Bishop Wale Oke || PEACE ||Mercy Conference 2021

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together with our hands lifted up in our precision to jesus christ our lord let's welcome tonight the president of the sword of the spirit ministry daddy wildly okay can somebody rejoice as we were coming tonight [Music] we will answer the lord and give him praise give him glory give him honor say something sweet to the lord something from your heart to his heart give him worship is worthy of eternal worship is deserving of everlasting praise king of glory lord of hosts el shaddai ella leon lord adonai the almighty the only one that does mighty things the god of the universe the king of kings the lord of lords the one who is all together beautiful all together awesome altogether wonderful awesomely holy or suddenly glorious awesomely powerful the one was no beginning of life not the end of days before the mountains were brought forth ever before you lay the foundation of the earth from everlasting to everlasting you are god you alone you are god you have no echo we praise your name we worship your name you sent your son to the cross to die a painful death to die a shameful death so we may leave through his death on the cross death died we worship him we glorify you you have given us grace to know you as our father and you have drawn us night to you by the blood of the cross and we approach your throne of grace with a reverence unfair and we say about father what is it that you cannot do about father glorious king of the universe abba father we praise your name we worship your name you are tapping our cold hair in our midst you are moving across the roads across the isles removing burdens destroying yoks setting the cup is free giving it eternal life give him peace we praise you thank you lord be glorified thank you father in jesus mighty name we worship somebody say aloud amen the peace of the lord be with you receive his peace right now receive his peace right now in your spirit receive his peace in your soul receive his peace your marriage receives peace in your business receiving space in your career receiving space over your adverse recipe space over the storms that have risen against you receive his peace i declare his peace upon your life upon your finances upon your business upon your body peace peace peace peace peace peace peace everything that is contrary to peace in every sphere of your life by the application of the anointing and the world we destroy them we establish you in peace in the mighty name of jesus it is where with you you know the the hebrew word for peace is shalom somebody says shalom louder louder nothing missing nothing broken nothing absent everything perfect for the lord psalm 138 verse 8 for the lord we perfect that which concerns me no stress in any area no stress in my body no stress in my marriage no stress in my business no stress in my career no stress in my finances shalom receive receive receive receive receive receive receive it his peace is as mighty as the almighty even when he speaks in a whisper the mountains quick the storms are stilled whatever storm has come against your life i command peace peace peace peace in the name of jesus you know this story quite well you know i'm coming to greet pastor all right this people they stir the water that's so very very powerful ah you don't have just one duvet you have several but when you are under your debate you are on that one so one of your several duvets i come from the heart of uruballand there's a difference between burra i pick the one i like when i like he can clothe himself with fire he can close himself with thunder he concludes himself with glory he can cloak himself with a cloud the cloud is just one of the burras come and give him a shouts [Applause] oh boy jesus and is the disciple they were sailing across the sea and was sleeping at the iron side the back side of the ship sleeping resting and the storms came ferocious beaten beaten beaten the boat was getting filled and the bible says they were in jupiter jupiter they were imperials they were in real danger existential danger that threatened their lives that threatened their existence they were to be drowned and that would have been the end of their lives and was scared and were afraid the storm was terrible master in india panic in their said open master master don't you care that we perish and we we do that many times when we are threatened you feel this is existential my money is going my job is going my life's on the line my marriage is on the line my children on the line i say lord do you care they accuse him okay get it don't you care that we perish look at this what was a big deal storms and he spoke three words three words that were that was not repeated not twice peace be still oh in physics elementary physics they taught us that action a reaction are you calling opposite the storms that came was a terrific force the word that came was a more terrific force peace be still and those words captured the stone and reversed the direction of the motion the the the force that was in his silent world peace be still pushed the storms back to where it was coming and everything became calm lift your two hands to the lord i decree by the power of the muslim whatever storm has threatened your life peace be still [Applause] any sickness in your physical body by the word of the lord i operate i destroy it in the name of jesus any storm threatening your marriage i command peace be still and stop threatening your job threatening your career threatening your company threatening your business i command it to vanish i command peace peace in your marriage peace your body peace your finances peace all around you all around you peace say i receive peace say it again say lauda fresh from his resurrection and he met his disciples they had been threatened they had been shaken the one they thought could never die died on the cross painful death shameful death i'll say something about that very shortly because the day that jesus christ died on the cross that day death died forever and anyone that believes in christ will never die we will only step out of this body of flesh and step into eternal glory because through his death death was swolled up in victory come and give me a hand give me him sold it up solo death died death died death die or death where is your stink or grave with a victory thanks be unto god who gives us the victory through christ jesus gives us the victory now he spoke and was peace everything became calm listen to my friend when you're sick and your body is racking with pain you're not at peace with your body you're not at peace nobody likes to be sick when you're sick you're uncomfortable when you're sick you are distracted when you are