Messerschmitt Me-262 - FHM Restoration Sneak Peek & Full Presentation

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my name is Adrian hunt I'm the executive director of the line Eric Ries and combat armor museum and you are privileged people you're gonna get to see and hear about a magnificent plane this is a very important project more than 15 years of accounting this is a very important project to us founder a benefactor 40 our well unfortunately lost last October and he was very excited and followed this daily and it's also very important to the museum to everything we do and so why is it so important well this is such a such a historically operation there were two kind of styles of jet engines back in the 40s the Allies had this big big enormous round centrifugal idea about how to do jet engines and the Germans had this axial flow model and that's the one that won out so the Allied and object story with the Neanderthals side shoot and this is the main core that gave right to life in terms of military history was very important because it was the first jet fighter there's a lot of Mythology around it earlier would say the third right the third right and ampersand fire - had to honk the United States the Soviet Union and bridge Empire totally by orbit magnitude there in decibel production that but said they wouldn't contracted so that's the quarters it's also important because it's rarity so if you go online as well one of them is at the local museum it's kind of a few crash bits definitely baling wire so that isn't so we have to change two of them are in the Czech Republic and they are remainders from the 12 that the Czech made optimal war so they don't count and each of those are in national collections are at raf museum there at the : of us miss Tony enter South African War Museum they're basically international collections there is only one this one that's very important to us because mr. Allen three and there are 190 but probably the only real one that will ever fly because again there's a company that they breath with the 190s and so she reads me tremendously pick up aviation magazines together there's another 190 at an airshow the real thing we are into the real thing prithee peace and so that's why it's very specific real the only collection in the world who does this obsessive and then the there is the technological challenge to this page probably older the sitting here that this was totally impossible supplied to six to some accommodations that you'll hear about by the cemetery it's realistic to the original you know 0 0 20 so goal both is amazing dream he was the idea man what's the dream and so that's what we do and so for all those reasons very proud and excited about this project it's unfortunate that Medtronic not gonna see it fly but he was so involved so years ago with here just a point at the point a lot of people well this looks like mclovin outdoors he had a dream we have three this-this-this he had no compression right this year and the next year we deploy sugar we fulfilling the dream [Applause] so now for the show I'll ask you first to say so Miss Allah who is the senior manager in charge of respiration maintenance at the blind heritage Oh Fatima museum [Applause] they said you see a lot of familiar faces of our fan bases here and appreciate that you all hear me okay the back also ran into a gentleman who came all the way from Wisconsin to be here today thanks to everybody for showing up Oh [Music] some questions out there I realized that and this is my right people be part of the Q&A a little bit later on our pilot [Music] and Nexus Eve is supported in as owner/operator of organ aircraft was the final step in restoration before this point [Music] more on that later the basic overview of the program I'll go through the history of the airplane briefly and the restoration details for the airframe and the engines the we'll take a little break after that and then we'll have C talk about flying this airplane other I'll say a few things about that then we'll open it up to a Q&A for all three of us and answer any questions you guys have at that point and I would say probably after fielded there's another photo opportunity for you guys to come get any photos you haven't gone so far something visible then get close-ups of the airplane a couple ground rules please don't touch the airplane and you're all airplane people so you understand and expect that that's good but again just please don't touch the airplane be careful on the ladder and then lastly when when we open the stairs we will actually let you get up one person it may take time but just to the hazards that we only want one person on the wing good time the front of the airplane and I look in the cockpit take some shots if you want to have to spend a ton of time there because we have you know a couple hundred 250 people here and then exit the back of the aircraft when you climb the stairs there is the slats if you guys notice the wings have slats on them and there are slats right by the stairs please do not step on those we have taped off it's written no step but just step over that basic rule of thumb instead of just stay on the back step on the painting so only ground rules today everything else is fair game [Music] as I mentioned it's a sneak peek ever since on the slide it's a sneak peek so I'll go through the history like I said infamous Richard aircraft restoration but we're not gonna die I'm trying I'm gonna try and keep it a little high level as Adrienne said we've been restoring this for a number of years and so to get down to the Nitty Gritty of the restoration that's just hours of the day or rather what it's taken to get we're right now in the future about test flights I never ask questions without that so it is just a speaker yeah before I dive in how lucky you