Metaaltpad launchpadwith Multiple rewards and unique DEFI referrals train sytem

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[Music] hello guys welcome to the cryptopeak channel this will explain the meta outpat project as you can see in the web page you can see the symbol of the project in here and then you can see some project it is under of the website guys and in this video we're gonna introduce a social media account like telegram like twitter and in this video we're gonna make investment uh in uh this project guys so let's go uh start with the website in here guys eleven percentage rewards in any token meta alt pad seven percentage to the reversible and four processes to the referees referees introducing the first ever token with built in instant reveal rewards and a unique referral train system introducing the meta outpath holders also benefit from an automatic passive reward system dealt out in any token of their choice every 60 minutes learn more about our rafflers and our advanced dashboard you can here is the section about buy now and white paper part in here guys here's the token i'm excited you can see the token mix about project in here like as i said already four percentage goes to reference uh same person to earn rewards to proceed to liquidity one person is if referred four percentage to marketing as you can see in here refer metal pad metal pad is a first of its k kind token by implementing a regular train system map like map has the capacity to expand well into the messes for mainstream adoption share your link gets rewarded it's that simple if you refer referred to someone who in turn refers more people you will also get a bonus like it's a reveler system uh this is three three extras three branches deep meaning if the people you are referring are also referring people you will be greatly rewarded there is also a daily weekly and multi-leaderboard compete on alpha automated with our one of a kind contract users that accept a referrer will also pay 4 percent less tax on each by order they places the earning and method pass some details about it as you can see in here the roadmap of the uh project in here like for example it starts with quarter 2021 and it goes with uh quarter one twenty twenty two like their main goal is like burn event partnership and that's what you tilt a snake peak a 100 mil market cap and updated water map as you can see in here is the featured part here the token distribution part that you can see like the how much goes to positive style in here guys you can see pretty editors in here talk and tickle tokens total supply lines extra things in here guys here's that you can see the frequent ask question that you can search your answer uh such an answer about the question in here guys like what's in my heart but where can i push the metal pad token and etc here is that social media accounts going equipment kind of exactly things in here guys so let's go with the uh social media console project guys let's go with the twitter in dayton it has a 2000 members in their twitter and they are posting news about the project and about token in here if you want to get informative you can follow them in the activities of corrupt guys let's go with their telegram in their telegram intended 10 000 members in their telegram and if you have a question about the project about the token you can ask in their telegram group guys let's go with the buying section about the project guys we're going to make investment uh like the hundred dollars in here like it makes nearly uh zero point one eight bmp so that we're gonna buy it zero point one uh eight in here like ask we can ask how to buy this section all into this just go to the buy now section and the package swap gonna appears in our front guys and don't forget connect your wallet in here we connect our metamask wallet in here now for buying the token just be sure that you have uh set your like the little page tolerance therefore transmit and like the type of uh money but in here guys let's go with the swept page like yes we need to press the confirms web page and it's waiting for confirmation at the you can see the uh gatsby in here like the exact uh totally transaction in here guys we need to press the confirmation here and it makes the uh transition submitted as you can see in here guys so you can need to like here's the transaction 127 confirmed we haven't had to scan like the verb already finished our transition that you can see our transaction in the bsc scan guys as you can see in here guys like you can go with the basic scan like copying the contract other software under pasted psc scan guys like if you want to check out uh our tokens like all into this just go with the uh package for finance and then go with the meta mask in here guys at that this section gonna appears in our front assets and then import tokens in here and then you need to uh token quota address in here and then add custom token and you need to import token and then you consider how much you receive the token in here guys and we are received like nearly you can see the number in here guys let's close this one and continue with the psi you can see the last transitions in here holders transfers and exact right things in here guys thanks for watching the video guys you can reach us from the description section
Channel: Crypto Peak
Views: 46,734
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Meta Alt Pad
Id: 8EBv53drWvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 54sec (354 seconds)
Published: Sun Dec 19 2021
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