Michael Buble vs. Josh Groban

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👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/BoobsHeinieMitten 📅︎︎ Apr 18 2014 🗫︎ replies
you know I've just realized that I don't want to sing anymore jazz or standards or anything like that I'm sorry you guys look at the little looks on your faces is he kidding is he serious I'm serious you know what I don't even like jazz to be honest with you I don't it's it's it's kind of like 100 let's see how many notes let's see how many funky notes we can put in a little few bars oh boo whatever get get your money back get your money back jazz is is like a great blues band that fell down the stairs this friend is I'm I'm tired of what I'm doing how many I'd like to start by kicking Josh Groban's little button Helen Chang give me something letter stable either okay please please Michael Michael Michael singing who wants my picture all right Michael you're doing an amazing job by the way Michael Buble everybody ladies and gentlemen everybody that I have no clue I have no clue you're coming out like I've heard about I've heard about this this gag I've heard about this in person Dilli ation yes for quite some time but I heard it tonight and you don't do it right can we do something for fun no cuz I'm gonna win back my buddy I know you hate jazz all of a sudden but stick to it alright each other I'll do a bit of one of your tunes and you do a bit of one of my tunes go do it oh it's already what is it what are the words though oh you're on your own Mike okay can I do that let me do the other who can say for certain am i Kermit the Frog you have to do this right that was absolutely perfect that was absolutely you know I know you can fly me to the moon and let this shine they deep scooby-doo in other words hold my head alright in other words I love love you Michael Buble I'm watching you all are you listen Josh okay fine you can you're good I didn't I didn't mean I wanted to kick your butt just I don't I you know what I don't want to do so not to anymore he just inspired me he just know I want to be a pop singer I'm gonna be like Michael Jackson but not like Michael Jackson at all
Channel: rhema4000
Views: 16,679,406
Rating: 4.8222942 out of 5
Keywords: Michael, Buble, Bublé, Josh, Groban, impersonating, impersonation, home, everything, crazy, little, thing, called, love, alan, chang, live, funny, fun, concert, feeling, good, smile, come, fly, with, me, moondance, big band, semi final, broadway, tango, hollywood actor, waltz, awards
Id: j3sV2PBMUHw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 16sec (316 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 27 2011
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