guys are exactly what it is it's a sneak peek you guys get to be here at CB airplane look at it up close look at the details and the next time outside of all of you in this room we're gonna have a chance to do that is after we've confessed about the airplane and it's on display at flying really anyhow let me see if I can figure out how to work a computer airplanes building and flying [Music] or turn me on but okay so this aircraft was built in March of 1945 here Regensburg blow once and then it was modified with the Recon note so I had cameras and toes this is not this aircraft this is an aircraft that is from the same the reason I have that sign up there the airplanes once they got into this group restorations that fly Heritage's is that exactly that's so that's just an example this airplane after it got modified with the camera those that joined the Luftwaffe in a g6 [Music] and you can see on the airplane right almighty and it operated as a reconnaissance plane with that group until the end of the war after VE Day let me back up one after VE Day this airplane was discovered with others in the group and it was Fareeda send the other aircraft were all carried over to to France and fell under the control of the 54th air disarmament yes and while I was still in Germany the Master Sergeant yes into the first it has at different funny the shark order and that was inspired from his white so that's how it's at in Germany France it was spoken in France by one of one of the men had became part of this airplane with they actually eventually got the airplane once it got the grant it was around who was actually able to come see this airplane and look at it we didn't like honey pick is inspired by his wife's maiden name tickle and boy drowned with a p-47 Thunderbolt during the war once it was in France they thought it ready and they loaded it on the HMS Peter with about forty other on the HMS Reaper which by the way so the airplane the HMS creeper sent over here and interesting and you know how the airplane that was was Hawaiian Heritage's flying heritage a combat that's it man viens focke-wulf 190 d30 notorious it's in our beauty em down and effort was actually on the same boat the airplane once it got to the United States eventually made its way over the right field it was flown by Colonel Watson Washington stealth he flew this aircraft members Wizards was flying another to six feet and they were starting a to ship this airplane got stopped in time you know Watson carried on with this aircraft and [Music] testing so this airplane was yes star and they [Music] that head oh yeah when I have to talk is so the they would be food as their plate just over four hours before they were decided they were done with the testing at that point the airplane went on loan to the Hughes Aircraft Company that obviously Howard Hughes was in charge of and he was I guess going to study it was the story and that was in late 46 so the last time the airplane flew was at late 46 transferred to Howard Hughes and he didn't you do much with it it was used in a john wayne film jet pilot not flying obviously but it was in the film and then it was transferred to Technical College after that went our he's had it there were there's rumors I don't think anybody has confirmed what the rumor is that it was interested in entering it in the Thompson Trophy race however he was strongly discouraged from doing that apparently very because they were entering there maybe they they do what would happen this is a shot of the airplane as a tick - when backing up this a little bit when it was That's not me it was given the designation FP 4 0 1 2 and that's a number that cyclope airplane to the rustics life and it's attached to the airplane now FP 4 0 1 2 so this appear as another shot of the airplane I've been they pretend to paint over oh yeah military markings wouldn't included France but I think here's a rendition of photos they're kind of hard to see at the end of this when we get into the QA of this some of these you want to get close so this is Nick - they've got the swastika painted over on the tail obviously in the star and bar on the side and so this is what it would look like after it got to France and then so after the Technical College enters the plains of fame and kind of the next phase of its life of really long with the planes of fame at Bologna far as the airplane around 1955 I believe and it stuck with the museum was over it differently I think it started in Claremont and with Ontario and then finally Chino and some of these photos Steve who's been involved in the claims of fame not quite since 1955 quite a long time I can probably speak to where these talk about the planes of fame in these different displays Steve as as a very young man had a lot to do with these and you know no pain years to these photos that you see here athletes have a man wound up as white 9 not accurate to what the airplane actually blows really well this is how I read this Revere plane but when I was when I was young I spent time at the Chino Airport my dad was also involved with the plaintiff and somebody would be at the airport I would get to go climb all over the airplanes yes just run amok really and this airplane is always fascinating and this is never never pudding I don't know much about this photo but this is that the points of pain and [Music] German ACF gallon so that's just amazing and so yeah it was at the place of fame until year 2000 and that's when I inherited acquired the airplane and [Music] so I'll dive into the overview mentioned earlier and [Music] basically a very pregnant engines engines were overhauled at zero turbine in Stockton California their jet engine X engine restoration would have to say was probably more complex and challenging than ever in history the airframe was actually in really