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hello friends look at me matching I neither do this on purpose this hat was on the floor and this shirt was on the floor in my kitchen I was like I need an outfit change but we got our outfit change anyway today we are going to be checking out some of the worst selfies ever taken the most despicable disgusting this respectful selfies you'll ever see in your life can I show this can I show a deceased grandma I don't know man YouTube out here D monetize it for everything recipes granny honestly I couldn't have asked for a better grin imagine dying for this for your grandchild to take a duckface selfie with your dead body IBS 2018 we got kids doing the orange justice at their grandparents funerals I love grandma grandma she gave me twenties for my birthday grandpa okay what is this doing in this folder because this is definitely not a we're selfie might be for spiderbabe because exposes if he get arrested in Massachusetts was he doing in Massachusetts I heard this dude did he help capture spider-man was he just going for a stroll and he saw this happening in the background I want to know what happened here I need answers and a neck hey y'all ever notice spider-man a Wonder Woman got the same shoes thank you and that Nicolas Cage died him he was already the man imagine sitting next to him on a plane like it could happen if achill you uh-huh sure he had one too many first-class champagnes okay last funeral selfie I swear actually why you here taken not one not two but several funeral selfies you supposed to be there for the person who died and you've just chillin there take a selfies like I have at a funeral what my friends your family just died here's my face I mean unless the funerals for her eyebrows and rested piece oh she has a message for all you haters actually shut up guys it was my grandma's funeral and I look good so haters keep hating her grandma grandma just died so I'm gonna be taking selfies to show everybody how cute I look where's the cute all I see is a disrespectful basic another one thank you next no selfie with the sisters at grandpa rested peace only your family will take a picture with their dead grandpa I poke them in the eye and it turns out yes no boy I okay I have never been to a funeral before I have never seen a dead person besides like a cadaver in biology class but is this what people do like just chill around the dead person like smiles and everything I would be devastated if anybody I knew died like then everybody just chill a happy drinks taking pics like it's a big party and we okay let's take a break from funerals okay because we got Ashley a Jessica over here take your toilet selfies with a selfie stick nothing says wild feminist like Ariel bathroom stall pics with your coworker is this a thing why what people good think we'll you gonna post this on Facebook y'all got kids y'all got families and they see you do this and the worst part of all why she ain't got no toilet paper oh hey they got toilet paper behind them but does she know that over here we got a fun-loving pregnant woman starting it up on Facebook one last time before that baby pop out and she a mother and she can't be thought and no more here we got to have a checklist tongue out flicking off the camera leg up on the counter congratulations you passed that's what I don't even know selfie with the birthday girl okay this one's funny her friend went out on her 21st birthday party a little too hard Stout got taken away in the ambulance and we go take one final selfie with a birthday girl nice I know it's a hard world kids out there trying to be different express their love in different ways but this girl decided to express her love on a pad Oh something tells me that is not red marker you nasty bet you don't really love me you will liar and you nasty miss me with that oh don't you just love what your boyfriend takes pictures of you and your sleeping especially when you're a messy bitch got him there was just love having a boyfriend but you don't actually have a boyfriend and you're single you fight but the real crime here is how she eating ruffled potato chips when those sour cream and onion dip that's the real crime here Oh another one of these oh babe I'm trying to sleep like don't don't take pictures of me when I'm trying to sleep wait fast his head his ass his hand he said this picture with his feet does that make us feet his girlfriend this takes skill okay so the disrespect he got from not having a girlfriend and getting caught gets canceled out by the respect he receives by taking a picture on a tablet with his feet okay we got this girl who is so disrespectful man she posted a selfie on Instagram it's so damn cold out why have a funeral outside somebody's getting a jacked-up flag that is rude I don't understand I don't know what she's in like military or whatever I'm gonna jack up the flag for somebody's funeral because it's outside because your double couldn't wear an extra layer of clothes ever heard of long johns also she is at the military and she posted another picture oh wait we put the fun in funeral you're fearless honor guard from various states hashtag honor guard hashtag dorks we put the fun in funeral it's a funeral someone died it's not supposed to be fun I don't know about y'all but I would be yeah we busting up the big words if somebody posted something like this like for the uterus