Mexican Street Food - SEAFOOD TOWER!! 🦐 Burritos, Tacos + Ceviche in Tucson, Arizona!!

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everyone hope you're having an amazing day it's mark wiens i'm in tucson arizona again this is a unesco city of gastronomy and there's a lot of good food in tucson but especially incredible mexican food today we're gonna go on a mexican street food tour of tucson but we're gonna eat some not just tacos today but we're gonna eat seafood we're gonna eat a seafood tower that's my favorite type of building right there we're gonna eat some regional mexican food i'm hanging out with my friend carlos and his family it's gonna be just an amazing day full of delicious food and i'm gonna share everything with you right now in this video [Music] so to begin this mexican street food tour of tucson today we are eating at a place that it's in the shadow of panda express slotted right between panda express and wendy's [Music] is there anything else drinks hello [Music] is [Music] papa [Music] they are so incredibly nice and friendly here they're so cool these are legendary tacos from nogales and the process is they use corn tortillas and she dips them into the hot oil the oil takes them out real fast then dips them into the salsa rota which is this really red salsa mainly oil based that goes in it just drenches the tortillas in this luscious looking flavorful oil chili oil then they go on to the to the plate where she makes the the tacos and she puts in this mixture of potato and beef into the tacos they're they're then folded over and then all the vegetables are added and that is a taco no gala style and then they're also making some fried tacos and some chimichangas for us as well [Laughter] [Music] foreign [Music] thank you very much muchas gracias they're so amazing so nice gracias gracias they're so cool thank you oh man they're so cool they're so friendly we didn't we ordered some just the tacos and then they made us this entire combination plate with a chimichanga a whole extra combination plate and they have no seating here so i think we're gonna go find a tree to to sit under or stand under and devour these tacos it is it is also quite similar to technology but now with the process because it's like more like a food truck so they actually put them together there okay instead of putting all the tacos together and then steaming them okay spicy look at this spicy okay this is one of the spiciest sauces i've tried in a while oh yeah you tried it just right now you already know this is spicy as spicy it can be when it comes to salsa really i can't wait that's spicy sauce that's what we need for breakfast uh-oh go give me a cause i know i know you like salsa okay give me a big that's gonna be a big amount of that salsa okay okay just because it's breakfast i won't go too bad on there what about you benny a little there you go carlos you need to you need to have some salsa to wake up in the morning that's the best thing about this stuff yes it's our table yes yes you have the best table on on the hood of the truck underneath uh aloe vera tree this is the best place ever yeah today's breakfast and they're like proper breakfast tacos too because of the potato potato and meat is stuffed inside of these oily oiliness these are morning tacos these are morning tacos oh it is supposed to be for breakfast okay all right salud all right cheers oh when the red oil drips down your wrist you know it's good the shredded meat and potato and then there's just the softness of that tortilla handmade tortilla soup handmade or juice those ladies are amazing yeah you can taste the handmade tortillas you can you really can wow and i'm not usually a big fan of mayonnaise but somehow it just melts to create this sauce with the chili oil and the mayonnaise it is perfect chili oil running down that is extraordinary let's try that mini chimichanga oh the crispiness of it i got two boys fighting ready [Music] good it's amazing man this salsa looks like when you bite into it like the crispiness i can hear that crispiness yeah that crunch fill it one last avapor carlos we need to split it [Music] that's the breakfast of champions yeah it is from here we're going to a place that's pretty much just across the street and down the road just a little ways for amazing mariscos which is all sorts of different sonoran style seafood [Music] i love the look of this place before we even sit down it's called bajamar and they're known for their mariscos for all sorts of seafood oh man this is a spot buenos dias [Music] oh this is the tower [Music] shrimp and cheese inside of chili's wrapped in bacon and fried wow and the presentation is just spectacular that tower seafood tower these are tortillas okay tortillas and also and also tostadas right it's common it's especially common to eat with tostadas we got that salsa negra right now so it's a it's a dark salsa which they said is less spicy so all the family can eat it and then there's octopus in here there's shrimp there's scallops i think and i think so i think we just reach into here and load it onto our tosada or mix it around here and mix it around look at those chilies right there what is a salsa negra is it like a dark roasted chilies um i think it's mostly gonna be like soy sauce oh there's some soy sauce maybe dude and then um [Music] oh yeah yeah and the seafood you can taste the freshness of the sweetness of especially that scallop i think right i want to get some of the octopus on this bite it's not spicy but it's