Memes Of Your Childhood

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if you can't relate to any of these you had no child hood

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Shadow_pig10 📅︎︎ Jul 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
what adults see what kids see when your raindrop wins the race [Music] my eight-year-old self when i saw my favorite cartoon while my dad was scrolling through tv channels nobody eight-year-old me in creative mode looking down at my mom after refusing to leave the mcdonald's play place eight-year-old me turning off the bathroom light when my brother is inside this floor tile exists how my eight-year-old brain saw this money can't buy happiness seven year old me with ten dollars going to the ice cream truck when your dad says you're finally big enough to sit in the front seat [Music] when your mom still isn't back after leaving you in line and it's almost time to pay small low quality umbrella do you trust me six-year-old me about to jump off the roof with every cell of my body eight-year-old me pretends to sleep my mom closes the door 0.2 seconds later 10 year old me when my mom lets me have one sip of her coffee to try it wow this is garbage you actually like this the new lego star wars set eight-year-old me my broke mom seven year old me returning the toy i tried to sneak into the cart five-year-old me after defeating an army of imaginary robot ninjas just in time for dinner oh i survived brilliant i love it when i do that mom finish your homework me no mo i will buy you ice cream nine year old me you will [Music] three year old me waking up in a different room because my parents moved me what five-year-olds did they have what i had when i was five eight-year-old me when i'm reading a book and see a cruise word please son eat your dinner here comes the airplane six-year-old me after drinking the rage potion i made from different shampoos my parents who sent me out to buy a loaf of bread um what i got there 15 bags of chips 10 packs of pokemon cards a superman figurine and a loaf of the wrong kind of bread nine year old me a smoothie milk makes your bones stronger eight-year-old me thinking how my skeleton will look like if i drank milk [Music] no one seven-year-old me going up the stairs when mom lets you get the little cart at the store an actor who died in a movie six-year-old me seeing that same actor alive in a new movie winter exists 10 year old me pretends i'm a dragon seven year old me trying to hide a yawn from my parents so they don't send me to bed early seven-year-old me slowly tiptoeing to the deep side of the pool even though i don't know how to swim therapist why do you have trust issues me nine-year-old me and my cousin about to do wwe moves we just watched you didn't have a childhood if you didn't get this [Music] my mom giving me a two-hour lecture about the importance of education and the bad effects of unemployment and poverty ten-year-old me who just asked her if i could skip school tomorrow five-year-old me after watching spider-man movie for the first time mom where are you five-year-old me under table six-year-old me in the supermarket wondering where mommy go mom where are you the guy in the information area come this is no place to die five-year-olds after saying poop comedy genius when you're eight years old and you say not here during roll call comedy genius me after my dad tells me that the computer is the box and not the screen [Music] me and my dad after we spot a fly in my room five-year-old me seeing an actor who died in one movie appear in another that's impossible kindergarten me when the teacher says it's draw time and you whip out your 196 crayola pack [Music] when you can't find the name of the flash game you used to play as a kid he exists now only in my memory corporate needs you to find the differences between this picture and this picture 10 year old me they are the same picture mom go play all day i will do all your homework nine year old me who doesn't understand sarcasm you will 12 year old me when my favorite shoes don't fit anymore six-year-olds after putting a dodgeball in their shirt next thing i knew i was pregnant my bedroom i cleaned without being told to five-year-old me my mom wondering what i did wrong [Music] pov it's third grade and you're the fastest boy in the class eight-year-old me in math class eight-year-old me calculating damage in yugioh me saying my dad could beat up your dad my grade two friend my friend singing kissing in a tree after i talked to a girl five-year-old me insult i learned from a fifth grader eight-year-old me my eight-year-old friends eight-year-olds in the school playground after practicing tricks all summer you can't do it for hand i can and i will this isn't a time for showing off strange free clash of do you trust me seven-year-old me with every cell of my body watching your cousin play with your old toys that your mom gave him [Music] six-year-old me when the friends of my older brother call me bro and give me a fist bump eight-year-old me who gave wrong information to dora the explorer loki the god of mischief me when i find a cool stick on the ground seven-year-old me when my dad buys a new bigger tv but i still can't see the face of that lady in tom and jerry me my older brother that one annoying level the umbrella i'm holding do you trust me eight-year-old me about to jump off the roof after watching mary poppins with every cell of my body [Music] eight-year-old me after taking off barbara's clothes seven-year-old me takes a bath my spider manta two it's been an honor serving with you seven year old me and the boys at the school pretending to be drunk while drinking milk five-year-old me the toy are left in a hot car why do you always close the fridge door slowly three-year-olds i like to see the light go out when i go to the doctor and my mom says i can get pokemon cards if i'm good i will do anything for pokemon cards seven-year-old me after mr mailman greeted me with hello sir eight-year-old me after finding out that my ben 10 watch won't make me transform how many other lies have i been told by the council you may be old but are you this old nobody every kid's wallpaper in 2014 seven-year-old me waiting to get drunk after drinking coke for the first time when does the magic being my mom explaining the benefits of me becoming a doctor in the future six-year-old me who already decided that i wanted to become a dinosaur eight-year-old me pretending to be tough on the spicy nuggets i ate and rejecting the milk they are giving i don't need it eight-year-olds when the moon is visible during the day [Music] nine-year-old me after guessing the disney movies twist villain before they revealed it what my parents see what five-year-old mises seven-year-old me ready to leave the house forever because i can't have chocolate ice cream 11 year old me after getting called sir at gamestop me and my friend in 2012 is this enough the 10 stacks of diamonds we spawned in with creative thank you for watching this video tune in at 5 p.m british time for a video of changing topic and at 7 00 p.m for daily juicy memes check out my discord server using the link in the description also be sure to leave a like if you enjoyed the video and subscribe if you didn't already
Channel: Memenade
Views: 3,507,069
Rating: 4.9339561 out of 5
Id: 91P5JFgQ7Cs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 12sec (612 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 23 2020
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