Messi & Ronaldo play AMONG US with R9!

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what up my goats today we will find out who is the real Ronaldo head it is me me me me guys it is me I'm the real Ronaldo I swear I think Cristiano is the Imposter guys what bro I have three more Balon doors than you sounds familiar don't worry Chrissy I was just joking good luck with the game no Ronaldo is such a nice cutie pie bro he is even cuter than me he's very cute indeed but Hakim is cuter guys no thank you Killian can you guys stop uh flirting for once it is so annoying wow Harland is jealous because his best friend is not giving him enough attention lol whatever good luck sster games everyone's what guys is time to start and just so it is all clear let's call me Ronaldo and that other guy Del Lima no that is too confusing we will call you penaldo and the other Ronaldo can just stay Ronaldo what no that is bull crap shush penaldo this is the part we all need to mute our mics or zlaten will injure us using his pointy nose ah it is so annoying that we have two ronaldos in the video next time I will invite a dwarf to see how Messi likes it when there are two of him the last time I played this game I deleted it and cried in the arms of Tony Cru but it is nice that they invited me again no man I am a crewmate I was hoping to be an imposter duo with hake and hide in the vents oh wow I am's a crew mate let's hope this time I K find out how the imposters are oh no no no no I didn't want to be the impostor because every time when I kill someone I get injured no man I have to be careful oh my haircut I hope Cristiano isn't really mad at me and that we can still be friends oh my Antonella I'm the Imposter again I can already see all the rigged comments next video we will just restart the game if I get imposter again I promise now let's hunt some Ronaldo's baby he he this might be my last Among Us episode before I am in Real Madrid player man I can't wait to share the pitch and showers with Jude Bellingham he I trust Ronaldo because he is also a cute Real Madrid Legend with a ball and door just like me how does this work oh so you just swipe it to the ah look at that pessy loser probably looking for burgers okay Neymar think about what the doctor told you and just play it safe sabotage the lights and hide in the vents so nothing can injure you again uh I knows the lights are turned off now I can see anything's just like when I looks at my trophy cabinet I have a plan to set up penaldo guys he so I wonder if Neymar has killed someone already uh wait it is just the Ronaldo with abs my bad guys I thought I saw a camel I just realized wear in the money is hakeim he is better not hooking up with Holland without me guys is it true that Luca is even older than his country or is that a myth just like pelle's goal scoring stats hakeim hakimy where are you my Pooky bear oh my hospital I almost suffocated to death in there as if Wayne Rooney sat on my lap guys like And subscribe if you think Croatia will do good in the Euros again so what do I do here oh I swipe is the card ah I sees all right goats this is my plan I will shape shift into penaldo and kill in front of someone then everyone is going to think it is him and he will say it is rigged again he hey I missed the uh good old days where it was just me and MPP okay let's see Bale is here and no dead bodies so he's probably just the crewmate thinking about Tiger Woods all right let's see and ah a fresh robot this is my chance hey whoop whoop whoop now walk past people yes yes perfect wo okay okay now pretend you were in cafeteria Missy hey hey guys did anyone see hockey uh oh my money no no no who killed my favorite robot I thought I was your favorite uh whatever I see how it is anyways Ronaldo would you like to explain yourself well I am a complicated human being but I can try so it all started when my parents separated when I was 11 and bro what the f are you rambling about you Boomer he said Ronaldo not fat Naldo so he was talking to me yeah my bad I did actually mean Cristiano but you are being kind of toxic bro yeah I agree me too guys it is okay it was just a misunder understanding let's settle this you guys can call me World Cup winner Ronaldo and him the normal Ronaldo how does that sound no way weon oh my that is amazing I hate you all now what in the puskus award do I have to explain hakeim I saw you walking away from Holland's dead robot body why was that oh my Sir Alex I actually might freak out in a second is this Gaslight Ronaldo day or something because I was literally nowhere near you I was doing tasks with baale right Bale that could be right but not going to lie I was also watching some Tiger Woods highlights so I'm not 100% sure guys is the shape shifter's role also ons because then maybe someone shape shifted ins to the normal Ronaldo ANS killed Harland I have no idea what Kane just said but I just realized the shape shifter roll is also on so somebody is trying to probably frame me maybe we should just skip then guys I will trust my honey bun Hakimi and vote the normal Ronaldo me too besides that honey bun part screw you pessy you are just gaslighting me the most I can see through your rigged tactics brother you better watch your tiny little back because I will keep an eye out on you bro Hakim me is the one that puts us on you and you get mad at me typical delusional at it again hakeim is just a nerd bro take that back guys stay till the end because after this game I will play some among us alone with random people because these losers are annoying me even more than that Defender from alhilal the normal Ronaldo seems to not like me very much man I wonder why ha look it is the normal Ronaldo guys imagine being acoustic and 4T tall that is how Messi feels right enough laughing I do have to watch out because Ronaldo is getting sus of me let's go into the V room and watch back some shirtless highlights of the normal Ronaldo ah Dirty Turtle let's get out of here I think