I drove the BMW i7 & AMG EQS until they DIED!

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300 in eqs vs 302 in i7

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 18 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/MikeILL πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Bjorn does it better.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 5 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/duke_of_alinor πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

was BMW M version? If not then why compare it to Mercedes AMG version?

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/Low_Reading_9831 πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies

Driving one behind the other…..

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 1 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/ZetaPower πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Jun 02 2023 πŸ—«︎ replies
which is the best luxury electric car is it the new BMW i7 or the Mercedes AMG eqs 53 well to find out I'm going to compare them across several categories I'm also going to see exactly how far each of these cars will go on a full charge by driving them non-stop up the motorway until they run out of electricity we'll also see what happens when they do run out do they just leave you stranded when they die or do they gradually give you lots of warning and plenty of time to figure out what to do we're going to find out because I'm at Watson and you're watching car wow Buy sell car wow we fully charged the batteries in both of these electric cars I've got my colleague from the German YouTube channel Daniel homemeyer in the i7 we're going to reset our trick computers and now we're going to get going for the long drive of the motorway oh yes this Mercedes AMG eqs 53 is supposed to be able to do 357 miles on a full charge will it really though will it well the chicken pizza saying that it's got maximum range of 347 miles ahead of it but a pessimistic range of 237 miles I wonder what the BMW i7 is saying it says 224 miles that's odd because that car is supposed to be able to do 385 miles on a full charge it's been really pessimistic that might have something to do with the fact that yesterday we were filming drag races with it so it's probably predicting the range based on the fact that yesterday it was being thrashed quite severely so hopefully it'll do a lot better than that but we're going to find out classic we've headed out on the road and we're straight into some Road Works however that brings onto the rules of this challenge what we're going to do is drive the cars like we'd normally want to drive them so we're not just going to go super slowly to maximize our range we're going to drive at the speed limits also we're going to have the cars running in exactly the same setup we've got the cars doing their regeneration as they think is best at auto mode we've also got our temperatures set to 22 degrees we won't be using the heated seats though because it's not cold enough hopefully that'll keep everything nice and fair when we jump from car to car to compare them what we won't be doing though is using the adaptive cruise control systems reason being is that they can often like break and accelerate unnecessarily and that's not great for range thankfully that's the end of the speed restriction which means we can speed up and blimey this thing gets up to speed real quick it's not surprising though so as standard this car has two electric motors with 660 horsepower 950 newton meters of torque however this one has a special performance upgrade which you can fit for 9 000 pounds which is quite a lot of money but what that does is give you an extra 100 horsepower so now I've got 760 horsepower and 1020 newton meters of torque it's mental quick and the pickup is insane on here it's like whoa well that's not even in sports mode Let's whack it into sports plus actually oh and it's really brutal and winning Sports Plus you get this crazy like noise I stand dead they're not 60 time with this car is 3.8 seconds but with this performance upgrade it's 3.4 but it feels quicker so watch this right 50. floor it 17. I mean mental fast it's enough for that this is about range no acceleration but wow this car feels quick should do though it's an expensive car 160 000 pounds starting oh sorry if you want that upgrade nine thousand pounds so this one's like 170 000 pounds mind you are paying for the high performance and a lot of batteries so the battery pack on this is 108 kilowatt hours as a result this car is heavy just under 2.6 tons despite being big and heavy It actually drives really well so you get this thing on a twisty Road it sort of disguises its weight it's got certain features such as adaptive air suspension which just keeps it nice and flat in the bends and you've got rear wheel steering which makes it feel more agile than it otherwise would be is an absolute laugh like a normal AMG whoa whoa no but I guess it is just the 53 model not the full fat 63. one of those will be coming along which will be even more mental I'm just going to boot past again just for one last go because it is so much fun calm down a no more no more no more do you know what now I've lifted off because this car is in auto mode for recuperation it's not regening it's actually letting me Coast because that is more efficient when you're just going on a straight Motorway speaking of recuperation when you hit the brakes the first part of your braking is done as regen breaking so it's the electric motors actually charging at the batteries sometimes that can feel a little bit grubby in certain electric cars in this it's actually