Mexico IMPLANT Dental Surgery Savings? Safety?

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[Music] hey all rusty our beer TV how you doin today today is Wednesday September 12th 2018 unbelievable huh this summer is this whoo the whole year gone so anyway this is a dental update I've been talking about for a while part of the journey I've been going on if you haven't back in June and the June I had dental surgery I had eight implants put in four up top four in the bottom and I'll get into a little bit of that here in just a minute basically I want to go back part of this dental search it just didn't happen this year this summer I've been looking at doing this for quite a while clear back since 2011 when I found out my gums and the law that's Heath or failing I started looking at cost and all that and through the years I figured out man I can't afford this yeah I mean it was just astronomical and options were getting less and less in 2014 I was up in Montana working and the people I was working for he decided to go to Mexico and get implants put in for cost savings and all that and I kind of followed that I've seen what he went through seeing the process and also what they saved doing it and I go that's prob about my only option is because in the United States it was just insane the amount of money that it was gonna take I didn't have that kind of money I didn't have insurance and actually most insurance won't cover full dental implant surgery I mean if you have that kind of insurance you're very very lucky I never did anyway let's get into a little bit more of this and I'll be back in a second let me switch screens here all righty well everyone knows I went to Mexico and all that but here's the thing I researched heavily for last couple years here in the United States clear choice they're very popular a lot of these guys you see on TV and Aspen Dental Western dental all of them and they were all about the same money it was all in same procedures doesn't matter where you get this done same thing there on the thirty thousand dollar range 30 to 40 I'll put it that way unbelievable money I don't know if you've seen that one TV ad where it says if you can afford a new card then you can afford dental implants well a new car costs 40 grand so but over here you can see this is what they do they put them whole pins in and then after you're done healing then you have permanent teeth so basically that's it in a nutshell it doesn't matter you know also you can go besides Mexico United States Mexico you can go over to Asia countries like Thailand Philippines in that they offer super low-cost dental implants like here's a this example you know they're given United States twenty one thousand over there in Bangkok and get it done for 9 grand whether you want I want to go clear to Asia or not to have it done if you ever had to do follow-up I'd be a long way to go back but I mean it's doesn't matter where you have this done hat whether it's United States Mexico Germany Lord I mean it doesn't matter it's a same procedure I had one comment where the guy says well if it takes so long the heal up I'm not gonna go to Mexico well it doesn't matter it has no bearing on it you know when they put implants in you like these things right here your body can reject them you know that the body can actually reject that implant and no reinstall it or whatever but so there's a lot of things that you go through that it's just natural medical things it hasn't no bearing away where you get this done now where you do get it done determines how you're comfortable with it and also cost savings and you know that you really got taken to account so let me switch screens here a sec okay a little bit more on cost and you see all these ads on here thousand dollars off you know only twelve thousand nine hundred and ninety nine for each arch and that means it's like twenty six thousand dollars and trust me there by time to get done with you you're gonna be in the 30 to 35,000 to 40,000 dollar range to have this done here in the US so it's one thing to really consider here like down here there was one 2,000 up to 34,000 there that's more realistic that $34,000 number so I mean and they offer financing now how do you finance dental work I don't know I'm sure the interest is phenomenal but that was a big deterrent for me I mean that's why I never got it done sooner I needed it done but I couldn't afford it basically and even when you when you go to Mexico or Asia wherever you're gonna go you know you still got to have the money to do all this so okay anyway I'm going to show you a comparison here of the savings if I would have gone to us and I would have spent thirty five thousand to have all this done fine but what I say by going to Mexico check this out I could have bought a 2018 coach work Spencer Panther wild light trailer for $19,995 deck up Alexi bucks in my pocket and so much savings plus have all the dental work done could have bought 2018 coachman clipper this Papa could have bought this 2016 Keystone Springdale 19 grand 20 grand savings you know I made it this goes on and on that's how much you save and you still get it done chose when I went down to Mexico DISA stay in a motel I don't want to take the motor home down there and for a short run set up and have come back it just didn't make sense