Messi has the shape shift to Rolling ah oh no no no I bit my tongue I think it is injured ah okay because hakeim is sus of Ronaldo I will now make Ronaldo sus of hakeim I trust Bale because he could have killed me twice now but didn't also guys if we hit 404,000 subscribers we will invite Salah or Henry for the next part so sucribe 18s 19s and 20 okay that task is donor so do I get some trophy now can I get a Lou can I get a car what do you get Luca where's the normal Ronaldo man he better not be ghosting again and ah never mind here he is all right just kill someone in front of him so he gets sus of Hakim was his di is the same as this is haa quick I need to kill someone ah no it is too late I will change back soon oh no no no hey hey hey hey what the was that did Hakimi just shape shift in wait oh my Sir Alex it is Messi crap my plan failed even more than Chelsea this season Justice for Ronaldo this is so rigged I can't wait to play a game alone at the end of this video hey guys how do I pack a punch my ah oh no the normal Ronaldo died yeah I found the body in the v room and he was laying with his legs spread apart and arms next to his body as if he was performing a su celebration which I thought was kind of funny but anyways let's vote hakeim now sounds good Bale bro I didn't even give a reason why NA Neymar is sus too hakeim my Pooky bear you said it was the normal Ronaldo last round but now he is dead how could you lie to me K Leon you have to trust me bro I really saw the normal Ronaldo walk from the body last round there must have been a shape shifter like he said you broke my heart hakeim and to think I was going to invite you for some Netflix and drill later today guys I think just to be sure we should vote for Hakimi did he just say we should go on his boat wearing a bikini I think he said that Suarez showed him new ways to make a panini no I said stats we should vote for Hakimi oh bro I don't care that you have a PhD we are playing among us anyways I will vote hakeim because he blamed the normal Ronaldo and was wrong with pain in my heart I will also vote for you my Pooky guys please I know I messed up but there must have been a shape shifter and uh I bet it is messy that filthy rigger screw you you little I should have killed you when I had the chance at PSG how could you kill Messi if you weren't the impostor hahaa we caught him guys wait for me in space my Pooky don't call text or email me anymore you turtle shell sucker holy health insurance Bale almost caught me so I should play it extra safe this round let's quickly do a scans and finish all my tasks Waits all my golden boots did it just cause me trophyless me I'm Miss I have a feeling Neymar or mbapp is the impostor especially mbapp is so sus man let's check the V room and ah oh my Croatia who left this video on I happy I will leave Madrid before he gets here man I really have to kill someone soon but there are too many people Al together I really hope we got one imposter out already Z what's the is this okay just calm down Killian there are more turtles in the sea just focus on your task and turn this thing straighter than I ever was why is Messi just standing there and ah what did this scan just say about me okay guys I feel kind of bad for the normal Ronaldo so I will do something I am sure he will love I will change into world Cup winner Ronaldo to try and get him voted out wait what is Messi doing oh my Sir Alex yes yes frame that identity stealing poser uh I think that man lover is going to kill me okay Messi now just act sus as if Maguire is recording you for his only fans again and bite someone woo ha oh man where did Messi go okay I see Kane and World Cup winner Ronaldo ah oh my balandor what just happened in here who wants to be my new boy ah oh my money Bale died wait I was just with bale what inss the trophy happened guys I saw the World Cup winner Ronaldo stand right next to the body of bill so it could be him but I also have a theory that Messi is the impostor and a shape shifter because he was nowhere to be found and acts a lot like a sus riger today bro you were nowhere to be found in the semi-finals of the World Cup so shut up I was just doing my tasks in navigation well I followed World Cup winner Ronaldo until the lights went out and then lost him so it could really be that Boomer guys you don't need to keep calling me a boomer just because my shots were so strong I think it is Neymar because Bale almost caught him last round so he took him out wow I never thought thought a Brazilian Legend would injure my heart but here we are I thought the World Cup Ronaldo was a cutie pie but I think secretly he is just as heartless as hakeim when he is hungry and no ah I miss him so much guys I can't live without him Kane you were there too did you not see the kill happen the lights were turned off so I couldn't see anything I thinks we should maybe skips no I don't think you have crazy lips Kane weird question bro guys we have to vote Lucas saw the World Cup winner Ronaldo in the same room so I will vote for him me too my gut feeling says it is messy so I will vote for him wait how do I vote get on my haircut ah I was too late oh my Antonella great job Neymar bro why did you skip I was too confused and my brain got injured so I didn't know who to vote for bro it was so clearly the World Cup winner Ronaldo I bet you are also the impostor Neymar you Hospital Merchant Neymar's injuries are messing up this game bro he seems too injured to kill people and now he even bottled the votes like haland during the Balon door all we need is a double kill but I can't sabotage anything cuz lights wasn't fixed last round let's check the v h Neymar and mé are Alone Together pretty sus I think susb is following me as if I am Maguire's only fans quickly fake this task Neymar so he won't vote you out oh my money Neymar is faking the med scan you would think he would know how to fake this after all those Hospital trips but he somehow messed up uh I still can't sabotage