Meta Quest Pro - Easy Setup Tutorial Anyone Can Do

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foreign welcome back everybody I'm Giles and today  we're going to learn how to set up the meta Quest   Pro that's right this is the brand new in 2022  hot off the presses lots of reviews out there if   you want to check that out but this video is going  to tell you how to set this thing up from Soup To   Nuts now to get started you're going to need two  things one you're gonna need the beta Quest Pro   right so go buy it it's not cheap it's like 1500  bucks hopefully they put it on sale for Christmas   for Black Friday and the other thing you're going  to need is some kind of mobile device that you can   load the The Meta app on right so that's the app  where you have your account and you manage all   your games and buy stuff and that kind of thing  well you'll need a iPhone or a tablet of some kind   for that once you've got those two things then  you're ready to go now if you want to see what   this looks like as it's being unboxed I've got a  video that you can watch up here so click on that   guy you can check it out but with that we're going  to go ahead and jump right in and start the setup   the first thing that you're going to want to  do is get this thing on your head and there   are three adjustments that you need to look  at to make this thing fit so first there's   a spinner right here a wheel and that moves the  forehead pad back and forward I'm going to set   it to where the the distance is farthest from my  face just to start I've got a huge head and these   things never fit me right so I'm going to give  myself as much space as possible to now I wear   glasses and you're probably saying why doesn't he  have them on well I'm not going to set this up to   start with with glasses but you know my glasses  likely will not fit well in there again huge head   issues but if you do wear glasses then pushing  the front as far forward as possible is going to   be a bonus there you know the second adjustment  is on the back there's another spinner and this   moves this whole back piece forward and back now  some things to think about there's a cable here   this is supposed to be like this this is the power  cable because you've got batteries back here a lot   of people say hey is my cable supposed to hang out  like that yeah well this expands Right Moves back   and forth so you need a little bit of slack there  so this this will move this way and then the other   adjustment is on the inside and it's kind of hard  to see this but the lenses actually slide in and   out and that's to set the ipd or the intrapupal  distance you could just take two hands and move   those this infinitely adjustable which is way  better than a click click click style so you can   get it just right so let's go ahead and set this  up for your head so if you're following along with   yours go ahead and grab yours and let's let's  put this thing on and see if we can make it fit   um another thing to note is I've got the side  blinders on but I'm going to take them off and   these just clip on they're magnetized I'm going to  take it off for a little bit easier process here all right and one thing you'll  notice is when you've got this on   without the blinders there's there's a lot of you  can see stuff right so it's not like the Oculus   Quest 2 where you don't see anything outside of  it this has augmented reality meaning that it's   got cameras and you can see the real world in  certain apps and games so you'll you'll want to   uh to have that if you want the immersive style  then you'll put the blinders on and it really   really blocks out a lot of the side light and  there are even third-party super blinders that   you can buy that really give you that immersive  feel all right well once you've got this on   um and it's sitting where  you think it needs to sit   we're going to go ahead and turn this on and get  started and the power button for the unit is on   your left hand side on the bottom so go ahead and  just hold that down and it should power up for you while it's powering up you might want to  adjust your ipd left and right a little bit   and uh you'll you'll see the uh the infinity meta  symbol at some point the symbol will pulse a bit   and then disappear you'll have a black screen  and then you'll come up to three dots and then   things start happening um it's pretty cool okay  now remember your volume controls are on your   right hand side so if you put your hand up you  can feel those too if you use your thumbnail you   can feel the little slot between them so you  know the up and down and the instructions say   you can point your head to select and you've  got a DOT that's floating around and a button   that says continue to the right says point  at that and then hit the volume button now you can select your your  language now this is a good   time to adjust everything and if things  are blurry you can move it up and down   and you can move it in and out and get it to  just how everything works the way you want it to   I'll choose my language English I'll point my  head the dots over English and then I hit the   continue button here volume all right it says  please stay seated for setup find the seat with   space to move your arms before continuing and  hey look I got armor space highlight continue go all right turn on the controllers now it shows  hands holding controllers and it says hold down   the button on the right controller  and the lines on the left controller   for two seconds so it's a little bit easier  because you can kind of see what's going on   in the world as you can see I'm trying to  stick my head up so got that one that one   now you might not know what the buttons  are so you can kind of peek and and see all right I've held down the two buttons  and these are just the buttons that are on   the farthest left and farthest right for each  controller once they turn on they'll both Buzz and it takes me to a Wi-Fi screen asking me  to select which wi-fi I want so I'm going to   find my Wi-Fi point at it select oh I guess  it wants me to use controllers now okay all right so it's got the left  controller on I point at my Wi-Fi   hold it down select clicks connect  it's asking for my password all right it looks like it is connected to  my Wi-Fi now I'm going to select done go   now it's asking me to adjust my wheel fit I've  already done that and I think you should do that   as you go through this and make sure you have  have this really comfortable on your head but   it says adjust left and right to give you the  correct fit I have done that so we're going to   move on with a continue click adjust the depth  will turn the depth wheel if the lenses feel   too close or too far away from your face or  glasses I've done that I'm going to continue   adjust the lens spacing we talked about that a  bit already you just use your hands to grab them   one on each side and it's really easy when it's  on your head you just can come in from the side   like this and push in or out it's really easy  to access the lenses in the in the pro model once you're happy there continue all right  now for your safety uh read the manual