sick really sick nothing is more important than for you to be healed you are talking of business you tell them is when there is life there is a business you're threatened so sickness is contrary to peace in your body lay your right thumb on your head i didn't come here to preach today i came to execute the judgment that is written i came to enforce the victory of calvary everything that threatens the peace of this your people in the house here or watching online or participating from anywhere in the world i speak your word of peace and i hope i upload every sickness sickness vanish sickness vanish sickness vanish sickness vanish for he sent his word and heal them and deliver them from their destruction right now from head to toe inside and outside be healed totally healed totally healed in the name of jesus in the name of jesus don't pull that keyboard for me let it rise now put onto them somebody you have a growth at the back of your neck i don't know who you are and the holy spirit didn't tell me how big the growth is but that growth is removed you never see it again somebody you have a growth in your throat is your throat the enemy had come to attack your voice because he knows how crucial your voice is the growth is removed oh there is a woman here there's a big growth occupying the place your baby is supposed to be you are struggling to have a baby you have been trusting the lord to have a baby or rather than having a baby you are having growth who are down or great mountain before zero but there that shall be made a plane by the anointing of the holy spirit i command that growth to melt immediately in the name of jesus in the name of jesus in the name of jesus by faith sarah is his strength to conceived i was delivered of a man child my daughter the growth is gone receives strength to conceive strength to conceive strength to conceive strength to conceive strength to conceive and you will carry it two times no complication no crisis you will be delivered with joy i listen to him my friend you're married for years you want to be a mother you have no baby emotionally you are disturbed emotionally you have no peace the day your monthly period comes as a woman is a day of pain a day of tears because it's another hope dashed but when god speaks his peace the affliction is over every one of my children here who are trusting the lord for the fruit of the womb hear the word of the lord the god our peace who gives us peace by all means he gives us peace by all means he gives us peace back on me said there shall be not no one barren nor cast their young in your midst for he makes the barren woman to keep house and to become a joyful mother of children every one of you believe in god for children whether you are male or female whether you are in the sanctuary or you are anywhere there is no limit to what the word can do distance is no barrier in the name of the spirit you trusting god for a child either you don't have any at all or you have one or two you want someone just raise your right hand by the mercy and the authority of the mosaic god receive your desires receive your babies in the name of jesus in the name of jesus you have been weeping before i will be men make me endure for the night joy comes in the morning today i announce the arrival of your joy at the turn of the year this time next year according to the word of the lord who confronts the word of his servants and perform the council of his messengers before this altar you will dedicate your children receive receive receive receive receive receive receive in the name of jesus or somebody here you have a son that has down syndrome let me tell you a testimony god is giving you peace today your child is not at peace you are not at peace i want to minister for pasuk this year january you organized the conference i had the privilege of mentioning for him every year yeah i finished i got in the car he was bending over me in the car to just beat me goodbye and he said daddy one of my pastors i said child i had a problem can you pray for him i said why not why not i was sitting in the car and the man came oh just going to be here tomorrow come here the man came i didn't even know what it was i said daddy this child has autism the autism okay therefore god also has highly exalted him that has given him a name that's above every name at the name of jesus every name is vowel a name that's above even above autism above cancer above glaucoma above whatever i laid my hand rebuilt you instrument of affliction get up and be healed i'm standing on the author of god wasn't more than two minutes i was sitting in the car ready to go don't go up here don't grab me i was standing sitting ready to go i labeled him preaching i was i was soaked so no more than two minutes and pastor would say goodbye daddy let me show that when the man sent his testimony that's when i saw what the peace of god can do two minutes he said this my son has autism if he is god if yes we eat anything we have to blend it yam blend it bread blend it you couldn't eat by himself you couldn't talk two means of prayer he said that he is talking those things he's he said that he is super smart in the place where they are said he needed special education he's a dominating knickers class and he said that he is eating anything he likes whenever he likes we don't need to whatever is contrary to peace in your life i destroy it receive his peace receive his peace receive his peace in the name of jesus oh somebody it's financial trouble the debt has piled up is due for payment and you have no clue you have had sleepless nights you have talked about what to do and you had no clue and you have come here tonight lifting your eyes to the one who made the mountains from whence comes your help right now marika under 48 hours the debt is over [Applause] [Music] and somebody said oh oh 48 hours today is friday the next 48 hours weekend that's that's on earth god is not banned by your weekend it is not banned by your weekend that the banks on earth may not open at weekends the bank of heaven is open upon your life receive help receive peace you will testify you will testify you will testify in the name of jesus or somebody you have a relation that is critically ill i don't know what the sickness the relationship is on here when you came here carrying that person on your heart you love that person so dearly you do not want the person to die and the holy spirit has sent me to you the affliction is removed peace be unto you in the mighty name of jesus after his resurrection he came to them is a peace be unto you my peace i give to you he knew they were going into a world of turbulence a word of crisis a world full of shacks and highness but he knew that through the peace of god the modern congress today