first that man of glass doesn't vote for the World Cup winner Ronaldo and now he faked a task let's tell the others oh my bottom door who pressed the emergency button it was me I was already really sus of Neymar because he didn't vote the World Cup winner Ronaldo out and now I saw him fake the medbay scan so Neymar is a baddie and not in the good hot way uh I wasn't faking it bro oh my Hospital guys I think mbapp might be the Imposter how about we just vote Neymar's and keep an eye outs on mbappe 2 wait I think I actually understood what Kane said for once me too and I agree let's vote for Neymar and keep some sus on M sounds good no guys please don't vote me out I have been going through so much lately mainly injuries and my health insurance doesn't cover injury by being flung into space so please just skip okay guys everyone has already voted bro yeah and bro I know you get injured quickly but it is literally a game like damn calm down says the turtle who cried because he voted his boyfriend out exboyfriend and hakeim is more special to me than doctors are to you so just shut up uh I hope Turtles go extinct soon no way he just said that not going to lie I am kind of glad Neymar got voted out bro had just as many kills as Kane has trophies and that says a lot I trust mbappe and think Neymar was for real the Imposter but I'm also still keeping an eye out on Messi that tiny little rigger all right we for sure have one imposter out now but Daddy tell me who could be the last one okay I think luuka is not an imposters he just seems like good guy it could be any of the others I have no ideas man well before I get killed let's just make sure my seamen sample doesn't have any Turtle dust in it again where is that the sussy mbappe guy there is Messi let's see what this dude is up to when he isn't busy lowering V's market value ah I feel like Luca is still sus of me I have to do something uh all right it wait don't know ah I knew it it was that acoustic Ghost okay zpp came from upper engine oh my haircut someone killed Luca the the cutest guy in the lobby besides me the cutest guy in the lobby has been voted out a while ago bro gone but not forgotten can I get a rip H key me guys where was the bodies not sure what you said but I found Luca in upper engine oh my Golden Boot I saw zpp walks downs from upper engine at the ends I thinks it must be that's Turtle guys no one asked about your purple mice man oh man can you just be clear for once and focus on the game holy Tottenham okay I saw turtle at upper engine vote Turtle oh now I get it what are you guys dumb I literally walked past some of you to W's cafeteria after checking on my seamen samples no way you think it is seriously me right well you could have easily just turned around again and killed LCA yeah and not going to lie you have been pretty sus old game bro that is just my personality you dumb Boomer man oh man guys listen there must be in shape shifter or something because I really didn't kill Luca probably the World Cup winner Ronaldo he changed into me and killed Luca or something guys please please it's too late bro I already voted for you I should have known you were the Imposter when you voted out hakeim the normal mbappe would never do that no no no Kane please vote for the World Cup winner Ronaldo please I will let you hold one of my trophies you even the world cup ah no no no I think we got him guys great job everyone if it's not you mbappe then zam's really sorry why would I want to hear your chil story man oh man you know what I'm going to find hakeim in space and live a happy caness life what oh no we got it even more wrong than my barber stupids Kane you are so stupid stupid stupid how's could you thinks it was mbappe ah I bottled the game again oh my Antella I can't believe they actually thought it was mbappe haa okay Missy just one more kill you can do it big boy quick zlaten update R9 and Kane have already called a meeting and can't do this again this was cut out of the video because literally nothing happened Kane is looking at the V Let's make him lose his mind like Arsenal after bottling the league twice in a row okay is the World Cup's winners Ronaldo is next to me buts where is Messi I don't know what to do man I think we ah it is me ah two World Cup winner ronaldos let's go well congratulations Kane you got H your first trophy for being a champion of bottling among screw you guys and your disrespect the real Ronaldo is going solo I am sick of these toxic low IQ people I am going to find some new people to play with hopefully these players don't rig Among Us or World Cups please imposter please imposter please please hey he he they have no idea I am here oh my Sir Alex guys guys watch this ha boom baby this game is so much fun without pessy W better messy or Ronaldo now let's see if these people have some ball knowledge the wait what did this dude just make a mom joke against me this filthy no Champions League having idiot no mom jokes allow bro screw this rigger I'm going to vote him man he is probably a pessy or Maguire fan what rigged right they better say yes or they are part of FIFA ah what do you mean who cares oh my Sir Alex these people are crazy I haven't forgotten about you pessy fan take this yeah that is right baby don't mess with the real Ronaldo or you get sliced in half like salah's hair like finally bro cut it all off okay let's see if we can kill one more oh wait let's go no I am the best I am the best I am the wait what no way Messi rigged my game subscribe and I give you Messi's bondor
Channel: Messi & Ronaldo Plays
Views: 156,781
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Messi, Ronaldo, Messi and Ronaldo, Messi and Ronaldo plays, Messi and Ronaldo play Among Us, Messi plays Among Us, Ronaldo plays Among Us, Among Us, Among Us gameplay, Xavi, Hakimi
Id: AaI1bOftfPk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 6sec (906 seconds)
Published: Sat Jun 01 2024
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