging out with blue da Vinci and where Jackie gle's house at the beach it was the White House in Atlanta oh in Atlanta okay yeah and I was seeing all this and and the BMF Billboards were there and the Ferraris and the Christal and I was like respect the B well this is all incred ible but I know how this is going to end yeah it's very clear like when I saw the Billboards I said this is insane this is this is insane because as a kid from the suburbs I know no one's selling any albums here I know where this money's coming from and I don't want to be anywhere near it when the feds come and that's exactly what happened so I I went back to my broke life yeah but I stayed out of prison exactly why do you think that your mother and your brothers had more than enough money and to walk away but but they didn't walk away they continued and not only they continue but they had the wars and everything else like that when a lot of times it's all ego-based hey okay fine this happened I'm sorry let's just this this is not worth shooting and killing people we we're all rich why do you think everyone just kept going to the point where things just ended in the worst possible situation I think and I know that once you've done too so much dirt once you've hurt so many people I think that Universal Karma never goes away I think that once you've done so much bad you can't turn back and and I think that my mother and my brothers had reached that point at such an early time in their career and they made so much money I mean my brother cheeki probably made more money than my mother really yeah my brother cheeki was on a whole different level you know worldwide and they don't want to see it go away but it becomes more in that because if it goes away then how can you defend yourself against your enemies well but you have enough money to defend yourself don't you yeah but one day they're going to pass you one day they're going to surpass you not only that how you going to keep that money if you don't hold down the compound you get it and and and yeah worse than that the minister that raised me in Northern California told me one thing he was there both he was there from my mother and me when Chiki died he was there when my mother died he was there for me during all these years and he would always say stuff that would just make me wow this man is so wise and it's real easy if you live by the sword you die by The Sword and my mother was clear on that yeah
Channel: djvlad
Views: 65,308
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Id: Al5D6RjYQz8
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Length: 7min 0sec (420 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 25 2024
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