as a servant of the lord jesus christ i deliver to you his peace receive his face receive his peace over every area of your life is peace you prevail thank you father just give him a shout of joy celebrate his goodness hallelujah you may take your seat in god's wonderful presence i give glory to god almighty at last oh please give this wonderful people give them in clap everyone [Applause] if you don't want me to drop into the choir club for them very well glory to jesus the lord will fill your life with music you will be far from sorrow as to engineer joy in the house of god heaven we engineer joy in your life day and night in the name of jesus we appreciate you give them a hand over them i feel so privileged so blessed that you have asked me to come and speak and even though kovid 19 tried to tamper with the date and but here we are on top of kobe 19. above kobe 19 psalm 92 verse 10 21 91 sorry number one there shall be no evil before thee neither shall any plague come near your dwelling can you confess it no evil shut before me neither shall any plague i receive the word of the lord and somebody say amen pastor shalom and his dear wife i'm so glad to see you you know today i saw the two of you are looking well didn't you looking sharp looking good pastor's face is shining pastor's wife is radiant clap clap for them clap for them over there i'm so glad they didn't call me to break the news or the death of any of you some some pastors have died of confidence a lot in america they didn't call me to come and meet you on ventilator to come and pray for you he didn't call me to come and pray for you in the hospital you are from head to toe inside and i'm saying can you see the goodness of the lord give the lord a big hand for that i celebrate you and you will rise higher day by day in the mighty name of jesus please sit down please first should like convey my love to mama such a plea blessed mom all the three children are fantastically serving the lord what what what what the mother please celebrate mama wherever my momma is praise god it's my joy my privilege to be with you at this mercy conference am i correct where the peace of god is flowing like a river i've had report on the great things the lord had been doing and now you have been blessed and i give glory to god for that tonight you will be super blessed and then tomorrow you'll be superlatively blessed somebody say amen oh listen some come over here some materials that can help you stepping into greatness is available at cover and paperback the weapons of our fare only had cover the precious blood of jesus is a very very powerful fairy it's a peculiar revelation god give me about the cross available hardcover paperback and the all-time prayer classic i've written 97 books and we have been trying to beat this one it has refused to be beaten it has gone through 17 editions canadian nation american national australian whatever whatever it's been translated into russia and all that and it's still leading alone with god the lonely god god is available paperback and hardcover buy the truth and sell it not let's read some scriptures praise god colossians 1 let me start from the end read some conclusions one i celebrate all the speakers who have ministered before me give them a hand please thank you i celebrate my son god bless you you are doing great when you are going to be here tomorrow i like to have a one-on-one with you and we will see what we can do on the platform of the pentecostal fellowship of nigeria to see how we can support you are doing what matters most i give glory to god for your life colossians 1 let's read from verse 12 there's a particular verse where i will stop blessing from verse 12 colossians 1 praise god giving thanks unto the father which has made us made to be partakers of the inheritance of the saints in light who has delivered us from the power of darkness and has translated us into the kingdom of his dear son in whom we have redemption through his blood even the forgiveness of sins who is the image of the invisible god that's jesus christ the first born of every creature for by him were all things created that are in heaven that are in earth visible and invisible whether they be thrones or dominions or principalities or powers all things were created by him and for him and he is before all things and by any more things consist and he is the head of the body the church who is the beginning the first born from the dead that in all things he might have the preeminence personality for it please the father the name shall all fullness dwell then let's read verse 20 together loudly verse want to read and having made peace through the blood of this cross i want us to read it again loudly i want to read um but through this cross by him to reconcile all things onto himself i ain't my save whether they be all things ah the bible says here that god almighty made peace through the blood of christ jesus christ secured peace for us through his blood so when he came to his disciples and he said my peace i give to you i was telling them what i came to the world to secure what the father sent me to the world to do what i procured with my life blood peace i give to you shalom i give to you perfection i give to you redemption salvation soteria nothing absent nothing like complete blessings that anybody can dream of everything you need from the womb to the tomb i secured it on the cross peace i give to you everything you need to triumph over every foe satan and his demons sin and all the temptations sickness disease affliction everything you need i give it to you receive it enjoy it and go and give it to the world become a partaker of the peace that i secured through my blood it and then become the distributor of this peace to the whole world see when we talk about peace from the scripture the new testament the very it's an absolutely free commodity that god gives everyone is a very very expensive commodity very expensive it took the blood of jesus christ to purchase and then he made it available for us to us most believers don't yet understand what the cross of christ stands for most don't and a lot of teachers of the world preachers of the world are not happy matters you get to our churches motivational preaching motivational preaching has filled the altar and has pushed the message of the cross aside and the result we're not seeing the peace of god in the lives of those that we are preaching to as much because that peace comes through the cross when we see the power of god in evidence we're talking of raw miracles the blind scene the lamb walking people jumping out of wheelchair the death the dumb getting delivered when i go for my crusades i don't play games no i know the lives and the destinies of the hundreds of thousands that