Men's 4x100m Relay Final | World Athletics Championships Beijing 2015

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and now the attention switches to the far side of the arena this is athletics showbiz style the final of the men's 4 by 100 meter relay what a climax to the penultimate night of action here in the bird's nest Jamaica in for the defending champions the Olympic champions can the Americans do anything to tackle their long-established dominance well listen to this noise setting an Asian record this morning to qualify here come China an incredible reception for mo z su and yang then to the German quartet Julian Reyes spend nipples Alexander Cassatt Cal Alex Platini manga the crowd really getting in the spirit of this climax today hey eight posing for the photographs that will long be remembered Great Britain Richard Kielty Danny Talbot James Ellington CJ oj has come in on the anchor leg nine point nine six last season and this season don't go too far boys fingers crossed what a talented quartet from the United States Trayvon Bromell justin gatlin double silver behind bolt tyson gay mike rogers will rogers get anywhere close to you st. bolt will they have an advantage will Gatlin finish up with a third silver here in Beijing or will there be baton problems the French won the World title back in Helsinki Emanuel Pavan Christophe Lemaitre he'll go down the backstraight anymore and they's Jimmy Vico a brilliant ankle egg in the semi-final from the joint European champion Vicco last to get to the here photographed position and here they come the rock stars of this sprint relay world and their frontman is bang-on song here in Beijing Carter pal ash made bolt [Applause] what can the Americans or anyone else do to stop them is it destined to be Jamaica's night once again that is an awesome awesome lineup Canada a great quartet from the North American nation Aaron Brown and rated grass joint bronze in the 100 meters Brendan Rodney and then Justin Warner on the anchor lake got a bronze in 2013 there are really classy acts the Canadians nice pose boys are you going to be as slick out there on the track and see grandpa Buddha start on the inside shaven Walsh Daniel Bailey he just missed the medal in Berlin six years ago Jared Jarvis of Michael Francis on the anchor leg great to see one of the smaller Caribbean islands represented and let's not forget Saint Kitts and Nevis ended up with a bronze in Daegu after all sorts of patent problems from some of the bigger nations Antigua and Barbuda Canada Jamaica France United States Great Britain Germany and of course China on the outside the crowd most of them already standing there's an incredible noise here in the bird's nest and there is the big man well the markers are being put down the athletes come out the checkbox that the baton has to be passed in between you count back we call them pigeon steps it may be 15 it may be 20 it depends how fast you are and how fast you're gonna come in and how brave you are in terms of stretching check marks as well to get the speed of the baton going through so you put your tape on the track and that is all you look at in terms of when your incoming Runner is coming Asafa Powell putting his take down Peter that's the mark for the next few minutes that he'll be looking at and nothing else and the Jamaicans have the same team as they had to one in 2013 was just one exception and that is that they brought in ourself a Powell instead of Kumar Bailey Cole that doesn't hurt them at all and also you look back through the history books vaults is the only ever present from their World Championship quartets from our Sarkar Berlin Daegu and Moscow yes it's bidding of his fourth successive 4x1 one lap relay title in the world Powell was on the team back in 2007 so was bolt so is Carter listen to the noise here in the stadium they're calling out for their homegrown heroes this is about as loud as we've ever heard the crowd here over the last eight days what a backdrop and what an energy here in the Olympic Stadium they're still prowling around going through their final preparations the backstraight Asafa Powell the fourth fastest in history against Jutland Justin Gatlin the double silver medalist Mike Rogers on the anchor leg there is tension in the face of the diminutive American he knows it could be very very tough against Usain Bolt and still the noise is endless I'm the man says Usain Bolt let's just remind ourselves 16 global gold medals 10 World Championships 6 Olympics Gatlin the double silver medallist over one and two hundred metres China being introduced to the crowd that you're makin women waiting and watching and hoping that their male counterparts will once again bring home the gold Antigua and Barbuda in to Canada 3 Jamaica for France 5 USA six Great Britain 7 Germany 8 China on the outside in 9 this is the final of the men's 4 by 100 meters Jamaica against the USA 8 of the most talented sprinters we've ever seen but is there anything they can do to deny Usain Bolt yet another golden moment in this stadium that he's already made so famous even in the commentary box our pulses are racing incredible tension here in the stadium this is the arena the arena where history is made great start there from Nesta Carter what will Asafa Powell - on the second Lake gatlings got a lead a sapper pile needs to close this down the Americans are ahead towards the halfway stage clean changeovers for both this is going to be tight the Americans are up front Usain Bolt needs to produce