Metta “Ron” Artest Reveals Untold NBA Stories & Opens Up About His Fights | The OGs Ep11

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know I wasn't prepared for somebody to throw something at me yeah I prepared for everything else except for the beer throw get toss at you that was surprising you know everybody [Music] the ogs are back we are still on the road UD we're in Indie cold Indie man it's cold man but we are we we thrive on the road we thrive on the road we got a great guest today meta world peace I feel safe up here today with you guys man I ain't going to lie to you I feel safe old now got jokes we old now we we old we lovers we ain't Fighters no more yeah man we got lovers brother we're going to talk about the fight though I ain't going to we're going to talk about some fighting now but appreciate you man coming in man for real y it's good to be here I saw your sure he retired got into the media that's right I was I was really curious about what he was going to do what he's going to bring to the table oh you know he stepped it up I appreciate that like we know a couple hidden talents a couple few hidden talents that I just want to tap into and just see where I fit you know what I'm saying but we appreciate you coming in for real definitely unbelievable run that you had obviously we had some serious Wars um kind of jumping right into it obviously he's a Miami lifer I played in Miami Indiana Miami had some awesome rivalries yes we had talk about some of that and what your you know obviously those back and forths with Indiana Miami and what that was like well they sent us home you know that right before you came they sent us home we'll see you they sent us home so it it started started with them kicking our ass first well they ki kicked out yeah they him Jermaine on they K I'm going let him go ahead but I just like me you don't forget the mother that kick this might be interesting that's real I remember every loss I I'll be still sick over losses that yes yes College losses Ohio State Michael red still can't sleep Michigan State Michigan State that's a bad one man sleep we ain't going to talk about that but talked about that uh those Indiana days against Miami though for real it was great man it was tough you know um we was young and our practices was hard it was we we actually was before the our Detroit Pistons and Indiana rivalry it was it was really you know Indiana Miami yes you know in terms of our team yeah you know and um but our practices was tough and we play when we came up against you know Miami way was nice I remember way he was young he was a rookie yes yes he was a rookie We Were Young We Were Young we were rookies they came in together him and D way came together Ries y was putting in work you know and then U but it was it it was definitely I I knew that once way get a little rhythm like it was going to be problems when you took guys like Wade like Dade on right or any any great offensive player because obviously to me one of the elite Defenders that's ever come through the league hands down what was like what was your mentality what was your going into a game against obviously depending on how they played what their strengths were but going against a dwade or going against a bron or going against a Kobe before you played with them what was your mentality like going into those things well you know um it was to weigh him out we him out I had I had a rule that said by game six they'll be dead they'll be tired so I just keep crashing the boards and I also would let people drive so some players that get you know 15 14 the first quarter I'm just letting them drive but they couldn't keep up with my endurance so by the fourth quarter they can't drive no more so they have to pull up and by the time you pulling up I'm cutting you off and I'm contesting your shot but you know with a guy like Kobe he he mentally tough so it's really hard to do that against him you know and then young players you can get away with it but even D way he was mentally tough because D way gonna keep driving so I couldn't quite like totally like you know dominate D way in my Prime you know but some guys you can just you get him up out of there I'm be honest with you was some games where he came in the locker room he's like that he come in that locker room he like that mother boy godamn so I mean whether you knew it or not yeah you gave you gave you gave him fit sometimes and I know me and you a lot of times and we talked about this earlier it was just always is the the ultimate respect yeah definitely at the at the end of the day you know real recognize real one one first and foremost and then on the competition level like I just love competition I love competitors so every time we would get tied up for a loose ball tied bump it into each other or knock each other down it was almost like respect for sure yeah you could dish it and you can take it see it's the people that can't take it that I piss me off but the people that can dish it and can take it like it's respect to those dudes I actually remember a lot of our moments playing against each other and just coming face to face and we we'll look at each other you remember be like yes I told you the same story bro we'll look at each other like not today lot of times yeah I remember those stories and I remember you started to come on and then you jump I'm thinking like all it's the first game oh you know OG hit a a few jumpers no way this is going to happen next he just don't miss next game don't miss oh he next time I see him he loing this right but thing is I I couldn't shoot in college it might know that I couldn't shoot it wor in college so you just didn't shoot well I didn't shoot I didn't shoot in college so my thing was when I got to the NBA you know first and foremost when I walked in that mother as Keith Askins shout out okay hey how do I make this team you can defend and you can rebound you're gonna make this team okay that's all I got to do defend and rebound I could do that with the best of them so every rebound I chase every matchup I wanted it now we get the trade for Shaq now people just leaving me open oh this different it's different now I got to start making shots and that's when I started really focusing on shooting the basketball but you know up until that point it was just scoring the low post and then when I wanted to get in the league it was like okay defend and rebound that's incredible you took the leap too as cuz I know you came in I mean you could score but obviously you're a team guy yeah team first you know what I'm saying but when you took the leap and you had the opportunity to score like how how how did that feel because I never really had that role I never had the role of a score I never really had the role of a All-Star type player I just had the role of a role player but you've been in both you've been an Allstar you've been a scorer you've been a Defender You' played all those levels like what what was your favorite what was your favorite role well I people forget I could score the ball I play my defense was crazy but I could score the Rock and when I had like Steve for example when I had Steve Jackson that's what my average went up cuz Steve is guarding everybody yes sir I didn't have to spend as much energy you know Johnny Salmons was another guy who took pressure Sal guy he would just I would be like Johnny let me guard this guy let me guard Johnny I got him I got him you know you you could score you know but it was one summer with Larry bir I remember one summer I kept getting better I kept getting better and then one I I was working with Chuck person a lot Chuck and then one Sumer lar bar was just coming to the gym and then he was working with me every day so since he kept coming into the gym I'm like I'm not about to pass up on this opportunity so I'm in the gym every day like clockwork I'm not missing the day in the summertime My Average leap from 18 to 24 and I remember asking Larry things like you know I'm watching you on tape Larry and and you're not really fast you're get into the basket I'm like p no disrespect but you kind of you're really slow like how you say this a legend yeah 100% he said no disrespect though he said no no disrespect no disp no disrespect though that cuz I'm watching him and I'm like how is he just getting buckets when he want and he said when you see the lane take it I'm like all right what else he said nah that's it you see the lane take it so then that opened up my whole game and you know back then they put hands on everybody so then that's when I was doing I was one dribble pull up one dribble H so I was trying to you know get to the basket or work on my