Members Community Night Halloween Stream | Phasmophobia

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so so so so thank you so much for joining us  tonight we are live with phasma phobia   on halloween night the best time of the  year for me honestly we had a lot of fun   in my area we pulled in about 250 kids of course  pouring rain so a lot of car caravans passed by   we're also marked on a map on the city to go  and visit because we're part of the halloween   decoration thing we just put it all out we  had the city come in and check us out and of   course a lot of doors were closed so shame on  all of you didn't realize kids are important   i know you people out there i saw you  uh but yeah anyways we try to make as   joyful as possible because i remember uh many  people doing it for me and for my daughter of   course and for me so if you can you know remember  next year the kids need it get fresh after what   we're going through kids needed but yeah it was a  lot of fun and uh yeah thank you for being my area   jumped out i really enjoyed it i loved seeing  it you know some people were driving too fast   but it's okay it's halloween it's supposed to  be fun lots of fun i had my people i think about   20 or 30 people taking pictures with my jason six  foot five jason outside now i gotta find michael   myers six six foot five michael myers it seems  like the height they like the matter right so   it's pretty cool it's nicole bernie thank you so  much for becoming a member again well thank you   so much come back thank you nice to see dk always  nice to see your name and there thank you so much   and holy crap cakes thank you so much tier one for  12 months in a row that's just amazing thank you   group one yes group one we're playing community  tonight tonight if you guys are not aware members   are playing tonight with us there's only a certain  amount of groups two per round because the length   of the games you know they can be very lengthy  if it's super short and everybody gets wiped out   within five seconds we'll judge by the time i'll  put a little timer on and we'll see how it goes   hopefully it's not that bad we can we can  do this in proper time it'll be a lot of fun   i'm joined by sky sky and also kyo kyo i always  like to call kyo so i always can't change it up   and of course spooky girl which is screwy girl  she'll switch back to screw girl very shortly   then she'll be wet for christmas you switch  it all every year too don't you yes you do   yeah yep so yeah come and join us at discord  too find all these wonderful people here and   joining in you missed today some  giveaways again a lot of giveaways   for games thank you everybody who's donated  those keys i very much appreciate it you guys   are absolutely awesome thank you wonderful  mods for being here uh tonight they're gonna   pick the uh the places so um yeah who do you  guys want to go first maple asylum anywhere   okay i want to check out the campsite where's that  sir anybody anybody yep sorry campsite campsite   site it is all right we'll do campsite and  you guys want professional or do you want to   let's do professionals all right let's do it  no i don't think i'm ready for a nightmare yet   uh no nightmare is not gonna be uh i wouldn't do  that to you it's very good just remember keo if   you're not aware of it uh i'm sure you've seen  the streams a lot but just in case uh they the   hunt you don't know in the hunts anymore so we're  gonna need something a truck i can rotate back out   if you can stay a truck with you guys and we  can do a rotation if you want to if you feel   more comfortable you can always just be looking  at that again nightmare you don't see anything so   it's pretty darn nutty oh kyo come here if you're  even in the sky i don't know if you guys done this   i know most of you pretty high levels but go  to the crack of the door oh i already did that   kyle go crack the door right here go  where right here in the crack of the door right up to it did you get it up here if you want to see him with the little  flashlight there norman's up there there's uh   some cool stuff over the ground here including  corpse on the bottom over there and uh yeah   some clues of where to find other bodies and stuff  around here and of course a corpse over here too   yep a lot of bad things happened in this room  but we're going to jump in have some fun with   this one let's ready up and enjoy it mackenzie  this is some dyslexia thanks so much for that i   really appreciate the two months in a row that  is super super amazing thank you so much for   being part of this paul ruler too thank you  for your amazing support paul i know you're   here every single time thank you so much really  appreciate it and sherry coryville thank you happy   halloween to everyone thank you yes don't forget  the holy water bible and stuff try not to please   die please i'll try to avoid it i dropped a  load in here so we have everything ready to go   we're going to start this up and hopefully not  die now i'm gonna switch over to regular comms   there we're gonna go back to uh of course  walkie talkie so i'll meet up in discord   all right we're good next wastelander wow happy  halloween thank you for that very generous   tip thank you so much for that really appreciate  it that's very generous too thank you sherry thank   you very much next very much appreciative woo  thank you thank you wow nice to see everybody here   didn't reset my members counter but you  guys are doing awesome you're killing   and breaking that counter absolutely  breaking it this is wonderful how you   all doing in chat by the way get