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welcome back to my messy to minimal mama journey where today i bring you another real life messy house clean declutter and organize with me today we are gonna continue cleaning up this complete disaster hoarder house that i have going on here as i am moving forward with my messy to minimal journey i need to get everything cleaned up from that crazy month of april so if you have been unmotivated to clean your messy house and you are looking for that real life cleaning motivation then this video is definitely for you so keep on watching and let's clean declutter and organize together in a safe place i got room to breathe been a long chase but at last i'm free hello mighty mamas mighty friends mighty people it feels so good to be back for you guys i have missed you all so much i apologize for my absence i have been going through so many different changes like physically spiritually just in so many ways just so many heavy things going on in my life and i am choosing to keep it private because it's just very personal to me but just know that throughout my absence i have thought about you guys so so much and i felt so guilty not being able to be here for you all but i am so happy to finally be back bringing you guys this real life cleaning motivation as you can see my house is a complete disaster and this is a continuation from the last video i brought you guys you guys know that i had recently suffered um a family loss and uh you know things just kind of spiraled out of control from that point on so yes my house was in total chaos and disarray and so that is why i'm here cleaning up this complete disaster of a mess and so if you are feeling stuck right now and you're at home feeling unmotivated needing that boost of energy to get you going maybe you're struggling with depression and anxiety and it has you know put you in this stagnation then i am here to say get up right now and get cleaning the mess right along with me because if i could do this you could do this so i'm starting off here this is day one this is definitely going to be a combination of like four to five days it took me to clean this whole entire space the kitchen and the dining room because you know i'm a mom and you know we can't just spend all of our days cleaning a house we have other things to do we still have to feed the little people we have to entertain them they have places to be things to get to so yeah this is just how it goes this is real life messy mama life for you and um yeah so if you can relate then this is definitely the video for you so as you can see i'm starting here cleaning up this mess in my kitchen these videos are obviously pre-recorded so um this is not current time this took place back in april like i said this is a continuation from the previous video i brought you guys i you know started to clean all the spaces in my home um just because i had to put things on the back burner because like i said the family loss and then just the everyday mom life and all the things in between and work and school and all of that so anyways i just wanted to catch you guys up so this is where we are here and i am going to be bringing you guys tons of decluttering videos coming up i'm really diving deep into decluttering my home and moving along on that messy to minimal journey that i started so definitely stay tuned and you know make sure you're subscribed youtube did kind of do a clear out they do that every so often where they go and unsubscribe people from channels so just make sure that you are subscribed so that you are getting my new uploads i do have some changes happening with my channel i am planning to go live and talk to you guys about that um and yeah so i'm just not sure yet when i'm gonna go live but i will keep you guys posted in my community center so make sure you guys are you know checking in and make sure you click that bell for all notifications so that anytime i post anything in the community or a new video you guys are definitely getting notified so anyways let's get back to the cleaning this kitchen was a disaster [Music] stand here while take a little time [Music] since you went away you came to a halt silence is everywhere and you're now [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh i could never [Music] okay so at this point i've already cleared up some counter space which is great to see i was able to you know get a load running into the dishwasher of any dishes i could fit in there and of course had to follow up with washing any pots and pans by hand which you see i'm finishing up here and then i am going to need to scrub down the sink but honestly we have to jet out um i need to bring my son to baseball practice and then um of course have to come home and make dinner and so you guys are gonna see this is gonna continue on to day two so stay tuned for that and we're gonna pick up where we left off on day two and that's just sometimes what we need to do in this messy mama life so if you guys are not able to completely finish cleaning a space in your home don't get down on yourself about it this is real life you know real life messes real life moms and sometimes we can only do what we can do you know as long as you're doing something and then you pick up where you left off the next day that is progress for you so don't get down on yourself don't beat yourself up just keep on moving through and eventually it will all come together so let's pick up on day two so as you can see here it is now day two and i am picking up where i left off last night after feeding the kids dinner so once again i have dishes to do um i have you know more to clean up that is the whole thing like when you're a mom nothing stays the same right so even if you clean a mess