shot where I could just one dribble pullup one dribble pullup you know um so I I was super sharp and I was every day in the gym you know like clockwork Larry had a lot to do with that you you touched on it though so everyone talks about your defense but your offense always got better yes ud's and me too but UD always talks about on all of our podcast like the dudes that go in the summertime and come back different so a lot of respect for that CU that's that's Elite I'm a fan of those guys I'm a fan of that I'm a fan of that but you touched on some of those things too like so where do you see the game now compared where we were we came through it's obviously way more offensive driven yeah what do you see defensively now and what do you see offensively now were you to fit in and what would you have done well if you can't touch people that means I had to work on a one dribble pullup or a two dribble pullup if I'm if I'm going up against UD at the mid-range I don't have four dribbles yes I got to do something two dribbles right so I came back with a one dribble two dribble now if you telling me you can't touch me at 260 at the small forward how much how much you weigh Co 260 at my I was 260 at the at my I was two 48 but then yeah 260 was at that was it 270 a couple years the game is position un so can you imagine him playing now you would have played all five positions you would have played all five positions the game is position is you can start your offense with your with your forward now you know what I'm saying you could initiate the offense now the way the game is played the way they talking about is like could I have played d but I'm like I don't need defense because you can't touch me so I'm giving you 20 24 at least I get 24 I think you still would have been able to wear on them for 48 minutes and that's that's the philosophy that we have in Miami even with the current rules today we going to wear on you for 48 minutes and I think that's what a lot of people don't understand we might not get you to break in the first quarter we might not get you to break in the second quarter but in the last two three minutes of the game the physicality and just getting bumped going through the lane and all those different things now that shot start to be a little short now start to go a little left oh you've been complaining to the ref now you're not focused on the game so just wearing on people over a 48 minute game I think is the way to go but the problem is nobody cares enough to out wear on people people just want to out score you the end the day they just want outscore he want to change he' been the same he' defended these guys to he I think I would have got a few of these guys 100% would I I was looking at it and you got to have some type of IQ they saying you can't touch but I still got a brain you know yeah exactly I still could think I can figure out that you can't touch hey but you said you've been to the final four times yes it's been five times though we we lost we won three jimy we won three oh no to heat into the final you're right five times right guys taking a taking a chance you know what happened I been to the finals too many times I took one from myself you you're right we just went to the finals last year you're right my brother I appreciate that you're right I stand correct I've been to the finals five times Well you only listen man my bad I'm new to this you know just I'm just recently retired what you want me to do killer what's happening people it's your OG here and you know I've been hitting on prize picks all football season with the basketball season still in full swing it's definitely not too late if you want to get in on some of this action prize picks is the most fun I've had in a long time winning up to 25 times my money this football season and now you can play during basketball season 2 you just pick two or more players pick more or less the numbers you projected them to have at the end of the night and place your entry testing my skills on prize picks this season is the most most exciting way to play daily fantasy sports if you got the skills you can turn $10 into 250 and just a couple Taps quick withdrawals easy gameplay and a normal selection of players and Stat types are what makes prize picks the number one daily sports fantasy app prize picks offers weekly promotions that can lead to Big payouts like taco Tuesdays each Tuesday prize picks discounts select players projections up to 25% to provide even more value go to ogs and use codes OG's for first deposit match up to $100 but you go ahead go ahead yes something no yeah I have been five times one three and and lost two um and what I'll say is about the last one you know what I'm saying coming in from I think that's my most memorable one you know I didn't play a lick or a minute but you know it wasn't because it was my last season it was because we were the eighth seed and the way we came in I think that team embody everything that a guy like me and you stand for the underdog mentality people telling you what you can't do what you can't be where you can't go I think you you understand that story you've been a part of that story and you understand how that story Fus you you know what I'm saying so I think you know that team was more relatable to me than any team that I could ever be a part of also relatable to people in our circumstances and people around the world I think everybody could have followed that team and learn something from that team so that was my most memorable you know opportunity and it's it's unfortunate that I didn't remember that one but that was my most memorable probably a reason why you know you won three you know you know it's like the career has been has been incredible thank you thank a jersey you know I hear people like CH chattering about the Jersey I don't want to get into all lot but it's up there oh man listen man it's all love we get into it we've been in it it's all love man you know you understand rivalries and you understand that and I think you know even though you know we had those Indiana rivalries I think you know we also had the ultimate respect for each other as competitors and as enforcers but also felt like I could have been a part of that team that you you my boy KY stat Jack like Al like team that y'all had like I could have fit in perfect I could fit in perfect with that group so I think me and you would we we would have worked we would 100% you know J don't get enough credit Man U I feel like the year you know everybody be getting these MVPs you got the best record in the league MVP and I you know I don't want to really get too much into it but I feel like you know we were 61 wins the year where we played you guys in the playoffs best team in the league by seven games yes yes you know so I feel like you know you know you only get a window opportunity to get the MVP and I thought J you know just because we was the best team not because you know the the real MVP wasn't better I'm just saying we was the better team so you know I feel like J got slighted he's been getting slighted throughout his career you know uh but I definitely feel he should have had one and it's great that I think you say that because I think a lot of people don't know if they don't follow the history like you and Jo bump heads a little bit you know in Indiana and then obviously when Jo came to Miami I never forget this and Jo remember this R had to call us in the office me and Jo had to sit it down cuz every time we played Indiana we played it was me and you had the ultimate respect but me and Jo just clash Clash Clash yeah I did Clash clashed all the time so when he got traded to Miami rles called us in the office and say all right figure it out y'all got to figure it out you know what I'm saying but I know you had class with j and just talk about how you know that that worked and how y'all was able to fix that and put that back together you know it was the practices man so every team I played on practice energy levels up you know so when I got to Indiana it was 100 miles an hour in practice I'm going at everybody and J loved that you know and I take practice just as personal as the game yes yes so I I didn't I don't I didn't really know the difference you know so we have a tough practice you know say yesterday and whatever happened there I'm in the game I'm playing with you but I'm still thinking I can't wait to get back to practice I can't wait to get back to practice tomorrow I'm in the gym early you know um and just getting ready and it was just to it was just the high level intensity and Jo was the best on the team and you know I I wanted to be that mhm right but that's why I