good shape as as you can see here a lot of the metal in this structure on the air which apart from others corroded or in bad shape this airplane and the aircraft was [Music] not only do we have the only privately-owned didn't restored and soon to be operable me-262 but it's it's the actual airframe look at the wing and the fuselage it's it's the exact wings and fuselage that and that's you don't get that respiration ceases the restoration work started in the UK with a company that's where most of the structural work was done as in the short while in Casa Grande that here in Arlington with Morgan aircraft you did all the final assembly after all the budget the systems install all the systems and issue you come up with against at that point and of course and so that brings us to where we're at now so currently we have these company fighter rebuilders so Stephen couple here as well as flying heritage Tim is also still yes it's really kind of [Music] as friend the engines against certified several long runway options and a lot of kind of security type areas that's the plan again it's not going to be able to public that's not the time Safety's our members so that's that's kind of where we're at and kind of where we're going before I get into some of the some more of the restoration type photos in I want to introduce a few people of course the event in Morgan was in December Steve's budget brick Isis here he's right here he's a white-haired in his sleeve mechanic and melt Austin right here [Applause] with Stephen and fighter rebuilders and then last but not least kids Dale is here he is at the zoo Stan so these guys are doing a perfect job these are the guys that are here every day all day long they're there grinding out all of the issues and squawks and mysteries it's my victory story airframe you know quite another to restore an engine but then when you marry those two together it's not as easy it's just plug and play here everyday getting after it figure this out mate as well as Stephen Jim I'm not trying to say they're not but these guys are you know they're not up they're not up here in front of the table but definitely the driving force so again maybe just a handsome so we'll start with the airframe we'll say will state the engines for last before we go on great that you can see in the slides the the airframe is it was pretty well intact and in really good shape there's some shots of it going together locations anything that was you'd see the calories framwork anything that was steel had to be rebuilt because of just due to the derivative but as you can see here this despairing playing yes that's aluminum that's original and that's being used to put back on the airplane so a lot of stuff was taken apart in this step verify that was in good shape and put right back one of which well I should mention so exactly details so here's some writing that we found during the restoration any kind of right but back so that it looks exactly the way it did out of the factory some of which we preserve because we fit so this is a note inside that was written in French and it was discovered during the restoration process we were able to preserve it and wanted to leave it we tried to translate it this is basic despite her in French just because I was where and then the translation is something about the holes and this is needed warning and so what we can assume that said it was one factory worker passing on some production so it's to another factory girl what if since we're not sure but the fact that was in French [Music] so we preserved it and we put it right back on the airplane so no section here again anything that involves field we want to simple be able to speak to that later than the feel doors which I have some pictures of the counties you we we decided to keep the gun notes on it that's something that all so of course rather than but mark went away can't sit there you're behind me are they are very close probably to try to landing here there everything and then break parts so they could have made one a semis so this is some work intended and these are anything the airplane can and there's certain things that safety kind of trumps originality functioning airplane you have to make those hard decisions sometimes you have to cut out [Music] [Music] [Music] not quite as reliable I feel consent material and there so hopefully that lasted some questions I can't even go fight in the field one of the two airplanes went off the end of the runway trying to get this to the test facility so the answer is no all of those issues we know about we have the flight records we have the logbooks for this airplane we know the problems they encountered testing all of the me-262 the ward not Texas one so we've really tried to get out ahead of that make it a safe reliable airplane just kind of a fun photo it's the substitute landing gear just to hear sleep so these are the field wards so if you guys have better need the airplane it's clear in this photo to show that the red Prime is all the steel portion of it and so that's what supports the filled tank and and it's ribbed for a reason there and the ribs basically created like a road map I guess that how you describe it like a road map so when you're on the other side how do you how do you connect the spot welder together and how do you know where it's supposed to be so they intentionally kind of a dentist so they people on both sides know exactly where they were at to make this model is good so when you look under this airplane we couldn't move with modern technology and not being in a hurry [Music] you know so yeah on to the engines so the engines they they raise the most questions so inevitably when I and yeah well we have an immediate 60 restoring where people say hey how's it means 60 project really the first thing to ask about is the