no selfie is the Ashu it's concentration camp I remember this picture from years back this was like one of the first memes what Twitter had just become a thing Briana over here thought it'd be a good idea to post a selfie her wearing pink smiling like selfie at the concentration camp or so many people were tortured and died and that mochi like girl was you doing it it's like she was laughing before she took the picture to like such a great time in history remember context matters excuse me ma'am why are you doing I am really trying to look up that baby skirt or even worse diaper so I don't know what happened here but she was trying to help it's the grand fitness video to expand her yoga business and the baby got in the way and then you have this masterpiece hello FBI again this is just a fail this do he try to grab Washington Monument he tried so hard and got so far and the end doesn't even matter I'm already trace ler oh this is what I classic we got this mother in the fitting room trying on bathing suits with her little boy three years old he's already had enough of your shakin about packing his bags taking his diapers on his baby food getting the hell out of this household never I deal with your boyfriend after getting a spray tan no for real this is serious and I know I've seen these before but since then I've gotten a spray tan and now I know after you get a spray tan for 24 hours you literally could not get a drop of water on you or eight will like leave streaks or like marks and is ugly so God forbid you have to cry this is gonna happen and it's gonna stay like this so your only option is to exfoliate the rest of your face and your tan is gone waste of $40 you know what sex the last time I got a spray tan it started raining hard like pouring four hours like as soon as I finished mine I had to run to my car when it rains in Arizona like it really rains like it pours buckets of water a second yo girls hang up ruins over here we got this dude and his lawnmower while he's actually lifting it those are heavy every love story of 2018 this dude and his lawnmower this gives me anxiety the Train is it's a it's a comment it's a comment it's right there is odd the trade track he got enough time to take a selfie maybe he wanna die he's like there's my last and final moment the selfie is all you will have to remember me by I want to know what happened next one like equals one hope that he made it and survived and uploaded this to Instagram after cried up all my makeup so you but funeral go you didn't cry off anything that's the face you came with don't forget the mandatory funeral duck face arrested peace ok who made this dude a firefighter everybody out here taking care of the fire uh he out here thinking he taking a fire selfie for his tinder page ok I'm sure everybody's gonna want to swipe right on a man's like this useless man no shame she just got right in there they're getting ready to put them six feet under and she's a hold on let me just like hop right in here this is a good one can't wait to get all these legs on Facebook when a cop pulls you over first thing you gotta do selfie y'all getting a ticket first sure now y'all lost any chance of a warning I've only got a warning once so this card behind me was driving with their high beams on and it was an SUV so it's like crazy bright like blinding I cannot even see and it was pissing me off and they were driving behind me for a while now and it was nighttime so I was in car pool there was a car over here that wouldn't let me pass and I sped past them so I accelerated to like 80 for like two seconds just to pass this guy so I can let the asshole with the high beams on pass me answer that being a cop and he pulled me over I'm like you blinded me man I can't see anything I thought you wanted a pass and then he's like okay understandable and gave me a warning now you shouldn't even gave me a warning you should okay I'm sorry by now usually pull me over wrinkle some more disrespect on that hashtag sister hashtag memorial hashtag arrested peace is that her sister is sister dead either way nothing says classy girls like funeral home selfie right oh no Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley Ashley she gonna get her poor grandma who doesn't you know was going on to lift her leg on to the sick to make it look like she got a booty please refrain from including grandma and your thought Teva tease our faces describe us perfectly Lowell hashtag homeless guy hashtag park hashtag boyfriend Ola which one is the boyfriend also who does this yeah I've never seen a homeless guy let him live his life you just sleep in to the party I'll go take pictures like your show like what is this y'all rude but anyways that's all for today I hope you guys enjoyed this video if you did we should hit that like fight at the and subscribe to the Wolfpack I love you guys so much thanks Archie bye guys [Music]
Channel: SSSniperWolf
Views: 1,975,540
Rating: 4.929812 out of 5
Keywords: SSSNIPERWOLF, sniper wolf, react, reaction, selfie fails, worst, selfie gone wrong, selfie, worst selfies, pictures, funny selfies, worst selfie fails, gone wrong, funny, hilarious, best, funny fails, crazy, weird, ever, girl selfies, funny pics
Id: otftI6PuYCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 0sec (720 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 26 2018
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