quite smooth obviously if I stab on the anchors fully then you get the friction braking as well and this car has some really powerful brakes it does stop very very well now if you want to see my full in-depth video review of the Mercedes AMG EQ s53 click on the pop-up button up there I'll follow the link in the description below I've been driving now for 30 miles and this car is using energy at 420 Watt hours per mile and converted to kilowatt hours per mile it's 2.38 which isn't great now it's so the remaining range is 208 miles that's the pessimistic version and 300 night miles for the optimistic but based on the energy consumption I'm trying to fill it a little bit pessimistic let's see how the BMW is doing hey Daniel how you getting on well I'm kind of starting to get bored as expected it's quite boring without Just Begun so what's your battery status and your remaining range so my battery is at 84 and the range is 217 miles okay what is your car's energy consumption 2.9 miles per kilowatt hour at the moment okay that's quite a lot better than this but it might be because I've been doing silly things like accelerating and decelerating to fill the performance hopefully that's not going to make too much of a difference and my energy consumption will improve otherwise the BMW might win I've decided to stop for a little Comfort breaker I thought this would be a good opportunity to compare these cars designs and it's a slightly different story for both of them so when I first saw the look of the new i7 I thought oh look at the grill they'll like it but it's sort of grown on me whereas with the Mercedes mg eqs I've gone off the looks as time has gone on yeah being the mg it's got like a slightly more aggressive nose and it's got a little spoiler on the back but the shape of this car is just designed for aerodynamics but it just looks so boring oh it's just oh it's just so achingly dull I'd rather lose a few miles of range and just have it look good such a shame the only thing I really like about the design of this car is the paint and the wheels whereas this it's grown on me I like it the Grill's got presents it's got narrow eyes looks angry and mean it's got lots of Contours on it's interesting it's the better looking car most people agree with me however cameraman Lotus filming me now thinks this looks great but he's the only person I've met who does oh there's something I want to point out so we're at Mata Grantham services and if I wanted to charge this car or that car a car because they're under construction looks it's all fenced off but there's loads of Tesla charging stations over here but of course I can't use those to charge these cars now you can actually use some Tesla superchargers to charge non-tesla vehicles but they're part of a pilot scheme and those particular Tesla superchargers are not included in it I've now jumped into the BMW i7 and it's a 760 and you might be thinking wait a minute Matt this is not fair you're in the mg version of the Mercedes and then you've got the normal i7 what gifts well what I've done is picked the top of the range version of each car from Mercedes and BMW and at the moment this is the only i7 you can get all right so it's got two electric motors 544 horsepower 745 newton meters of torque it's got 102 kilowatt hour battery pack and it weighs in at over 2.6 tons it's a little heavier than the Mercedes by about 60 kilos but when you're talking about this much weight it's not going to make that much of a difference in terms of the performance of what it's like to drive or what I'm going to do now is put it into sports mode and I can do that quickly for 10 seconds using this button here so this is not pedal shifters for the gearbox because there is no gearbox so I'll pull down it gives me full power here we go sports mode immediately and then doesn't feel quite as neck snappingly quick as that Mercedes AMG but the music it plays while he accelerates does seem quicker if that makes any sense have a listen again so the sounds on this car have been composed by Han Zimmer and there's some other ones I'm going to go into my mode so you can have a listen so that was like the sporty noise now I'm going to go into an expressive sound what's that all about also being in expressive mode has changed things like got massage seats and that's decided to massage me look it's impressive visualization and vibrant lighting events they don't want the vibrant lighting events are maybe you notice them all when it's dark anyway let's talk about what this car is like to drive so in terms of the handling it's okay you know it's a big heavy car it's not got a sporty setup like Mercedes AMG because it's not the sporty version but still it goes around corners pretty well you've got a decent amount of grip you've got active air suspension which can stiffen up or soften off depending on the road conditions the active anti-robos to stop it leaning too much in the bends and it does stay nice and flat but it doesn't really have a sporty Edge to it and the steering is a little bit overly light I quite like the brake pedal feel though it's very smooth and Progressive doesn't seem to be quite as aggressive as the braking on the Mercedes but then once again you know it's the AMG versions what you expect in terms of the transition between regen braking and normal braking it seems just as good as the Mercedes hardly anything between the two as with the Mercedes I'm driving it in its own kind of Auto regen setting so it should just figure out what is the best way for it to use its regen effect for maximizing the range in terms of maximizing your ability to save your money this is quite a lot less