well spiced and you taste the the lime juice for sure i love the onions the chilies in there so good so refreshing next up for the for the seafood tower and this is an absolute beauty let me try to name each layer there's scallops there's tomatoes there's cucumber there's shrimp there's more cucumber there's onions there's octopus there's shrimp there's avocado is that crab on the top yeah it looks like crabs crab on the top crab on the top and then avocado on the very top and then all drenched in the salsa and then some chili sprinkled around more cucumbers sprinkled around those red onions this is my favorite type of skyscraper i think that's the one thing that represents margarine tower food maybe i'll just put the tostada there too to catch the fall and i think part of the fun is you don't really know what you'll get on each bite and you don't mind so much actually when you when you break it down you can see how much it's a mountain of seafood oh yeah [Music] oh wow it's so good so refreshing again cool i love the avocado in there the creaminess well that probably has like everything you know yeah scallops it's a little like chewy you know you got your pickle shrimp and then you got the honey and the cucumbers are crispy and then with the salad perfect and with that salsa actually their salsa is so good the salsa is spicy and just fiery vibrant salsa with that salsa that makes the difference let's go for it roll it in yeah okay that is the correct thing to do if this is fully stuffed with cheese that's like a block of cheese inside of each chili cheese and shrimp oh okay cheers annette benny [Music] [Applause] [Music] that is amazing it's so good it's really good it's so good it's so juicy and the cheese just kind of like it's almost like a liquidy cheese on the inside almost like cream cheese yeah it's like cream cheese with shrimp the juicy chili and the bacon is so so flavorful i'm going to reduce it now how you know you like it that is just a pure bite a chili of happiness [Music] [Music] this is more of a soup but then of course [Music] oh so you take a bite of the soup and then a bite of the tortilla that's what you're doing man yeah it has to be one of my favorite soups when it comes to seafood good this this is the manta ray right there as octopus shrimp um so yes it's mostly like a more like a seafood soup but yeah the broth it's mataraya so okay a little bit of lime every bite with salsa yes there you go carlos it's so comforting just like a really hearty seafood stew so this one is like a tomato based sauce like clamato usually yeah with a mix of seafood there's shrimp there's probably octopus in here lots of tomatoes cilantro onions and then avocado on the top oh man and a shrimp kebab [Music] what i like is every dish has a different flavor a similar combination of seafood but a different flavor and i love the tomato base of that one the refreshing factor of it the oh the cilantro in there [Music] like me you might be thinking oh tucson we're in the middle of the desert we're far far away from the sea but actually we are not that far away from the sea it's only like four hours about four hours okay all the way to all the way to the sea in mexico is only about four hours away so actually we're not really that far away from the ocean you wouldn't think about seafood in arizona but with that direct access to mexico and the sea that's how you get the fresh seafood [Music] from here we're gonna go check out another street food stall which is more in central tucson that specializes in a very regional variation of mexican food carlos's cousin alejandro really highly recommended it [Music] the food truck is called el and coco poblano and they specialize in food poblano comeda poblano which is food from the puebla state in kind of central it's very near to mexico city really like this place it's it's a food truck but immediately as you pull in you can tell that they take pride in their food truck in the entire courtyard area in the patio area it's so clean it's so well organized it's just a really nice place is it similar to molly it's same thing yeah oh it's pretty much like enchiladas but with molly instead of chile let's try one of these things let's try a karachi those platters [Music] we are inside of the food truck now they're so cool and she's going to show us uh well tell us a little bit about the mole that she serves here as well as uh show us how she prepares the plate of en enchiladas but when you eat here you are guaranteed the real deal fresh everything fresh literally your tortillas fried right before they get wrapped into your enchiladas right before she wraps them up and puts mole sauce all over them [Music] foreign [Music] it's all about that sauce that moles sauce which can include something like 20 to 30 maybe even 40 different ingredients and every family families have their own recipes and for her it has been passed down this is her fourth generation family recipe that her mother makes and actually her mother is lives in puebla still and makes the mole which is made into a paste so all those ingredients are ground down into a paste consistency and then from there you can make it into a sauce it will last and you can make it into a sauce and so her mother makes it in puebla and then sends it here to tucson to their cart here where they make it fresh and so this is as authentic as real real deal puebla mole that you can possibly get gracias [Music] thank you very much okay okay this is carlos and i had some amazing mole in oaxaca