are listening to me at stake their future their eternity depends on the one i give to them and decision to make about it so i just lift up christ and his cross he said and i if i believe teddo from the earth i will draw men onto myself that's my job i don't try to heal anybody i can't heal a fly disclaimer i can't i can't really fly but i can lift up jesus the one who died the one who shed his blood the one who gave his life the one was buried the one who rose triumphant from the grave they want to live forever more i can lift him up and then what a man cannot do he does the healing man cannot procure he doesn't i again in january it is january i was preaching by pastor in lagos don't let me name him you know and you see me too i just had a battle with very bad malaria i called my medical team to come and check me and he said that he is a terrible strain on manera and then it's uh you had run around it came on top of exhaustion your immunity was low and they said everything they wanted to say and i thank them and they they treated me and i said let me go to lagos i have a meeting daddy if you can avoid going stay i said let me go why serving the lord he will give me strength listen to me i just that day i just struggle good to the other house friends of god be my glorious strength today let me know collapse why men listen to your people i'm telling you that so you know that we have this treasure in athens that the excellency of the power may be of god and not a force nobody can boost even me i was just recording from a bad man i just struggled to the author i was i was holding the baby like this and then the hand of god came on me say you i just pointed a relation of us of yours is done of course he's healed of course from that moment on i didn't feel any weakness anything god took over now listen to this there's a woman there in the meeting who are this uncle of his ass dying of covey and was in bad case the two kidneys had packed up was that back in legacy and then breathing difficulty are setting they have moved into incubator or what do they call it ventilator okay and they were you know what they were anxious in my die in my die and a woman came boarding for that person and the word came this god is god 24 hours the following day she called a person she was crying she mentioned the other person said he was already you know going two kidneys packed of one liver not functioning and we are giving a hope the word came tonight your word has come whatever has disturbed your peace it's over in the name of jesus in 24 hours the two kidneys picked up the livers picked up the liver pig the liver picked up the lung picked up he mentioned the name he said pastor suzu and so has tested negative they have moved him out of my see you is in the world is eating now and they are going to discharge them very soon yesterday it was almost done today through the word of the lord that is what happens when jesus is lifted up it takes the matter out of your hands i remember my crusade in bauchi 1990 we used ibb square i came that night arrived that night flew to just drop by road so i was tired i just preached a short message give out a call and i said tomorrow is miracle night go bring those who are terribly sick just bring them and i went back to the hotel with mommy to pray the following day they brought real sick people and you you don't see sick people in lingus here ah somebody who's who was so lame he was suspending the leg on his soldier thin leg all manner of matters i got before the crowd began to lift jesus up the cross of calvary where he died where he shed his blood where peace was released upon the earth the cross of calvary where the blood of jesus christ provided redemption for everyone if you want to be saved look at the cross you want to be healed look at the cross you want to be delivered look at the cross you want to triumph over all your foes look at the cross that's where the matter was settled when jesus christ was on the cross after shedding his blood before he went to the father he said it is finished the whole account of humanity seems settled sicknesses afflictions pains settled it is finished on the cross i began to leave jesus christ up and i told them there's nothing he cannot do there's no case he cannot heal and then there was a woman who brought a daughter a young daughter the daughter was about to enter to the crusade ground who was so so afflicted i've never seen anybody that's afflicted all my life even in crusades around the world i've never this girl was blind in the two eyes was death in the two years was dumb could not speak i was lame at the two feet one person that's some sickness that's the devil i didn't know i raised the cross i lifted jesus i exalted his name i spoke about his blood that is shared and listen to this when such messages come people get soundly born again i'm not talking of have converted cowboys who are putting one leg in the world and one leg in in the church no when the message of the cross comes to you it crosses sin out of your life it makes sense to become hateful you you hate to do what you used to do before because the cross has changed your life so i preached and i said i want to begin to pray the power of god will come on you you'll be able to do what you have not been able to do before everybody's done as the prayer was going on this young girl got up and mother put her in front she got up and she was running towards the stage remember she was lame at two feet as a friend of mine he's an anglican art bishop now emmanuel chukwuma inaniguna he was a bishop in in voucher that time he was sitting on this on the stage behind me the guy was running towards this thing the mother ran after her thinking that okay baby if your feet are healed don't hit your head against something because you are blind he didn't know that god did a perfect work [Applause] men and brother men and brethren in lagos the two eyes opened the two ears open the tongue loosed defeat straight i didn't lay hands i laid words he sent his word and he healed them and delivered them from the destruction i didn't struggle i didn't stay there hey you be healed no i lifted the cross and the cross came against the power of darkness and crushed them lifts your hands to god in whatever area the enemy is afflicting your life i apply the cross in the name of jesus i applied the blood in the name of jesus i applied the name of jesus in the image it is written the road of the wicked shall not rest upon the lot of the righteous satan hear my word in whatever way you are touching the lives of these people of god through the blood i command you take off your hands sit and take off your hands from their bodies take off your hands from their minds take up your hands from their murray take up your