Mercedes CLC220 CDI 2010 randomly not starting and cutting out. Fault finding and repair.

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everybody all my followers welcome to another video so this video today is on a 2010 Mercedes CL C 220 did I say 2010 I think I did and okay so the story with the car and this well have been told by the owner is the following this car has been through I think a few garages I think the only place he hasn't been yet is the dealer I think well I've been told crankshaft sensor has been changed not sure if or anything else but I know for a fact the car has been around a few points already tried to fix this problem however the car came to me with it so it hasn't been resolved yet and the issue is the following accordingly to the owner the car just stops randomly it gets out randomly I call it to him you can the car the engine is called I haven't start the engineer today and apparently you can start the car in the morning like now start the engine go for drive or go to whatever and the car runs just fine some of the times you do exactly the same five minutes into driving and the car cut off and I call it to aim is more prone to happen when you can stop like like when you stop a traffic lights or whatever that's what is more problem to happen but but yeah call me to to what he said it's quite random it can happen anytime with the call me to the owner as well there is no pattern to it unless there is and he just didn't realize yet so the first thing I'm gonna do is we're gonna do a scan on the car and all my go for a drive tried to see if I can find some sort of pattern I don't know if there's any any really but I will try I don't know we'll try we'll drive we'll fill the car and we'll try to see but before that I'm gonna get the Cask and I only go the car yesterday I only managed to get the car running really to put it from that side of the road into here you run just fine haven't seen really nothing wrong with it didn't cut out nothing like I run just fine so yeah I haven't experienced the problem yet so yeah so we're going to scan the car I'm not going to use the maxi C's in this case or for now for the simple fact that well there's two reasons but one is that I was scanning a car yesterday with that because the maxi C's wouldn't show me what I was looking for so I had to use this one and the laptop was on charge so which was at hand so I just decide to use the star so we kind of plug it in our game engine running obviously and and the rule tried to go from there try to see if we figured out what what is wrong with it okay so I was just trying to run the guy to ask Emily be more you four because there's something happening that did not happen yesterday and I'm gonna be confused you never mentioned this to me I can't start the engine so the car is in park as you can see and from here I don't even think I should need to press the brake on these cars but even if I press the brake just gonna see I'm pressing the brake he's gonna stop now he's gonna let me down look he is full turn nothing happens okay so this is weird because he did not tell me this he did not told me that the car wouldn't start he only mentioned to me that the car would get out so I'm a little confused now and okay the guys now answering the phone so we're gonna proceed with the Diagnostics but in a different way now because obviously I can't get the engine to run I could try a few more times like you know press the brake take it from partly than the other but I want to try to understand exactly why it's not doing it now why is not starting now so this is the right time to scan the car and try to figure it out okay and that's exactly what I'm going to look just turn the ignition on in it took all this time to actually what's wrong with this car okay okay so let let's go to try to see what what's wrong with this okay so we are nearly there about revolta she's not very high so am I gonna have to manage to get his engine running somehow it's weird he started absolutely funny yesterday when I moved it from that side of the road into here because when they dropped the car I was not I was a tomboy I was I was just coming out from night so okay let's gonna go control units yeah that's what I want and I want to go straight to drive come on rail or engine ECU yeah that's fine okay let me go to fault codes wow wow wow wow wow let me go to actual values okay so synchronization my starting naval yes starting able control model yes yes yes yes so that everything is fine here so let me see if I turn the key I can't believe you seen this and I didn't even press the pedal the brake I don't think on these cars you need to do that anyway but as you have seen he just started finding this time this was weird now okay let me do something here let me turn it up again and try again come on we started and he just went off straight away yeah he started and he just two times right away let me try again okay it's running okay this is weird it is really weird it's gonna be one of those things okay so I'm gonna try to dig early be further try to understand but yeah it started any on straight away and now we start to find second time is running so I think there's a few more tests a few more things to look at I'm gonna try to to understand what's going on see if I find anything on the live data but I don't need to be here take you through as soon as I find out let you know exactly where we are okay so I I start to feel that it's going to be a fuel pressure problem a fear regulation