agents what agents are you great original engine once they hear that we're operating human services or engines one of which is actually yes way now we're gonna do that so there's lots of questions surrounding well we don't have necessarily the ancient experts or or rebuilders here [Music] maybe if we have materials yeah we had we had some materials we have manuals and drawings recharge we had a lot of materials so we didn't have all that was one of the challenges engines was like performance diagrams for the accessories for example we knew what the engines are doing we know in the engine performance is supposed to be but when you when you take like the oil motor or the governor which is part of the delivery system where do you set those on the test pitch what are those parameters and those are questions that you have yeah a couple inches Schatzi with the that's you so number one question is what are you doing about the Padua metallurgy so we are the ancients had a very short life it was because it was correct and so that was we're going to make the exact same engine with the exact same drawings for the same specifications modern everything in the in the combustion section or about section with modern metal st. metals if they they're building the day odds with how do we know because above zotero sure bye they don't quite a bit about the service lightning metal so there was an extreme amount of thought that went into how do we make these engines reliable they after research they determined that the engines should be given forward you know 300 plus hours as opposed to the 20 300 hours like things but somebody might [Music] that's that's the confidence we have this is kind of interesting it's just really actually those another shot at that airflow through the exhaust code so they kind of dissected and then services and oil motors so this actually controls the cross needles so there's two kind of main components in the there's a governor which your power lever controls and that so to overhaul and oil butter is counting one because as you can see the parts are and sitting around for decades and you have to clean them up they have to meet the color and what makes that difficult it's the same thing that makes restoring one of these engines difficult like most of our projects with unique engines we have to buy simple to build one for example I received my you go to 11 for jv7 stupid and you know it took like eight engines to build one possible you know to 11 so the you bozos of course different in that we had to collect a lot but any difference is that because of the technology of the time everything was was matched built for its own component in other words this piston that you see in this slide here is March 6 7 0 so the oil motor that is saw soaking in the bucket is March 6 7 so that's a serial number of that component so all of these parts inside the odo motor are all serial numbered 6 7 0 because they've all been matched [Music] all the parts website they say that which means you can take it a little different different shelf and grab that piece and expect that it's going to be the same you know it's not the same unit but you may have to modify or and that was really challenging another yes just another challenge to building or was that we tested these infants will be on the interest so where we change the metallurgy and made the engine reliable and operated well through to reliable number of hours that were comfortable with the issues we started happening where the sort of ancillary sort of the because they go away past they're kind of expected like so we had to [Music] that had never been faced before the German military never had two hours because they didn't so that you know we didn't expect a lot and nobody hey maybe we should get started on the accessories and operate right there all serial number didn't just it was definitely interesting [Music] but that's a shot up the starter motor on this airplane we have the notes going off the right sights that you can actually see that starter motor in there and [Music] [Music] [Music] like long cooperation is what starts the jet and speed might get Adobe to start processes but it begins with starting this with a lawnmower type engine which then spins the dead [Music] place but it all starts with and so the handle on the front if you're like you can start it from the cockpit but if you can't then it's a obviously some through some slides here transition duct I call it lots of research done at the facility this is Bennett and no medicine and they see kind of the pieces that it would take making even just kind of a small skins for that very hearty battle the size and so yep there's a micro form press I'm not sure exactly the transition that's important because after you create the and then there is once it's all done so the agent is simply there on the test cell that's the test cell they actually used to the engine as a leak internally and because of the nature they were they weren't to be worked on they were built every place right there were 25 hours so the German manual actually says you can operate them 25 hours and if there's no major squash their issues and you could extend that 10 hours of 35 hours but under the no circumstance where you to operate it so that was a mentality so when we would encounter sponsored by my case we can get this or we have to do that get off the cell disassemble the engine reassembly engine I sell it there is outside there and that's all somewhat normal if you watch videos tendency flame coming out the back that's then once you [Music] you may or may not get a view that if Steve's doing things right then maybe you will and there's Steve and Doug plate the owner/operator a terabyte he couldn't make it you wanted to be here you couldn't make it it'll be great Yosi so I think that