there's always going to be a new mess and that is just part of the struggle of this messy mama life it is never ending there's always something to do there's always gonna be a mess to clean up so you just have to allow yourself that grace and this goes for any caregiver of children and you know just anybody who's struggling with keeping a clean house and living with anxiety and depression and feeling overwhelmed by the mess and you know just always struggling with staying on top of the house it's definitely not easy honestly just like i'm dealing with right now there's a little bit of chaos going in the background while i'm doing this voiceover because you know what that's real mom life the kids are still here they're always here but seriously don't get down on yourself if you have to stop from cleaning a mess and pick up where you left off even if it's the next day so let's keep on moving you got this and whatever you get done with me today consider that a success you're amazing you're beautiful you are so mighty you're gonna get this mess cleaned up [Music] it's not easy when my fingers [Music] i know now you were better off without me [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] your beautiful life [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] [Music] we should do [Music] i try to be hey [Music] [Music] [Music] so as you can see here i'm cleaning the grates from the stovetop and i did use the power wash by dawn you guys i love this stuff i'm sure you have all heard of it by now but if you have access to dawn power wash make sure you use that for anything greasy and grimy in your home it really does the trick it just you know takes the time and energy out of scrubbing and cleaning i like to spray it and leave it sit for a little bit and then come back and just wipe everything down and i don't know about you guys but the stovetop is one of the spaces in my home that i do not enjoy cleaning like i will neglect it at all costs because i just i don't know what it is i think it's just because of knowing that we have to cook so many times a day that there's you know always going to be a mess there so it's just one of those spaces that's like when you're cleaning it you're like what is the point it's going to become a mess again why do i have to keep doing this myself but it is what it is you know we gotta clean up the mess because we don't want a dirty stove top speaking of which when it comes to you know cleaning the stovetop i'm always thinking about oh the next meal i have to cook and so speaking of cooking i want to let you guys know today's video is sponsored by green chef and i don't know about you mamas but whenever it comes to what's for dinner i get super stressed out and i have no idea what i'm going to do so i am super excited to get my green chef box today because now i know i'm going to have a good variety of wholesome recipes to make for dinner this week no stress mamas green chef saves you time by taking care of meal planning grocery shopping and most of the prep for you week after week so you don't have to do it green chef is a certified organic meal kit company that helps you cook clean delicious dinners week after week with step-by-step recipes and pre-measured premium ingredients that save you time and energy and if you're a mama like me you know those are two things that we just never have enough of in our day green chef has really changed up the meal kit subscription game with offering options for every lifestyle including keto paleo vegan vegetarian fast and fit mediterranean and gluten free having more options and more flavor green chef allows me to choose from a variety of recipes that lets me mix and match meals from different preferences within my family so mama if you got that picky kid that doesn't like to eat the meal you want to cook for the night you can mix and match and get something for everyone i also love that with green chef you get organic produce and premium proteins so you can feel good about what you're eating and how it got to your table green chef is now owned by hellofresh and offers even more meal plans to choose from there's something for everyone i love switching between both brands when my family's taste change or when we want to eat differently from the week before now my viewers can enjoy both brands at a discount with me just go to and use my code mightymama135 to get 135 off across 5 boxes plus free shipping on your first box so what are you waiting for go now and save yourself the time and energy and enjoy the convenience of meal kit subscriptions with green chef never up never down never like a and a song clever feeling high feeling low at the same time i feel so right then i'm wrong hoping i'll be kind but i get up i always do will get if again [Music] [Music] okay so it is now day three and i'm finally able to start cutting into this clutter on this countertop here um yes i have been turning a blind eye to it because you know what it was just very overwhelming for me to even think about um you know you guys seen what i did on day one in day two and i was able to still function in this kitchen and get through the daily task of cooking and you know just being able to feed the kids and do the things i needed to do but now finally on day three here today i am going to be clearing this countertop off it feels so good to finally be cutting through the clutter on this counter now this is a combination of like i said picking up from where i left off from the last video i gave you guys which i will link down in the description below so make sure you check that out if you want to get caught back up but don't forget you know we had a loss in the family and then right after we went on family vacation so this is a combination of all those items