expensive than the Mercedes mg starts at 110 000 pounds now if you're answering my full in-depth video review of the new BMW i7 click on the pop-out button up there for the link in the description below I also Drive the new 7 Series the petrol version in that video so if you want a petrol version ended up because this is actually based on the same platform they just change proportion systems whereas with the Mercedes the eqs is built on a bespoke electric car platform and the one for the S-Class is completely different so far I've done 114 miles and I've got 60 of the battery remaining and the car thinks that's good for a remaining range of 183 miles and this car is currently running at 3.1 miles per kilowatt hour now is that better than the Mercedes let's find out hey Daniel can you give me your stats please mate so my battery is at 59 which is 162 miles of range in the pessimistic calculation the optimistic is 209 miles my consumption is 355 Watt hours per mile which is 2.8 miles per kilowatt hour okay so battery remaining is very similar for both cars this one is still more efficient even though the efficiency has improved in the Mercedes obviously my accelerating and decelerating earlier did did kind of confuse the computer a little bit it's gonna be interesting to see which one goes the furthest because the two points on the Mercedes are sort of you know either side of what this car is claiming it's going to do so I have no idea which is going to go the furthest we're going to find out though I thought I'd pull over and talk you around the interior design of this new BMW i7 now when I first saw it it blew me away I thought it was very very interesting modern but now I think it's a little bit overdone sort of reminds me of a gym Palace because it's all like there's crystals everywhere not crystals crystals crystals crystals it's all about jingle jungle jewelry jewelry there's also lots of layers going on the dash look lots of layers then different materials here like with the metal speakers on this bars and Wilkin system here can't really thought the quality though really nice quality the leather is so soft the seats are very very comfortable it feels solid Plastics are nice as well as nice as Plastics can be but there are two things that put me off slightly this paddle feels cheap and so do the indicator stalks really cheap and nasty I don't love what you'd expect on a one series not on the Range topping seven series well I can't thought though is the practicality so look big storage under here the glove box is a decent size I just access it by pressing this button there we go look it's all right so it's not massive and it does actually have some gloves in it like gloves I like the cup holders look at this they have individual covers and they look like eyelids and the door bins are pretty big as well as for the driving position obviously it's electrically operated for the steering wheel which is nice and premium feeling and it's pretty good you can sit quite low which is kind of what you want in a BMW or you can still jack up the seat nice and hard to get a decent view out if you're a little bit shorter moving on to the infotainment system it's got this huge curved display it's nice and bright it's responsive as well the only problem is is that it's a little bit confusing lots of different menus and icons and stuff like that and if you want to operate lots of the cars functions you now have to do them through the screen not only things like the climate control but also stuff like the distance control for the cruise control why did that there is one thing I want to show you though that I do like too lazy or too rich to open the door yourself press the button the door opens want to close it again don't have to lean out press the button again and it closes automatically and you can control all four doors electrically just like that just like with the BMW you can get this car with automatically closing front and rear doors however this one doesn't have it it doesn't even have soft clothes look no soft clothes it's 160 000 pound car and there's no soft clothes that's insane I tell you what's also does my little bit about this car and that's the material quality once again doesn't feel like a car that costs 160 000 pounds this leather rare isn't as nice as the actual real leather in the BMW and these plasticky bits just feel cheaper it doesn't feel as solid either another thing I prefer in the BMW compared to this is the driving position so yeah it's okay you see it low down the position of the wheel is fine the problem is this Dash is really huge so to get a view out you have to really sit higher than you might like to and even then you're not sure where the front corners of the car are because that Bonnet just slopes so abruptly away from you also well I quite like these seats and they're a bit body hugging because the mg Sports seats overall I did prefer the seats in the BMW however there are some things I do prefer than the BMW and that's the overall interior design of this car I just think it's neater it's classier and actually looks more modern and I think part of the reason for that is this huge screen here now it's actually three screens so your main infotainment screen here your driver's display here and a special screen there for the front passenger also the infotainment system itself is just easier to use simpler look they're your icons there no problem at all I prefer it another thing I prefer is the storage in this car you see because it's a bespoke electric vehicle you don't need a transmission tunnel for the prop shaft from the engine to the back for the BMW 7 Series version there's