Requested update Blue Green Resort 2 Daytona Beach Shores for Sharon Fry

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okay today January 24th um I was asked to check on thing there is no swimming pool over there just saying as you can see at uh Fantasy Island one here I guess instead of two I'm looking over it to there's still work going on but there are people in the building so they're both open for business they both seem to be repainted and we'll go over to the beach and see what we can find I got their swimming pool in Fantasy Island 1 but it don't look like it's ready yet I'll show you in a second better look at Fantasy Island 2 you've got nothing over there you don't have your hot tub you don't have your [Music] pool looks like they saved the pool to here but it looks like could use a little shocking looking a little green but it's holding water and it's flat and it looks like all the pavers are up there's no grills barbecue grills but it looks like things are coming back normal oh and we have it looks like a wood ramp coming up oh let's get on the beach see what we find is that plastic wood no well that feels like plastic that feels like metal y got some sort of little vents there I've never seen before it looks like they're almost ready to start the season and here's Fantasy Island 2 here's your walk down ramp locked off and let's see what's around fam Island to I remember it was all washed out oh that's right this was the uh cement slab that was pulling the electric meter off the side of the building there that was a park up there looks like the state has put some tar bags there full of San
Channel: A Retirement well wasted
Views: 97
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Daytona Beach Shores, Florida
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 15sec (195 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 30 2024
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