hands from their career take of your hands from their business take up your arm from their finances take up your hand for the overcoming by the blood of the lamb and by the word of their destibules today we receive doctor victory over the works of the devil in the name of jesus somebody say amen give a shout of joy to the one who gave us mix look at what is the bible says colossians 1 20 we read it and having made peace through the blood of his cross not just any blood the blood is shed at calvary what the whole world is commemorating today don't mind those who are making some useless argument whether it was a preacher died or july jesus died october died i'm not celebrating dates i'm the substance i'm celebrating that jesus died jesus was buried jesus rose again jesus is alive summary shot is alive if we like let us celebrate it in january it'd be like let's celebrate it in december it will unless celebrated the man the day doesn't matter the substance is he is alive somebody shout is alive shouted again shouting loud down and some others are criticizing they said what do you call easter why do you call it easter is a pagan they have religions as a pagan you about man of things come on nonsense on internet that people are written everything i did a research and this sadistan it was a an adult trust festival that the church took over i said fine thank you for your information i'm not celebrating the label easter is the labor they give it i can call it resurrection i can i can call it is that i can call resurrection but i'm celebrating the substance the substances that jesus christ died according to the scriptures he was buried according to the scriptures he rose again according to the scripture he's alive today somebody declared boldly say jesus died according to the scriptures jesus was burned according to the scripture jesus rose again according to the scripture jesus is a lie he's alive he's alive he's a lie give the lord a shout [Applause] so don't listen to that useless argument focus on the substance and listen to it my friend look at that the ultimate tragedy to before any human being is death after someone dies hope gone everything finished that's why they call it capital punishment is capital it's irreversible and look at what jesus did the worst that the enemy could inflict on any human he just flipped it he conquered death he rose again he said i'm the one who was who is an insult and the one who died and behold i'm alive not for one day not for two days not for one year i'm alive forevermore that's the one we celebrate that's the one we worship that's when i will save you deliver you that's the one that will flip whatever the enemy has you are you are not dead you are alive you are sitting you are still talking oh don't complain just tell it to jesus and see i will turn it around today whatever has troubled you today you are going home with total victory let everyone hear your amen okay let's go again to another scripture first corinthians let me read chapter one let's look a little bit at this cross of christ let's read from verse 14 beautiful word of the lord look at this i thank god i baptized none of you but chris post and guys lest any should say that i had baptized in my own name and i baptized also the outsource of stiffness besides i know not whether i baptize any other you know apostle paul knew what god called him to do and was he was extremely focused he wasn't saying baptism is not important is he knew that wasn't what god called him to do look at this number 17 for christ sent me not to baptize but to pray the gospel not with wisdom of what lest the cross of christ should be made of non-effect he recognized that the center of power is a cross when you speak about the cross correctly and the blood correctly and the name correctly the pound of almighty god breaks loose to do anything i've seen it again i've just told you a few verse 18 for the preaching of the cross you should then perish foolishness very absurd i want to say why are you talking how can the death of somebody on a funny tree some 2 000 years plus ago affect my life today how can it affect food on my table clothes on my back good school for my children a good car to use agony affect my health now my friend that's the center of every good thing that god wants to give humanity that center of prosperity the center of healing or deliverance or victory if you if you study the scripture very well you see five critical points from which jesus christ our true jesus christ was crucified unto jesus christ from which the occurrence shared his blood they put a crown of thorn upon his head and they hit him with the ridge and blood flowed from his head the tongue is a mark of the cross the blessed one allowed his head to be woven with crowns of thorns and he shed his blood the blood is shed from the head paid the price to remove every cross from everyone who believes he was wearing our cross so we can wear his blessings lay your right hand on your head every course is revoked every course cancelled if that cause has been coming from generations past today we stop it you are blessed because of the cross you are irreversibly blessed from generation to generation you are blessed somebody said amen they stripped him and they tied him now stripped him naked and they came with lashes the roman lashes at that time is made up of a leather material with a thick handle like the hand with 39 long branches at the end of each branch they were fasting something dangerous like a broken stone broken bone broken meta because they want to afflict the uh the victim in a maximal manner so they take that thing and they will they will apply it to the bare flesh and he will pull it so the pain they are going the bible says his visage was so mad you couldn't recognize him anymore he was beaten and battered that was how they treated him what for wounded for transgression bruce for iniquities the chastisement of our peace was upon him and with his stress we're here when jesus was beaten by that like that he paid the price for your instant healing what did he pay for let me hear you he made healing become your legal right as a child of god healing is children's bread you don't struggle for it you just believe what it did on the cross lift your hand whatever sickness may still remain i clear them out through the blood of jesus be healed be healed in the name of jesus and then they stretched his hands on the cross and drove the nails into his hands your hand is your primary instrument of economic prowess you collect money with your hand you sign your check with johan you transfer money you use your hand if you saw the scripture it talks of you take money in your hand you take money in your hand when you are going to egypt to buy food your father