Why We Need THE WALL: A Rant

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I believe it's pronounced RazorFISH

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/LITERALLYMADEOFTACOS πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

He talking as if Trump and his cabinet care about mexican people. Give be a break. The best way to defeat Mexican cartels would be to legalise weed everywhere in the US so that they don't have this huge source of income. Republicans would make all weed illegal again if they could.

These are good people.

You mean good rapists and criminals? If Trump actually said that Mexicans were good people he would have never won.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 6 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Boris_the_Giant πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Please let DP cover this video because it's very frustrating.

Instead of wasting the money building a wall, decriminalize drugs and end NAFTA.

Mexican farmers are being ruined by American farmers who get government aid. Besides even if we build a wall nothing will change. People will still cross the border against our will. There have been massive underground tunnels since the Bush years. Obama has cracked down on illegal immigration harder than any other president, violence and force is not the answer to solving illegal immigration, it's another problem caused by the current crisis.

No more allowing companies to exploit workers, no more private prisons who make money by coming up with stupid reasons for people to be in prison and work for them for free.

We don't need a wall. We need the Republican party to disappear.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/BraDawg πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Alot of what he said is right, but a border wall won't do shit or even slow illegal immigration down.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Hipster_Cthulhu πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy is even more of a try hard than my stallion phase. Whats up with that ridiculous getup?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/GodtvRadio πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

Takes style tips from mid-90's Bret Hart.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Checker-Pete πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

This guy is fucking retarded. Sealing up the border and kicking them all out is really the humane thing to do, it's all for their own good guys. Also, mexicans are really honest, nice, hard-working people, but I don't want those fucking beaners in my neighbourhood, they all belong in Mexico.

Fuck right off back to 1986 and never come back.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Bellewoods πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

He continues to be a fuckwit. People privately support mass deportation and a border wall? Not according to polling:

Razorfist is full of shit again

That was a poll conducted in Arizona, a state where John McCain had to make campaign videos about how he was going to stop illegal immigration just so he could get re-elected there. A state that's been redder than monkey's ass throughout the entirety of the 21st century thus far.

"But, polling is flawed!" Sure, but this was well, well outside the margin of error. This isn't like the bevy of polls that showed Hillary winning by about 5 points days before the election.

And the only thing Razorfist has to counter this is anecdotal evidence. Oh, he talked to some people and they told him they were for deportation! Wow, that's so compelling!

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 9 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Raz0rzEdge πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 25 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies

I can't take this guy seriously. He talks like a middle management corporate weasel whose dad bought him a career, but dresses like Andrew Eldritch circa 1987.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 4 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/pubonic_plague πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jan 26 2017 πŸ—«︎ replies
now your mileage may vary but the most pleasant surprise of the past election for yours truly was the unprecedented focus placed on the issue of illegal immigration a topic routinely depicted as divisive and thus ignored like the dickens by establishment as bandits like John McCain who pay it lip service every four years only to whirl about on their [ __ ] heels and drive heart of the amethy hoop once they've achieved their re-election erection however in my experience illegal immigration is a deceptively unifying issue you'd be shocked by the number of died in the dung Democrats who publicly express solidarity for Obama and its doomed Dream Act but then when the drapes are drawn and the teleprompters tucked away in Michelle Obama's handbag they're more than happy to confess they agree not only with enforcement but outright mass deportations or more it's a multi-faceted malady with adverse consequences on both sides of the border but as a citizen in a border state and someone with extensive experience in Mexico as well I'd like to dissect the issue from both sides and hopefully separate the policy from the piston winery and you can use the heads up and every big deal you gotta go get it here for myself you got to get a buddy here okay so you're talking about a man I do tell you oh yeah oh yeah thanks for your ego strength he got it through the backdoor no liar I'm sorry how we gonna learn if you have doing water you have to go back if I may I'd like to begin on the southern side of the border Mexico look our immigration problem is in a welfare issue or a law enforcement issue it's not a drug war issue or even a relocation issue it's a Mexico issue Mexico's government is corrupt you know it I know it Martian water bacteria with a long enough telescope [ __ ] know it Mexican politicians have an active incentive to not improve the lives of those citizens and continue to be beholden to oligarchy and drug kingpins secure in the knowledge that they can always use the border with the United States as their own personal political pressure release valve look at any country bordering one that actually enforces its immigration laws there would have been a revolution decades ago or a political reform so widespread and violent it could easily be mistaken for an outright revolution but in Mexico the more citizens starve the more they suffer the more out of control the cartel violence gets the pressure builds it swells the Mexican political machine begins to shudder beneath the way of fomenting revolutionary sentiment and then thanks to that border that evergreen political pressure valve perpetually kicking the can of insurrection Cola down the driveway to erupt inhales of blood another day oh well the underclass will simply emigrate illegally to the u.s. revolution averted folks these aren't illegals let's call them what they are refugees and while the slack to this left crow about income disparity in the States you want to talk about a wage gap gallivant on over to Guadalajara sometime and my time spent in Mexico it was anything but uncommon to see a palatial four-story of state with a Mission Impossible style [ __ ] Laser grid security system a stone's throw away from a family living in a shack with walls constructed a fallen-down billboards but when you and I might consider to be underprivileged a corrupt politician sees as a potential liability because make no mistake whether it's Russia America Egypt every revolution in history may have been spearheaded by the patrician class but it's driven staffed and actually [ __ ] fought by the under classes without them it's not happening they have to have their raucous to the proverbial wall trapped with no recourse but to reform or fight trump's omnipresent wall may not accomplish that outright but coupled with deportation it goes a long ass [ __ ] way deportations which meetin be as dramatic as Trump or Sheriff Arpaio detractors have been suggesting over the years might I add we can't just do rallies we have to fight back there will be casualties on both sides there will be because people have to die to make a change in the world and Trust and up with your racism splitting families let's go split my family and your fearful that you're going to lose friends and relatives to be bored a lot friends family even all races not just money family culture it with the rest of the races it was a good thing you didn't feel that way about dough ah [ __ ] in Mexico you might not have had to sashay across the Sonoran Desert and come here to [ __ ] begin with eisenhower famously enacted targeted deportations one big dramatic show of a few thousand illegals preview shade the [ __ ] back to the opposite shore of the Rio Grande publicized it via media the illegals get the message and they largely head back of their own volition even if you frame it as a humanitarian issue we do the Mexican people no favors by allowing unchecked illegal immigration we really think about it for once for every one Mexican family that escapes the destitution of their home country by illegally emigrating and lives in let's be honest what amounts to an elevated form of poverty in the u.s. how many dozens our force can live in increasingly desperate squalor I could regale you with stories of volunteering in Mexico to build houses for people living on dirt floors in 2000 only to watch the news in 2002 and see these same communities swallowed up by and building shanty towns on rolling pit loads of trash when I say that we're building their houses on mountains of trash I mean glorified [ __ ] landfills folks commodes bathtubs cars corpses all lining the streets and thanks to the absence of zoning laws unlikely to be sort of