and it has a nice little animation ongoing with  a lady sitting down and getting away from stuff   and looking at the Mania manual her child comes  up and she throws a child and says get out stay   away I'm setting stuff up it says we are using  only indoors remember sun will damage these so   I don't don't use this in direct sunlight and  then it's designed for ages 13 up so not for kids um for your safety another acknowledgment  of all the safety warnings I'm going to   acknowledge that and we're going to preview  what's new it says learn more about these   exciting features while your headset  prepares for a software update continue all right this goes through and shows how you  can boost your productivity and there's a mobile   app for mediquest certainly we know we know  about that we'll continue past all those things   and now we are uh in the update process  it says updating process put your device   on the charging dock your headset will  play a sound when the update is complete   um and then the next step says to download  the metaquest app on your mobile device   to log in and continue setup so while if  you haven't done that already while your   headset is updating go ahead and grab  the metaquest app on your mobile device once your update is complete you'll hear a tone  from your headset and that means it's time to move   on well the next step is to pair the headset with  your app if you don't have the app you can go to   the App Store search for metaquest download that  and you will want to create a user account and log   in I would recommend using an email address and  not using Facebook as that if something happens   to your Facebook you're in a world of hurt so just  do it do it all separate you can do that now it's   not like the old days and once you get logged in  it'll look something like this right and in your   headset at this point it's got a three or rather  six digit code that you need to input but we have   to figure out how to actually add that device so  let's go to menu and we're going to go to devices and we are searching for our old headset  and that exists in this downstairs it   won't be able to find it but we're  going to click on this plus button   to add a new headset and we are going  to add Quest Pro looking for the headset pairing I want to talk a little bit about the  Bluetooth pairing before we move on now for me   the pairing while it looked pretty straightforward  in the instructions that I just gave you was not   straightforward at all for me it was it was pretty  tough and what I mean by that is I tried it on an   iPad and it didn't work at all and then I swapped  to the iPhone 13 and I was able to make it work   but I had to attempt it multiple multiple times  maybe five or six times and then what I had to   do to make it finally work is when you get  to the point where it says pairing and it's   sitting there spinning I turned off Bluetooth  on the phone and then turned it back on again   and I did that a couple of times and finally it  finished I don't think I was too hasty I think   I wasn't impatient I gave it time I think I gave  it enough time maybe giving it a lot of time you   know 10 minutes or something will will work but  for me it just spun and spun and spun until I   started turning on and off Bluetooth on the cell  phone and then 5 finally it paired so you might   experience something like that hopefully yours is  straightforward just pairs up and you're good to   go but don't be surprised if you need to play  with things a little and for me what got it to   work was turning on and off Bluetooth on my cell  phone as I was attempting to pair the headset now that pairing is complete the next  screen says this is designed for privacy   and has some notes there with a continue  button go ahead and select continue There   and the next screen is share additional data to  improve metaquest I am not sharing anything more   than I have to so I am going to don't share  and uh now it's time to create a boundary uh   and a boundary is a safe area around you that  the headset will alert you when you're passing   through so that you don't you know Punch walls or  run into glass Or or whatever I'm going to attempt   to do this just in a seated position so that  I can capture all of this on camera for you so   I'm going to click continue at create a boundary  and now we're confirming floor level if you look   down you'll you'll you'll have pass through on  and this is pretty cool this is where you can   see an augmented reality format what's going on  so you can see all of your room around you and   then on your floor you should see purple squares  and this is really cool I mean this is uh this   is this is I think a glimpse of what the future  holds I mean obviously today it works okay but   man the the promise of the future for this is good  the floor looks good for me it's at a good spot   um I'm going to click confirm Define play  area now I'm going to dry circle using this   hand controller as I point at the ground it  lights up little pluses on the ground and I'm   going to use the trigger to hold and then draw  so and sounds like a paint can coming around me all right now I've drawn my area I'm going to  confirm this they say move all your furniture   out and that kind of stuff for the purposes of  the setup video though I'm just going to stay   seated here confirm now um it will very briefly  show you your purple pluses floating in the air   around you and then it goes to choose your home  experience your home experience is your launch   pad into the world of metaquest you'll come back  to this place anytime you're not in the app you   can always update this later so basically it's  asking do you want to feel like you're sitting in   your room and you can see your room or do you want  to be in a fully immersive fantasy environment I'm   going to choose mixed reality because that's new  I've experienced the fully immersive on the quest   2. so let's uh let's select mixed reality then  continue okay as soon as you click mixed reality   you can see your room again like I can see you  know the the camera that's filming me here and   my lamp and lights and everything so it's kind  of cool um continue and uh device setup is now   complete it says push the Oculus button to finish  and let me see oh I can just do this and see it   haha look at that that's that's so cool I'm like  which button I'm trying to look through the crack   but when you're in augmented reality mode you  can just see it it's really cool push the button   and at this point we are now in the  standard uh UI that you get when you   put your headset on to do stuff and the  headset is set up and ready for action
Channel: Jiles McCoy
Views: 2,754
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meta quest pro, how to setup meta quest pro, quest pro, oculus quest pro, virtual reality, oculus quest 2, oculus quest, meta quest 2, vr headset, oculus quest 3, mixed reality, mixed reality headset, quest 3, quest pro setup
Id: DXecZiVtdiA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 9sec (909 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 11 2022
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