about tested for me that's my quick quick version of me-262 restoration we get into sort of the nuts and bolts and and whatever you guys want in our Q&A session with Tim and Steve eventually I think now we're going to have a short break before that [Music] coordinator as a few things for you so thanks again but this time I'm gonna turn things over to Steve as Jason mentioned Steve is really renowned Highland and I'm gonna testify that the energy 62 we're absolutely delighted that he's trying to say this program [Applause] certainly like Jason you know I been around the plates of baby James since I was seven so actually know this you're playing a long time and I logged a lot of hours of the pregnancy my buddy Jim Maloney caught up we actually painted this thing a couple times ourselves in that fact one time I painted the whole nose did the fellow steel with standard brands clay balls so today we get a lot of history with this airplane I've had the opportunity to live warbirds at 17 years old and have got a lot of hours of different airplanes I've made more than 50 restaurateurs so anyway my formula is one thing is they don't say yesterday myself Jesus Bell and you know people that are smarter than I am at this stuff working at Newton also I don't just show us a flying no I'm not a mechanic mr. have a company that does involve every aspect of your plant so what I've done along the lines of you know part this project has a one who has been involved communicated with everybody you work under England I would do parabola so what may cannot see the growth now we're in the final stages we're here do you just kind of follow up and catch things I would say catch name to do the final adjustments that tends guys they've done a fabulous job they're playing in Detailers is there isn't a better restoration of ever seen it's amazing although the detail that they've gone through you know the right hardware they write the very you know why so anyways first definitely it's a concern our mission isn't to trying to see how fast it'll go or you know how Parramatta can be anyway also going to do is make sure that we're all happy with it punches on the ground and just take it up and just get some liability like something understand your flights and how it operates but we don't plan on doing any you know going 500 miles an hour with it and there's nothing to prove they can't explain that 56 of them as well so I love going fast but this is a history is one of the kind something extra it was so the test line is take probably 1015 lights early before leaders at least at those events are reliability very interesting view of these engine [Music] starting up this morning it's very smooth that sounds like a jet if you'll come to the tailpipe the picture that Jesus showed there was early gone I'm trying to figure out how to start there was a lot of confusion about the way just described by turning the kerosene on it got a little bit out of sequence because some some angels refer to it differently it started to understand in technical that's the procedure on the test amusing fun together pretty good-looking Romer bone if you do it right the operation engine high-power it's sluggish and slow you know are you going to measure advance the throttle is there any more fuel or fuel but the air for engine has accelerated and once you get up to certain up about 7075 hundred rpm that's originally starting to put out some thrust and then the needle in the back when you walk around the back you will see me oh they're even that's when the schedule starts people control start scheduling that yield to reduce the size of the exit increases the thrust and about 8,000 our attendants extended enough you can see that the cockpit and full throttle 8400 is maximum and that's when for kid not checked early in the takeoff first flying you know reading that handbook it was quite a lot of pilots about on very inexperienced pilots as well it's really fast we had a pleasure talking to Colonel ma'am yeah the days of a war story he shut down that 82-62 you talk about being a 15,000 feet looking down and seeing the two six two below again he said he was at the d-model thunderbolt and said went to full throttle with water injection I don't count on him about five hundred miles an hour behind he said the guy was just pulling away from him but the guy made a big mistake he made a turn and he just happen to be close enough talking with but Anderson he was telling the same story he's a famous Mustang piece and he said he was about 15,000 feets up to six Tupelo big smoke trails behind it and so he calls his wingman he says okay follow me you're gonna roll over drop my tanks so he says push the throttle all the way up your old motor drivers paints it made you quit because he was selected one of those tanks there's a lot of these stories at a computer screen finding with the engine funding quit over speeding and caught up again at full throttle dope down behind it I the 262 he said also think it was just kind of disappeared is focused radiator so this is what is the such an advanced unit plan in its day and you know thank goodness they fell under political control because the loop waffle a generals want to use it as a defensive weapon and if you're committed and it built as an offensive weapon and there's no way it was just a trade-off fuel but it's a very advanced machine it's a great looking airplane can't wait to bring it all back to life and this thing's been a real honor yes I think we'll do that a Q&A I do you want to do this one could we have a second micro should I just run out okay I'll probably just ask you guys but just loudly and when you get a yeah that's right just pull back on the state so question yeah let's go through some questions no and I don't think that it's it's been a problem actually although Steve