the magic us a new single all there's a button nightmare for the Americans cometh the hour cometh the man both Widowmaker USA the silver and amazingly amazingly the Chinese have taken the bronze medal it all went wrong for the Americans on the last changeover it was fantastic down the backstraight Justin Gatlin pulled away from Asafa Powell but on the ankle Mike Rogers had a nightmare Jamaica 37.3 six the United States 3777 and China as I thought came home for the bronze medal Wow if the atmosphere before this race was exciting it's absolutely electrified now that your makers were not to be denied but Rogers will have nightmares about that changeover well the final that had everything the fastest been some good changes some bad changes Great Britain and Northern Ireland didn't finish what an absolute mixture and melting pot of sprinting and relay magic and disaster the last leg Steve over Mike Rogers you said Rob he looked nervous on that final leg before they were lining up boys on the big screen just toast up gotta feel sorry for the pressure of the school that was their opportunity to put ball under pressure that was their opportunity to win the title for the first time since 2007 thought would have had an awful lot to do on that ankle ache but in the end they handed it to the Jamaicans on a plate with that disastrous change over from 3 to 4 that's what it's about that's what it's all about isn't it that's exactly right it is it's under pressure you've got to perform this man does exactly that great performance from the Chinese team though mom's to see them come true for that bronze benefit just can't believe it as I said sorry for Mike Rogers just handle the pressure well Tyson Gay coming to him and it was all over the place really they lost five or six meters baby in that one mix-up Gatlin ran really really well on the back straight and paring in mind how dominant Asafa Powell was in the semi-final that was a great great leg from the American silver medalist in the 100 meters the platform was there Rogers froze and couldn't finish and we should say a huge congratulations to the Chinese needed an Asian record to get into the final these four guys will be the poster boys of China at the end of this championship that was a magnificent performance from them especially to deny such a talented quartet from Canada [Applause] well the crowd they've got an absolute treat of it night they're all singing the flags are out but the Jamaicans they came and delivered some couldn't have scripted it better a goal for the big man 1/3 gold in this championships and a four by one medal for China look at the atmosphere around and how much it means to those guys they've done it again but how much closer would it have been if Mike Rogers had got the baton even even on an average changeover ball would have had a lot to do there but as you say Cochran you've experienced sprint relays that baton exchanging is a huge huge part of the story and a huge part of the journey and they will know they've missed an opportunity tonight it's not always the four fastest guys that win eluded back to the Athens 2004 Olympics went Great Britain and Northern Ireland pip the Americans for 4x1 relay gold nowhere near as fast at them individually but that's what happens you'd have to talk to Mike Rogers about running against the big man it must do things to you that you don't want to happen and that relay change over oh gosh did you imagine Katherine if you won the relay team and you think well am I going to get that last thing against Usain Bolt it brings its own form of pressure doesn't it well but it's good to see the Americans smiling they know the mistakes were Bay but it's another medal for Justin Gatlin and another one for the USA in four by 100 meter relay running and if we look at the medal table now coming into that both Jamaica and USA had five Gold Jamaica ahead now at talking about the gold medal tally let's just remind ourselves Usain Bolt has secured treble gold now at five major championships three golds in Beijing in 2008 in Berlin in 2009 in London in 2012 in Moscow in 2013 and here once again in Beijing the only place he hasn't done it he picked up a mere two golds after the false 100 meters 17 major global titles Catherine take us through these exchanges in these moments look at justin gatlin it was a high hand and a good take by Tyson Gay a surfer Powell had run a good run down the backstraight to be fair for Jamaica but look at Tyson Gay on the left shouting hand hand put your arm up now breaking news here we are just hearing that the American quartet may well have been disqualified that puts China up to second Canada get the bronze and you would think it must have something to do with Mike Rogers being out of the changeover position on that anchor leg I'm not sure they realize yet because you can just see them there alongside the Jamaicans who are still celebrating they're still waving the flags and I don't think the American quartet realize yet it hasn't been put up on the big screen in the stadium and of course that's going to promote the Chinese from bronze to silver the Canadians realize they are now the World Championship bronze medalists just as they were two years ago in Moscow let's take a closer inspection here Catherine and see if we could confirm where the infringement came it must have been the last leg into Rogers Shirley we have to get the battle between the check marks and the guys below us now the USA team the news is coming through to them and