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[Music] good evening y'all welcome back to Apron Strings good grief it's been a while since I was here probably about 4 weeks I had my teeth pulled had dry sockets they're still tender but I'm able to eat without want to squeal and I've got guys here working still it's been an ongoing process when it's finished I'm going to show yall what I've done but it's pretty and I'm so thankful but it's been people at my house with me feeling good or bad all day near about every day I closed my carport in and made a garage but I've done a little bit more too so I'll show y'all that when it's finished I do have family coming for Thanksgiving so everything's supposed to be ready for Thanksgiving so hopefully I'll do a little tour um next week before Thanksgiving and show y'all what it all looks like but today I'm going to cook for the workers and y'all have seen this before but it's been a long time since I've made it and I've got so many new subscribers and thank you thank you thank you for subscribing in my absence and watching the old videos that means the whole bunch but I'm going to make a Mexican casserole and it's like the um green chili enchiladas but I'm making it into a casserole cuz I got to serve about Five Guys here in a little bit y'all it's so fun to have somebody to eat and I can cook a casserole and it's all eaten up I love it so I'm going to uh just point the camera to the Butcher Block and assemble the casserole I'm going to use some of my caned chicken which makes it it quick and easy and if I were not using canned chicken I would boil probably bone in thighs because I like the flavor of that better but today it's caned chicken breast that I'm going to use with the casserole so get you spot around the Butcher Block and we'll get going I'm going to use one of my stone wear um 9 by 13s so even though it's kind of getting for its nonstick from using it so much I'm going to um spray it with p [Music] and set it aside for just a minute now I'm going to chop up one onion and I'm using a white onion today and I'm just going to chop it because I want to just sauté it well actually I'm going to simmer it in some milk and some of the green enchilada sauce to get it a little bit tender so let me just get the onion kind of chopped got the oven hot I heard it singing to me that's a good sound about like a little young when you depend on doing one thing they do something else the outside of my house was getting very faded and Troy had said not too long before he passed away that we were going to have to paint the outside of the house so when I did the new uh garage part and that extra little room there I knew that I was going to have to paint it so they're out there painting the entire house which makes me feel good cuz that should last me the rest of my life unless I live to be 110 that might be okay too y'all plan in a big Thanksgiving we are going to have a wonderful time Thanksgiving it's actually Troy's first cousin and family uh they sang at his funeral and it's we've been very close to them forever they're coming for Thanksgiving it's going to be fun let me wash my hands and get the rest of this done I'm just going to open up a couple of cans of I like the old El Paso mild green enchilada sauce so I'm going to put that in here and my rule of thumb is one cup of uh milk one can of milk for each uh can vilada sauce one of the workers he and his brother both work for Gary and uh he's not working today so he's been tuning my piano for me he said I'll tune your piano if you'll make another video playing so y'all yall going to have to listen to me play in a few days cuz I made a deal okay I put two cans of whole milk call it sweet sweet milk in here with the onion and the green enchilada sauce and I'm just going to put it on the stove to simmer come up to a simmer and soften those onions just a little bit get that going and I of course I'm going to add a little bit of onion and garlic powder to it let me get it out of the cabinet over here and that was two cans of enchilada sauce and about 2 tablespoons of onion powder probably a couple of teaspoons of garlic one two and then I'll brush it off so that was one large white onion two cans of the um green enchilada sauce the small can cans of Odell Paso bread and a can each of milk and I'm just going to let that come up to a simmer so those onions will get soft now I'm going to take my pan and in the bottom I'm going to lay corn tortillas you can also take each tortilla and roll it up and make inchas but today I'm just going to make the casswell cuz that's easier I won't feel I got to have a bunch of sides if I have a casserole if I make individual enchiladas I would need to make beans and rice and everything to go with it and I don't have time so right now let me see if I can get this where y'all can see what I'm doing is that better y'all can see that yeah I'm these are so nice and soft and fresh I'm just going to put them in here where they'll be layered for a base and U then I'm going to put sour cream on them and if you were making enchiladas you would put a layer of sour cream I mean a little bit of sour cream and you would put some of the green sauce and your chicken and roll it up but I'm just going to make a layer I can go ahead and get my layer ready and then when this is ready pour some of it over and continue to layer it until I use everything I've got to run get my canned chicken I'll be right back okay because I'm using my canned chicken I drained the broth off and I'm going to add it for extra flavor I mean I'm not going to throw it away so that'll just give a little extra flavor in there so now what I'm going to do is spread some sour cream on I usually use Kobe jack cheese but today what I have is cheddar jack so that's what I'm going to use I really don't think it'll know the difference so I'm spreading just a layer a thin layer of sour cream get back over there in your spot