the [ __ ] out in the near future either the more illegal immigration we allow the more guest worker programs the nancy pelosi's and john mccain's of the world advocate to siphon their boats by framing it is a race issue the more blanket obama amnesty or dreamers we permit to flit across the border with an area [ __ ] pat down the worst the situation gets for the poor left in mexico never mind a very valid terrorist and homeland security concerns never mind big burger germs thanks for reducing a multifarious dilemma to a shitty catchphrase and poisoning the impressible minds of an entire generation on this issue by the way South Park helped us a [ __ ] ton didn't it when I first turned up in Tijuana there was cartel violence in the streets five years later the cartels were having mayors and police chiefs successfully assassinated the Zetas were crossing the border and abducting family members of the FBI here in the US and slitting the [ __ ] back to their side of the border with impunity that's in just half a decade under the watchful eye of former President Vicente Fox one of Donald Trump's most vocal detractors might I add and that's without even getting into Mexico's government directly undermining our sovereignty by allowing uniformed military and Mexican army choppers to violate our borders on a bi-weekly basis even shooting a border patrol officers on more than one occasion or refusing to identify themselves all the while printing up pamphlets instructing illegals on how best to cross the border where water stations are and how to evade detection by the AI NS once they actually arrived taking out ads in Mexican newspapers for the exact same purpose there was no more pure distillation of the bipartisan buffoonery on this issue than the aforementioned survival pamphlet story on the left let them in they coud quietly tallying their Latino votes all the while and on the right it's won out the war Mexico is spoiling for a fight when in actuality it was really all about self-preservation for Mexican politicians remove the potential revolutionary class and you remove the threat of revolution a revolution Mexico happens to be in dire need of might I ask what Mexico has to fix itself is years of amnesty and guest worker programs resulting in nothing more than record Mexican poverty and cartel violence prove we cannot do it for them the only way this happens is if our border is secure enough and deportations frequent enough to force the underclasses to act against or reform their corrupt government to advocate this position is not only the essence of classic libertarian in other words Mexico should deal with its own issues and we should deal with ours while eliminating is much fortuitous bureaucracy in the immigration process at the same time but to slam shut the border is simultaneously the most humanitarian thing we can do as well to do otherwise hurts us financially and culturally and continues to obliterate the nation of Mexico we're talking about a country with some of the most vast petroleum reserves on planet earth rich in history and culture ecologically rich as well with a thriving tourism industry thriving tourist abductions ransom industry to match on paper Mexico has no [ __ ] business whatsoever being that impoverished and then there's the American side of the border anyone at a border state knows what's up it's an open secret we've all seen once thriving metropolis border peacefully coexisting with their southern neighbors slowly over the course of decades reduced to a satellite city of Mexico I can name names Tucson San Antonio San goddamn Diego [ __ ] many of these cities have been so wholly swallowed by the migration monolith local politicians have given up the ghost and begun to quietly advocate the return of their cities to Mexican control look up Tucson representative Raul Grijalva sometime if your jaw hasn't made contact with the floor in the recent past he'll Phoenix is several hours distant from the border and yet South Phoenix is now routinely referred to as little Tijuana a reference not to race but because honestly white people and African Americans still very much live there but rather it's a reference to the physical makeup of the city I considered these remarks mere hyperbole and then I actually went to Mexico roving stray dogs [ __ ] in the road I'm the present drug traffic [ __ ] there might actually be more spanish-language billboards in south Phoenix than in Tijuana I should know I was born and raised there while I was growing up there was a freeway being constructed without getting bogged down in specifics it effectively linked us directly to Tucson and circuitous lead of Mexico thereby it was completed when I was very young and it's no exaggeration to say that within two years the formerly idyllic neighborhood I grew up in as the elderly population killed the [ __ ] over and their houses went for dirt cheap at auction had devolved into a Mexican municipality and everything but name a woman moved in across the street into a home I can only describe as a fortress we called her the crazy lady squat middle-aged Latino woman hunched behind dirt gradient sunglasses with a wild Chewbacca mop of red hair why why did we call her the crazy lady will she put dog [ __ ] on the hood of my father's carpool buddy we're pretty sure she killed our cats strange vehicles pulled in and out of her house at all hours of the day and i beckoned in by a loudspeaker through the wrought iron gate to disappeared beneath the dense foliage of her front yard what in Bay one of them pissed her off she threw bleach in his eyes and left him screaming in the street when the police intervened the blinded man refused to press charges the last straw that made our mind up about moving was when my family came home from the mall one weekend and the entire street was cordoned off by police and a SWAT van was parked in front of her house we were allowed to sneak into our home through our back door neighbor's home under the proviso that we should duck and stay away from the windows