I motel but even with the motel and you do follow up trips to you go back a few times it's not like you're done in one day like on MTV commercials are so unrealistic on all this but you go back three four times through the few months that you're going to go through to heal up you still even with that expense missing work you're still saving a small fortune but you know this is just like a gem you know here's a 2019 trailer I could buy for 20 grand own it outright and still be money ahead by going down there and compared to having this done in the United States so anyway that was this kind of a little comparison there okay another a lot of comments about recovery time I kept saying over the summer it takes a while this is a major surgery on your mouth I mean they really get in there and do a number on you right here says three to six months now over here I found this article kind of overview what they do why it's done you know missing teeth they can actually graph bone if you don't have enough bone mass to support an implant they can graft bone which even takes longer but you can it can be done I mean you can have a full brand new smile for the rest of your life permanent so I mean it's absolutely amazing what they can do and once again whether it doesn't matter where you have the surgery all these surgeons are qualified whether it's south of the border here in the States anywhere in the world these guys train for it but the recovery time is the same it's roughly six months and right now I'm only ten weeks into this it's I still have three and a half months ago before they can even mess with the implants to where you know everything gets finished so I'm still in the recovery and it's still a little tender I mean it's it's there you know once again they put these things in you and all that so anyway that's something about I had a lot of comments on recovery and I still can't get over that one comment well I'll never go to Mexico if it takes that long they don't matter where you go it's gonna take that long so and that's what you got to look forward to but the end result if you have failing teeth and you're in pain you know the rest of your life what good is that when you there's a solution here and so you got to go through it just like hip surgery hip replacement six 12 months later you're walking again shoulder you know there's all different kinds of surgeries you can have that improve your quality of life and this will improve your quality of life all right moving on alright I hope that helps answer some of the questions I've had I've had a lot over the summer I mean is it worth it my god yeah I mean once again it's quality of life and if you can afford it the savings to go to Mexico are phenomenal no big secret and in my playlist there's several videos of how I located dentist there and I'll show you right now I went to Algodones dental care there in Los Algodones dr. Brian Brown I'll tell you these guys are like family they treat you like gold it's nothing to go across the border extremely clean well done the follow-up is phenomenal - they really look after you they care they're concerned about you and also they want good reviews they want continue business if you're gonna be in the quartzite area this winter you're only 70 miles from them you know get on down there and say hi to them you know and does that be an implant you can for anything besides that Algodones I mean my goodness you can get eyeglasses for a third of what it cost up here in the States prescriptions filled or does have a day out and go to Mexico and play around it's acute Lowton it's right next to the border very safe fair I hope it answers the questions I mean I don't know how much more detailed I can be on the journey of dental in Mexico or whatever I've gone through you know it's the savings quality of life everything so I hope that helps all righty we're in quartzite time to rock and roll around here desert I'm still a warm but a lot of things happening and already if you haven't yet I have a youtube channel called quartzite TV it's kind of the sister of our beer TV get over here and hit that subscribe button I can show you some help you get the viewership up on this thing you'll see pretty much the same thing on RV or TV but quartzite TV you'll get a little more localized take video information that kind of thing okay and then also Facebook there is a port site TV and check this out on our beer TV the lights have gone through the roof over 23,000 likes going on 24,000 the page is exploding be sure to subscribe everyone has a great day don't forget travel safe and I'll talk to you real soon take care all bye [Music] you [Music]
Channel: RVerTV
Views: 18,380
Rating: 4.8641768 out of 5
Keywords: los algodones, los algodones dentist prices, los algodones pharmacy, los algodones dentist reviews, los algodones border crossing, los algodones dentist recommendations, mexico dental, mexico dental implants, mexico dental work, mexico dental implants reviews, mexico dental travel, mexico dental prices, mexico dental tourism, mexico dental clinics, algodones mexico dental, Mexico IMPLANT Dental Surgery
Id: AhLLtSZr7Fo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 37sec (877 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 12 2018
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