may have to go get another container of sour cream out of the fridge M that sour cream mixed with that green sauce my word it's good okay I'm going to show you I just spread a good layer of sour cream that kind of hides the tortillas with a little bit above it so that's how much of that you're going to put and I like to put a little cheese down and then my chicken and then a little bit more cheese and then my um where there's a wheel there's a way I sure do appreciate all of y'all that have emailed me to see how I was doing and to tell me you missed me I like to be missed makes me feel loved and I didn't cut enough of that off and I got guys out there waiting to eat so I told them I was filming so they wouldn't come busting in here there you so I got it okay now y'all know me and cheese I'm I'm not measuring I'm just going to sprinkle cheese on some of them boys said they probably gain a pet size eating here every day because it's always something fattening and good okay I'm going to show y'all cuz I'm not putting a recipe today you have to watch layer of cheese and then I'm just going to take some of my canned chicken and shred it on there you can also use ruser chicken if you're in a hurry this is a quick quick quick quick casserole if you have everything you need on hand so that's really going to be about two cups of chicken per layer now I've never done this was smoked chicken but you could smoke it on the grill if you wanted to give it a little Flavor Boost okay I'm going to let this uh it's starting to simmer and when it's done enough to the that the onions are a little bit tender then we'll add that to the top and make our our next layer not really as hot as I would want it to be and the to give the uh onions time to tenderize but I need to give get this done for the guys so if they have a little bit of crunch I guarantee they not going to fuss about it so you just spoon that over now if you were making enchiladas you would just put you a tablespoon or two in there on your cheese meat and um sour cream and you just want to put it all around of course it goes down in there pretty soon I can't tilt this cuz it'll spill but see I just put it on the top so I put my tortillas my shredded some cheese my shredded chicken some cheese and now I put uh the sauce so I'm going to put another layer of my tortillas in there and these are good and soft and pliable that's wonderful just a minute and I'll see what brand they are got them at HB when I get tacos when I occasionally go out I like to get H corn tortillas with mine and these would be great because they're real bendable these are HB brand man they're good that's awesome okay A little bit of cheese on top of my tortillas oh I'm so blessed and I'm so thankful I'm feeling better I just know that God puts people in your life that um he brings for good and I met Gary who is doing the um he's the he's doing the oh I didn't put my sour cream in that's what I get for talking he's doing the construction out there on everything but he's done done so much stuff that just because he's a good Christian guy and uh he knows what it is to have family he's got a lovely wife and two daughters and a son-in-law and he's taking care of his elderly dad but he's just done stuff just because he knows that Troy is gone and I don't have anybody to help me he's been such a blessing such a blessing and ever since Troy passed away God's just sent me people to help me because I didn't have anybody Little Richard has just been stretched from one end to the other trying to help his mom and his nana and he's just one little person so I'm very grateful for the help the Lord sent me and I pray God blesses him because he's blessed me and he he's inspiring me he works a lot of young men and uh he said I'm ra he said I'm building men I'm teaching them to be gentlemen and there's things he requires of them working for him if they don't do it they don't have a job like they have to respect their mom and their sisters and um you just don't hear people that's interested in trying to build me and they're just all about their own self I really am thankful to have met Gary was it kind of restores your faith in mankind there's still people around that want things like they're supposed to be like the good Lord wants it get oldfashioned respect sometimes when I'm using this canned chicken I wish it was a little firmer but now I'm glad I can just shred it with my hands I always find something good to be happy about can't you I went out there this morning morning got my hoe and hoed a little bit in some of my raised beds I haven't planted my greens yet but I still have some time on them and I didn't get anything else planted for the fall but I do want to plant a few greens and I like them better anyway after it frosts on them and they're sweeter so they'll be good into you know next year I'll still be greens that I play it now let me get this chicken off my hand nap My Pan nails and I'll finish this up those guys are hungry I'm going to sprinkle a little bit of seasoning on the top cuz I can cuz it's my casserole and I guess I'll sprink a little bit outside the casserole too cuz I can got a mess there don't I okay let me get my green sauce on there and here's the deal if you're making this and you have a bunch of stuff left you can make just a few just cheese inchadas if you want to put your sour cream and cheese in your uh tortilla and roll it up but I'm going to use it all in here okay I'm going to add some more cheese on the top I've got my oven hot at 350 and you just put it in there until the cheese is bubbling everything that you put in here is already 100% it cooked so basically this is about a pound of cheese in here cuz this was a 2B bag all righty let me wipe it down where it won't burn and make a mess on my dish there we go I don't think I can tilt it but I'm bring it over here oh it's heavy see I'm going get it in the June oven for 30 minutes at 3:50 and it should be bubbley