Michael Barrymore, Kids Say The Funniest Things, 1998

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oh yeah hello Gordon where'd you come from Gordon Ed do you believe in the tooth Theory no you don't my mom's the tooth Theory your mom's oh your mom's a tooth theory is she how'd you know that because don't believe in it and it must be my mom cuz when I look in a little jar I find my tooth how much does a tooth fairy leave for your tooth 50p 50p how many are you missing at the moment don't know actually can I just just just have a look there because they'll all come through won't they yeah that happens at your age you get a new set but th those two you've got do do you do you find yourself hanging upside down sometimes you don't fly out late at night or anything yeah you never plunge your your your mouth into the neck of your brother or anything like oh you do oh here we go all right he's alive living he's back just when you thought it was safe to go back to Edinburgh up came Gordon all right can you whistle all right that's a no on that one okay all right gold the mommy and daddy argue yeah what does Mommy say when Daddy comes home late she Chucks her R what she Chucks her R and she's PR of youing she Chucks a rag a r a rag Scottish word Scottish word what's that mean we're going mad you're going mad she Chucks her R that's a good one I never heard of that I don't want to Chuck my R you is your daddy generous with pocket money no he's not no how much pocket money does he give you one pound a pound yeah and my brother gets two pound and your brother gets two do you think that's unfair uhhuh oh what what do you think should be done I think I should get two pound and he should get one pound he should be the other way around as Daddy said he's not going to lay out any more than3 a week is that it would you like a sister yeah you would have you ever told your mom and dad that you'd like a sister no they can't cuz my dad goes somewhere so they can't have one there we go well where does daddy go um where does he go go to a hospital kind of he gets an operation he gets an operation is it is it sort of an oper is it like um um is it something to do with having babies yeah oh so we can't have a baby is again you can't have one maybe Mom and Daddy thought was best that you know because that it's it's costing them £3 a week for you to maybe they thought it was cheaper for Daddy to have an operation sorry you kicking the furniture down that's okay no problem you can kick it if you [Laughter] want just talking about his dad going to an operation he going to an operation so they you know there's no more children so I haven't got a wound anymore he so I haven't got a w anymore hav got what I forgot what you call it now I think it's in smart tell us he got a womb anymore he hasn't got a womb anymore just so you can't deliver babies anymore we say deliver them yeah what do you think they come around in a van with a bread or something two loaves one baby and uh no milk today thank you oh apparently Daddy's lost his [Laughter] womb all right then nice to meet you and they give you a nice Round of Applause well hello
Channel: Gordogill22
Views: 498,541
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Michael Barrymore (TV Personality), Kids Say The Darndest Things (TV Program), Comedy (Theater Genre), Kids Say The Funniest Things (Award-Winning Work)
Id: 6qADJl2KZ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 19sec (259 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 05 2014
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