answer that so the question was how do we overcome the design flaw of the throttle there's some people have have said if you basically slam the throttle that is true and there's really no remedy without redesigning the whole thing so we just don't like like a lot of airports guys let's so these are made like the cheap this is a this is a relic yeah you know that at a certain point in time he is stopped the head date on the wall and you stop counting hours that you would again it's it's four years is out of the way to track it it's not how long like how many hours or how much money yes you know what's it taking what's it going to take the other and mighty tree started with this this was false dream so it of course is relevant but you know the mission was the complete oranges to fly the jet so we did calculate that we don't that is we've accomplished what we set out all the way in the back [Music] you know I'm not sure if we're gonna have a book detailing the restoration we have been documenting each step with the engines of the airframe and even recently on film so there there will be a film on the restoration and classified next question I don't know where it falls in the production run I think I I'll come back to you with this work number interestingly there's kind of some history there is a disservice so it's the airplane that's in the Smithsonian back there so there's kind of some question but for all intents and purposes the FAA is conservative 4:01 to that status operable yes all the way back to the engine publish the rest is like nineteen hundred and forty pounds or something but return that says exceeds that I got a reading in one of those replicas - six - and we don't be used only 2% of your planet which 85 - it still gets up I think where do you win to first do it in 86 it was a reconnaissance it is yeah anyway and it was the white 25 so they were they were all their numbers were quite right and this yeah never White's often find that the German roots they had a they had a color like yellow nine or white made for example or focke-wulf 190s white day this airplane in the Luftwaffe was known as white 225 we'll just beast under what the testify that was sitting reporter flies but you don't have some but a lot of leverage of the engines out of the wings so our changes to pitchy it's not great on the one agent it's got a lot of adversity but based on advice good stability high speed the great climb [Music] they like to keep their anyways big by the state that wing snaps that's a pretty good design let's go in the back that they were throwing it to their people thanks to try and conserve that limit research did you run eight problems trying to rebuild you know I don't think so so the question was because of that feel shortage at the end of the war their quality of fuel was was not up to par and so did we encounter any issues with the engines where we may have had a bad batch of fuel or something and no but it really didn't as I mentioned before we we had [Music] foolish numbers 160 miles an hour and that's a replica that I flew rather trippy at wasn't big enough and I never felt worse than to be 20 below there was a question earlier it was the trim tab on the elevator out there by reading history books you know they built it where they circle chair and guess it was too sensitive disconnected it was you know as the whole table trims on this thing to stabilizer later almost all of my jewelry that was a new motion cast for the insurance shops either before this these vertical speed indicator [Music] we could actually pick up all eight of the original radio German our doctors all the equipment obviously been to store additionally the Germans didn't have a DSP let's see right thank you [Music] with the Jew six student operations I never personally had a chance to safety to any of them but I was there at one picture in the Jennifer's creatures that planes of fame visiting me there Gina I don't know that we have a hamster running my tests would mean like that you know I don't know if we hapless I think we do them yeah yeah we have it way back there in luxury yeah so this airplane had a couple different pilots so the Chinna Brown was the gentleman who fluid from southern Germany to France to get ready to be boarded on the HMS deeper and then once a docked in New Jersey of exactly Colonel Watson himself that very did yeah boy round [Music] I don't know that we have that information [Music] you know I couldn't say without going through the log books and honestly didn't prepare for that I could probably research that but I don't know not a lot though you know and built in like March of 45 was in service a very short time and it imply very much with the airport's after the war so really it's a pretty local time Aaron all the way to Docs and again you you mentioned that you found some French marking on French handwriting where these built by prisoners or what do you know why there is French rather than German yeah that's a great question and no we don't know that and that's about what I alluded to earlier is that finding French and writing in there just somebody on the next ship that presumably also speaks French it kind of creates the create some question rather than answer and just kind of adds to this video play thank you yeah on that 10 answer that - there's definitely other languages marked for us to have seen it obviously some sort of forced labor all right here is like that yeah I have to imagine that it would because the weight of the gun is pretty intense so one thing to notice in this picture right here knows your stress so that's the camera version so presumably it has the cameras in it upfront rather than for marked 108 cannons and just compare the length of that note stuff to the length of this no stress so that might give you an idea of the difference