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foreign the kids are off to school and I am playing catch up since they didn't have school yesterday um we didn't do our normal Monday laundry yesterday so I'm doing laundry and I'm gonna turn some butter so I've got this cream coming up to temperature and I've got the cheese pot going and while all of that is happening I'm going to take these chicken carcasses um that we have in the freezer from earlier this summer when we harvested our chickens and I'm gonna put them in the roaster and we're gonna start cooking those and we're gonna make broth and then we're gonna can the meat that I get off of the carcasses now when we Harvest our chickens we part them out so we take all the breasts out and put them in one bag and we put the legs and thighs in another bag and then what we're left with is like the necks and backs of the chickens so that is what we use to make broth and also what we use to make our canned chicken so I just run the bag under hot water and that kind of loosens the bag and for these you can see I just use real cheap bread bag um type and they wouldn't be they would get freezer burned if they'd be in there too long but because I know that I'm gonna be using them within a couple weeks I don't usually worry too much about freezer burn on these and we will be traveling over Thanksgiving so I'll need the freezer room because I'll be making a lot of my food ahead of time so I need that freezer space and also we are harvesting some of our Hogs um in November and I've got to clean up some freezer space for that see all the carcasses that are all Frozen together and we're just gonna start cooking this and I'm not gonna add any veggies at this point I'll add the veggies when the broth is almost done because I don't want to overcook the veggies and when you start from Frozen like this it takes a good six eight hours to get the meat um started cooking so I'll add my veggies when I think the meat is almost done so I added some water turn this on and get it started and I'm going to turn it to about 350. I'm also going to throw in a bunch of chicken feet [Music] because in the feet of the chicken is a lot of connective tissues and that's what puts a lot of collagen into your broth and I'm not going to use them all because I'm gonna save some for my next batch of broth [Music] so these carcasses have been cooking since this morning and I'm just gonna scoop all the all the meat and bones out [Music] so now I'm just going to let this cool down so that I can pick all the meat off of it and then I'm gonna put all the bones back into the broth and we're gonna let that simmer overnight and then I'll be canning the broth tomorrow went there so good friends what I wonder so I'm working on my broth here I'm taking all the meat off of the bones putting the meat in this dish the bones and the skin and everything else goes back into the roaster and we're going to continue to cook that bones in the skin and what's left of the feet that wall gets simmered overnight hot [Music] so now I'm going to take all this meat that I have picked off of the bones and I'm going to fill each jar about halfway with this meat [Music] and then I'm going to fill the rest of the jar up with some of this broth and I'm using a strainer on top of my funnel to strain out any um bones or bits that I don't want in with my meat [Music] [Music] so now I'm just going to wipe the rims of the jars and make sure there's no grease or anything on them [Music] the link to these Lids that I absolutely love is going to be in the description so I'm going to stack these seven jars of meat and broth into my pressure canner and then I'm going to fill it with hot water actually not fill it I'm just covering the bottom one inch of the jars and I'm using hot water because the product in my jars was hot so you match the temperature of the water to the temperature of your product so we're going to seal this lid on tight and we're going to process so we process the meat and broth at 15 pounds of pressure for 45 minutes so these are the jars that I grab when I want to make a quick pot of chicken noodle soup for the family because I've got the chicken and the broth and it's all ready to go so in The Roaster I put all the bones and skin and everything that I didn't can and then I scooped a bunch of the broth out to fill my jars and then I filled the roaster back up with water so now we are going to add some celery because I had some celery in the freezer that was taking up space and this one the only thing I'm adding to this broth is celery so we added more water to all the bones and skin and feet and we're gonna just cook this overnight good morning it is a brand new day um we got all our morning chores done the kids are off to school and my broth is ready for canning um before I went to bed I turned it down to about 150 so it just stayed really hot overnight um that broth and chicken is cool and I could take that to the basement but first we're going to start canning this so that we can use the roaster for our next project which is applesauce so I'm all set up to strain my broth I've got my jars washed over there and this is a cheesecloth inside a strainer what I'm gonna do is just gonna start