tell guys to this day you know it's enough room to have three or four good players yes yes on a team yes you know and so if you are that type of player you know you you got to you got to know the difference go go to work and practice but then also hang out after I never hung out I was also introverted so you know if we going add it in practice I'm not going going to lunch with you I'm not going to get dinner with you not cuz I don't want to it's because I'm thinking about practice I can't wait to get back to practice and that and that and that separated the relation so I didn't build a lot of relationships you know the on like I wish I could but me and J got a great better relationship this this day you know great and better you know me and Al always had a great relationship because I know him since he was young you know and then me and stack Jack we was on the court talking a lot cuz it'll be something like I'm guarding the best player and stack Jack be like I got him and I'm like hell no I got this get out of here so we arguing the court you know about who guarding you know the best off we grew a respect but then ja's behind me that we we're not communicating much yeah you know I didn't need to I didn't need to talk to people because I can I can execute yeah so I'm not talking to nobody on the floor coach said do this this was happening I'm just doing my work you know so I I didn't get a chance to really build you know a relationship if something happens in practice if some adversity happens I never addressed it it and moved on from it it just kept Ping On Top yeah so it was it was super unfortunate just the life of a young dumb player you know but no that's that's the great point though because I think and and what people don't understand is what we do in Miami is I I think people think that we're confrontational as a team or as an organization we're not confrontational but we just like to address issues so we can move on yeah you guys we don't want to carry that you got to look in person in the eye you know what I'm saying and let manto man and have a conversation about what needs to be done and we only got maybe whatever 30 seconds minute of a time I got to look you in your eye and I got to communicate with you what needs to be done what we need to do and we got to get back out here and play so it's it's it's really more so like that's the best way to do it you know what I'm saying I think understanding that early because we didn't understand that early you didn't understand that I didn't understand that y y had these moments you guys play well R taught us that you know what I'm saying R taught us that growing like when we got into that organization like listen man look a man in the eye all that you know as players we want to look down kick the floor and Mumble under our breath what the hell is that who you talking to what are you saying that that gets nowhere so now looking man and man in the eye having a conversation about what we need to do and let's fix it and now we can move on you know that's big that's big they don't have that everywhere if you get injured in an accident at any time not calling a lawyer means you leaving money on the table you don't never want to do that we all know life can be crazy sometimes so one person's negligence can result in another person's settlement if you ever injured you can definitely check out Morgan and Morgan we all know Morgan and Morgan is the largest firm they have over 100 offices Nationwide and a th000 lawyers that work with you with over $20 billion recover and 500,000 clients Morgan and Morgan is definitely got a proven track record to 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different emotions I was playing I was playing extremely well I was you know 24 for me is like 30 I'm playing a lot of Defense so yeah I was playing extremely well you know you know having my way um came back better that season a better Defender and averaging seven points more through the first nine games some people would say I couldn't sustain 24 all right maybe it's 22 Four Points better I'm I'm better than what I was the prior year maybe it's 25 you know so I was having a hell of a season and I knew what Detroit was about I had to I had to become a more efficient scorer because Detroit not letting you play around yeah you know by by the time you take three dribbles they there yeah so now I'm a one dribble bucket guy at this point you know so uh so so I pretty much answered a few questions and um we felt like those games was some of the hardest games we ever played we we was a mirror image of each other yeah you know and U so from from a basketball perspective it was incredible playing against rip you know rip not physically strong but he mentally we on you because you got you know you was chasing wise budy so you got to run and your legs is going to be dead by the time by end of the game yeah so from and then from being more physical yes you know and people like that so uh and even even taan not not physically strong but long yeah so you gotta constantly find ways of SC tan yeah so it's like mentally draining um and then being in the arena as you know the arena was super hostile Detroit yeah Boston Philly well it's the difference between hostile and racist say Boston we a't we ain't GNA say Boston is hostile we we going call that what that is you know here we go Boston you open the can of words I'm just telling you I ain't the only one that said it Google it sure it's going to come up anyways yeah yeah yeah so the incident happens yeah all right and you go lay down on the scores table yeah trying to diffuse the situation I'm guessing I watched or okay go I don't know I watched I know what you was doing taking your 10 seconds right you was counting seconds your five seconds five seconds but I watched I see I'll be paying attention to you dog I watch your docks I watch you went and took your five seconds which was talk you probably don't take therapy I take therapy and you take therapy sure so you he was taking his 5 Seconds yeah so yes we get into the therapy talk all right so five five seconds yeah so I mean so we up we up like 20 you know in the in the in the in the arena so in my mind you know I play hard to the last whistle even if I'm down 30 I'm picking up full court that's that's just what I was taught so and no layups right so Ben when Ben went up I was just like okay let me foul him so you know I F I didn't it wasn't a hard shove you didn't see Ben fly across but Ben was like you know they're down and he had to go to the free throw line you know uh so and then also his uh I think his pops or somebody has passed away like that day before so whatever's going through his head he thought that was he gonna push me you know so I stood there you know I took the I took the push you know and at this point I'm trying not to get suspended the year before I got suspended in the playoffs I've been suspended in the playoffs a lot so I'm trying not to be suspended anymore so I said all right cool it's like I'm going take this push I'm going try to be the bigger man you know and you know Ben was super red up down so I get it so I said you know I'm I'm not trying to fight I've lost already lost a lot of cash you know getting suspended so I'm I'm not trying to lose no cash today so I thought the the scores table as as my momentum took me to the scores table so I'm like he didn't punch me in my face so I'm cool you know I'm cool so I I said I'm just gonna lay down here I I got stack Jack Stack ain't going to let nothing happen to me yeah real one I had I had J J ain't let nothing happen to me real one I got J he from Brooklyn little former Hustler I got all these hustlers in so I'm like I'm good you know so imagine laying down while you know I'm I'm good nothing nothing nobody touched me and then I wasn't prep y so that had nothing to do with what actually having yeah when when when somebody know I wasn't prepared for somebody to throw something at me yeah I prepared for everything else except for the beer thr get toss at you that was surprising you know and it surpris everybody it surprised me watch it and they didn't show that part and you know you look at the clips you know the editors they they show it from when I went out yeah they didn't show the five minutes it took that should have been a te yeah I'm on a table for five minutes yeah you're right so at what point in time you know you know the hand signal boom boom right and now at that point when you when you when the ref goes here if you continue you're going to get fine like now the commissioner is going to be like you supposed to be off the floor but he was never ejected you see what