problem this is the warming up phase and as you can see we need to be fuel coolant temperature between 20 and 60 we are known 45 so just about kind of alph way through fuel temper could be over 20 degrees is at 16 we are maybe away from there yet but I don't think these four degrees will make much of a difference and as you come down the right pressure so we have these two on the black so they shouldn't be on a black so the pressure control valve should be somewhere between 22 and 26 percent is at 14 percent okay so and the quantity flow valve which should be between 35 and 40 is at 26 yeah we have these two out on the warming up face not really sure yet if this is going to mean anything we'll have to a lot ideally be further and this was quite interesting because out of the blue I felt something only aging a little bit of a like I don't know I felt something and all of a sudden all the values went obviously the fuel temperature was already on 20 but these values all of a sudden these two they just went into specification was really weird was really weird I don't know yet what's coming on here but yeah it was like I just felt like it's sort of a vibration on the engine like a little bit of change in the engine and all of a sudden it's just been gone so don't know yet exactly what happened here but we're gonna have to have a look so I'm gonna go now check this one here I don't think I'm at 60 degrees yet no 59.4 nevertheless these two they still now where they should be but okay injector values or smoother an injector values they are all pretty much okay they are all within specifications so that was the minimum value that went to the injector and this is the maximum you have the coding and obviously as he says in there if any value goes minus or plus five then we need to worry about but they are all well in specifications so I don't think we have an inject an issue here okay so I can't really see anything else wrong with live data I've checked every single other ECU there's no faults anywhere no fault called the car is pretty much fault called free was a few fault codes on the front sam for some lights for some bulbs and stuff like that but that was it the only thing that's still not right as you can see the coolant temperature is now 75 so we know the engine temperature are very close to that and we still have an issue with the pressure control valve so the quantity control valve as you can see in there is just about right every now and then he actually comes off the range but is just about in but that one still out 2% so I think what I'm going to do is we're going to test this valve the pressure control valve and the beauty of the these Diagnostics is that he will tell you everything the only thing is that it doesn't do it for you but he tells you absolutely of it so we're gonna select the vol we want to test and obviously it tells you to check for leaks and basically does is increases the pressure to about 15 under bars of some weather we're not going to do that and I don't think there's any leaks in there what we're gonna do the first thing I'm gonna do cuz some of these tests you need to actually they use an adapter but you actually need to connect the valve and the engine running and test the circuit which means I would have to piece the wires or I'm not gonna will do that eventually better the first one I want to do I'm going to check is there is these when checked internal resistance of white seventy four and if you press ENTER it tells you here how to do it so look at this you don't need to be an expert to do this it tells you here everything step by step you can't get this wrong it's not rocket science this tests the only thing that I easily a bit sometimes output across lies imperative is measuring no problem but is to know what the specific value should be and obviously good that we have this because it tells me exactly should be between four and five ohms and that's the resist the resistance of the valve between pin 1 and pin 2 and that's what I'm going to do okay so I'm measuring the resistance of the high 74 and as you can see is about 4.5 ohms which is just within specifications so we have no problems with on the next thing I'm going to test or we're gonna test is the same the signal voltage for the pressure valve and this basically tells me that it needs to be plugged in you need to connect the adapter which is basically a sort of pipe a so you can then measure using the multimeter anyway so we're going to measure the voltage between pin 182 there's only two pins on the valve anyway and we should have it tells me to operate the engine at idling speed fuel temp over 20 carry out the test within 30 seconds we're gonna stop the engine again and basically we should have somewhere between 1.7 in two volts it tells me to turn the ignition off I believe it means what it says switch ignition off I think it doesn't really mean ignition off off because if I turn the ignition completely off I will have no voltage at the valve so I believe Y means is engine off ignition on so what I'm going to do is we're going to turn off the engine switch off switch on the ignition and check the voltage on the multimeter so it's connected already anyway it's back probably the valve so all we're gonna do is doing exactly that so we're going to turn ignition off condition on and we have two point eight volts so we have two point eight volts which is Libby over Nellie a volt over the maximum so I'm start to believe that the problem is that Valve okay everything