some  doritos and cokes out there so you guys   had my first coca-cola this afternoon it was  my halloween treat it's been a while don't get   kill other g i'm trying not to chelsea  that's definitely a plan i hope it died all right remember to check  the whiteboard for help yeah looks like this is going to be all right all right well you guys  pick what you want i'll pick last   i'm gonna let you guys grab whatever  you want his equipment and then just uh enjoy yourselves grab everything howard  dindor thank you so much mary stewart thank you   for that really appreciate that really appreciate  it oh thank god it's not raining big hashtag   there's a nightmare level oh my  god can you guys hear me jeez dude i can't promise i won't put them  through that i put too many flashlights okay so you guys got all your favorite things in  there good good good all right let's make sure and   um i'll take this all right let's do this where's  the power do we check that even check oops power is next to the uh and the side  right sorry well to the left of the cabin   in the back where the body is why do i have the keys i'm sorry i'm just going to open up all the  tents when i'm walking by them all right this is creepy i have not done the campsite   i haven't either got one point nine  you're in the middle there but there's   that's strange right could just be  it's freezing cold because it's snowing back at w thank you so much lady red rum  thank you both so much for taking time   doing that thank you for your biggest  support you guys are awesome thank you   did you see that coyote did you  see a jason mask in the water at the end of the dock if you go down  there it'll bubble up it's really cool where are you is that you caillou in front of  me yeah okay right down the dock here we'll look   down into the water when you do it and you'll  see uh jason's mask bubble up it's really cool it's a nice touch i mean i'm jason most of  you are out there too so you know how it is   it's nice to do it i've been pushed that we  got to do at least one nightmare mode each we're all gonna die okay that is awesome it's  pretty cool i have nice touch and there's a   blair witch and also supposedly slenderman  there's also body underneath over there okay so now lights are on we can turn on a  lot of lights out of here of course i'll pop   the circuit but we're gonna have some fun i  saw really the coolest temperatures i saw was   right in the front here here's two celsius at one  point i just don't know how like the power turned   on makes a difference but oh something happened  here oh it's you you scared the [ __ ] out of me i was about to drop and run i just got ams  walking into the bathroom for a quick second   yeah it's cold here that's good that's good news   i think it was an emf 5 but i'm not 100  sure wow it was real quick it was like half   see right here is where i get the coldest  temperatures every so often it flux about one   to two degrees and it keeps on changing but it's  right here so i'm going to leave that down there anybody want to try a spear box here maybe our  bathroom we can split up i have one where are you how old are you are you alone are you here speak to me how old are you are you alone looks like a toilet paper roll   that's gross which one in the second  bathroom the first one this one uh that's gross oh that's seriously gross  toothbrush yeah try the spirit box down here oh [ __ ] run run kyle kyle run cow get  out of there it's not a hunt i don't go okay good practice kyle it was good  practice sorry for making you run like that   doors are wide open holy crap i just shot myself  i think okay let's go back to the van for a second   and take a little breather becca w again thank  you everybody for that i was so sure i can't   say it it did definitely spawn in the bathroom all  right i'm gonna bring a dots in the book in there looks so nice all right so it's my third hiding spot  to you [ __ ] for taking it stupid ghost all right i dropped a book and  some dots we got camera it does holy crab cakes wow with a gifted sub thank you so  much for that thank you for supporting streaming   means more than you know thank  you thank you all right roger that all right um hmm yeah well i'll do is i'll grab one cross  anyways in there and super back   us up so in case i die we'll  be one in there on the floor are you here still getting five near the bathroom i'll take and monitor the truck for a minute 5.3 zero back here still a bathroom is showing 5.3 i wanted to switch to the old bathroom thank you so much for that i really  appreciate this get a big hashtag out there okay nothing in the power block the only thing  i ever got was the 5.3 still you know first   bathroom back bathroom nothing activity jumped up  to seven yes community tonight would be fun times   thank you back thank you guardian and gm  yourself here's a little bro thank you   all you guys are awesome shazam thank you  so much we subscribed for two months a row   and also you're not mistaken you are also a  patreon member too thank you so much for that   okay jump back here thank you guardian gm thank  you so much that too doctors slice thank you   i'm getting zero activity now  oh 7.7 facing that direction and disappeared this thing is moving oh  damn was it sounds just freaking me out i'm getting freaked out too easily  this game the other dots this way then   eight over here now yeah facing oh  i just heard something get thrown down here do we see anything oh okay there we go that was you slay queen happy halloween to you thank you so  so much it's very generous thank you pacquiao dr   slice thank you so much slate queen