Mercedes-Benz EQS ownership experiences at 8 months - Early Adopter Regrets?

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[Music] welcome back just under two weeks ago I passed two Milestones the first was I hit eight months of owning my eqs 580 sedan the second one was I went over 10 000 miles and having reached those two Milestones I want to reconsider the wisdom of buying an early model vehicle even if it's a Mercedes-Benz and so I consider do I regret being an early adopter of the eqs platform and that's what we're going to talk about today I'm going to get out and show you some things I'm going to mention so you'll get a picture of the things that are currently a challenge with this car which I still love but before I do that I'm going to give you my monthly usage update and my expenses so as I said I just went over 10 000 miles and in that time I have spent on charging 263 dollars most of which was at home because it's free when I'm on the road but my nearest charge is 40 miles away so I have to do a lot of my charging at home and that compares with my previous S-Class they got roughly 20 miles a gallon gas here in North Carolina is roughly four dollars a gallon for their premium which is what the s-classes require and so if I'd done that ten thousand miles in my old car I would have spent roughly two thousand dollars on gas in this Ten Thousand Miles so already I have saved over Seventeen hundred dollars just in gas prices but let's get back to the regrets I might have as an early adopter they fall into three basic categories one is the design of the cart two is the comfort and ride and three is the technology we're gonna hit each of those individually we're going to start with the design of the car the Prototype of what they said the equest was going to look like looked really sharp it had some nice lines it had a front end that looked similar to the S-Class but a little sleeker and it really looked good what Mercedes decided to do was make the most aerodynamic production car in the world which is what I'm sitting in and in doing so they did some things that have created a challenge for me they rounded off the hood they sleep in the angles of the car and it took me a while to get used to the look of it but now honestly at this point I like the look of it but the change has made life a little harder we start with the outside design the sleekness of the front has a lot of people concerned and initially I didn't like it but once I looked at it in person I really thought it looked great and that's an area I do not regret in purchasing this car but as you saw from the putter type that would have been a little bit better here's where it gets challenging you see the angle of the roof makes the entry to the door a little narrower and so it's harder to get in the car I didn't notice it at first because of how I get in the driver's seat but I did notice my wife and dad having a hard time getting into their seat so if you approach the car and it has been locked recently the doors may not pop open for you so you can either unlock the door with your key fob which will pop these doors out or you push on the handle they'll come out and the mirror will come out and then you pull slightly the window comes down a little bit and then you get in the car so when I as a driver approach the car to get in this is how it looks sit down normally so over the hips sit back shut the door and when I start the car my seat moves forward and because I have the seat the steering wheel for the back stays there but the car moves into place so I can get in and out comfortably I'm ready to leave turn off the car the door my seat moves back I get out very comfortably for my passengers it's a different story this is where my wife likes to have the seat so if I were just to get in like I normally do I'm stuck here I have to Pivot farther spin around push myself up and then shut the door and now I'm here comfortably but that's not natural that's not easy you shouldn't have to back your way into a chair just to sit down in a car and I've seen most of my passengers have to do that so here's been my solution I sit number three to be all the way down and all the way back so when a person is going to get into a car they just get in the car where they're gonna get out see it's already back foreign this is why I wanted the power doors on this car but Supply achieve wouldn't let that happen and there I am and now I can hit number two or one and be in the position I want to be is with the hood not being able to be open they put the washer fluid refill station here with the car unlocked you pop it open you're pour in your washer fluid and they're all set but some of it drips on the ground which means they haven't got the channel fully secured so I'm losing part of the washer fluid now I've been asking I asked the dealership do I have to buy like the manual says a specific kind of washer fluid and they said yes because a lot of washroom fluids today have stuff that leaves a film on the car to do either ice dicing or something like that but the problem is it interferes with the camera sensors on the window so you need to buy a specific kind of washer fluid and this was like six dollars and it'll give me three of these full so it's not a bad deal overall but you do need to be careful of what you put in there I've had several of my passengers tell me is this lip here it's hard to get the foot over when I get in and out and I've watched my dad specifically have a hard time with it I had another friend who mentioned it and I'll also tell you this seat right here is set in the number one position where the passenger would like to sit and for a luxury top of the line cart I I'm five foot six so it's not a big deal for me but I'm getting in look at this I'm five foot six it's hitting my eyebrow so I have to lean forward and scoot over with my hands to get into my very nice very luxurious car and I shouldn't have to do that but that's because of the way they designed the car and the legroom for me is okay but my foot is touching the the parts under there so I haven't got a lot of Mobility here if I wanted to stretch my legs out I couldn't I I'm comfortable back here but it's not enough leg room that it really needs to have for an S-Class level car so here's me getting out let's see how this goes I don't ride back here well that was easier than getting in but uh getting in was a challenge I shouldn't have to now we talk about the Comfort ride in the back seat for the passengers first we go with the very positive these head pillows are amazing and really really help I use them on my car every day I make sure I adjust them and they really help to relax you Mercedes also provide you with these nice handy dandy back pillows which are nice and both my seats in the back are heated and cooled and they do have some maneuverability not up and down front or back but the headrest does go up and down and as he does go back a little bit which is a lot better than most other cars I'm not comparing to most other cars and compared to the S-Class S-Class back seats can go farther back than these and they don't have as much padding as class so knowing the difference between the two I can tell that it's not as soft as S-Class Back Seat but again the passengers who I've driven haven't been in that many modern s-classes so they haven't really noticed a difference but it's a whole new platform and those who have compared the two have noticed and it is