told them take money in your hand your hand has something to do with your economic prowess and when adam fell in the garden the earth was caused for man's sake economic hardship began but when jesus died he stretched his hand they drove the nails there in the air and blood flowed paying the price to remove economical ship and poverty forever listen to me as a child of god you have no business with poverty somebody say i reject poverty for you know the grace of our lord jesus christ though he was rich for your sake it became power that through his poverty human being he and he wasn't just ordinary he paid the blood that flowed from his hand it was not in vain so you can love fully righteously properly claim prosperity as your inheritance in christ because christ paid for your prosperity your hands will prosper open your twins on your lap you can put your bible okay i prophesy upon your hands these hands will prosper these hands will blossom every trace of poverty that are danced around this sun before is banished forever everything you touch buddhism will prosper in the name of jesus these hands will handle wealth in millions in billions in naira in dollars in europe imposter the lord will give you global wealth wealth from every part of the globe in the name of jesus in the name of jesus i prophesy upon you by the spirit of the lord those of you who open your hands to receive this blessing and you open your heart to receive it and to believe what christ did for you what christ did for you before the end of this year you'll be paying in millions in the name of jesus [Applause] up until now you have been chasing money from now money will run after you receive it receive it receive it in the name of jesus somebody shout hallelujah i told you the blood is shed from the head paid to remove our cross i'm not cause i'm blessed blessed blessed the blood is shed from the hand my friend paid to remove poverty this hand will handle money i don't i don't chase money i pursue god i pursue his will seek first the kingdom of god and his righteousness and all these things shall be added to you somebody you are you want god to bless you with a house of 20 million 25 million 50 million and you have never put 5 million on the author of god hey look at me look at me you've something for nothing exists in the paradise of fools your seed determines your others have you taken you are blessed with them alone have you taken a terminal say the kingdom first the kingdom first and you put it on the other you behave like you are crazy when you do that you break something nobody's pushing you to do it nobody is demanding nobody is saying we just made them you know bring it no no no no you from the inside because you understand the word of god you understand when you seek for the kingdom of god and his righteousness all that things shall be already you put on the other and something happened i remember i promised myself i said oh one day i'm going to give one million many years ago i'm going to see the one minute and one day god said do it now i took my checkered one you know go went to plant it in lafayette manor girl i galloped back home because i know if my seed is on the ground my heart is unaware i was on before the author one day ministering to ministers and the law said give yourself i said was it say your best well my son bought me very good messages man i said fine thank you no i gave to one bishop i was before the hotel one day and they all said can you give me 50 million someone say ha let me hear you say huh million suddenly in my mind begin to ask god don't you know i'm in a bottom i'm i'm not in lagos i'm not everyday i'm not but i called her i knew he had spoken i said lord you are the one who gives seed to sowers and bread to eat us anything that i have i cannot give is an idol crush it said i'll give it to you just give it to me i'll give it to you that was the birth of our university and i can today i cannot count how many people have blessed me with 50 million for the university please give the lord a vegan i can't count a lot of us we don't know how this thing works we don't know you want the house of 120 million error and you are putting 10 000 on the other don't you know that the size of your seed determines the size of your habits have you into reading the scripture he who so sparingly shall reap sparingly don't you know christianity is all over sacrifice all what i'm talking to you on the cross of course is sacrifice let me dive out a little bit and come back to my message on the five points i've told you blood from the head blood from the back for healing blood from the end for prosperity i'm coming back to it now bless you my son reaching the muslims can i tell the brethren let's not hate the muslims [Music] let's not hate the muslims they don't know what they are doing you may tell me oh they know they know they are killing us no they don't know let me ask how many people here you are being muslim before but now you are a child of god reason so many oh no don't stop don't clap yet let me see there those of you sons are off can you dare kill a christian now why you not know what you are doing when you are not born again you will kill a christian for fun you would think you would defend your religion they don't know church place church hear me church we cannot conquer hate with hate those people or the other religion if you read the scripture very well that's your name your hand shall be against every man every man shall be against you that's your terrain let me hear you let me hear you let me hear you if we leave our terrain and go to the terrain we have lost you can we cannot win at that terrain head for it high for eye fit for faith we are losers if we stay in our terrain of lord loving them your enemies hungry feed them your enemies naked clothing your mystery feed them take the gospel to them like my son is doing give them clothes give them food love is the most powerful force in the universe nobody can withstand love perpetually when they keep love on you and they keep loving you and they you get to a point you break down you are a human being but if you go to the realm of eights hate them hate them oh god cut them off oh cut them off no you are praying the wrong prayer the disciple of jesus when a village was not receiving him because we were going to jerusalem he said can we call fire down from heaven like elijah did he said no he rebuked them say you don't know the spirit that's in you the son of man has not come to destroy life he has come to save life and saving them can be sacrificial somebody said ah daddy but they are killing us yes i know killing us didn't start yesterday jesus didn't die by himself they killed him correct talk to me and what he was hanging on the cross while we