Men Try REAL Labor Pain Simulation - *Extremely Painful*

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[Music] today is the day my friends this is the day that we men try the most requested video by far on this channel today oh my gosh we've done a lot of crazy things the labor simulation has not been one of them till today till today it's gonna be crazy so make sure if you guys are new around here that you hit that subscribe button and help us reach our next goal of 500,000 subscribers and a big shout-out to Wasatch physical therapy for inviting us over and putting us in good hands because I wouldn't trust us with our our loins they're the professionals they know what they're doing I know I'm gonna walk out of there still being able to crank out babies that's right from my loins [Music] my name is Ernie Chavez I'm a physical therapist and I'm Kohinoor Wasatch physical therapy the machines that we're going to use they're called electrical stimulation units in the machine itself we use it for a couple different purposes the primary purpose is for pain relief and the other purpose is for muscle reeducation what we're gonna do is try to simulate the muscle contractions of the stomach wall in the back to give you guys it a bit more feeling of what women actually go through my name is Danielle curry I'm a physical therapist specializing in pelvic floor rehabilitation here at Wasatch physical therapy this is your pelvis and then these are the bones and then the red is the muscles that are inside that make up your pelvic floor muscles the muscles that Austin macam are going to be targeting later today are gonna we're gonna put them on the obliques so there's gonna be two pads that are gonna be more kind of on the abdominals right here and then we're also gonna be stimulating the back muscles right around that SI joint cause that's gonna stimulate a little bit of that pudendal nerve which is going to innervate some of the pelvic floor muscles what they're gonna be experiencing is not gonna be true labor pains but it's gonna be pretty darn close for what a guy can experience when it comes to delivering a child so we are going to be experiencing active labor a minute on thirty seconds off so we'll get like a little breather before we have to push again and it will increase in strength and this time goes on so at some point we're gonna be crying and our safety word is epidural epidural I'm not except not excitons going first I don't know gosh alright so I'm gonna put him so I'm gonna go down your pants right and these funds are gonna go just a little bit lower ah I knew she was gonna get enjoyment out of this this is exactly why I went into this field whose idea was it to let a lady do this cam you are 40 weeks pregnant you have been experiencing mild contractions for the last five hours we rushed here to the hospital and you're having a baby today I even know I was pregnant oh gosh I feel it feel it feel it I told you already feeling that's enough Hoff's go down to the legs oh my feels like I'm yet stabbed by a million little needles oh it's coming to the front oh it's moving up there well that's not fun Wow okay oh geez easy there killer oh that's why they make those noises I get it riot health class in seventh grade I watch those weird videos it's not pleasant so we're at 15 right now what's the highest I think it goes up to six that's real high we're a quarter of the way there oh my so it's gonna go on for a whole minute Oh thirty Seconds to relax I thought it already happened oh yeah you're ready for some more what's happening right now it's already happening I know do you want me did a little bit more intense well I thought I was gonna go up by itself that's sweet that was just the one that was already on yeah it felt like it was more than before right now we're at 18 18 continue to 20 come on this ain't no pony ride you want to hold my hand cam Mari holding your hand will you faith my wife didn't want to hold my hand it was too squishy yes your hands a little sweaty though there is other than Mike's right hands a year it might be my sweet if I might be sweaty when it comes back from the break it feels more even though it's the same okay okay showing now and I've given you guys no warning when it comes back on yeah the back sucks the worst I can tell you that much oh so no we good okay oh god this sucks so bad this can't be what a contraction feels like it's just stabby it's just like oh we ever seen those weird meat tenderizers the roll was like the spikes on it like she was just rolling that on the back I marching a little bit my stomach's sticking out more than I used to oh we've had three full contractions so far that's it me why do women like their kids after this they don't know this is next one it's gonna suck I didn't write a will say right now I bequeath all my Legos not to Kaylee cuz she'll just mess them up do you like Legos I don't like it I bequeath the Boston yeah I survive me I guess was like help me brain there something like ah I feel like it needs a boob bucket oh that doesn't happen that doesn't do anything weird 3500 more than halfway we're halfway there oh oh man I just want to kick everyone in the room may know why I'm so tired after I can't feel like that the meat tenderizers are going deeper and with that movie saws missing just a little bit of labour pain simulations goodness gracious and jemima Oh every increase is just like I'm negative stamps labels someone stab me deeper oh gosh you're sitting like a knife with a serrated edge on it my hands hurting oh I didn't go through my wife's pregnancy I understand when they crush you oh my gosh sucks already' children's side please bring the holy water no my sweaty I feel like I'm sweating your eyes they're glossed over oh my gosh you say that she hasn't oh goodness so I hate my wife so much what are you at 45 Oh 45 gosh I can't meet you where you go so I gotta make sure you got a