I'm saying they stay on the floor for 5 minutes so now the whole the whole the Stadium's riled up which led you know this you know this guy in the fourth quarter just throw a couple bear in my face that was super insulting yeah you know so he say super super insult you know I was in the stands and for INS listen I think I was in the stands in three seconds I was like hey no listen hey hey the dope thing about it though hold up you him and you guys are you guys are you guys are cool now right the guy who threw the the beer yeah is that what I he yeah I mean you know like you said man I had a problem with one individual I didn't have a problem with all the f you know so that's why I was like you know I'm not going to let the media turn this into a race walk people was trying to see white black like n that's another man disrespect another man in the hood somebody dis disrespect you you fight black you get over it no matter what color you move on yeah so that was that was that's what that was about you know and he I mean he I know him more than anybody else know him I got his number right um and you know he's A's he's for sure a little wild he's wild he's for sure nobody else was going to throw a bear at me but him I ain't going to lie was the one dude I should have him on your podcast good call I actually I actually had a run in in Detroit too and it was one of those things where it's like you know obviously when you get towards the end of your career you know what I'm saying and the situation I was in it was one of those games where I think we were we we were up or it was one of those things where I just had to feeling some minutes towards the end soon as I walk in the game dude just start firing off riding me ride me ride me so now I finally I get to the free throw line he's been riding me for a minute so now I get to the free throw line um I got filed I get to the free throw line I make the first free throw and I make the second one and after that it's a timeout this is my perfect opportunity I started to walk to the bench and I made a u-turn and I walked back and cuz I knew I was gonna get another chance it's about two minutes left in the game once the game start back and everything go back I'm just not going to have this opportunity the game I couldn't miss my opportunity you know this as a as a enforcing as a player you can't miss the opportunities when you get them yeah I couldn't miss this opportunity to come back and confront this I literally walked over to the sideline and stood up over top of him I really walked over to the sideline I stood over top of him I say sit your ass down and enjoy the game I say because if you wasn't in this Arena you wouldn't be talking like that so sit down enjoy the game before I smack at you in front of your woman in front of this woman in front of his woman yeah I smack out you in front of your woman so like I I I understand how Detroit fans could kind of get under skin I Ain had no beer throw it at me yeah yeah I had no beer but I believe if it would have went a little further he would have been the mother that probably would have tossed the beer at me yeah oh right right he was one of those type of dudes you know what I'm saying so I do understand how fans could get under your skin a little bit and I ain't even the type of person that respond to that but that mother roll me soon as I got in the game you know what I'm saying I just couldn't take it yeah yeah that yeah it was it was super unfortunate man it was just like so much was at stake yeah another allar that was that happened in November mhm so now you missed that allar you I was 13 before that you missed there that's second team that's first team next year that first team so so many things was at stake and on top of is a fan a fan question on here it's a great question if that doesn't happen what what do you think the ceiling is for that Pacers team because that that team was great question I mean fa every time you saw him on the schedule it's like go that's there y' were y'all was loaded we that that team was sick man so I got I got to imagine there was a championship in there you know um I got you know the the rivalries would have it would have been more rivalries you know um my career would have been different because you know when is your team is your team yes oh that that's a different that's a different amount of shots yes I'll be honest I don't know about that but I can about imagine I mean I can imagine I can imagine I've been around guys with they team exactly right you know it's it's a different from taking a comfortable 20 plus shots yeah then now you're getting on another team now you got to ease your in to getting another 20 plus shots yes you know and then when you get that's why I always tell people don't request trades man you want to be comfortable and and your it's going to add to your legacy you know then then you get you get moved now now you're the fourth option you go from the first to the second then you go to the third now you're the fifth it don't matter how good you are it's not your team yeah yeah I tell guys all the time and I repeat it you a trade a injury and one coach a away from being an All-Star role player out of the league it can happen just like that or having a big Legacy yeah or having a great legacy happen just like that so yeah I think I think my ceiling you know was was was not reached and I think the team ceiling wasn't reached yeah I agree with that I think you know watching watching that team and like I said I just from afar you know what I'm saying I would have felt in I would have fit in perfect I love to watch that team play and obviously competing against y'all was a whole another thing but you had the opportunity to do something that I love and I just want to ask you this how was it playing at home for you going back to New York and playing in your hometown how was that cuz I knew I wore that as a badge of honor that's like Pride like that that you carry the city on your back every game how how did that feel for you that was to go back home in New York I well I wanted to go to New York for the for the get-go I messed that up but uh how' you mess it up the Bulls pick you what 16 Bulls pitch me picked me 16 which was my favorite team growing up yeah but I'm from New York so I get a try out with the Knicks I go out the night before I party hard damn so this guy before the draft a legend so I'm partying hard I get so drunk I can't wake up for the next um for the next workout I can't wake up wow so I called I called my agent I said listen I I just know I'm going to the Knicks cuz the city want what pick did they have 15 so the one right before Chicago right before Chicago and I was projected to go 10 top 10 but you stay home played at St John's so it have just been perfect perfect time perfect timing New York St John's everything and then I thought that because I I'm supposed to be home that I'm gonna get the second try out so the Nick said yeah um all right yeah we'll get you yeah you can come next time and that second Tri out never happened oh I believe if I didn't go out night and get hamit like I did you know I think um I'm on the Knicks wow for you got but you got back there and he back into my career and that was incredible um I put on a jersey I wore 51 my dad number wow um it was a lot of emotion that season because um I wanted to win a title now we didn't have the team to win a title but that wasn't in my mind I was even injured I came off injury but in my mind it was just so much I was trying to accomplish in that one year um and it didn't work I got I got released that and half halfway through the year I was so caught up but it was it was and the Nicks no they still invite me out and they they involved me to this day and make me feel like a Nick that's awesome which is incredible so I got the Jersey you know you know uh so I'm super blessed super blessed I know that's a sense of Pride and obviously having a chance to represent your pops number cuz I repres I wear my 40 cuz for my father that's incredible yeah so I know that feeling that's that's a sense of Pride but before you go back to the Knicks you play with the Lakers hit an iconic shot Big Time shot win a championship talk about talk about that I mean obviously playing with Co God Rest of Soul we all loved him Man ultimate competitor sir stuff that you learned every day in practice going against him in the locker room prepping for games like talk about to me two of the biggest competitors on the same team and OB you guys win a championship together and you make a big shot talk about that and what that what that meant to you and now what your career the first practice