M'gann Finally Meet Gar Scene | Young Justice 4x16 M'gann Worried About Garfield Scene

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missing the point gar pradita and i are both worried about you self-medicating may help block your pain in the short term but in the long term it only blocks your healing process i don't need your healing process just some sleep gar please we learned on mars you had underlying emotional trauma you needed to deal with hallucinating about brionne didn't come from nowhere you were terrified of losing another family member and that was before before conor died you can't even say it maybe i'm not the one who needs help maybe i do need help but we're talking about you now and you promised to seek counseling when you got back to earth because i was diagnosed by someone posing as you in my mind like i'm gonna trust that we still have no clue who it was for all we know was conor's killer fine but now i'm saying you're suffering from depression maybe post-traumatic stress disorder you have all the classic symptoms let me guess sleeplessness self-medication withdrawal from normal activities pushing loved ones away yes you're doing all that no kidding i've been here before right when mom died when vrida died chief negative woman tula jason ted wally i survived it all i know the pitfalls and i know how to get through this in my own way it's clearly different this time don't forget i was there gar through all of it i've seen how strong you are but everyone has a breaking point and you're well past yours you need help no one knows what i need better than i do so just leave me alone you
Channel: Mr. Bugs
Views: 209,592
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: M'gann Finally Meet Gar Scene | Young Justice 4x16 M'gann Worried About Garfield Scene, M'gann Finally Meet Gar Scene, Young Justice, Young Justice 4x16, Young Justice 4x16 M'gann Worried About Garfield Scene
Id: e3Bb6GkCSeU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 1min 59sec (119 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 31 2022
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