MEWING MISTAKES | Why You're Not Seeing Jawline Improvements

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what's going on guys welcome back to my channel its Bret maverick here I hope you all are having an awesome day so far so this is like my fourth time trying to film this video just because I can't tell if I'm getting the lighting right or not also I got a new background because I'm moving into my new apartment so let me know what you think about that love it hate it talk to me in the comments below but today we're talking about mewing mistakes if you don't know what mewing is maybe you're new to the channel mewing is a system thought up by British orthodontist Mike Mew it's a system of a few different things a few different factors they can help you actually develop a stronger facial structure jaw line and all that good stuff and I always get a bunch of questions asking me am i doing it right why am I not seeing results this that and the other and all this stuff people are confused so I thought I'd make a video on the top mistakes and misconceptions people are doing with mewing and that rhymed but anyways let's kick this off with one of the mistakes I see the most and that is engaging the front of the tongue one of the most important factors of mewing is having proper tongue posture and the most important part of that is the back of the tongue the posterior third you know right back here so a lot of people wonder why they get kind of this lump underneath their chin when they're mewing well it's because you're pushing up on the front of your tongue or the middle of the tongue but you should be focusing primarily on the back so I actually have a little prop for you let me introduce you to my French shopper here and he's gonna show us how to do that I hope you can see this hope it's in focus do not press up on the front you need to press in the back you should have pressure fully with your tongue but most of it is centralized in the back here if you're not doing this then basically you're just wasting your time and your energy and it's not going to work you need that pressure going up into the center of your skull my next mistake also has to do with the tongue and that is your tongue pressing up against your teeth this is wrong for a bunch of reasons even dental reasons you could ask any orthodontist it's not good to have your tongue pressed a buck up against your teeth because it'll actually push your teeth for over time and that's just not a good look right but also if your tongue is stretched out over the top of your mouth going all the way to the front of your mouth then there's no way that you can you correctly you actually have to have your tongue pulled back just a little bit show you what that looks like on our little dummy here so this is what a lot of people are doing tongue all the way up against the teeth you actually want to pull it back just a bit so this tongue stops five or six millimeters before your teeth right like that and how do you do that you just slide your tongue back so this normally do would maybe look like this pull your tongue back and it looks like this this way you get more mass of your tongue towards the back of your roof of your mouth so then there's more pressure going upwards and then you get more development of your face upward and forward to get that nice aesthetic forward projection the next thing I get questions about all the time and its proper swallowing this is something that's preached quite often in the mewing community and basically the mistake I see people making is not knowing if they're doing it correctly and I'm here to tell you that it's really not that deep the main point of proper swallowing is just to not be sucking so much while you when you eat and swallow if you have particles of food all over your mouth you want to use your tongue the more tongue that you can get going the better so just take your tongue scoop up the food and just bring the food above your tongue then you just take your tongue and pull it all back to the back of your mouth and swallow it that's really all there is to it I think you guys are thinking way too hard about it really just get the food above your tongue take your tongue pull to the back your mouth and swallow it it's all there is to it another one I see quite often is bad neck and head posture you might have the correct tongue posture you have your tongue up against the roof of your mouth nice pressure going on a nice initiation but you're walking around like this with this forward lean going on and kids are calling it nerd neck these days so you don't want that and what's bad about this is it's literally cancelling out what you're doing with your tongue when you're pressing your tongue up you're giving yourself this nice submental triangle how you develop this forward head is you get tight muscles in the back of your neck splenius here and the trapezius muscles if those get tight then you need to raise your chin to make up for it and when you raise your chin you need to bring your head forward and then you have no submental triangle you know that's that nice right angle that's what signifies a nice jawline and a nice facial development and it's actually why I started mooing because I really wanted that so if you have bad neck posture you could put your tongue anywhere you want you could have the perfect tongue posture but it's gonna cancel it right out cuz you still have this slope so I recommend doing the McKenzie chin tuck I've talked about this a bunch of times how you do it is you just stand up against the wall and then raise your head as far as you can up the wall and hold it there for about 20 seconds at a time do this a few times a week you'll definitely start seeing some progress loosen up those neck muscles baby alright and that brings us to our final mistake and this is probably the most important one and it's more of a misconception than a mistake and that is unrealistic expectations I feel partially guilty for this maybe I put some false hope and a lot of people's heads and I apologize for that if I did but people need to know that if you're one of the people who has like a non-existent chin or jawline no amount of mooing is going to give you this Clark Kent Superman facial structure I'm sorry to tell you but it's just not gonna happen what mewing does is very very very gradual the changes are gonna be minimal and they're gonna take a long long time it's just a habit that is gonna maximize your genetic potential it's these daily functions and forms that are slightly changing your face over a quite long period of time oh that's not just said you can't get remarkable results but your expectations should be within reach and within reason mewing is not a six-pack shortcut or a get ripped fast scheme for your face like I said it's just something that will maximize your genetic potential and a younger and/or you start and the more you ingrain it into your daily posture and habits the better off you'll be and the more progress you'll see another rhyme that was awesome so that's it guys those are the biggest mistakes I hope you guys learn something from this video one last little plug I would really appreciate it if you go follow my Instagram I'm so close to a hundred thousand followers so it would mean a lot to me it's Brett MVR k we have a lot of fun over there if you haven't already subscribed from post notifications on and until next time peace out
Channel: Brett Maverick
Views: 2,317,151
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: mewing, jawline, tongue posture, sharp jawline, mewing mistakes, how to mew, defined face, strong jawline, jawline exercises, brett maverick, looksmax, astro sky, mewing tongue posture, jaw
Id: dv0pUuDBkho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 8sec (428 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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