I couldn't wait to get to practice oh man I know that feeling so the first practice you know coach and Phil Jackson got all these different different drills so you know at some point in time me and Kobe we on different teams Kobe's nice I'm must way way more skilled so he you know he's scoring the rock you know KOB scoring the but in terms of competition we was clashing yeah and it was beautiful got it got to a point where I had one Outburst in practice because last year I was averaging 20 year before I was averaging 25 in the playoff against them you know and and they they you know I was cooking you were in sack the year before right hon Houston okay yeah the play I was cooking them so I was like you know I told Phil was like saying something I'm like you know you can't guard me you can't guard me you can't guard me we I'm like if we had y'all last year we would have beat y y'all got hurt if we had y' you know Phil was like hey hey Ronnie I need you to calm down now I said nah this ain't over T say is over it ain't no so I'm I'm just disrupting the whole practice and then at some point you know Phil put me and Kobe on the same team cuz Kobe would push my buttons yeah you know Phil Phil was really good at just pushing your but on Purpose By the way on purpose so co co so Phil would push your buttons oh for sure he he knew exactly how to get you red up that's a good co he can do it to anybody good co he do it to anybody but at some point he put me and Kobe on the same team and then me and Kobe was on on the same team in practice since that's it we never was on opposite teams probably never lost either some yeah we didn't lose a lot but sometimes you know sometimes you get the rookies to come in there you've been SP feeling froggy on a day you had a back to back yeah that's right let be hyp I know that feeling cuz when we got when we got the big three I couldn't wait to get the practice you ain't lying buddy I could not wait to get the practice go against Chris Boss that was it was it was nothing that no disrespect but I'm just I'm up for the challenge how was y'all practices oh Elite brother elite elite elite really oh it was Elite dwade Bron going at we had but we had veteran dudes who to like even our bench was veteran right so and and when you brought it in there like everybody wanted to play you know how it is wanted to play you get on championship teams there's sacrific there everyone has to sacrif nobody sitting out nobody I missed the days where you want to practice it our practice were more was more fun for us than the game knee pads taped brace mouth pieces it's all I did hear about that I heard Pat one you had to be taped I don't like tape no I got to get taped you would have probably got you probably you let you wear whatever the hell you wanted cuz you his type of guy you his type of guy you whatever you want yeah he wouldn't have bothered you you his type ofy you would have fit right into the culture yeah you would everybody was tied yeah weads upie I heard we call that Hunger Games pieces in we call it hunger games mouthpiece in hito no no no no no no whistle blows whistle blows knee pads up mouthpieces in starts practice Hunger Games knee pads up knee pads up mouth pieces in practice and they'll come by like I wore sweats and and and they come by they come by and tap to make sure your knee pads on it's listen it's on it's the mothering jungle until every until LeBron James just start doing that nobody ain't seen can't do before and then everybody just stopped was that now we competing everybody at the highest level everybody clashing clashing classing we at the highest level we can possibly go to and this mother go to another level like another level practi man it was ridiculous you know but you've been a part of a championship team you been a part of three of them I I was fortunate enough to do two of them you see it like I always tell Co coaching is great believe me coaching is phenomenal but coaching is your best player in my op opinion oh if your if your breast player brings it and sets the sets the tone every single day games practices flights it doesn't matter every day that man our practices man were that man came to work yeah he came to work I mean by the time practice started he was already there two hours two hours proba done roll his 10 speed yes always 10 speed I been in the wait room for 45 minutes now he on the table getting stretched now practice started this man ready to rock and roll if you're one of us you know what I mean like okay it just all that yeah so that's incredible that's incredible to hear man cuz I you don't really hear about the practices and then the guys that weren't in the rotation like when me and him weren't in the rotation we was upstairs playing two on twos one on ones and three on threes that's incredible I mean it's the competition just to keep the juices flowing I'm saying staying at it for sure let's go back to that three we didn't talk about your three I'm telling you I can vividly remember the three I remember it too it's like seriously talk about because those are M those are moments I don't care like those are things people could never take away from anybody it it was crazy so that that that so it was it was a jab y three real that that was a that Chuck person taught me we was in a gym going over that time after time Larry Bird time after time before I could shoot you know and then you leave this you leave these teams and you just keep working on your game and it's like now it's like clockwork yes you know you're not really thinking about it much um it I it was it was interesting because I never been to the finals before right that was your first Finals that was my first in never final never been again so I didn't really know I didn't really know what it was like so in 2008 I actually went to go watch um the the Celtics versus the Lakers because I needed to see how it feel I'm like if I get to the finals I don't want to lose so I want to see the atmosphere so I was in I was in the building when they lost game six yeah I'm like oh this is how it's going to be right so now you know you get you you get to this game and uh in May I said fish I was talking to fishing and Power in the back of the bus and I'm like how come every time it's a big shot like y'all knock it down I was talking to I'm like I'm like how do you how do you do that he's in the back of the bus he was like yo you serious I said yo serious like every time it's a big shot it's going in like what do you and he he was talking me through the emotional part so I was really listening because I wanted to be be one of those type of players you know and then so that that also had a lot to do with it you know I felt comfortable yes and uh and then also in in game six we was down 3-2 and then Phil came to me he said yo he said Ron I need you to score the Rock and I was like really cuz I was only shooting three times a game that my mindset I'm not getting more than four shots because you know you got Kobe on the team you know you go you gotta deal with it yeah yeah you gotta deal with it and I said word I said perfect and game I said perfect game six I came you never ask that's thought you never asked with Kobe on the team but so game six I had 18 then game seven I had 20 wow and it it was real simple just stay in the flow I didn't shoot well that game but I was shooting every open shot it was it was Rhythm shooting I didn't understand that I didn't understand you got take shots that's in Rhythm even if it's missing offensive rebounds flow of the team so it was just like you it could have missed and went in you know and Kobe just threw it to the side that's but you said that like you said it was a it was a simple shot but nothing simple time and score in NBA Finals man and you didn't shoot well that game that's the thing when you don't shoot well and and you get one of the you get the G one of the game you get a game winning shot from one of the greatest players in the game some people don't want that moment some people don't want that moment and they might hesitate wait long wait wrong they might get off it you know what I'm saying so that I think that you should give yourself more credit you know what I'm saying I know it was I know to us that's routine and all that but man A lot of times guys don't want that moment in the finals hey that NBA Finals juice is different juice than anything you have it's true yeah boy I thought we could have went more but the Dynamics was wild yeah but I definitely wanted that moment you said the Dynamics for a while talk to me about that what do you mean well you know I think cuz um after Kobe got five he wanted number six I