something that makes you possibly regret not just going ahead and getting the S-Class because it's not as comfortable in the back as far as the ride goes this is still the most comfortable ride I've ever had is the smoothest car I've ever had and it is at or better than my 2010 S-Class and clearly there's a superiorizing any other car I've ever driven it that said I've seen the modern s-classes and heard people who've had a good experience driving both and it's not as smooth and part of that is something I haven't mentioned yet in that this is a totally new platform they didn't just take an S-Class ripped out the engine and put it in a motor with batteries they've built this thing from the ground up which is why it's aerodynamic and why the righteousness because it's the S class because the S classes had decades to prepare for it and it does a better job and this car weighs 5 500 pounds so it's hard to give a car this big strong enough shocks to really smooth out the road like the S-Class does which is significantly right and so as you drive along as a driver because Siri could have gotten this Notch with this one that's further that makes you think maybe I should have just gone with the S-class the third thing that causes possible regret is a technology and if you're like me you say what can you mean technology this is the most amazing car ever technology wise and so it really comes down to comparisons with Tesla with some things it has an example when I can set up my charging here to charge 100 percent or my usual which is 80 percent how hard was that that's amazing I plugged the car into a DC charger and it instantly synchronizes with the DC charger and within 60 seconds I'm getting the free charge and it's showing me that it's charging but through the car and through the car's app you cannot time when you're going to charge so for those who have electricity bills at home that are cheaper During certain hours it would be nice from the car or from the Mercedes app to tell it charge starting at this time or charge from these hours to these hours and it can't do that right now my wall box at home does do that with its app so I can charge it when I want to one of the other things people complained about is the start stop button and you ask yourself what could be wrong with the start stop button well former Tesla owners say in the Tesla you get in the car and you can literally put the foot on a brake put it in the drive and just go and because it knows the keys in the car and so it's ready to go for you and when you stop the car and get out you put it in park you walk away the car locks itself and shuts itself down whereas the Mercedes if I have somebody driving my car if I go to a place where I have to have it valeted I've got to tell them make sure you push the stop button when you get out of the car or else it won't shut the car off and so that's an inconvenience one of the early adapter challenges and now potential regret that hasn't been the case until recently is the charging port here you see the j7 7 1772 port for our charging at home and I pulled this off and I can do the DC fast charger with a CCS charger it works great I love it I have no problems with it whatsoever except in June Mercedes announced that they're going to go to the Tesla charger the na nacs standard which means in 2024 models are going to provide an adapter from this to the Tesla ports and in future bottles this will look like a Tesla charging port which means I'm already outdated I'm going to have to buy down the road an adapter to charge my car it'll probably take a few years and they're building stations that have both charges so I'll be okay but I already know that in the current model year I have a car the charging ports are outdated on foreign but that's about it technology-wise as far as I can think off the top of my head there are some things that are challenges and we've already discussed and this is actually more important the times I have had parts of the car stop working like if I had my ambient lighting give me a pop-up warning hey I'm not working right now temporarily or I've had it say interior assistant not available right now see the owner's manual and so I've had a couple times where I've had that problem and typically getting out of the car going away for a little while coming back it fixes itself it may take a couple days but it usually is small for me and it fixes itself which is why I wanted the 23 model another 22 model and that's about it for technology and so there we have it for the first time in my eight months of owning this I've really focused in the things that are negative about the car things that I might regret being an early adopter on and with the way the economy is going you know when I bought the car I bought it knowing that it had all these challenges I knew I'd be a lead doctor I knew there'd be some things that I wouldn't have that other cars would have in the future or what the S-Class would have now but I wanted an electric car because I knew gas prices were going up and I knew Mercedes had this amazing mbux system in the eqs and I thought this would be the right time to go ahead and make that move so do I regret it yes and no yes because I know there are some things I wanted in this car that I've discussed with you that it doesn't have because of Supply chains and because of the way things are going I may not be able to replace it as soon as I'd wanted to so perhaps it would have been wise for me just to wait until I get the perfect car a couple years from now when they had modernized it in February they announced to go into a whole mbos system and maybe I should have waited for that but my final answers could mean no I do not regret buying this car it is amazing is the best car I've ever driven anyone who walks by it looks at it and people will stop and talk to me about their observation of the car and so well that's fun that's not why I got it I got it because it's comfortable it gives me a massage like it's doing right now it drives for me I've shown you and it gives me all the information I need has a nice big beautiful screen which is good because my vision is not as good as it used to be and it's absolutely terrific I love this car if I end up not being able to get a replacement in the next eight years I'm okay with that this is a car that I'm glad I have and I look forward to the excitement of the 2025 models and 26 models because by then this first version of what it looks like will have changed some it'll get a little smoother a little more impressive and the features be even better than they are now so I'm excited about the future of the car I'm excited about my future driving this car and that's all I have for month number eight at ten thousand miles thanks for watching you have a great day foreign
Channel: EQS Owner: Honest Opinions and Helpful Tips
Views: 34,274
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: EQS, EQS580, EQS-580, EQS 580, Mercedes, Mercedes-Benz, Mercedes-Benz EQS, Mercedes-Benz EQS580, Mercedes-Benz EQS 580, EQS owner, EQS580 owner, EQS-580 owner, EQS 580 owner, EQS review, EQS580 review, EQS-580 review, EQS 580 review, EQS opinions, EQS580 opinion, EQS-580 opinion, EQS 580 opinion, EQS owner opinion, Early Adopter, Early adopter regrets, regrets
Id: KVTL3tIWqug
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 32sec (1112 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 30 2023
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