between yeah yeah and like all besties that's easy great just what it is you can operate it outside of that I'm sure that they were saying if you take the guns out it really doesn't mean complaining later you get those like big boxes and there's something to make up the waves yeah I'm sure just a lump here there doesn't so the question was that the museum my heritage we currently don't fly our aqwal 1 1913 because of the uniqueness of it and and it's the same with the ostrich that happened to definitely Oscar so that takes a question like with this airplane [Music] mentioning earlier and we're going to apply it so the question is can we plan on making the d13 reliable the answer is no not at this time the d13 as we at a time we purchased it and as we purchased it was very rare and it was stored to a running condition but it wasn't restored to be stated this aircraft was restored to it it wasn't it restored to the extent as the buckle 198 on campus as well so if someday we were to to restore it and make it as reliable to give us at that time quite so we currently and yes [Music] yeah so the kiss flight program that's that's all kind of in a predetermined it just depends on how it goes at the end of the day it's safety first and so depends on how the airplane performs for one and for two we have a the fhu to work with as well as you know there's limitations to to experimental aircraft and especially jet powered experiment aircraft as to flying over populated areas and and there's been a lot of girls around pain field so we don't know what if any restrictions will be put on there and it's just just - really good to say what's gonna happen in that but you know absolutely message began just have to see what happened settle yes well I'll tell you a little story a person whose replica bubbles you read history books was sent milestones it caused a lot of change a clue that there's just kind of well my life is okay there's nothing special so when I threw the real blogroll I was expecting to happen to know that real clock will definitely fit what the book talks about it is an amazing flying airplane the dynamic jewelz fast everything that I know so my immediate replica - six - you know the gentleman yes it goes fast but they desecrated you and like hurt there's a touch told and open this present moment this is the real one if you walk around this is a tea that workmanship you know just look down the aileron so nicely the cap is on the other lines it's straight anything versus the replica the wing slats on this work like innovative situated thing that many states works like this one guy there's like a need for there just a stall it snaps back so I think that's what I would give me the coin collecting [Music] [Applause] [Music] well you know mr. moleculus airplane vision just playing with that collector II just love these airplanes but then he realized Plum Island would have a chance to make this thing fly all that so that was really one of the Rika say [Music] passivated Silverstar he would he would be here I mean here there's ten lakhs on the manger and the dose here isn't he it says don't talk by the nose here but I can tell you it plays a baby but yeah you know one thing there's no nose little steering's you have this brakes acquittal and number two because of the jet fuel that the German fuse you have to make any accommodation for the rebuild engines or does it run on to a particular second operation first we're gentle run on peanut oil well run just about anything but them these actually were jet the Germans did use petroleum tears he may use a little synthetic type of land they call change but these have been trimmed Justin and Jenny summer [Music] no particular history on the engine it's just one of several we collected to be able to facilitate having several more it's just a really good display these and we just wanted to take the compressor off so you guys could see the inside compressor section just beautiful its original as is it's really perfectly balanced instead like Steve mentioned earlier zero turbine was really impressed with with the engine itself with the design and the way of the networks and that's all just and then chew over from you and let's go to by the way the one had the same my question was touch ability problems we all do you know any speed gonna subside your plane as possible but but based on when they read you know it's Bobby around 22 after a 19 year restoration we're hesitant to throw any days out well you know will reform test flights in the airplanes ready and detained on how the test flight program throws determined instead what happens after that it's anybody who hasn't asked a question yet we have that again okay we'll go we'll go up in front and then you did you have a question to Regis logo yeah they were vertical cameras so they stood out and you didn't even find out a lot of a lot of station - so the whole nose was different from from this bulkhead on and you can't really determine by looking at this knowing where the cameras are mounted because the structure was given it was it was a different insight about the camera so it's not something that I can usually translate for you here but you'll notice on this airplane the screw holes just active of the Gundams that's where that to accommodate the camera they shouldn't that aircraft that's on the slide you see that man up there so yeah the entire notice section as far as the bracketry and where they read yeah yeah nearing completion this approximately how far my - the engines yeah we've just recently come across the engines absolutely you've got anybody who hasn't got to ask a question yet go ahead sorry yeah [Music] yeah yeah it's an amazing airplane yet the design is just beautiful and it's sleek and but no there's no literature on on what they were thinking you know it's