and things that built up over time and you know in between the messy mama life and the crazy real life mom life of running kids here in their sports and finishing up school and things like that so there was just a variety of things going on in everyday real life mom life so yes i did let things accumulate hair on the countertop but that's okay because we're gonna get through the mess right now together so if you are looking for that real life cleaning motivation and you have been overwhelmed by a huge complete disaster in your house then right here right now you see i'm getting through this you can do it too it is very tedious there are all kinds of different little items because unfortunately this is the catch all in my house it just seems like everybody just you know places their items and belongings here on this counter it's nice to have it when it comes to serving food and things like that but it's also a double-edged sword when it comes to clutter in the house and that is why i am so adamant about decluttering my home i have really gone through some i guess you would call rage cleanings recently i did not film those um i literally took like bins filled with craft items and just discarded everything like i just couldn't take it anymore you guys i'm like goodbye i don't need all these extra items i'm really trying to consolidate and limit you know even the art supplies that we have in our house we don't need all this excess stuff so yes i'm definitely on the decluttering journey currently current time which i have been filming so those videos are going to be coming out for you guys after um this video you're watching today and then the next video is a continuation of you know cleaning all the spaces that i had fallen behind with in my home but then after that you guys are gonna see me really get into the nitty-gritty of decluttering and organizing my home because we are clearing out the old and we are making sure not to bring in any new that is my goal so i have a lot of that to bring your way as far as the messy to minimal journey that we're on so stay tuned you guys and i want to thank you guys so much for sticking with me throughout my inconsistencies that is something that i am really trying to work on uh within myself and you know that kind of goes along with the whole like developing good habits and healthier habits i've really been working hard on that and that's also why i've been absent because i'm just trying to really focus in on myself and you know still continue on becoming that better version of myself so i really hope that you guys are doing well please leave me in the comments what your status has been how you have been i really hope that even with my absence you guys are continuing on your journeys that you set for yourself when it comes to decluttering your home and your mind and also you know just trying to improve certain uh unhealthy habits in your life and change them so that you are you know just being the best versions of yourselves as well i promise you that like even if i go away at times i will always be back you can definitely count on me returning so i just wanted to you know make sure that you guys know that i'm never going to leave you guys hanging forever and not return it's just that obviously you know during that time of my absence i'm going through my own personal things and i will say that depression and anxiety has been high uh during this time of my absence and you know i just had a lot of internal things to work on and just trying to you know ascend in life and just you know connect more with my spirituality and you know just become more aware of the gratitude for things in my life and things like that so it's pretty deep but seriously like that's just where i'm at approaching my mid-40s um i'm just going through so many different changes but anyways as far as the cleaning goes i hope you guys are up cleaning along with me i hope you guys are feeling that motivation because cleaning a house means cleaning our mind our soul it makes us feel good it's always good to just you know have a clean space around us when you clear the air of all the clutter and all the stress and the mess you're also clearing your mind you're clearing all the negative energy you know away from you so that is what i love the most about cleaning house it's always hard to get started but you know once you find your rhythm and you get into it i always say like get up take that first step whether it is to you know grab that bag of garbage toss it out put a new bag in your garbage can and then move over to the sink and start doing the dishes or just you know unload the dishwasher start by doing that you know something small it will kick that momentum in for you and before you know it you're going to be so deep into your cleaning and then you're going to end up cleaning that space feeling so much better about yourself and the anxiety is going to go down you're going to help your depression to fade away you're just going to feel so much better cleaning truly is therapy for anxiety and depression it truly is helpful so you know just try to stay focused clean the mess you're gonna feel so much better about yourself i promise so let's keep cleaning together yeah let's just see how everything clears away let's keep moving keep cleaning together let's go get up you got this [Music] tryna [Music] i always [Music] oh [Music] again stronger than i ever been [Music] stronger than i ever been [Music] isn't this a good life sitting on the front porch sipping on the rocks citrusy no beverages citrus in our beverages shown leave the good sides always pretty smiles are covering our faces you know it is our lies you know it is our lies [Music] we know that for a minute okay we are finally on day five i finally