you saw you saw it in his eyes you know what I'm saying he woned number six and um so it was games we was up after that finals in the playoffs up you know seven points you know up up 10 points with a minute left and in instead of like just letting it happen naturally get to the finals yeah I think Kobe wanted it too much and then the lead was just we lose game one we we up seven we lose game one same thing in game two we we up whatever damn we lose game two now we in Dallas down 02 we get swept next year we play against OKC we up you know and I think Kobe he really wanted number six and I I know if he would have got number six we're talking about all right it's it's a tie for the goat and I think he really I think he wanted a little too much who's your goat then cuz you just brought it up who's your goat I'm I'm g go with Mike honestly you know what I'm saying I think Mike is incredible y yeah you know Mike is incredible what Cham is incredible people could say what they want but yeah so so Mike so Mike then Kobe in your opinion basically you said that Mike Kobe I'm going Wilt second Wilt second yeah I I'm going I think when LeBron career is over I think when you crunch the numbers yeah I think when you crunch all the numbers it's going to read LeBron number one yeah he going he going to be top five I I said this all time he's going to be top five in every major statistical category which is crazy to me you know but it's longevity is a part of it right and he's been successful and he's did what he had to do but he did what he had to do World chaining had numbers he played 13 season Mike got six Mike did what he had to do Le did what he had impossible conversation bar talk you s you yeah you sit here and say this about MJ I'm like damn you're right to me MJ was my favorite player growing up I me it's period point the only reason why MJ is my goat is because like he said we watched him growing up me and I'm older than Bri he can't be my goat how old this man he can't be my go I'm a little biased towards Bri I love Bri I always give when Brion won his first man I actually was on Instagram I posted how happy I was because the pressure he had as a 17y old it was expecting this 17y old to knock down gang winning shots and they was just killing him and he overcame it but he did give me 25 his first game ever playing against me in and that still eats at me to this day I mean as a competitor something that I can't live with listen as a competitor we we don't get over that we don't get over that I mean I remember like I said like you said that you lost to Dallas and you know the first thing I'm thinking about is dirt and whiskey and how he's playing and and the games that I've played against him and how he's played against me and I'm thinking about those matchups and I'm getting playing those matchups in my head already getting ready to go into the finals the next year when y'all have OKC and then y'all lose OKC I think I felt what we were saying is whoever beat the Lakers that's probably who we got who we got to deal with in the finals so when we watching these guys and we worrying about these matchups like you playing those M and when somebody get the best of you I I lose sleep at night I I literally lose sleep at night when some got the best of me killer I'm telling you it's crazy I can mess up one play or one situation and that keeps me up at night you know what I'm saying yeah for sure we talk about Kobe it's another fan question all right favorite thing about playing with Kobe my favorite thing about playing with Kobe is see seeing him prepare you know just you know he'll be in the gym first I was normally in the gym last I was always the last one to leave I always watch people who are in the gym and and I'm like okay he ain't leaving yet I be I make sure nobody in the gym now all clear yeah but Kobe was first put in the ton of work early early summer times he he's there at 5:30 in the summertime I had to go test that out because I would go out I would go to the gym after the club I'm in like 2: a.m. you know I'm in the gym swear out the alcohol you know but I'm in the gym you know I'm for sure in the gym you know legend for sure but he was in there at 5:30 one day I went at 8 and he was getting in his car yo mat what up I'm he's in red his red range R I'm like where you going you I'm I'm done so next day I got there at five I was waiting for him to I want to see I wanted I wanted to see it I only saw it once he was working you know he was working and then to see him in Boston game five get 25 straight points at one point I was just watching him and I'm like I'm watching I'm like this is incredible we trying to win a championship but I'm like you know for a couple possessions I'm like yo this dude is incredible I had to wake up I got I had to wake up but for a couple possessions I just was watching him like yo this is he's like this is Jesus like who gets 25 straight points yeah that's crazy our points crazy that's crazy yeah nobody score that's that's crazy that's crazy that's insane LeBron did that yeah in uh in Detroit yeah yeah that's crazy that's funny because like that Kobe stuff you're talking about I I was fortunate playing the USA basketball team in ' 06 that went to Vegas and I always proud of myself on being there early because I didn't have the physical tools a lot of people had so I had to outw work people MH and and for me to make shots in moments that we were talking about I had to prepare prepare myself for those moments and and I always prepared myself for like we'd have practice at 11 or 10 or whatever it is and I'd show up an hour and a half two hours early Kobe's in a dripping Sweat by the time I get there I was the same way you were I was like yo hold up all right talk on the side what time he get here I got to come see this you know what I mean because I learned that whole thing from Reggie Reggie Miller my first year in the league I come into Indiana one of the assistant coaches with me he says see that's what you need to do Reggie was just getting done second bus our first bus is coming in he's already done already done so I started my routine based on what Reggie did you was getting there early so I started now I started taking back you know no Ubers back in our old days you know what I mean so I was taking cabs early but that was the thing I remember about Kobe obviously I've learned it through Reggie here but Kobe the same thing like he was he was just a Workhorse to me man like and I that's to me that's the thing I remember most about coob for sure yeah and at the end of his career you know me and Kobe never went out to lunch or dinner me and Jamaine went out to lunch for the first time in 14 years in 2018 and we would and it was he would always Reach Out Jermaine's a good dude that's that was my fault by the way um but then uh Jermaine will always say yo met you all right because after I got of practice I'm so emotional I don't want to talk to nobody J A know something wrong yo yo yo yo yo Rong let's go get some lunch I'm like no I'm good I'm good but I'm really not yeah so we we sitting down in Oakland and we was like man don't you this is our first time ever have a lunch in 14 years wow we clicked on the court I could execute I could I could execute with the best of them so I don't you know need to be your friend to execute you know but it was like Wow in 14 years my first time having lunch and then Kobe's last year we had dinner you see Kobe smiling he knew his career was over I've never seen that side of him wow he's playing he's joking with the rookies Kobe never joked with no rookies it was really good to see that side of him yes you know have have some shots and have a good time I'm I'm glad I got a chance to experience that with him that's dope that's dope you guys have brought up the word enforcer a lot up here is the enforcer still one is the enforcer still in the league and is what Draymond and them doing what draymond's doing right now is that enforcing or what what what do y'all call that I mean I I think I consider Draymond an enforcer because I think enforcers not just protect the guys but they also connect the locker room okay you know what I'm saying so the locker room is connected by guys like myself and Ron you know what I'm saying we going to keep everybody together I agree we might be a little we might go off the hinges a little bit but we we mean the best and we got the best intentions so just bring us back give us be a little patient with us you know what I'm saying but I think Draymond is an enforcer and I think he's a locker room guy so I think he has the right intentions you know what I'm saying the more and more I think