that was our neighborhood after the completion of that freeway when we finally left years the [ __ ] later we're watching the news special report firefight in south phoenix we're about to change the channel and we see a video of a Dominion of Mexican [ __ ] with a mop of red hair being dragged by her hands and feet into a waiting police car she'd been gassed out of her home by the SWAT team after a five-hour standoff with police special reports followed in the days and weeks to come as they disassembled her [ __ ] fortress secret compartments for heroin and weapons a sub-basement beneath the living room for trafficking illegal aliens they Turk are germs no shitheel they took our [ __ ] neighborhoods this ain't about [ __ ] race not least of which because Mexicans aren't an ethnicity they're a combination of several when I say Mexicans are good hard-working kind people it's not a platitude it's fact this picture is one of my most cherished memories in Mexico and I'll tell you exactly why because not two minutes after this is taken I'm doubled the [ __ ] over pounding a male in the rest of the leg when I feel a tug at my shirt I turn around and it's this beautiful saucer-eyed little Mexican girl could have been a day over to Lauda I think name was the only child of the family whose house we were building and in her hands on a plate she's holding out odds are Thea these people have nothing they have a dirt floor and a hole in the ground to [ __ ] in one entire wall of their tetanus riddled shack is a Pepsi advertisement because they pulled it down from a billboard and they're trying to feed us and that's why I take this personally these are good people and Mexico deserves to be a good country in all the shriller e shrieking about immigrants rights and unsubstantiated claims of Sheriff Joe Arpaio's racism when has they one cig knowledge the fact that Mexico has the right to be a great nation to a country that's centrally located with set many natural resources at its disposal that culturally historically and ecologically rich should not be this [ __ ] poor and how much better off with the us be with an affluent southern trading partner instead of one mired in gang warfare stagnation and starvation I wouldn't mind making a north american free trade agreement with that country but the one we actually cited with [ __ ] that noise i mean did anyone in the east coast asshat ether decrying my sheriff joe arpaio from the opposite end of the [ __ ] country for racial profiling incidents in seven years and several million tax dollars later the Obama Justice Department never turned up one proven instance of read anything at all in to the fact that it was our pie o a former diplomat to Mexico who is one of the most strident advocates for unbending immigration enforcement maybe instead of yucking it up from the comfort of your collegiate come flat [ __ ] bubble Huff and Colbert's farts from on high you should have all I don't know deferred to the wisdom of someone with actual [ __ ] experience at the Mexico border I'm just spitballing here Sally after seven years what did they turn up he was in contempt of court how was he in contempt of court for continuing to enforce an immigration law that we the voters legitimately [ __ ] passed a law that he initially opposed by the way hey G Maurice no you bought out [ __ ] if holding an unelected ass much like yourself who when he isn't free balling under his Rover plant azaleas on McCain between George Soros Sukkoth on in abject contempt as a crime save me a [ __ ] cell you despotic dickbag the only reason our pyo's being criminally prosecuted is because there's no room in the jail for the millions of citizens who overwhelmingly voted for the laws he merely [ __ ] enforced so yes the only solution is to slam shut the border and build that wall with that said make it easier to become a legal citizen in the process I don't mean reduce background checks in the age of terrorism that would be social seppuku but like for example one of my friends was brought here illegally by her parents at a preposterous Lea young age when she was informed of her status she immediately applied for citizenship it wasn't until nearly a decade the [ __ ] later she finally became a citizen having been gainfully employed and speaking English fluently throughout that my friends is bureaucracy [ __ ] squared and to all the open borders pseudo libertarians who claim that we should just let anyone [ __ ] in or out cuz we have no right to set [ __ ] boundaries on national territory sorting that the [ __ ] out is the essence of libertarianism annihilating government waste sort of kind of like exactly what Trump has been advocating well shut the border and simultaneously make it easier to become a citizen the old-fashioned way but dream acts sanctuary cities if you voted for any politician that advocates these policies congratulations you've contributed to Mexico's abject misery and deepen the destitution and death thereof you guaranteed the revolution of reform Mexico desperately needs will never arrive if you voted for Obama [ __ ] if you voted for Bush Clinton hell even Reagan who granted across-the-board amnesty in the 80s take a bow you're an [ __ ] where immigration is concerned the only place for a bohemian approach is [ __ ] Bohemia I'm single a bit god [ __ ] feet [Music] your research says that there are foreign immigrants on the whole create oh come on try getting it out try getting it I'll get it out I mean I don't know if you're gonna put this on television but you don't even know what you're talking about try getting it out go ahead a name with Dwight David Eisenhower
Channel: undefined
Views: 446,918
Rating: 4.7789998 out of 5
Keywords: Donald Trump, joe Arpaio, Illegal Immigration, Los Zetas, Cartel Violence, Mexico, Vigilantism, The Rageaholic, RazΓΆrFist, SB1070, Build the Wall
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 22sec (1042 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 23 2017
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