no like S-Class version of this as a result you've got this huge storage area under here there's more huge storage area under here with your cup holders like that which don't look so much like ours as they do on the BMW and the storage under here is slightly deeper than on that in the center console in the BMW the glove box is a bit larger too not much but a bit and so to the door bins so those things I like and I also like the fact that with the AMG version of this car you have these controls here on the steering wheel for your driving modes rather than having to mess about through the screen like you do on the BMW that's enough about what this car is like in the front let's find out what it's like in the back but let's get driving again time to be chauffeured the distance between the front and the rear wheels in the eqs is slightly more than in the equivalent S-Class as a result you have more knee rube however the knee room isn't quite as much as in the extended wheelbase S-Class though you can't get a long wheelbase version of the eqs Headroom that's pretty good as well even though we've got this big glass roof well I'm not so keen on though it's the back seat so there's not that much under thigh Support also the backrest is quite upright and that does affect the Comfort levels you can get a version with back breasts that do recline slightly but they don't recline as much as they do in a Mercedes S-Class which is a shame you do get some rather nice soft pillows I like that door bins are a decent size you've got some pockets on the seat backs and you have an armrest here they look at this the way that flops down just flops down there's no dumping also the cup holders a little bit flimsy hmm well I can't complain about that is the suspension it's brilliant in this car so being in the AMG it's slightly stiffer than in the normal eqs but actually that's a good thing because when suspension is too soft the car can feel all a bit wallowy and make you feel car sick this the balance is perfect so you've also got a camera that reads the road ahead so it'll slacking off if it sees a bump or a pothole it's so very very comfortable overbumps this car also it's very quiet Mercedes has obviously fitted this with a lot of soundproofing and it does the job feels luxurious the way it goes down the road but how does the BMW compare let's find out I'm going to jump into the back seats of that car now okay so here I am in the back of the i7 and straight away I can tell two things the first is that what the suspension seems softer doesn't deal with bumps quite so well they come to the cabin a little bit more also because it's a bit more floaty that can make some people feel a bit carsick then there's a sound insulation it's not as quiet in here as the Mercedes you get a bit more road noise and a little bit more wind noise in terms of knee room it's about the same headroom's slightly better seats though here in the back are definitely better they are more comfortable there's more under thigh support and the backrest Isn't So upright now I should point out that this particular car is fitted with the 28 000 pound rear seat upgrade which not only includes these seats but some other bits and pieces as well which I'll explain in a moment but back to these seats obviously lovely soft leather which is nicer than the fatler that you get in the Mercedes and look at this through this little screen here I can put my upgraded seats into first class mode so I press this button then this one here and it's going to move the front seat out of the way to give me more room now what it's doing I can show you look just like the Mercedes we have some cushions here but they're just more plush really nice okay so that seat is moving forward and now this part of my seat is starting to move and lift up my legs look at this we've got some nice under calf support the actual seed base is now lifting up to put me in the ideal Comfort position and I've got a little rest for my feet look at that that is absolutely glorious that's not all though look at this feature it is insane if I press this button I can fall down a massive widescreen display look at that that's insane and it's shutting the blind behind me as well so I don't get any glare on the screen the Mercedes might have the biggest screen in the front but this has the biggest screen of any car in the rear now I can control the display once again using this touch screen here so I'm going to operate Amazon Fire TV to watch some YouTube of course I wonder what I can find there there we go finally there's the video oh look it's a video review of the S-Class look at that no I'm going to show you this you can actually view in full wide screen so you can do different settings and then go full widescreen obviously when we film that video it wasn't designed to go on such a wide display but you can get movies which are designed for it and they look incredible I've got to say the back seats on this car are wonderful I should show you this as well look unlike in the Mercedes this armrest doesn't just flop down it's damped and then there's this as well look the cup holders look at the way they come out oh the back seats in this car are lovely the Mercedes may have it be in terms of suspension noise levels but in terms of outright luxury the i7 wins so the BMW is best for carrying people in the back but which is the best for carrying people's things so the big capacity of the BMW is 500 liters which is quite a lot and it's a nice big Square boot however the Mercedes look it has a really practical hatchback and the capacity is 610 liters plus with the Mercedes if you want to look I'll have to climb in