Michael Corleone Cries as He Describes Seeing His Father Killed by His Mother's Hitmen (Part 9)

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at one point things start going bad with your parents and uh was it because he was having affairs with other women or having kids outside his marriage or what exactly happened Yeah well yeah he had kids outside the marriage but she didn't know about that until I told her that in the future but um my mother would call him the actor and people thought it was because he had Porsches and he had the fastest motorcycle in colia and because he lived the life of an actor but the truth is my mother would tell me I didn't call him an actor because he looked like an actor tall dark and handsome it was because he was real good at lying like an actor and I knew he had all these side pieces but I still loved them Michael and and he would tell me I dream I dream with him to this day okay because at one point he was concerned with you essentially being around her in the US and he decided to essentially kidnap you and take you back to Colombia it's a pretty big deal what what exactly was his rationale for doing that cuz that's a very extreme type of behavior I mean yes she has other kids but this is a baby and obviously she's extremely attached to you well I I wrote about it in in my book my mother the Godmother I think it was deeper than that I think it was the drugs got to them because The Killing was still an everyday thing and now we were at war with rafu and mind you that rafik at one time was my mother's best friend and my dad's good friend and I guess my dad was like okay something's going to happen either we're going to die and this kid's going to die and what do I do plus I just left her my my father had just left my mother for this beautiful blonde lady and my mother was going to have her killed so my father's plan was to take her to Colombia as well and I guess my father just saw that the kingdom was falling and then he he um they were co-parenting I guess you could say and my dad comes to pick me up at the penthouse we had in Broward in for lale and uh said we're going shopping and next thing you know I'm on a private jet I'm landing in bot and I look out the window and I'm like oh man you know okay because you're only five years old at the time you're six yeah five six years old and now you're living in Colombia well for the second time third third round third third time right so now you're with your dad fulltime and but he's still doing his thing there's wild parties there's drugs yeah everything else like that how long was it were you separated from your mom a matter of weeks just weeks I would say a month a month at the most okay so she was determined to get you back yeah so she actually hires a Hitman I don't want to say hired I mean they were probably all her haters and then um they CA a lot of uh law enforcement in the area and they still didn't have the whereabouts of my dad's f my dad had like he had an Arsenal buil an underground Arsenal hide all his weap not Keta to hide the weapons and his money in this new farm that he had bought outside of bulot and um we had gone to a mall and I guess the people doing homework or one of the bosses that owed my dad think he owed my dad like half a mill he didn't want to pay my dad and I guess he leaked it back to my mom and rivy and all them so then they knew what mall my dad had a business at and they my dad was real good at not having pictures taken of him like if you see the kings of cocaine there's only a couple pictures of them my uncles and my dad but um nobody really knew what he looked like so the people that were doing homework at the mall knew that there'd be this tall big guy dressed in $1,000 suits and his son would be dressed just like him and I guess he went we went to pick up the money from that business mhm and the the guys doing homework followed us all the way back to the ranch nobody knew where the ranch was so they if it it didn't happen like it happened they were probably going to come to the ranch but it would have been it would have been a long day okay so from what I understand you with your dad you guys are driving and you get pulled over by some police officers or so you think no they were police officers 100% okay they were regular police officers it's Colombia yeah we were leaving laa in a bulletproof Bronco that my dad had had um made it bulletproof and I guess it was so heavy that on the way out the tire popped so we had to leave it there and then we jumped in a Cavalier back then it's an American car in the United in in in Bogota and um they didn't have a license plate they threw something on it no license plate or whatever and we left in that and he told three of the gentlemen to stay three of his bodyguards to stay and we only went with K kolio and um life is crazy um we're exiting and we we we're making it to ELO to the dentist cuz I had been complaining about a toothache for days and as we're we're driving there you know they approach Us in two motorcycles and one was a lieutenant cuz um in Columbia only lieutenants can have a beard uh mustache if you're not a lieutenant you can't have a mustache and uh they started harassing him and he thought it was just a a Shakedown he in his mind they didn't even know who he was but the truth is he had just bought this ranch with like 100 acres um Prime cattles and Bulls from Spain and um they knew how to do it they knew what they were doing it was planned for days and my father's arguing with them look guys listen I got to take my kid to the dentist here's a couple hundred and they took the money and they're like nah it's not that easy because our our head Lieutenant wants to come talk to you and then my father's like for what this this and that he goes come on he goes yeah I'll go talk to him let's go to the station they yeah follow us to the station and uh as we're driving my dad's like okay this might be more than a Shakedown but he still thought it was a legal thing so he grabs his cult 45s and and he gives it to me and uh K I think he only had like 238s or something like that and um gives me the weapon and as we're driving then boom two other motorcycles pull up and then I I noticed it and then my father noticed it and he and he tells he tells K he goes I remember he goes this is weird and then they're like pull over pull over now pull over now and my dad's like no I'm going to keep on driving and then they're like this way and kab tells my father the station ain't that way the last and then they kind of peeped it and then they threw the motorcycle in front my dad jumps out and he's trying to negotiate he's like look Jen we can still fix this what do you guys need you know here's more money boom they handcuff him with his left hand to the door they handcuff him and uh they peeped it right there and I guess it was I want to say a matter of seconds and like photographically I know you want to say I was young but I have such photographic memory from this time and most of the times in my life and um a Supra a Volkswagen and another cop car police cop car I mean police like it's painted police and here comes more lieutenants and all I heard was the