were killing him he was praying for those that was killing that's why he won the world they are killing us let's love them love is infinitely more powerful than hit of all the 12 apostles of the lamb only one of them died a natural death johnny beloved every other one crucified beheaded killed the one who said if your enemy is hungry freedom paul he was beheaded in rome peter when they were crucifying his wife in rome what he can hear the husband peter stood by and was screaming to his wife my beloved remember christ remember christ remember christ that was was peter was screaming to her and they killed her when they wanted to keep peter he said please don't kill me like you killed the lord jesus crucified me upside down that has always been the case with christianity and with thrive the church is the bush that is was burning and was not consumed persecution has never never cleaned the light of the church the owner of the church said upon this rock i will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prepare egypt i want to appeal to our brethren in the north and everywhere um i know what we're going through i've gone around this nation again and again let's not be dragged into hate that is not our nature that's not our terrain let's remain in the theater of love let me tell you every enemy of christ will bow under his feet in this nation somebody say amen oh i didn't hear your amen anyway that's some theology there now jesus christ shed the blood from the head someone said one from the back two from the hands three the one probably dealt with that cause forever if you believe in christ you are far from any and every cross christ has redeemed us from the cross of the law having been made the cause for for it is written because they want to hang on the tree he removed the curse with the hand or prosperity back healing they drove the nails into his feet you see he said i give you power to try opposite upon scorpions but upon every part of the enemies and nothing shall be enemies and he paid the price for it when he shed the blood from the feet he paid for us to walk in dominion over all the powers of the enemy every demon every devil ever every every demon any agent of the devil you trade on them the only place the devil belongs in your life is under your feet where is the devil now oh come on talk to me now so if you have any message to give to the devil write it at the soul of your shoes and give it to him because jesus paid the price for you to work in dominion and all the days of your life you work in dominion i didn't hear your amen [Applause] i can tell you my encounter with demoniacs in calabar in new york in both court in lagos canada and canada with roberts have arrested 19 armed robbers each one of them carrying gun in the night between binny and ray february 10 1989 arrested them they are handed you have dominion because he paid for it and number five so i conclude that when they wanted to check whether i was dead or not they plunged the spear at the side and there the fountain of life was opened the fountain of grace was open the fountain of cleansing was open to cleanse every sin any sin the blood of jesus christ his son cleanses us from mercy there is no sin that cannot be forgiven not because the fun thing also he paid the full price on the cross to give us peace if it is economy yeah he paid if it is the cost course yes he paid if it is sickness yes he paid if it is demonic attack yes he paid if it is seen yes he paid everything that controversy he paid so that complete redemption is yours somebody declares a complete redemption is mine somebody say amen redemption is not just about your sins forgiving you're going to have no no no your sins are forgiven and you are broke you are in-depth as your complete redemption your sins are forgiven you are sick you're oppressed that's no complication your sins are forgiven you are demonically oppressed no he paid for everything if the son therefore shall make you free you shall be free in the free totally free absolutely and he secured it from the cross i want to close what do you want in what area of your life do you want is peace to be released the cross of calvary is as efficacious today as it was two thousand years ago this is the power of the early church they preached christ and him crucified miracles took place deliverance took place screamed the oppressed were released let us not remove the message of the cross and substitute your possibility thinking you can prosper yes you can prosper to hell you can have cast you can have cars and burning hair unbelievers have cars muslims have cars they have land they have houses but the cross makes a difference the cross gives us complete peace complete freedom complete liberty complete redemption with your hand and give him thanks for the blood thank you for the blood thank you for the blood oh gee is us thank you for the blood oh gee jesus it's what she's want thank him for the protect jesus thank god thank you for the blood oh my jesus thank you thank you for the blow up [Music] thank you thank [Music] thank you thank you [Music] thank you thank you thank you [Music] jesus [Music] [Music] is [Music] [Music] me [Music] begin to plead the blood of jesus upon yourself every area of your life play the blood of jesus upon your body upon your mind upon your marriage upon your business upon your career upon your family upon your children upon your finances upon every area of your life plead the blood please plead plead plead plead cover yourself with the blood comic guys everything the devil is trying to do in your life rebuke the enemy by the blood confront the enemy by the blood command the enemy to take off his hand from your life by the blood cover yourself with the blood with the blood with the blood with the blood with the blood with the blood with the blood thank you jesus now revoke any cause from your life anything that looks like a cross revoke it by the blood jesus already paid to remove every course revoke every course no room for any cause in my life no room for any course in my family no room for any cause of any kind jesus paid jesus paid jesus paid blessings of mine i'm blessing the money i'm blessed in the afternoon i'm blessed in the evening i'm blessed at night no room for any cause cause go away in the name of jesus [Music] claim your healing claim total healing from every pain every affliction every oppression every disease every plague plead the blood of jesus against every sickness command the pain to live your body immediately through the blood command the affliction to leave your body immediately and never return command the growth to leave your body immediately and never return jesus paid for you now claim your dominion over every demon over every evil spirit