you can fall down the rear seat whereas you can't in the BMW so you can use this for carrying things to the Rubbish Tip wonderful anyway that's enough of that what I'm going to do now is jump into the BMW and we're going to drive the rest of the way until these cars run out of electricity so the BMW has 26 of its battery remaining which is good for 78 miles of range apparently and it's currently running at three miles per kilowatt hour the Mercedes has 28 of battery remaining its maximum range for that it reckons is 99 miles so its pessimistic range is 82 miles it's consuming energy at 361 Watt hours per mile which works out to 2.8 miles per kilowatt hour anyway enough stats let's get underway well it's good to be back in the driver's seat not there's not much time left now it's going dark batches are depleting how far am I going to be able to go so I found a place that I know there's a charge that I can use put into the sat nav and it's 50 miles away however I'm down to 15 battery and the car is saying that I've got 38 miles of remaining range which means I'm having to go a little bit slowly I'm now slowing down a bit like you would do normally if you're starting to try and having to eke out your charge to get to a destination now the car's efficiency has remained fairly constant it's at three miles per kilowatt hour and so far we've done 241 miles I'm looking behind me though and I can see a big lorry right up my bottom and it's probably getting crossed because I'm not going quick enough let's see how Daniel's doing in the Mercedes So Daniel what are your numbers saying so my battery is at 16 at the moment which is an estimated range of 48 miles conservatively optimistically it says 58 miles now that's 365 Watt hours per mile which is 2.7 miles per kilowatt hour as far as consumption is concerned so I don't get that right battery is not much smaller in this really you've got similar amount of battery remaining but his remaining range is much better than mine I don't know I reckon he can make it to the charge that I've got plotted in here I'm not sure that I will it's going to be a race of Swords a race to make it to the end of the race if that makes any sense start to get a little bit of a squeaky bottom one thing I'm noticing while driving along in this car in the dark is with these panels illuminated especially this down here reflects in the window and you can't see what's behind you in the door mirror look it's really annoying you probably noticed that as well big pothole the roads in the UK at the moment are terrible there's potholes everywhere hopefully I haven't damaged the rim okay so I'm just coasting along now at 50. so I've got 10 of battery remaining 26 miles of range at 38 miles to go right warning signs 10 percent 25 miles of range remaining look a warning up there on the infotainment screen going oh my gosh you need to go to a charging station do you want me to direct you there do you want me to Yes Show yeah no cancel don't let me know yeah I will I'll let you know anytime I won't let it know I'm going to press on like a madman while I'm bootling along now's a good time for me to tell you that if you're thinking about changing your car you can do the whole process through car wow so you can buy your next car through us but you can also sell your current car through us as well now to find out more about that click on the pop out banner up there for the link in the description below alternatively a later date just simply Google help me Carl wow and we will help you change your car hey Daniel so I've now only got seven percent of my battery left 90 miles of range I've got 30 miles until the charging stop things are looking a little bit sketchy for me how are they for you so not quite so sketchy I'm currently at 10 and 31 miles of range conservative estimation and 37 miles optimistic estimation well you'll be fine then not sure about me I'm going to press on regardless so Matt and now I'm getting a warning from this car it says Reserve level will charge high voltage batteries so it seems to be a little bit unhappy with what we're doing here and what do you plan to do about that then Daniel well I think I choose to ignore that and continue onwards onwards this is stupid but it's in the name of science well car wow science now if you want to see how far the longest range Mercedes electric car Can Go the eqs non-img version click on the pop-out button up there for the link in the description below to watch that range test video okay so I seem to have kind of taken a slightly wrong route with the satiner but I think it might work in my favor because the route was trying to take me down the motorway for a short period And I don't really want to have to drive on the motorway going so slowly now I'm on some like local back roads it should be fine and that's handy because I've only got five miles of range left the battery is on two percent and I've got 12 miles to go unless this car can do seven miles when it's got no range remaining I could be in a bit of a problem how much range have you got left Daniel 16 miles optimistically 19 miles I like the way that you're optimistic and pessimistic are slowly merging aren't they they're becoming realistic he's going to make it to the charging point I'm not that doesn't mean that that car's ultimately going to go further though it all depends on how far they'll go when the car saying it's got no miles of range left now I'm on a road with no place to pull over really and that reminds me of my last range test video where things went really badly wrong and I had to suddenly like Chuck the car into a farmer's field to see that video and exactly what