got the suitcase unpacked you guys that was a long time coming but you know what it's done it is what it is now we are moving along here this is a pile that i was going through and decluttering before everything went down like i said before you know we had that loss in the family i was in the middle of my decluttering projects and i had tons of piles around my house with you know things i wanted to sort through and declutter and give away and things like that so this is one of those piles so i'm just going to go through that here and now these boxes here these are pieces of furniture that need to be built um when i do the room makeovers we already started the kids room makeover so you guys can definitely stay tuned for that video coming up soon but this here is a bookshelf and a dresser for my bedroom because like i said we are making over all the rooms it's just a matter of timing and you know squeezing in these diy home makeovers in between the hustle and bustle of you know messy mama life and kids and everything so stay tuned for that yeah i have all that coming your way as well and it feels good to finally be getting rid of things i also bought a new rug for under this kitchen table so i'm gonna definitely put that out once i clean the floor so yeah we're finally moving forward in this house getting things cleaned up decluttered out and organized and it just feels so good so if you stuck around with me this long then don't give up keep going you got this let's keep on cleaning together we're going to feel so good by the end of this video you say you [Music] you don't change [Music] there's nothing there for you to complicate we're not alive [Music] is [Music] have you given up [Applause] [Music] [Music] now if you break it i can't take it i don't need a price leave out the fact that i am up against a thousand guys my intuition efficient cause i can't use my mind don't try to tell me how it's done you haven't done have you given up [Music] [Music] [Music] you don't change you don't change out now have you given up i will never stop you it's easy to speak out about the way i live but it's a 24 carat dream no supermodel in my dirty jeans but in my 24 inches healed i am not pretending this again for the rain it's so extreme and i don't really care [Music] no i don't really care i don't if i'm a man [Music] trick all your thoughts to criticize but there are plenty more ways to think [Music] [Music] [Applause] if i'm a man [Music] don't be such foreign stranger tell me how you're feeling you know i don't have to live inside your frames boy it's such a funny way to tell me what you're searching life but i'm a mad woman sorry i don't compromise [Music] [Music] okay so i've been on a roll with decluttering and i decided it's time i finally needed to get rid of some you know cups and glasses that we don't use so i'm just kind of doing like little bits of decluttering throughout my days and um you know that's how i'm also unloading a lot of the clutter out of my house so i highly suggest if you know you can just open a cabinet look through it and see is there even one two three items that you don't use or need anymore go ahead put it in a box and you know get rid of it so that's kind of what i did i took it upon myself to just kind of start going through things here but like i said i have some full-on decluttering videos coming your way for the messy to minimal journey we're on so be sure to stay tuned for that but i really hope that this video brought you guys that real-life clean motivation to get up and fight through your anxiety depression or you know just get your butt up and move in and finally take control and cleaning up the mess because you know it feels so good when you see everything is clean and clear like this is here ah finally i have my house back in order it feels so good so i really hope that you guys are feeling that too leave me a comment below let me know what did you accomplish today while cleaning along with me and let me know how you guys been doing i really have missed you all stay tuned for my upcoming live to talk about some changes and just get to like you know chit chat a little bit with you guys i love you guys so much i'm always praying for all of you and i hope everybody is doing well so for now i'm going to say stay mighty and god bless it's such a funny way to tell me what you're searching life but love my my woman sorry i don't compromise [Music] [Music] hey would you rather stay right here make everything [Music] is to get a little lost in everybody's business whether we all calm down why don't we all calm down i think i'm the wrong size not enough room for everybody's eagles what do we all come to why don't we all calm [Music] [Applause] [Music] make everything disappear make everything disappear [Music] sitting on the front parts sipping on the rocks citrus in our beverages citrus in our beverages showing the good sides always pretty smiles are covered in our faces you know it is [Music] [Music] make everything yeah yeah [Music]
Channel: Mighty Mama
Views: 176,396
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: messy to minimal mama real life messy house clean declutter and organize with me messy mama life, messy to minimal mama, real life messy house clean declutter and organize with me, messy mama life, real life cleaning motivation, real life messy house cleaning motivation, real life cleaning motivation for depressed moms, cleaning house while living with, clean declutter and organize, declutter your home and mind, mighty mama cleaning, mighty mama, complete disaster
Id: rRzxOmfnjdQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 14sec (2294 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 17 2022
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