kind of my thought that this that the mentality that determines have was you know a little bit aggressive you can see that in their in their airplanes and their designs and it's great to have character so it just depends on on who's looking at it right it's like you see a great white shark and I saw a white shark that maybe has so he might be friendly and if you ask my wife will say it looks like a flying the prototype - six - cooling Brockington over the generator another fish 109 with like a trap look up new world record Travis cut 1939 teacher agenda the counselor came up largest public station [Music] so with the glasses just ahead of that [Applause] I'm serious it's the story is there it is I've never seen the red oxide on the shell eject shoes what's the story behind that on the tip take that just pretty much all of the steel worker that they're always done with the red oxide whether they were painted with another color Peter with the red oxide it was pretty standard the armor it's the same way it steals same materials would be armor you'll see the same thing anybody hasn't asked to present yet before I move on to yes oh the same way they just so the question was having the Germans build the transition deck that I shown in the slides it was the same way they had special to winning that whatever was informed those probably Daniel I think it process like maybe they did it all at once but they were geared up to make several of them so they just had the right Julie and then it was nice material [Music] get in a circle though they didn't have any computers to measure it and that's as both these guys though as three swords one of the amazing things about the entire flying heritage and combat armor museum barn down there all of the airplanes that are amazing and unique InDesign whether they're made would your part steel or like the I up to you is is like tank armor you know all of those airplanes were designed without computers without without the aid of the technology it was pencils and Slade Wilson speaking it's just one of the absolutely basic things and the things that really and thought was just fascinating that's sort of what our theme was founded on twas the technology the technology jumpin and what this this group I guess I say group I meet designer worldwide were able to accomplish in a very short time during World War two we went from flying rag peppers and biplanes to this jet and the matter of without my peers yes did you did you have your hand up but I missed you Joe and no good president though yes sir the question was have we decide on the color and the paint job and the answer is that photo right there that's this airplane in the back lecture no modifications its original yes yeah yeah so they all that see part of that you know bigger of course well German translated materialism in the Air Force their intelligence command you know documents now that we have experience there's a lot of information so the question was for those in attendance would there be any announcing on contest apply to report progress unfortunately no it's kind of at the beginning what I was trying to explain is that this is this is the sneak peak this is the closest anybody is going to get to the airplane until it's on display and this part it's like announcements and and the progress say you just have to tune into our website and Facebook page and we'll give you updates as it transpires but there's as far as just kind of a flow of the restoration fest alliances you know we do think when we're ready to do them so it's hard to protect and announce and what we do we're going to announce and with everybody with the whole public you know so this is this is your time you bet so we're getting into some repeat questions I think so we'll take a just a couple more and then and then another but as go ahead fighting well the next move will be into Moses Lake and it'll be by truck so we'll disassemble it and then truck it over there the slants are dynamically disturbed angle of attack dictates what they do they just slap it out so you can be when you're slow there and go attack they're going 300 knots if you call what you G's an angle of attack the flaps are selected that girl in the f-86 range that's when you're really excited that around in her bathing suit it's effective base and a bank [Music] I read history books absolutely Germans have [Music] [Music] yeah the question was that we fire upon the starter motors the llama or engine it's really loud yeah I think I think probably not just well for bombers defendant in the test phase maybe if we were outside and every pair for it and worried about a lot of airports because it it mean quite honestly you think Lauren it sounds like it's kind of benign like oh how about get a lot of oh really and the answer is unfortunately outside we're not going to do okay well I said it looks like we've answered everybody's questions so this five will go ahead and we go oh yeah well I think it's about 1600 psi [Music] we're go ahead and pin the knife will be around the mechanics we used earlier are our ears of their fair game accident you wanna answer [Applause]
Channel: Ace Combat Fan
Views: 47,893
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: ace combat fan, acf, messerschmitt, me, me 262, 262, Schwalbe, Sturmvogel, jet, aircraft, recon, reconnaissance, jumo, junkers, motors, engine, 004, restoration, flying, heritage, museum, armor, collection, all, complete, talk, test, pilot, reveal, sneak, peek, sneak peek, history, military, aviation, germany, german, luftwaffe, wwii, air force, second, world, war, lecture, willy, washington, airport, hangar, full
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 96min 26sec (5786 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 01 2019
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