about it it's like League a little soft now yeah can get away with it if they going if they going to let you punk them then go ahead and punk them if they going to let you punk them go ahead and punk them the more I think about it you know what I'm saying saying so I mean yeah I think he's an enforcement for sure you know what I mean I looked at it from a different angle I was like yeah he know who he messing with but now I'm like they letting them punk them so might as well I mean that's part of the game I think you know me and Ron the way we approach the game is that we would intimidate you but we didn't say nothing it wasn't with our words it was just with our approach sometimes the way we looked at you sometimes it was the way we compete you know what I'm saying the way we going to come at you that game you you might think it's personal we don't even know you but it is personal you know what I'm saying so you know I I think what Draymond is doing is getting away with what they going to let him get away with and if he's in enforcing and and he's able to make that mental turn cuz I watched him the other day guess nerkish again yeah and I think Draymond won that mental battle you know what I'm saying I think he won that mental battle so I I see the mental game that he's playing as well yeah I mean I definitely see him as an enforcer he's also a winner yes before Draymond is an enforcer he's more of a winner than an enforcer you know point he sometimes I get a little I feel a little bad because I feel like he's giv himself a bad name he's tarnishing his legacy but not really he just got to deal with TNT or whatever not really tarnishing you know but one would say that you know his some some of the Antics because I've experienced that yeah you know where people don't want to work with you so that's something I didn't want to see with Draymond I think he's an elite winner yes you know um he's strong he's wiry definitely in a for he definitely got he's definitely uh little missing a screw like we yeah he a little I missing a screw they let him missing a screw hey let me tell you something let him do at the end of the day if someone says I'm an elite winner I've won in life yeah yeah he's an elite winner man Elite winner that's all definitely a winner no that that's a great point I love the fact that how you how you how you you know broke it down it's like he's more of a a winner than an enforcer but he definitely has that enforcing capability and he keeps the locker room together I think it's a fine line with those type of guys but you need those guys now you you definitely team player move the ball you know the screen and roll the the the slipping the all that little stuff he's he's doing all the little things yes that you should do which is like that's way more impressive to me just watching him you know watching him work you I don't know who else is in enfor I mean jannis might be an enforcer at times I don't know he be dunking on people head you think about that I know if he's an enforcer I would n cuz he he probably ain't gonna go in no more locker rooms after Indiana when and got JJ he ain't going in that locker room I'm going go here James Johnson James Johnson that was Chess at his finest as soon as he listen before he get out before he could get out that locker room with that basketball Indiana had James JJ on speed down what did carile say car said that was classic that was a classic locker room that could never happen back in our day my my my listen I don't listen we would have to yanan's ass to pieces he would have came out no way can you imagine another player from another team walking in your locker room after the game Run for basketball yeah yeah I would have been in the shower and I would have heard Steve say and it would have been like everything smashing crashing I would have got out the shower like Steve what happened we have to get somebody up out of here what's what's dinner tonight get away with that what's for dinner tonight come in my house no no you will not under no circumstances of all the years you played give me your list of your five toughest covers five toughest uh R Rip Hamilton him and they're all probably for different reasons RIP just conditioning wise and lock like he never stopped cuz I had to guard him even though Reggie would got him but it always came back to me and at this point I said okay guys my track shoes are on I'm not going to have no energy for offense and that team was nice five five Allstars you hear that yeah yes my track shoes are on whatever I whatever I got to do for the team young kids at home whatever I got to do for the team young kids at home to win that's what I'm willing to do I had nothing I couldn't do nothing else bring that back what you say my track shoeses on whatever I have to do to win I love that I know rip you know rip oh yeah I had to check him too that was no F oh my goodness he come with that tight curl in the midrange my goodness then you got to chase him back and the hardest part about that not not to cut you off but the hardest part about that is you got she the one setting it so as a big you got a head yeah but with me it was Shez so I had to hedge she would pop back to the three so now I got a hedge on on you know rip coming off that that floppy trying to get a head and then get back to she back to the three shoo at seven foot up top yeah that ion do a floppy you hit before he even touched the rock oh that was such a tough cover so rip one so Rip's one of them rip one um I would say uh Lebron I'll put LeBron too because we built similar about the same weight you know I think he's a little heavier maybe but he's way jump and he's way faster and that was and he's smart yes and so he had too many different tools and that that that that was tough I would say Kobe Kobe and LeBron Tai Kobe might be up there well you don't have to put him in order just Five Guys Five Guys yeah Kobe mentally hard to do that they're all different reasons all different reasons Kobe mentally Waring you yeah Kobe not gonna just give up you ain't gonna just Punk Kobe yeah no matter how hard you work so so obviously I was never known as a Defender let's put that out there okay um but I think the thing that was with Kobe CU like like I said all the are different right like rip you knew track you's on we're going five we're at least going five miles tonight that's what you had for sure LeBron was downhill at you all the time are you going to take that beating tonight right Kobe was Kobe was what you said the mental side like I always felt like I okay I'm playing decent defense like come on man like what the hell I'm supposed to do man like so he was demoralizing like you said you had to be mentally like your endurance mentally had to be ridiculous for sure cuz he going to get you for 50 he was trying to get 50 on you every night yo my goal was not to let him get over 40 that's what I'm saying I'm not going to lie no no but that's that's the feeling yeah I'm like or had 40 on Me Maybe maybe once or twice yeah it was mostly 32s 35s you know that's crazy but my goal is like how can I keep him up so I got to keep working I'm not going to stop working yeah guys if you stop working that's 60 yeah he going he going to keep going yeah you he ain't shut off yeah he going to keep going incredible that's three yep that's three um so I said uh Jordan MJ Jordan was older but you can tell he was nice oh yeah yes yeah you can tell you played against Jordan yeah no I ain't catch him but I watched him oh you watched he had him he came out early he caught him his last season I caught him the last two okay so that that second season before the last one Jordan was nice he was and he was still getting that huh oh yeah and then I would say part of it for me too like guard was like damn I'm guard Jordan 19 20 years old yeah yeah yeah he was nice and I would say um um H Melo one of those guys um I would say I didn't really have many problems with a lot of players honestly but if I had to say five that's hard to say I get it I I get it people people did their thing yeah but it wasn't you know at at one point in time I was really comfortable you know uh I didn't have to do much to stop people you know but yeah I get it no I get it for sure for sure there's another there's another question on here I've never I didn't even know what happened it says fan question why did you hit Harden well that that was that was um shout out to harden I like Harden so when did this happen hold on dumb this down for me this is like this is maybe 2014 so I was playing I was playing very well cuz as a Laker I was averaging eight points my first year you know I it was a lot of shots