happened click on the pop out there I'll follow the link in the description below it's a bit scary I don't want to rerun of that thank you very much this is not doing good going up and down over these blooming crests and stuff this is very very bad okay I've just had a development got this symbolia drive power reduced the tortoise Daniel I've got reduced dry power have you got any developments as well I can't really notice any difference in terms of power it just complains a little bit with saying I need to charge but apart from that I am pretty good well I'm glad he's all right means the world to me oh I'm going really slowly now but this is what you do if you're trying to get to a destination and you're running out of charge oh good I'm now on a dual carriageway I can't go that fast though just at a speed that's reasonable because I'm now one percent of battery saying five miles of range and I've got 8.7 miles to get to the charger am I going to make it if you're watching this video right now I want you to comment now at this point in time where do you think I'm going to make it or not quickly comment don't cheat just do it right now I want to see what you think at this point in time okay I've left the Dual carriageway I've got no percent battery left but it says one mile range and no percent battery doesn't make any sense to me I know how they lie about the percent battery but doing it that way around is stupid okay there we go that's more like it no miles no charge thankfully I'm a we're the charging station is so I'm turning into Silverstone racing circuit because I know there's a charge around here looks like I'm gonna make it but that is not the idea of the challenge idea is a run out of electricity so I'm going to drive around here for a bit and see how far I can actually go because the trick computer is saying that I've gone 289.9 miles so far Daniel how much charge have you got left and how much remaining range my range is six miles and by the way that's optimistic and pessimistic and I'm at two percent battery you've got loads left in your car then haven't you nothing to worry about here okay I've been driving on no battery for about one mile because it was around 290 Miles when it said zero battery zero range let's find out what's happening with Daniel yeah so I have red writing now my car is getting serious with me um it says reduce drive and performance and I can feel that there's there's no man not not a lot of power left but I still have one percent battery and three miles of range I think you're going to end up going further we'll find out because this seems fine even though it says reduced power it's not terribly slow yes so Matt I just hit zero percent and I'm in the turtle mode it looks like I'm on the last leg here I think it's funny how people say turtle mode it's not a turtle turtles belong in the sea it's a tortoise tortoise is on land but anyway so zero percent zero range we've done 295 miles so let's see how much further your car will go when it's saying it's empty Matt what do you think who would win in a drag race now between these two easy me always been if I accelerate now the car feels quite a bit sluggish it's like I have to press the accelerator all the way down for it to move I'm feeling this car is is slowly dying well that's bizarre because mine is actually still feeling all right so I'm just going to accelerate out this roundabout and it picks up pretty good I've I've still got my hands in my noises as well so I'm Full Throttle at the moment and I'm just about hitting 40 miles an hour now I'm actually put mine into boost mode mine goes into boost mode Sport Plus doesn't do anything for me it feels like it's even slower now so I'm struggling to make 40 miles an hour now oh no I've just had a notable drop in power as well like serious just then it was like it died well let me try and go into boost mode again yeah boost mode isn't as boost as it was a moment ago after I've had all that stress trying to get here thinking I'm not gonna make it because my car's been so pessimistic with its remaining range and now the tables are turned trying to drive past me gone let's have you go in front for a bit can you even get past me oh you look you can see you're all fine is that as fast as you can go yeah I'm burying it to the floor now I'm at 30. maybe just gradually reduces the speed to really give you loads of notice that you need to be pulling over and finding a charging point I was considering which which exit I have to take to to save myself go on go down the straight again go and be brave do it do it do it do it I don't know you probably shouldn't have done that don't listen to me look at this I'm going to boost I'm going to give you my full power boost mode see you later Daniel you are going twice my speed that's really quick I'm genuinely slowing down now so I'm I'm actually dying I went from 17 16 I'm doing 15 miles an hour now 14. this is me giving up gradually now come on you can do it can you get to me yeah Matt that is it so there's no power no drive I'm just rolling to a standstill but now it says stop immediately Drive will be deactivated so let's see how how far this goes keep going as far as you can but it's about to stop fully so it went into neutral by itself and I cannot put it back into drive so this is the end my car's still going [Laughter] I thought you're gonna win but no do you know how far you're gone 300 miles yeah 300 miles so I did one extra lap which is about half a mile so I'm at 300.5 miles so I've beaten you and I've still got charge left so um you're done I am done how's your power it's all right I've got boost I've got enough power it feels