ways to go you will fill my brain anything ice chips I want some ice chips pomegranate you can't have berry pomegranate ice chips make it happen I'm floating is it on still no you'll feel it a little bit okay I feel it that's it's straight up filling there's worms under my skin right now you you'll see congratulations cam you gave birth to a beautiful little girl you know I hate her I think that's a good run eight minutes that's not bad most women aren't in labor for about eight minutes what it's like somebody shoved a Pikachu on a button a Pikachu yeah man he went Thunder shock all up in my booty they were gonna need a new pillow this one's all wet and sweaty nice wet now but prep me a little bit I still feel like I'm hooked to the machine like it do you still feel it knocking you in the back yeah any protest ESD right now scream loud words it helps somehow okay he's gonna feel a lot more because he's thinner Oh bro it's gonna suck for you feel like they're going right down yeah I deserved crack that's all right yes they're speaking in code bro you're in trouble epidural will not work this time so when you say it's not gonna work or it's gonna work better on me you're gonna feel it a lot sooner you might back out or you're just gonna have to go through a lot more to get to where I got so you know how when you fall your leg falls asleep like so bad that when you stand up and try to walk you just fall on face that's when my back feels like because then you get the tingles that like stab you what's happening so much happier now I'm done I know it's a good thing you at first we're CPR certified if you need it okay the hospitals just across the street so are you ready give me the thing your contractions are gonna be so heavy that she's just gonna crawl on out of there are we are we starting me out or not in the ring I'm so nervous right whoo oh yeah run that's a six oh I'm feeling that in my back yeah I told you oh it's making my butt cramp butt cramps Oh which side Oh my left cheek hold my hand oh we just took it to that next level I just skip the crib deep breath oh boy it's really kicking in in the back what do you need to do to stretch out a little boy I got 30 seconds 30 I think I just take it whoa don't mean I like hold one up this help doing it Kevin Spacey oh my god that sucks so bad oh how you doing not well and it's really strong on the left but you look really strong maybe the baby favors the left right here's your rest 30 seconds oh my brain is vibrating is that normal myself demon CDC get out I'm only just slapped in the face oh oh oh snap she hits the numbering [Music] right now you are like really well Oh [Applause] Lukas finger lines in my hands oh my god exactly do in patients were here oh I'm sorry oh please come out of me I get half a dare oh please dear God Oh use your creature oh look at the baby five minutes and thirty second yeah you did it that sucked so bad you did it come on Oh such a brave man such a brave guy I'm sweaty that's why we had to change the villa oh you're not kidding about the Sharpie pains in the back I guess still fella don't you back oh yeah I I would take epidural ladies take the epidural take girl there's no reason not to yeah why ride that roller coaster when it could be a Cadillac cloud suspension ride sorry if I scared anyone oh gosh that pain kick in is something else I told you the brakes are the worst do you think we're under here your fingers are still imprinted on my hand no he did for sure oh I did what oh yeah all right I'd say we're even high either way it's not something I recommend better your what if you're one for pain go for it okay do you this is how I feel I feel like pregnancy when you ditch so much weight at one time it almost feel relieving there was no relief what pain tired cranky angry sweaty delirious I just want to take a nap and a shower simultaneously yeah but that was a harrowing experience it has definitely opened my eyes now strong women are and what our wives are what my wife has gone through well yours is going to go through any time you ever need any kind of thing that will hurt just take you know if they're all take an epidural stub your toe otero break your arm epidural sliver epidural epidural they're not nice where they put it bro how many times have you seen me go to labor I'm gonna put it if I know how to do it they put it here it it back Oh a long needle oh you don't need an epidural just text my beep okay haunting yes life has taken us to a strange place but thanks for riding along Wasatch physical therapy thank you so much for having us out seriously we love you guys and a huge shout out to our channel members for supporting this show because of you things like this are possible for us to do and if you made it this far thank you so much for watching make sure you check out our two other pregnancy videos that we did before this one where we tried all different types of milk and then another one where we try to birthing class and we'll see you next time goodbye peace congratulations cam you gave birth to a beautiful little girl you're a hater this is why men can't have birth yeah we never have kids again every time I look at our school
Channel: Men Try Videos
Views: 1,084,548
Rating: 4.9402657 out of 5
Keywords: men try videos, men try, try, guys try, labor, labor simulation, simulation, labour, labour simulation, birth, birthing, pregnant, pregnancy, labor pain, labour pain, labour pain simulation, labor pain simulation, men try labor simulation, men try labor pain simulation, men try labour pain simulator, men try labour simulation, labor pain simulator, labour pain simulator, labor pains, labour pain simulator for guys, labour pain simulator machine, labor pain simulator for men
Id: Qdg25E5eBus
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 43sec (1003 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 11 2019
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