but we didn't make it to puebla we will go to pueblo we will we will for sure one of our next trips our goal and possibly if we can if we can meet this hang out with her yeah hang out with her mom the fourth generation maker from puebla oh man i want to maximize as much of that molar sauce on this bite and carlos you love mole i know that yeah i know you love molly one of your favorite foods by far now yeah this is boiling morning supposed to be sweeter on the sweeter side so okay and maybe spicy so okay we'll see how this one is [Music] oh wow i was not expecting that that is amazing an overwhelming comfort just immediately comes upon you with your first bite again mole is like one of the most complex stews in the world with so many different chilies there can be like raisins and dates and chocolate and cinnamon and like 20 to 40 ingredients red yeah bread crackers cookies cookies there are cookies sometimes it's just amazing it's just too many flavors in there especially when it's a fourth generation family recipe direct from puebla in tucson this is on the spicier side when it comes to moles which for me i love spicy so making making it this flavorful and also spicy that's special you could take a bath in that molo sauce it's so good how's it going ying already finished the whole plate of it means sandal yeah like a sandal yeah that is definitely the size of a foot yeah of a sandal a corn base which is maybe fried and then you can choose your different meats we got with tinga which is like a chicken type of stew and then also chicharron and then topped with lettuce topped with cheese topped with radish some salsas on there how do you eat this right now this is not i don't think this is pick up a bowl but maybe you just kind of take a corner i think we need to use a knife or do you typically eat it with a knife fully loaded you see the meat juices are oozing out into the corn base oh it smells so good immediately it erupts with this meat juice chicharron aroma to it wow oh that chicharron a crispy pork you can taste that crispy pork in there yeah immediately that is just greasy deliciousness and then the final thing we got similar to a tortilla or a sandwich served on a special bread we gotta pick it up just analyze all the layers maybe oh you can feel how crunchy that bread is on top patty on the bottom boat's very crispy there's cabbage there's a variety of roasted chilies it looks like some herbs oh that's the ancient mexican herb she said and then avocado on top and then ham [Music] hey you immediately taste like the that special herb the special hurt yeah i don't know if i isolated the herb but i immediately tasted the um the pickled chilis like pickled preserved chili i gotta find that herb what does it taste like huh wow find it okay it has to be like a very unique herb and she told us about the herb it takes like a and a season herb so that's why we got this it's folded into the the pickled chilies oh yeah it's kind of like a cross between mint and cilantro yep exactly like yeah it's like mint and cilantro it's really good sandwich actually yeah it's very good sandwich everything just works together so well the herb is powering it though yeah it is very firing and once you find that herb wow i can't put it down [Music] all three dishes these are their specialties all three dishes are outstanding actually you can tell the the passion and the love that she puts into our cooking the family recipes food just a great place pure happiness oh my belly's full of goodies expanding oh it's been a good day it's been a good day back over to the muller with that rice the fluffiness of that rice the spice in there and then just mixing and mashing it with that mole sauce that's spectacular [Music] wow this is a hidden gem of tucson so we have one more place to go to this afternoon to complete this street food tour of tucson today we're on our way there next [Music] it got a little bit stormy all of a sudden this afternoon but i love the desert when it gets stormy that breeze comes through the smell of the rain even though it's not raining beautiful and we have arrived to our last place today this is a place i've been wanting to come it's kind of on the outskirts of the city there's mountains around there's we're surrounded by desert and it's called los mesquites they're known for their carne asada which they're growing roadside and well tacos i did say hey what's up man i did say we weren't going to eat that many tacos today but we're going to have a few carne asada tacos here they make tripas which are intestines and they also today they have menudo okay okay oh man [Music] another absolute hidden gem of tucson everything cooked over the fire over mesquite the peppers the onions the carne asada he roasts the tortillas over the fire before he makes burrows burritos tacos intestines they have seeding under the tree that mesquite smoke oh man i love this place delicious foreign is [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Applause] i love how they make how he makes the three parts here just slow and slow well or not so low and slow but flaming hot but just keeps them in a it's like a pile it's like a a roll of rope just all together in a pile so it keeps in the smoke it holds in the smoke while that grease is released until they're charred and smoky and then they're going to be chopped up but we also got the campechana which is a mixed taco including tripa intestines and carne asada [Music] [Music] okay [Music] we have to go inside to put on some salsas