and hot and ready to serve my Fellers okay y'all I got it out of the oven my cheese has browned a little bit it was all bubbly it's cooled a little bit more now and I'm fixing to Dish it up and feed my guys so I just wanted y'all to see what it looked like finished and I'll try to get you a picture of one of their plates and it's going to be on Fine China comes 120 to the package from Costco okay y'all I didn't get a picture of a plate cuz we actually put it in a bowl I should have tripped triple those thin corn tortillas because I didn't have enough to soak up all the juice now it has soaked it up but look here my four guys ate like little piglets and loved it okay y'all I fed my four guys and they're full and y'all saw man they about scraped it down there's probably two helpings left if you're not very hungry so I'm thankful it turned out but though I kept telling y'all how thin those corn tortillas were I should have tripled them on each layer because when we first started serving it it was real soupy so we just put it in a bowl uh like soup and I had some um tortillas like you dip dip with we crumbl that in there and soaked it right up and it was good but it wasn't pretty but there's always a way to fix it but after it has set they have soaked up more of the liquid but it's a good recipe it's good if you make it into enchiladas and it's good if you make it in casserole so I hope y'all have tried if you hadn't already and like I I said I don't have a recipe card at the end but I told you as I went along everything that I did if you have any questions you can um email me and I'll I'm going answer your questions I hope y'all are planning for a good Thanksgiving and a big old meal or gumbo or whatever you want around the Texas brisket whatever get your family together and make some memories put your phones in a basket and just have some 101 visits with your family and your friends that'll make it sweet it'll make good memories it ain't very good memories when you look around and everybody's on their phone and nobody's looking at you and talking and I like to talk and I like you to look at me when you talk to me don't sit at the table and text me cuz I won't have my phone there to get it so plan you a good and then right on to the Christmas holidays and we'll be making Christmas goodies I'll show y'all again what our favorites are and although I probably did them last year I'm going to do them again this year and I'll show y'all what what I'm doing and we're going to have goodies on the bar the whole month of December I'm going to decorate my house like I always have and that's lots of Christmas trees and I like the decor if I had to choose getting a present and I like presents or having the decorations up and just getting to enjoy it I would choose being able to decorate cuz I love it so I'm anxious to get my Christmas stuff out but I got company coming for Thanksgiving so I'm not decorating before Thanksgiving it'll be the day out after I'll get busy decorating so I hope to see y'all again in a day or two um I'm closing in that scream dream when you go out my back to the Garden that always had junk in it we took the spa out and I'm closing that in and I'm going to move all of my sewing stuff in there which it's right out of there's a door from my bedroom into that room so I'll be able to take the sewing room back as a bedroom and I need that so I'm kind of on hold right now showing y'all a video to be able to sew everything so hopefully real soon I'll be able to get the Christmas fabric out and show y'all if you want a Christmas apron or if you go look at last year's Christmas video and you see a fabric you like you can email me and see if I still have that one and I can go ahead and get your apron made but right now I'm not going to do a new video until I can get my stuff moved and be able to to sew without everything around me cuz let me tell you doing all this that I'm doing I got stuff piled in every available spot and it's about to drive me crazy I'd be glad when I can show y'all the finished product so I've been busy or they've been busy I've been I've been petting a sore mouth but they've been busy doing and I'm very thankful I'm thankful that Troy had all that junk around out there that I hated so bad that I've been able to sell to make some changes now see the good Lord was looking out for me all the time when he had junk that I didn't didn't like and I thought it looked nasty and like a junkyard with that stuff that junk was valuable and I'm very thankful for it and I told the Lord I was sorry for being impatient cuz he was looking out for my future I hope y'all are having a good day it's cloudy today it's been raining it's cloudy but it hadn't rained yet and I think we're caught up on rain for right now so I'm glad it ain't raining and y'all have a good evening have a good week the good Lord bless and keep you please share my Channel with your friends thankful for every subscriber we're almost to 22,000 and I'm just ever so grateful and I hope that I some of you new ones make comments where I can meet you and you know I'll watch the comments I know the names of the ones that comment regularly and if I don't hear from them I wonder what's wrong so anyway the good Lord bless and keep you and I'll see you real soon
Channel: Apron strings
Views: 3,895
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mexican, casserole, 9x13, one dish, italian, cajun, southern, homestead, homesteading, prepper, prepping, Israel, poa, apostolic, pentecostal, pentecost, whippoorwill holler, whipporwill holler, acre hometead, collard valley cooks, ground beef, sausage, chicken, salsa verde, cheese, tortillas, cake, cookies, cobbler, apple, pumpkin, grilling, barbeque, tomato, garlic, onion, red kitchen
Id: gKzQwmgWSEw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 53sec (1373 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 17 2023
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