over every agent of the enemy over every nightmares over every affliction whatever affliction of the devil claim your dominion on in the name of jesus the enemy shall not exact upon opponent neither shall the son of wickedness afflicted claim your dominion it's all yours isaiah now claim your prosperity your hands are blessed everything thought must prosper the heaven is open abundance is yours claim prosperity claim abundance money must come to you from the east from the west from the north from the south reject poverty reject insufficiency reject depth reject luck jesus paid with his blood claim prospered now claim cleanse him from every sin break the hold of sinful habits break the hold of lusts loss of the flesh loss of their eyes break them break their hole of simple habit break the hold of masturbation break the hold of a dog tree break the holder from cleanness bind the demons behind uncleanness cast them out by the blood of jesus and receives sanctification purity holiness through the blood through the blood through the blood through the blood thank you thank you wave your hand and begin to give thanks to god we've been beginning to give than to god for the blood thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord thank you lord bring your prayer so close in jesus mighty name we pray please put your hands down i want you before i pray for everybody through the power of the blood to take care of every area of life and listen to me god wants you to be saved god wants you to have eternal life religion is not enough i'm a good muslim that won't get you anywhere you must be born again i'm a good churchgoer that won't take you anywhere you must be born again i'm a good baptist i won't take you anywhere you must burn again i'm a good anglican that won't take you anywhere you must burn again i'm not even religious i'm an agnostic it means you will roast in hell but jesus died for you jesus is ready to save you he's a common to me oh she the labor and a heavy lady and i give you rest i give you peace take my yoke upon you and learn of me and you shall find rest for your soul so if you want to be born again today you want to be genuinely saved you don't want to have any doubt about it you want to be sure anytime you die you go to heaven you want to be sure that you're a true child of the living god do you want the blood of jesus christ to cleanse you to forgive you you want to be free from every guilt of all the past sins and you want to live a life of glory and dominion through christ i'm gonna pray for you if you want to be genuinely born again today just raise your hand wherever you are and i'm gonna pray for you god bless you raise your hand thank you i want my sins for giving me reason thank you i want to receive eternal life reason raise your hand thank you hiya young or old male or female assyrians thank you thank you all of you that are raising your hands take your bibles take your bags whatever you brought to church and come over here i want to pray for you please talk to me just coming on come on over here i'm waiting for you the blood of jesus christ to clench to sanctify you please come please come just stand please come you're coming i don't want to stop the devil anymore i don't want to be lost i want to receive eternal life come come come i want to make it to heaven i don't want to go to hell i want to have victory over the devil come come come come this is your day this is your day come on come on i'm still waiting for you clap for them clap for them keep coming we are waiting for you today is your day of salvation command step out here today is your day of eternal life comments about here [Music] today is your day of grace stephanie is your dear mercy thank you wrong thank you church thank you all of you that are in front here put your hands on your chest like this pray after me say lord jesus come into my heart forgive all my sins give me eternal life write my name in the book of life today i surrender my life to you totally completely from today jesus is my lord jesus is my lord amen amen receive mercy in jesus name receive forgiveness in jesus name receive eternal life in the name of jesus i break the hold of sin of your life from today sin will not have dominion over you again i break hold of the devil real life from today through the blood jesus i put the devil under your feet go into a life of dominion each one of you you become pillars in the house of god you will make it to heaven peace be unto you jesus mighty name we pray where's the head counselor please see those two gentlemen that reason please follow them please follow them church club for them [Music] thank you if i pray i know we have space restriction or bring a friend tomorrow let's bring people to receive eternal life bring them let them know we have space for them even if it means we were members of david also david's family if we have to relocate and give them room let's go for them it is well with you lay your hands on your head as i pray say lord amen by the blood of jesus i destroy every walk of the devil in your life i destroy every work of the devil in your body i destroy vocal devil in your marriage i deserve what god the devil in your business in your career in the name of jesus i destroy every work of the devil in your finances satan take off your hands from their money in the name of jesus i command your money to come from the east from the west from the north from the south from every angle from across the ocean from across the continent from above received breakthroughs [Applause] the word of the lord said to elijah go tally up i can hear the sound of abundance of rain i lose abundance of rain upon your life abundance of blessings mercy breakthrough success you will testify you will testify what has troubled you up until now will not trouble you anymore go into peace go with healing go into dominion go into joy it is where with you in jesus mighty name we pray give the lord a clap of friend [Music] celebrate the one who died [Music] the one who rose again don't get tired
Channel: Encounter Jesus
Views: 1,672
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: Gospel music, inspirational quote, healing and touch, moment of encounter, dclmhq, deeper lifer song choir, pst. w.f Kumuyi, youth campus adult, fox news, cnn, music bts, Coldplay, encounter J, ministers' court, moment of miracle, evangelism, marriage series, praise and worship, dr pst paul enenche, apostle selman Arome Oropo micheal, what, when, where, how, who, why, Bishop Wale Oke, PEACE, Mercy Conference 2021, Household of David
Id: CaNcvB3AAQc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 97min 16sec (5836 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 05 2021
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