ladling it through the cheesecloth here [Music] thank you foreign this roaster with very hot water I'm not worried about diluting the broth because I know that the broth is very concentrated from all the bones and everything that were in there so I'm just going to let that little glass measuring cup catch the rest of this broth while I work on canning the broth from the large pot and of course I have to taste some of the broth so before I move on and start canning the broth I am going to fill my roaster with hot soapy water so that when it's time to wash everything up at least that has soaked and won't be so hard to clean actually so the first thing I'm gonna do is fill some ice cube trays with broth and these we're just gonna use we're gonna freeze these because freezing preserves more of the nutrients than canning so these will be for medicine like when somebody is recovering from a stomach bug or just for General nourishment and what we can we will use for cooking [Music] next I'm going to Ladle this hot broth into my clean jars and get them ready for pressure canning so once again we are going to wipe the rims before we attach the lids and then turn on the Rings so the broth is all in the canner and we're gonna put on the lid so one of the questions I often about pressure canning my chicken and my broth is if the chicken's already cooked then why is the processing time the same as it is for when you can raw chicken and the thing is chicken and chicken broth is low acid low acid foods have to be heated to a temperature of 240 degrees to kill botulism spores you can boil something and cook something and no matter how long it boils or how long you cook it the temperature of something that's boiling does not go higher than 212 degrees because that's the boiling point so that is why we still have to pressure can um chicken and broth even though it's been cooked all night or the chicken you know is no longer Raw so at 10 pounds of pressure on the internal temperature of the pressure canner is 240 degrees and then we have to keep it there for a certain amount of time to make sure that the internal temperature of the product you're canning also reaches 240 degrees so that is why the differences in the length of time so the broth is all done and it's been done for a while so much so that it has cooled off completely and I process this exactly the same way I do the chicken for at 15 pounds of pressure for 45 minutes so here you can see how beautifully this has gelled up and one of the common miscon conceptions about broth and getting it to gel is that you have to cook it a shorter amount of time to gel for it to gel keep its gel but the truth really is it has just as much to do with the temperature that you cook your broth at because this was cooked for about 24 actually about 18 hours and I've still got a nice gel going on here and that gel from your bra that gel is all the collagen which is it's very important for your joints and all your connective tissues in your body it's very healing for all of those parts of your body and this is just the chicken fat that came to the top of my broth and we're just going to stir that in now you can see um the broth that I pressure canned does not have any gel it's just liquid and that's because the heat the high heat of pressure canning destroys the um collagen's ability to gel but and that's why we'll use this for cooking but this we're going to use for medicinal purposes like when we're trying to heal from illness or any kind of flu or viruses we will put one of these squares in some hot tea or even in coffee and we will sip on that as and use it in a medicinal way but this we're going to use for cooking and this still retains much of its nutrients so this is still by far more nutritious than any broth that you're going to buy at the grocery store foreign foreign [Music] so one of the reasons that you didn't see me add a whole bunch of vegetables to this broth is because I had planned that I was going to save some of it for medicinal purposes and when I'm adding a cube of chicken broth to my tea you won't even know it's there because the chicken broth has is not flavored with onions and peppers and some of it or carrots like I add sometimes the only thing I added was celery celery also helps the digestive system and reduces inflammation in the body so those are two things um that go hand in hand with the reason we use chicken broth as a medicine is usually when we're recovering from an illness and then reducing inflammation and helping the digestive system is what we want anyway and the celery really doesn't show up in flavor when we add it to a beverage or when we use it as a medicine so this batch of chicken broth is very Bland as far as flavor goes but when I use it for cooking a little salt is going to bring that flavor right out and you'll never call it Bland when that good yellow chicken broth is used as a base to a soup [Music] foreign [Music] foreign
Channel: Homesteading with the Zimmermans
Views: 73,801
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: fEMKeOiRaDs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 1sec (1381 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 29 2022
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