and the inside by the way is so cool too look at the floor it's all natural salsa bar [Music] i love everything about this place and you can get a nice plate of carne asada as well oh that looks extraordinary yeah it's kind of lovely gracias so we got a couple tacos we got the burro which he makes on the girl he even rolls it on the grill sometimes we got while the wind is picking up again and then we also got a bowl of menudo which should be on the way so this one is the campetano flower tortilla on a flour tortilla a true sonoran piece of culture here carlos which one is the habanero salsa so this one is also okay i'm going to salsa some reason we didn't get any bananas yeah grilled onions so finishing up today with caramel and i love everything about this rice [Music] it's so smoky the carne asada is caramelized and crunchy and smoky and then oh the street patch is so good too i gotta try this jalapeno [Applause] um oh wow it's sweet it's sweet and smoky yeah yeah and then spicy to follow okay you have to peel it that is a pro move yep right there okay now it's your turn right off the top or the bottom actually that way you can pop out the inside there we go and carlos's pro tip add a little bit of lime dip it in the salsa and then you're left with your skin oh it's so sweet so sweet huh so sweet so smokey oh man it's like a candied onion right there you can top off your taco [Music] [Applause] [Music] those jalapenos this place is absolutely amazing it's all about the fire the mesquite this was not originally in the plan to try the bureau but we saw him making it and it looks so good we had to the budo there's cabbage and there's like a pico de gallo in here and then he grilled the entire thing grilled the tortilla grilled the meat and then grilled the entire burrito sprinkle of lime juice always lime and carlos and i both decided that the habanero salsa is the salsa here this one is so good get myself already oh yes a chaser i'll go with a jalapeno chaser all right [Music] i like the saltiness of this caramel yeah i don't know if you can feel the saltiness yes it's like the cotton salad you make yeah exactly you know that's right i like it the saltiness one step higher and it would be too salty just perfect but it's like just perfect [Music] we weren't even hungry but uh carlos and i just slammed this burrito that's how good it is okay final dish that's going to complete this tour the bowl of menudo so my noodle those are the three pizzas right off the grill ready oh my gosh okay time out before menudo we need to have one of those right now get a tiny snack okay a little bite snacking between meals oh man that's right off the grill it was in flame seconds ago nice and crunchy oh the greatest natural sausage you could possibly ask for [Music] okay back to the menudo season okay so i'm going to taste one bite of the noodle before we season it oh yeah [Applause] the heaviness of that broth it's almost buttery from all that melted pig fat we'll do some onions cilantro cilantro the special touch you gotta go chill the bean [Music] it's very small very spicy chili very small very spicy but it's very very flavorful so i remember vividly my first taste of chittapid with carlos's dad because carlos's dad loves them i remember carlos's dad gave me one oh man i loved it from first taste and so these are already crushed up oh man okay let's dig into that let's do it new little carlos some of the stomach with some of the corn the toppings [Music] oh wow it's so rich and flavorful and then with some of the like literally buttered toast you normally dip it or just eat it let's just eat it big big spoon everything in there that is extraordinary yes it's such a warming warming almost more like a stew rather than a soup because it's so heavy we actually came here to eat the menudo but we we stayed for the career but both good incredible regrets no regrets no not at all not at all what a dish to end this tour with actually it's been an amazing day um oh the amazing mole poblano and then finally carne asada and menudo yep that is this has been an ultimate day of amazing food tucson some of the best mexican food outside of mexico yep that's right [Music] this place is called los mesquites absolutely sensational and so a big thank you to my friend carlos and annette and family and benny uh for hanging out today for going around eating in tucson i will have all of these restaurants that we ate at all of the food stalls that we had in the description box below so you can check them out make sure to try them highly recommended to all of them when you are in tucson a big thank you for watching this video please remember to give it a thumbs up if you enjoyed it leave a comment below i'd love to hear from you and if you're not already subscribed click subscribe and also click the little bell icon so you'll immediately get notified of the next video that i publish thanks again for watching goodbye from tucson and i will see you on the next video
Channel: Mark Wiens
Views: 2,584,729
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mexican food, Mexican street food, Mark Wiens, food, food videos, food vlog, street food videos, Tucson, Mexican seafood, seafood street food, food vlogs, best food vlogs, things to do in Tucson, things to do in Arizona, Arizona food tour, American food, USA food tour, USA food vlog
Id: srV6a6oB6R4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 35sec (2375 seconds)
Published: Sat Sep 25 2021
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