Mexico Dental Surgery Part II - What's the Verdict?

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hello from sunny California yep welcome to part two of our dental video we are at the Quechan casino I think I'm saying that right we'll see sorry about the noise behind us we've got someone running a construction generator but at least acquittals a day so we're not running it at night as you can see our solar behind us is kicking but we're pulling in about seventy five amps right now d-caf so we don't need to run the generator at all that's for another video but we're going to go back down to Mexico and I'm going to get an impression for the second half of my dental implant and then we're going to go back one more time in this video and I'm going to get the final two so stay tuned [Music] as we mentioned in our first video there are several places where you can camp on BLM land in the area there are also Indian reservations where you camp on - just make sure to check the laws and regulations that way your your camping legally yes guess who's really happy he doesn't have to get novocaine today Mela looks a little cranky in this video because last night we said hi to some friends of ours and their giant labrador dog jumped on our the door of our Jeep and put like seven scratches in the door it looks like our car was attacked by a wolf so that's Kayla's baby so all right so we're almost there oh one more time we'll put up a map of how to get there from the border to review that's all it is a little bit of a long list but if you get to check out all this however we've aligned is melting and if you walk around with a GoPro is even weirder yes [Music] Thanks there's the missing trees so it's a little hard to see exactly what's going on here so I'll explain it to you the first step of the process is to take x-rays and make sure that the bone has healed properly around the implant and that it can accept a crown they take out the healing abutment and they install this crown abutment which allows the tooth to be attached for step two we see that needle looking thing that they're bringing over to me and that's actually not a needle it's full of an impression material that he's putting around the implant making sure that the impressions going to look good then he puts in a tray full of more impression material and we hold steady for two minutes to allow the material to harden the next step is for them to remove the hardened impression and the dentist or doctor is going to hand off that impression to his dental assistant and she's going to fill it with another material that is prepping it to be ready for the lab who's going to make the crown the last step of the process is to pick the color of the crown and to make sure that it matches the teeth that are next to the new implant so he's got a spectrum here that he's showing me along with a mirror allowing me to pick the color of the tooth that most closely matches the teeth next to it and that's it we're done compression wasn't you back do you I'm pretty well yeah I mean poor guy had to have a camera on his face was working I felt fat I was trying to stay far away so apologies if it's really hard to see anything is missing I was imminent everyone but they're basically going to let us know how long yeah so they're basically long would a lab to see how long before the final six ready I think we were told before a week but see what they say appointment saying oh he doesn't Rex I'm gonna look at some I glasses dude Kayla wants a new pair of prescription eyeglasses yes really carry bother 149 149 Dufferin I'm not everything oh yeah with the frame lenses single vision right yeah all right so we got a deal we're gonna pair of ray-bans yeah we ended up at best popsicle which the girls shirt that was working there so the Algodones optical it's the first place we laugh but they were like 190 I think they might be affiliated yes I think that I don't know long story short just keep going keep asking and come you're shopping around ask for the best price thing we ended up paying 149 for Ray Bans with the prescription included right because I already had a prescription talked about and now we're going to get margarita so much taller [Music] what you got there offering my pretest and bring it in my great hat on the rocks all right we're back it's the final day for my implant mom so today I'm getting a crown that they did the impressions for at the beginning of the video so it's been for us an additional week it took them seven days to get the crown turn around so not too bad we did call ahead earlier today and verify they do have it you know yeah so we've got our raincoats on because it's actually raining today doesn't happen often yeah grab some umbrellas cross the border and we'll show you the final product rainy day [Music] being in my jacket [Music] there's Mexico we know where we are [Music] [Applause] thank you [Music] [Music] all right so we're done I have a new crown and I can already tell it's adjusted better than the previous one that broke that I got from another dentist that resulted in tooth being pulled and eating the template in the first place so yeah it's just not touching the other teeth as much and it just feels a lot more comfortable mmm so um thank you so much for watching that was three-month ordeal probably didn't take that long for you to watch the video but it was a big intense effort for us thank you so much dr. Rubio's office we had a great experience need for seeking special discounts with it just so you guys know but if you check out our full article we will have a link for you to receive more information and special discounts for you guys if you do want to come check out dr. Rubio's dental group here in Mexico and outside don't forget to follow us on Facebook and subscribe to our YouTube channel you can also subscribe to the blog directly on living life net and you'll receive email updates of all of our post [Music]
Views: 21,715
Rating: 4.9080458 out of 5
Keywords: living lite, dental, mexico dental, los algodones, implant, dental implant, full time rv, rving, rvers, dental surgery, crowns, crown implants
Id: Ree-27lzXSE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 1sec (541 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 29 2017
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