tires screeching and I looked and I remember I remember seeing the Volkswagen and I'm like a yellow Volkswagen it's not a cop car and then I see everybody jumped out and come on I grew up I'm with Bondo every day in Miami and I saw all the bandits and I'm like a and then I just heard the he uh K jumped out and he just started airing them all out over the car with his 238s and then my dad's like myo myo like give me the weapon so I kind of kind of stumbled as I try to give it to him kind of stumbled with it and uh I look and goab is running and it's like um a cliff so he's just like they they they're shooting at him now and he just jumbled and my dad was my dad was breaking the handcuff you know he a big man know breaks a handcuff and you to this day like you know I don't want to kind like I didn't hand him the weapon quick enough so he hands the handcuffs and they're shooting and you know now there's bullets flying through the car I'm in the back seat but this chair is is I'm trying to open it and um my dad takes off and finally the chair like somehow opens up and they're just shooting and shooting and I remember remember seeing like the Bandit with was one Uzi at that moment and my dad looks at me and I'm already stumbling out the car and I'm running poppy poppy and he's already making it like to the school he already had a couple yards and then he turns around he goes my K and he comes back and he runs towards me and uh he snatches me up and then uh as he's grabbing me I look to my left and I see the gentleman with the uzi like sit and aim good and then I get so scared cuz then it starts and then I look to my right and there's a gentleman over there with a Luger and it was a German gun and uh I recognized those guns cuz the old boy had those guns before here in Miami he had a whole bunch delivered to him and um five six steps and all you saw was a and uh we fell together and the impact from the floor was so much that I kind of like got knocked out for like a minute everything went white and then I look and I'm falling on my father and his back was just riddled so he he died yeah take him off [ __ ] story [Applause] never you want some water got my Grab Your Balls young man [ __ ] always makes me cry yeah so so your dad actually could have gotten away yeah he died trying to save you I got the death certificate 27 bullets and not one pass his chest cality H man who's a big guy so he was holding you as he's as we fell yeah as he's getting shot to death yeah he falls um I see his back riddled and I'm still poy poy you know I get it because obviously I've been around violence for these six years of my life and I I'm like oh my God they just my dad is dying my dad's bleeding but this isn't real I guess at that age I was stuck between what is real and what's not cuz you're a child but I was already living a life of a probably a teenager already I was already advanced on on violence and drugs and women and killing and cocaine and crack and um I'm trying to shrug him like get like pops you're good get up and then um they start rushing towards us and I kid you not like a [ __ ] movie The Bells rang I could hear the [ __ ] Birds TP and um it was in front of a church and a Catholic school so then as they're rushing the bells ring which means like the school is out and the church door open up and nuns and school girls they come running out cuz I guess they saw this little boy and they're like no no no and they jumped on me and they all got on top of me as they were trying to pull me out and they were going to kill the nuns like one they were trying to kill you right so in my mind mind I'm thinking they're going to kill me because you know it's weird to say but even at that time I understood ponmo and Godfather [ __ ] you know I understood that if you kill the Godfather kill the kid too so he doesn't come back for me right so in my mind I'm like okay we're dying right now and I I I still smell the nuns clothing on me holding me that none wouldn't let me go and uh they're like grab the kid grab the kid and they grabbed one of the nuns and they threw her off and then the school girls jumped on me and they're like man listen this is not going to happen then I heard sirens of the ambulances and real police or the cops that weren't bot coming and uh I look and they just got in their cars and they scared it off and the uh gentleman police officer comes the ambulance pulls up and they throw us in the ambulance and my dad was still my keito was still talking to me and he was gasping and choking on blood and uh yeah he uh he flatlined right in front of me sorry if you're lost man I mean at the time you don't know it but years later you find out that your mom is essentially killed your dad yeah I mean how can I explain it uh I didn't believe it I didn't want to believe it and growing up becoming a bad guy or you know whatever I would ask her these things constantly frequently like hey what let's be be honest with me this weekend you know and um she would never acknowledge it you know and then um I remember like I said I remember my brother's ex-wife that we lived in the Bay Area I remember her talking to my mother and always telling her do you remember how good-looking Dio was he was a goodlooking old man he was beautiful you know and I I like I tell you my mother would say but I still dream with that guy till this day I still love that guy to this day and I would ask her cuz she was my legal guardian and this is in the Bay Area living in Morgan Hill Santa clar County and uh I tell her I'd ask her hey is it true Did did my mommy kill my dad and she's like that's a conversation you have to have with her not me she never acknowledged it so your mom never admitted to it nah never and then everybody around me would tell me that it was rafik that rafo had put a million dollars on all of us and um it was his people that found us at the mall and it was his people that found the ranch and then later on living with my older brother negro and arinka in medin when um I guess you could say even back then I had the plan to write this book and tell this story about my family so I'd ask him constantly and one day I was drinking auar smoking good weed at at the ranch he just plain out told me because I was talking to him about a friend of ours and I'm like oh but he was my mom's hitter and I remember him and he was a great dude and he's like yeah my mom had him killed too and I'm like wait and he and he goes you want to you know the truth now and I go what and then my brother black told me he goes yeah mommy had your dad killed when you heard that I was 17 at 17 when you heard that from a reliable source were you mad at your mom or was think I always knew Vlad you always knew I think I always knew yeah okay and I never judged her for even though as a boy without a father I kind of hated her for a minute for it but I never hated her for it yeah you know it's my mama
Channel: djvlad
Views: 279,257
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Id: GZBow8aiCDc
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Length: 17min 43sec (1063 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 08 2024
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