Merging from Excel to PowerPoint

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hey so i'm going to show you a really cool trick uh to take data from excel and put it in to powerpoint now i was doing this because i wanted to create some vocabulary flash cards uh but this also could work for um award certificates um project management reports um a bunch of different applications anytime you have data in categories and you want to create slides that show different data for each category and if that didn't make sense you'll see what i mean in a minute this process has a lot of steps but the steps are pretty simple um so like i said i was creating flashcards and my flashcards are going to have an english word a russian word and the definition so the first thing i've done is i've put those headers in there and i might just bold those just to remind myself that those are headers you need the headers so that you know um where to put the information later and then obviously under english i have english words i can have as many of those as i want there's no limit to this as far as i know unless your computer is slow um and then i have the russian equivalent um and then i have a definition and i just typed this up for uh for demonstration purposes so please don't done testing so please don't criticize my definitions um i don't think i made any spelling mistakes in russian though so i'm very proud of myself um now i'm going to save this now i've saved this as definition list merge i think it's important include the word merge in there or source file so you know that this file exists to be merged into the other data and then microsoft likes it when you close things before you merge and then i'm going to open a word doc now in this word doc i'm going to go to the mailings tab and then select recipients and that's just i'm going to tell it that i want to take data from that list that i just made so i'm going to look for that list on don't judge my uh um uh files on my desktop definition list merge and now i've only made one sheet so it's easy i just select sheet1 i think that makes life easier but you could have multiple sheets with multiple different kinds of data if you're getting complicated and i'm going to say okay and nothing happens i need to go to insert merge field and now here are my categories and then i can just decide i want don't want english to come first let's do the english word then the russian word and then the definition now the formatting here doesn't really matter the only thing that i do have to do with this method is that you have to give everything a heading status that's the one kind of weird thing so um and every time you do heading one it's going to create a new slide so um in this case i'm gonna do something english as heading one now russian has to be heading to now i can format these later in powerpoint it doesn't really matter i'm gonna make russian and the definition heading two um now let's say i wanted to do a flash card where um the word appeared in english and then on the next slide was the russian word and the definition um then i would just make russian heading one and i'll keep definition is heading too um or maybe i want maybe this is a flash card for russian students learning english so the first slide will just have the russian word that's heading one i do another heading one for the english word that tells it's a new slide and then the definition is heading two you can do whatever you want heading one creates a new slide but everything has to be some kind of heading but to keep it simple i'm just going to show you how this works on one slide so i'm going to make the russian word fine we'll make the russian word the first thing the title and then these two are heading um awesome and now um i'm gonna go back to my mailings tab i'm gonna save this um and i'm gonna call this um definitions merge again and i'm going to just make my life a lot easier um by saving it to the same exact place where i saved the other one temp boom okay um and then i'm going to check for errors there shouldn't be any um and complete the merge without pausing report errors in a new document um you could just do finish the merge now see now you've basically got a preview of your slides see every h1 is a new slide and here are all my words yay now i've got to close this i'm going to save it again i'm just okay yeah you got to save it again um so i'm going to call this definitions merge final and i'm going to close that and i don't think i need to close this one but i'm going to close it anyway and now i'm going to open my powerpoint which i already have opened and so i already have it open with a new presentation and i'm going to go to new slide slides from outline now that's what we just created in word when you have an h1 h2 h3 h4 that's an outline um and by the way you can keep going to that level you can have as many headings as many levels as you want um now i'm going to select that document definitions merge final that was the last document i created it has all my words on it and definitions and insert it takes it a minute obviously takes it longer depending on how big it is and there you go celivek person definition human being singular robota work your job or a task and notice the ones we called h1 you know obviously they're bigger and then h2 is different now that's maybe works for you um but if you want to get fancy with the design then you can go to view slide master um and now you can edit all the styles on the slide this is by the way it's something you can do in powerpoint anytime you want to good trick to know if you want to create your own designs um and um so this is the title um design anything you do to that every one of your titles in your slide is gonna do the same thing and in this case it's that h1 that we created in the word doc the russian word so i can um oh so i can go back to my home tab and i can do anything i want with this i can change uh the font um i have to be a little careful to make sure it's a font with russian words um russian font but you know if you don't have russian you have to worry about it um right i can change it so i can change the font um [Music] that's stupid i can change the color i can even change the position maybe i want to put my russian word um you can't see that i can change position and put it down at the bottom of my slide right um i also have a footer it adds on now the footer is optional um but i certainly could go here to my footer that means um slide number and i could do a dash four so it's going to show at the bottom now um and i'll make that black so it shows up um i can add so i can add a footer um all that stuff um this is h2 so in this case in our example that's the english word and the definition word i automatically just this is h2 this would be h3 h4 it's a little confusing um so h2h3h4h5h6 um now it's only what you have in your slide that's going to show up so i can if i can mess with the fifth level all i want but i don't have any h6 headings in my file so nothing is going to happen um but for example this i want to um you know it's that that's the english word in the definition so i'm gonna add a little bit of spacing there um and uh you know maybe i wanna center it and it's doing it to everything but i don't really care so i can play around with that as much as i want and then when i'm done i'm going to go to my slide master tab slide master tab and i'm going to say close master view uh but before i do that just notice background styles so i can change the background um here if i press format background i get all my background tools over there so i could add a picture [Music] maybe i'll make the whole thing yellow [Music] right i can add shapes i can do anything i want with this um and then when i'm done slide master close master view close master view and there it is person cellavec h1 is down there and there's my definitions um probably would make that a little bigger and maybe move chalevek over a little bit but i think you get the idea so that is a um easy simple maybe not simple way to put data on from an excel worksheet to a slide powerpoint slide presentation and you can see it's done violate all of them um so yeah i hope you enjoyed that i hope that's helpful for you and uh let me know if you have any questions um info at
Channel: Alphabet Publishing
Views: 58,971
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: PPT, excell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 0sec (660 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 09 2021
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