so I had one particular season where I was averaging 12 that's like averaging 20 you ain't get no shots I was having a great season I was playing against OKC and I had 16 in the first half I was cooking had a couple dunks and I had about three dunks that game so I got I was I never dunk really hardly ever so I was super excited makes two of us go ahead you know what I'm saying I got this weak dunk stretched all up you know and I and I banged it and then so as I dunked it I got really excited in the arena like so then Harden and this is why Harden don't really probably talk about this but um he was following me so I'm I'm dunking to the crowd yeah and Har come and he shoved me in my back so at this point he didn't it wasn't a hard sh but I I was trying to say like you know get get up off me you know what I mean and then I didn't know who it was yeah you know what I mean but then then unfortunately it was harder than and you know luckily it wasn't a bad blow yeah but it was definitely it looked bad yeah he looked bad it looked bad it looked bad it looked I remember that I a seen it but it it looked like it made a ton of contact but it was like it was no knots yeah on you know what I mean but it looked like it no hie on his head no hickeys on his head it leads me to it leads me to that Isaiah Stewart stuff that just happened EU Banks and Isaiah Stewart you seen the footage so I don't know I ain't seen it yet either but you said something to me before we got on here that that caught me off guard you said which I thought was hilarious by the way it's better to hit him on the floor than off the floor I learned it's better to be on the floor if I take the brawl back I would have just fought Ben on the floor yeah I wouldn't have been suspended for you and you know and you know I much rather have a five game suspension yeah then the 82 game suspension yeah do you think that going to that do you think that that suspension was warranted you think 82 G was wared I think they was under a lot of pressure yeah I don't think anybody ever saw you know somebody protect themselves first thing that happens all the time is the worst always yeah I think I think like what they they had to do it they had no choice now I don't think it was fair but I also think they didn't have a choice by the way I look back at it by the way a Ben Wallace R our test fight would have been freaking pay-per-view yeah I mean I'm see I don't want to see I don't want to see that I don't see that at all which leads us to your prize picks Jud oh yeah prize picks top five enforces by Og UD don't DM you yeah first first first and foremost we gonna go with the OG Charles Oakley oh yeah yeah with that smoke still today yes he is you not you better not run up on o with that still today Noe I was playing a video game Oak is my vet so I'm I'm I'm playing a video game 2K getting ready for the game I'm in I had I was in a slump this in Chicago it's in Chicago I was in a slum so I'm trying to get myself mentally out the slum so I'm playing with myself I'm like damn he nice so I get into the G I'm playing well in the game I'm like I'm just you know I'm nice look I'm nice so one day I was playing Oak smack me in the back of the head he's like I'm like oh I was Oak why you smack me put you playing no games before before the game I said I'm trying to get ready for the game he smacked me in the back of the head again that was the last that was the last of me playing video games hey hey better this is too good he said I was struggling I was struggling so I was playing myself in a video game get myself gassed up I'm hooping I'm I could wait to see a shot go down I like some genius right there that's some gen oh man two two I'm gon go with Ron Artest that's right obviously three Ben Wallace four UD that's right um five go James Johnson James Johnson James is James is a day with my dog JJ I like I might put him number one Hest this ain't in no particular order this ain't in no particular order no that real for sure I see it in action I see Jay put hands on he quiet about it too tell you got to tell better about that story it was quick well you know we in the jungle with the heat man we you know we let people get off their chest like you said earlier you got to get it out so we can move on so we playing upstairs we playing pickup and um JJ and one of the guys going at it and get dude called JJ oh JJ looked at him and said you got to see me after practice that's all JJ said that's he when somebody give you a one liner like that they mean that you got to see me after practice we like we all heard JJ got that going but we ain't really know so I say listen y'all gonna get this out we gonna have it out it was me and D way yall gonna get that over with man we ain't coming to practice tomorrow beefing we ain't going y'all go downstairs man listen here that fight last about 33 seconds Ron JJ might have hit his ass on the head 33 times in 33 seconds a second who's that who one of our young fellas man he put young fell ass up I love young fell he know who it is JJ pull that boy ass up so quick broke it up JJ the little bloody nose whatever I said now y'all hug that out and over with they hug that out and that over with we moved on but I seen firsthand that that is real man that heat culture different listen that it's a little it's a little bit of Street coaching too all he coaches it's a little bit of Street coaching but what I did know is JJ wasn't going to let that man call him a and get away with it yeah you know what I'm saying that's what I did know for sure you know as me as a captain understanding that it's better to kind of get this situation over with so we can move forward then just let it carry on throughout the season and now we got issues in the locker room you know what I'm saying if they could have let Jordan p and uh Draymond square off in the ring and get out might have been able to say the season that probably was to last a very long might would have wore his ass out I'm tell tell you probably would have wore him out but I'm just saying it would got over what if what if young fell you got 45 minutes left in practice and JJ looks at you say you have to see me after practice that man would WR practice I guarantee you man listen I'mma tell you something man young fell ain't back down for really oh he didn't back down yeah he was with just didn't just didn't end well yeah it just didn't end well but he didn't back down yeah shout out to Young fell for real he back down he took his like a man too yeah he hugged it out took it like a man next day was like nothing happened nothing happened well you know that growing up in the hood all the time you fight with your homeboys and y'all get up next day and play ball like nothing never happened sure yeah that's how you build Bond that's bonding we call that bonding in the hood killer yeah man you just Bond that's just bonding yeah that's bonding we didn't bond like that in South Dakota meta we didn't bond like that you got you got to get it out man you got to get it out we hold a grud too long well listen man we appreciate you coming in for real sure man true OG and just want to say one thing you know what I'm saying your Evolution I for me I I love to see it I appreciate it you know what I'm saying we only got a certain amount of time to talk but you're coaching girls basketball now yeah know what I'm saying so congratulations on that my brother congratulations on the evolution understanding that you know what I'm saying that you could be better and that there was another level you can get to to be the best version of yourself and I seen you pushing towards that so man thank you for inspiring me somebody else who got a screw loose you know understand that you know what I'm saying we you know what I'm saying we are good people we have good intentions so thank you bro for coming on the show and thank you for evolving and doing everything you do and being an ultimate competitor man I always love competing against you dog ultimate competive for real thanks man I really appreci I've seen the show I've been watching the show and um I'm happy you getting into you got right into it you know shout out to your jersey retirement that was incredible you know what well deserv you know and um yeah man thanks for having me on the show thank you man OG's out tune in Tuesdays man we're out
Channel: The OGs
Views: 148,287
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Udonis, Udonishaslem, Ogs, Mikemiller, Heat
Id: Nr7zD6bJ8Gw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 13sec (3853 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 27 2024
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