like a you know an electric Peugeot 208 or something like it's absolutely fine so I'll be seeing you I'm going to probably Drive near a charge station so I can just pull up next to one and charge it up hopefully I'll concrete there rather than just randomly here I just want to sit here enjoy the night you know yeah it's kind of like a little bit drizzly and cold enjoy it yeah oh dear I've suddenly lost all power on this there's me being awesome thinking I was going to go a lot further than Daniel but I don't think it's going to be possible in fact I don't know if I'm going to make it around this roundabout oh dear oh can I make it up here off the roundabout or to a gate turn around want to keep going can I keep going will it let me go in the reverse go into the reverse bugger no damn that was quite abrupt it was like it was okay it had quite a decent amount of power and then it was just like within a couple hundred meters just dead so I did about two miles more than Daniel 302 miles I won but only just Daniel you never guess what well well no it didn't take long I thought I was gonna be going for ages and then it just punked out really really quickly so I only managed 302 miles so two miles more than you just have interest what was your energy consumption over the journey 2.8 miles per kilowatt hour okay so this did three so it remained pretty constant interestingly though even though I went slightly further than you I did slightly less of my claimed range so this car is supposed to do 385 miles on the full charge and I managed 302 so that's 78 of the range your car only 300 miles but it's only supposed to do 357 miles and that's 84 at the claimed range so you could argue that you're the moral Victor but it wouldn't be correct to do so yeah I agree um I don't feel like a Victor either to be honest you're definitely more of a Daniel than a Victor yeah agreed I'll just give it one last go [Music] oh my gosh it's actually moving I'm going to get to do some more miles I think that's insane here we go again what you need to do now BMW is go far enough that you beat 84 of your claimed range then you beat the Mercedes on that as well come on in order to do better than the Mercedes though I need to do 327 Miles because that would be 85 to claimed range not sure I'm going to manage that but every little bit counts what's funny that is that it like slow downloads stopped when I tried to put it in reverse and now it's going again and has an all right amount of power it's like it's got a false empty oh dear that was short-lived this car's dying again come on make it round make it round make it round come on don't on the roundabout keep going keep going please I beg of you I beg of you to keep going oh look his daddy was gone I cannot believe it oh come on keep going you can do it BMW keep going don't break down in front of Daniel don't come on turn turn turn turn turn now I'm rolling oh that's it that's it said enough that's it no no I'm just in neutral I'm just rolling now I can roll oh that's not gonna help me anything left literally no that's it that is genuinely it there is no more to be had right let's see what the final distance was yay I've got an extra one and a half miles 303.4 miles every little bit helps that means this car's now done 79 of its claimed range you know when I said my card stopped well it started again and you probably just saw me creep past you you know what's going on with you why can you still drive well I can't anymore it's it's fully done this time like I'm putting to drive and now he's not doing anything but before it like stopped and then I waited for a bit and it found a little bit of extra Reserve charge and let me drive for a little bit longer probably to get to safety and um I obviously abused that and drove around for a bit but managed to make it here and passage so I've got an extra mile and a half out of the car since I did say that I broke down try yours no I'm just completely static I decided to live here now so I'm starting to eat food and get my jacket for sleep you know this sort of thing well we don't need jackets for sleep or food for sustenance because I have a solution to this situation so I've called the Ric out and this sent me one of those special Vans fitted with an electric car charger and it's charging the car now up to five kilowatts so that'll get me enough charge I can drive the car again and get it to a nearby rapid charger where I can charge it quickly and then get home and if I'm feeling charitable I'll send the RAC on to Daniel afterwards anyway I hope you enjoyed the video if you did give it a like let me know what you think about these cars range in the comments below click on those windows there for some more videos on that box there to get a car wow to sell your car all you have to do is upload some photos give a brief description then dealers all across the 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Channel: carwow
Views: 765,930
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: carwow, mat watson, car review, new car review, car review 2023, new car 2023, bmw, bmw i7, new bmw i7, new bmw i7 review, bmw i7 review, bmw i7 range test, bmw i7 760i, bmw i7 760i review, bmw i7 760i range test, real world range bmw i7, bmw i7 range, mercedes, mercedes-amg, mercedes-amg eqs, mercedes-amg eqs 53, mercedes-amg eqs 53 review, mercedes-amg eqs 53 performance pack, mercedes-amg eqs range, mercedes-amg eqs 53 real world range, electric car range test
Id: 9D6SZfi01p4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 37sec (2317 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 02 2023
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