is pointing to that and yet the the other tests just curiosity so if I say no so it tells me to check for corrosion etc etc which we will do so my next thing before I go definitely for up for me to blame completely the valve is obviously check connections the connection of the valve is fine cuz are they off is absolutely fine nothing wrong with a ECU side I don't know yet because I haven't got that I haven't unplugged anything there this is the same chassis Zoar a very nice pole in the same chances as a c-class and I've done one on a c-class where we have seen a lot of corrosion in the area so I think am I going to take that into baits have a look inspect for corrosion for any poor contacts but yeah the the the valve current consumption as we've seen was a Libya over this specified value easily be over the signal and the only thing the only check that ticked out towards the actually internal resistance of the component which to be fair if that was if that wasn't was out I would blame the valve sure away but the problem is because that would cause all the other the other two obviously but the problem is the the internal resistance actually checked out just fine so that's why we can't just jump into replace the valve without to all the checks so my next checked is going to be take the by person this this sort of cover here the front to have a good access to this you remove this you check this you and and go from there really okay so no no corrosion everything looks clean as a whistle no problems here definitely looks absolutely fine I've checked continuity so I've checked wires from here ^ everything checked out both wires seems absolutely fine so the only last thing I'm going to do is dismantle this plug compression put a little pressure on these plates inside make sure we have a an absolutely good connection to the valve but start to think that the fault is gone and that's it we're gonna have to replace this valve okay so I was just so I did what I said I've compressed those plates on that play put everything back on and I just moved my cars I was just about to go for a test drive when something happened here and more and more towards to believe our problem is something else it's not gonna be that valve I have my doubts now although the valve might be okay but look at this I don't know I hope he does it again no it doesn't okay so I was turning the key I've done it three or four times I've turned the key to position two starting fine now but I will turn the key to position 2 and position two and come on that would come on and then on position two nothing would come on would stay as position one like that like these one here you wouldn't do anything else and obviously wouldn't crank this is gonna be an electrical problem somewhere this is gonna be an electrical problem definitely it's not gonna be what I think it is no chance just fine now every single time oh dear he's gonna be complicated ok it's typical he I've tried to record this 100 times and every time I was recording it wouldn't happen but he happened a few times while I was no recording which was as I said early I would turn the ignition on into position 2 and position 2 wouldn't come on would stay in position 1 now I kind of narrow it down I'm gonna show you exactly what happens look at this I've took this off so I have access to these years and look at this I'm gonna turn the ignition on the position to lock you did it didn't even come on properly look you see position 2 look if I turn the ignition now nothing happens a position - now he came on and now I'm putting my own through here and we go the plugs at the back of the es and I want it to see you look at that let me see that look I can make it to happen on let me see if I can because I haven't took it off yet I don't know you could activate the problem is look Sheila there is a certain movement back here on this place that makes the thing to go off completely come on do it again earlier I could just do it every single time come on I think you've seen me anyway but it's right oh there we go you see that everything is off look see this look at that I don't want to carry on because I don't want to damage anything but I think you got got the picture so there is something behind this is yes that's no good so I think this was a cry off a good lesson because I was barking at the wrong tree I think we'll go wrong from the beginning [Music] but but yeah that's kind of its kind of these mental these take the the easy s out and another look at it see exactly why he's doing this was the plug that goes here which is the plug that if I kind of touch or move about makes everything to go off the first thing I've done was once again as I done on the owner on the thing was compressed the plates inside the the the the female so when he goes in he makes proper pressure against the pins that made no difference but as soon as I start to inspect this is obviously that someone has been here before and I'm gonna show you what I mean by that is I don't think this is es belongs to this car or this car suffered some sort of problem with maybe with a lots which with the steering lock because there's and if going to be able to see by the Rays look someone has been sold with something here something over here over here so obviously some someone has been reading these these micro controller now inspecting the the pins here from here where they go inside I can't see nothing one is soldered straight into the PCB it can't really see very good can you which is these one