looking at Mike Rogers feed him looking at his feet keep an eye on that solid line there he's out it looks like he's over the end of the box in terms of that changeover zone for our listeners and viewers code 170 point seven is the reason that they've been disqualified I'm sure we have viewers around the world will know what that means but that's the reasoning why they've been DQ'd on our system and they're literally about 30 or 40 meters below us there they are look at Mike Rogers his face oh gosh he quite shyly had little embarrassing lease crumples back up the Stars and Stripes at the USA flag but the Canadians as you say Rob upgraded to bronze at this moment in time with 38 point one three seconds China in the silver with thirty eight point zero one and I am sure that potentially may be a protest by the USA team if they decide to pay the money to have one but they may look at the evidence and have it confirmed and just accept it's just gone that's a nightmare for Rogers it's one thing to potentially cost them a gold or the chance of a gold quite another to deny the whole quartet a moment on the podium and a world championship silver medal that is a disastrous end he's a great sprinter he's been a brilliant ambassador for American 100 meter running but that's a nightmare Katherine bottom left bottom left checked the yellow line that goes across the lane the baton has to be it Mike Rogers his hand before he exits that zone they might protest this you know because technically the battens passed over from Tyson Gator Mike Rogers but does gay drop back he looks about a metre out of the box at least for me and I said earlier on our TV commentary didn't I guys it's the incoming runners responsibility to hand the baton over it is but if the outgoing runner goes off too early because he's nervous excited or goes out too quickly then it's not his fault at all if Tyson Gay couldn't catch him he's got that well outside the box no question about it I think he got so carried away we're trying to get a good start because bolt was there he just went up too fast Tyson couldn't catch him it happens that's why Tyson Gay was shouting when the race was run I thought Tyson Gay is running a little bit further down the track they normally doesn't know why now he couldn't catch him oh gosh an absolute disaster for the USA their championship started badly didn't it on the sixth day they only had one gold medal with Joe Kovacs he's picked up slightly of course but now on the penultimate day of this evening session there for bite one relay men who had on seven titles in the past sorry Katherine just to bring you back though that's the spot the mistake of the British team on the outside of them as well they were out with the box just as well as the the Americas on that changeover well as Peter Matthews mentioned they brought in CJ you Joe on to the last leg maybe a bit of nerves from the young Briton that caused them to be decola fight disqualified as well but rules them rules yeah it hasn't got the same experience as the squad that they ran in the heat that's what sir I mean it's a risk so you bring in a faster man but you disrupt a tried and proven team and that's the balance you have to get in a four by one relays in particular you either stick with what you know and therefore potentially capitalize on other people's mistakes to get medals or you make the changes and throw the kitchen sink at it and hope for the best while the Americans were watching pretty much the same footage that we saw at exactly the same time their faces a picture of disappointment and frustration and what we saw from the Chinese quartet sooo apart who made the final and ran 999 he's cracked the big barrier this year that's a quartet not necessarily of the highest caliber but that's a quartet brilliantly drilled and used to working together and that has brought them well it did bring them in terms of crossing the line of bronze and it turns out that's brought them a silver medal you don't necessarily have to be the quickest you have to be the best well drilled team to finish on that podium you do indeed oh I see there was a little bit of a stumble there wasn't there between a severe Powell a nickel ash meet ash bead ran a superb n as did Tyson Gay he flew around that top Bend well we know about the Americas just wants the Brits feel just outside of the belt they don't even get closer just gone way too soon way to see disaster for them well James Ellington in the background there I know him very well it's not gonna take that very well know through the baton in the air is gonna be absolutely livid and all the boys of course will be disappointed with what's happened there on the final leg but in contrast the big man he just carries on gold after gold and welcome to Jamaica it all happened behind him and once again he finishes Beijing with treble gold as he did in 2008 17 global gold medals well smiles and celebrations for the Jamaicans another brilliant title for the Jamaicans China the silver Canada the bronze and the United States disqualified
Channel: World Athletics
Views: 4,054,619
Rating: 4.6580606 out of 5
Keywords: World Athletics, worldAthletics, IAAF, Athletics, World Championships, track and field, 4x100m, 4x100, relay, 100m, usain bolt, Jamaica, China, Beijing, 2015, athletics, track, final, relays, sprinting
Id: r-c3BQJqf3o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 8sec (1268 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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