here on the side it goes there down it goes straight down to the pcpd's one here but the other ones they go inside the look all the other ones so I'm thinking that there is something inside these lock that's now right and that's what we're going to do next is take things into bits okay so before we move any forward there's one thing I didn't try and and I want to talk about it I haven't tried with the engine running I actually touch the cable as I've told you with the ignition on I haven't tried that with the engine running and see if the car would cut off but I think we can all agree that with the position two of the ignition being obviously switched off by wobbling this cable I think we can all agree that position two would go off there is it social systems for the engine to run that are shut off when position 2 is turned off so I think we can all agree that most likely I mean I'm pretty much under percent sure that the engine would cut out so so yeah so I haven't tried it I'm not gonna put everything back together now just to go there and try that I'm quite convinced that that the engine would cut off so moving forward from from that so I have removed the electronic side from the mechanical side and the way this works I will technically be true is when insert the key don't there's a one insert the key let me see fight good okay so when you turn on the key this okay so these little metal piece just came off but this thing is is in there and then so anyway so that basically when you push in when you put the key and let me put this right I don't want you to miss a thing so when you put the key I want you to look at this thing here and you're gonna see that when I put the key in that goes in can you see that moving in okay so when that moves in essentially what it does is there is this little lever that is not now in place but it belongs to to here and that pushes this one here okay you push this one that way and when this one goes that way we push this switch here like that okay and this is the position that when you just insert the key so you push the key by pressing this little switch here the car knows the key has been inserted power up please module and obviously reads the transponder and that's the first stage then you have the second stage which is the first turn now they're well at the same time sorry mother at the same time these coil here is energized and it pulls and it pulls these white lever here and then if you can see it pulls a platter and when he pulls it allows the key to turn at the moment I can't turn the key and if you can see there it just hits right at the end of these white you say it just hits that but if I push this down now it's going to really be difficult to do both but it's gonna run and this thing like that is gonna run under and it's gonna allow me there we go to turn the key and now is not anymore okay another thing that happens so everything else happens inside here inside these chem system so this is what happens just want to take this very careful because there is sold a second let me put this to get these down and keep it down okay so the first turn what happened is I want you to look at this here this is spring-loaded here so this is your first turn it's spring-loaded and I'm gonna have to look for an out water idiot okay I found all the bits yes we do think sometimes I found all the bits so anyway that's spring-loaded so when you turn the key so key is position zero now so you only turning in the position one which is this one okay that allows that pin to come up and then press this switch here right there this one here okay now and that's position 1 then we have position 2 so so let's kind of look at it so position 1 position to crank okay now our problem I never seen a problem on position 1 so this position is always good what's always on position 2 so we need to understand what happens when position 2 turns and all these cams do is pressing this white sort of spring-loaded pins here it's all they do so these goes in here like that okay and I'm going to try to figure out what happens on position too but I'm going to do that off camera probably because otherwise it's gonna be a little bit tricky well done am i doing camera why not okay so in position two the only thing that happens you're not gonna be able to see it I doubt you're gonna be able to see this inside maybe in position - only thing that happens I can actually see so if you see all the times you can't see them all but these come at the bottom for the first pin is just carry on it's just we'll just carry on pressing it because this is not fully pressed so if I push it down we'll press that one the one next there's nothing denieth then you have the other one which is at the moment there is the cam is still underneath and then you have one of the back that's still underneath but what happened is when you turn to position two the only thing you can see is the cam just turns away from that third one from this one here you can see it just stands it it just goes away from me which means this pin will just come out and make contact into position to all the other ones they remain pressed so that's going to be our problem it's going to be the third one which we're going to see what I have which I'm going to my turn to make sure I don't get this wrong let me again so is the one here you're gonna mark it down so you know which one is and that's the one we need to make sure it's working now we can have a cam that is worn and he's not pushing in far enough or we can have a problem here between that and the switch and obviously we're going to open all this because that's the only way is take things into bits okay the thing is now completely opened as you can see and what we have is this sort of these plates here they are all on the same team and to be fair I can't really see anything wrong and in contact wise they are pretty much quite clean as you can probably see all the contact points and there is only one thing that I'm gonna do I'm gonna Bend all these plates okay so when the pain when these white so when these white button there or whatever you want to call it so when that goes down the plate has enough pressure to ensure a good contact so we were going to paint them all down we're gonna paint them down and make sure they do plenty of pressure against the contacts on the other side that's the only thing I'm gonna do and then put everything back together okay because I think that's the only thing really it's going to be that it's just no enough pressure against there against the the the other side and it just makes it to fail so yeah let's gonna do that it's gonna bend this so we increase the pressure and the contact pressure okay so to open these up I've got to tell you you have all these little come on you have all these little kind of tabs here they need to pull out but then on this side this has been actually plastic melt in here look one two three four point of contact so what I'm going to do just gonna melt these back in let's make sure and one last one this first one was never good that's it now I can feel much more pressure on these pins here obviously that but yeah the pressure is much higher so all I'm gonna do now is really just put everything back together because I'm that confident that this was indeed the problem and that we just gotta fix now so that's gotta put it all back together there's no we'll do a quick inspection here but the combs are looking just fine yeah they look fine am I gonna put a little bit of grease on these camps a little bit of silicone grease maybe to make it you know reduce early be aware but yeah but other than lubricating this we're just gonna put everything back together really and and then gonna go back on a call and they wiggle that play again see what happens okay just I don't forget to mention then so obviously we put a little bit of grease don't forget to put this pin here this this one here that I have Australia don't forget to put it in obviously and just one last thing that I've done just in case but although I don't think this was the problem I've checked obviously continuty this one is working because when you put the key it works but this one here I've just checked make sure he's working is working just fine that switch so so that's it really now we're going to definitely put everything back on and solder these mechanical side back on the PCB put it on the car and see what happens Oh so ever put it yet in place but he's here all connected as you can see and what I'm gonna do is I'm going to turn the ignition on into position - and I'm gonna try to replicate the problem we were having earlier so by moving these big plugs mainly the ignition would go on and off so I'm going to place the phone here so you can see it dials the cluster and go for it in position one position - oh yeah nice you can't what both things at the same time but he's not failing whatsoever it would have happened by now I just want to show you what I'm doing here this is basically what I'm doing just play keep pushing this is what I was doing earlier and every time I would move it like this would start to fail oh yeah no absolutely do the other one just in case but no it's fine absolutely fine we shut off position to spot on here now these is fixed guys these is repaired I tell you all this and the only thing I regret now is that I haven't told you I haven't done that whether there engine running so we could see the engine shutting down but as we spoke I think we can all agree that the engine would shutting down if the ignition - position - would would go off obviously so I think that's it really I'm just going to put everything back together obviously and and yeah okay and I think that's it just wrap this up which is going to go quick to the engine ECU and we go into the lead any codes actually I think I think we're going to do a quick test sorry about that I'll do a quick test delete any codes because obviously we set up a few codes special when I was playing about with that pressure sensor hope you enjoyed video I really hope there's some information here and some logic on the way we approach this that that make some sense to you I was merely making a mistake on this one and yeah I hope you enjoyed the video if you have any questions and comments put them below and like always thank you for watching
Channel: LM Auto Repairs
Views: 43,185
Rating: 4.9372902 out of 5
Keywords: mercedes not starting, clc 220 not starting, clc 220 cutting out, mercedes cutting out, mercedes ezs fault, mercedes ezs repair, mercedes starting problems, clc 220 cdi not starting, clc 220 cdi cutting out, mercedes cdi not starting, mercedes cdi cutting out, mercedes diagnostics, mercedes star, mercedes trouble codes, ezs repair, mercedes no ignition, mercedes no ignition position 2, mercedes ingition position 2 failing
Id: K_-TLfRkP6Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 56sec (2696 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 01 2018
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