love the  name to you thank you thank you big hashtag   whoo thank you yeah i definitely moved down there i just wonder if it's oh it's coming  what was that did you hear that okay oh okay so i heard it in  this parabolic and it went sure here this is gonna rip us a new one oh yeah that's hunting hide and a blue tent here make sure you turn off your lights just in case fifty dollars you get 500 links thank you so much that'd be pretty awesome if you get five  of the legs guys girls that's awesome big   big hashtag thank you howard for your support  appreciate it night raven too thank you so much all right it's stop hunting i always  remember those lights got using   did even hunt the doors were sloping  i didn't realize that wait a second   i thought i saw the doors closed  i don't know they're wide open now i'm so confused this one's very confusing  this yellow tent is showing some activity it's moving around a lot dammit do we have any  evidence uh did i poop my pants but that's it   that's all we have yeah okay i'm sorry sorry i'm  sorry about that i'll drive it back are we home happens to the best of us i hope not i don't know i'm getting nothing here it is again in front of me near the  bathroom i'm getting the him talking backwards yeah i got some uh right around here  so it's between here and the yellow   tent now it's all in that he's in that  room again oh i just heard something he's coming he's hunting average hunting no it's not nice now it's not  nice i'm still not used to this um wow i yield a tent again it's hunting oh [ __ ] someone's dead yep it's done who died no oh poor thing god darn it's right there beside you look i can't  see what this is right here emf 4 right here so he circus around this like a triangle all right well that's interesting and that that  yellow tank keeps on showing some sound too nothing oh that time is hunting no why are we dying oh no we need yeah um i think he was in this yellow  tent at one point but where did she die i think i see a flashlight over there   oh it's locked again no that's me opening  jesus oh my god uh where do you see a you're right flashlight at your  feet oh that's cute all right um was she in a bathroom where i dropped the emf i know it dropped  it i just don't know where they're off there was she in a bathroom no there's a smudge in a bathroom i don't know where she is i don't know where this ghost  is oh he's all over the place and she must be in a tent he must  have followed her all the way down   it was tran i mean it's see-through right  this one so it's gonna be bloody hard   does she go into this tent  to not close the door i no oh crap dirty water over there okay i  gotta start bringing that stuff back oh she's only down here there's a plate moving  around oh she was right at the end of the tents thank you all right don't see the stuff  she was carrying but oh there's say cheese pudding shady go thank you follow all right stopped okay where were you are you  right next to me yeah i think the smudge saved me uh the power of the old mice much did it touch anything i don't know if it touched anything now   is that you yes that's me i'm opening the door  sorry sorry if it starts again just making sure he spawned somewhere over here  but not there what the fright why is there one light opening  he just rolled a bowling pin here okay well got no evidence whatsoever do we this is balls okay well let's go and see if that  bathroom bathroom sorry says something oh   oh you're bastard i dropped my emf for a second  and you freaking start mary stuart thank you so   much stop your time not killing my team everybody  say i'm killing the team i didn't kill nobody what the hell is like look  at that camera angle looks   like a corpse but i know it's  not it's just the towels yeah let me bring another camera in that room and then  one and facing maybe the yellow tent possibly   yeah so i'll get the dots on that side i'll  leave the this uv down on the ground over there   and bring another camera okay i'm gonna throw this in first so that we  can have it and i can't tell whether this   is ghost orbs or freaking uh i swear  something get thrown here in the back okay it's in this room too really yeah it's using both bathrooms   okay we smudged everything's clear on  the board but we have no evidence nothing   are you smudging what that room or the other  room uh well i smudged with him chasing me okay i move the camera to a better angle and that  one right it's the back one outside whoa it's gotta be screwy i'm dead i'm gonna take it  i'm gonna take it for the team screw remember me   it's on me screw you go stop hunting me you're  passing i read it with freaking stamina oh brutal fire fang thank you so much for the  follow have welcome to the line of the desk yeah welcome wow it ran around a table with  me too good it's spawned by kyo's body oh wow   firefighter thank you follow mary stuart  thank you so much for that you know if i   wasn't killing now i promise thank you so much  for subscribing prime for two months in a row   uncle daniel thank you for follow uh ghosty  thank you follow tannery2298 thank you for   following dr slice again thank you so  much for support rest in peace yes i tried   i didn't want to go in a tent with her because  there was a chance of me being well me taking   her down with it could have used her as a cover  but that would be not good so decide not to so   we got this here ghost rang fingerprints uh the  only thing we have is ghostworks it wasn't fast   enough for revenant but it was fast but  all of them are fast now so i don't know where's that crazy basketball that reacts  so badly when we threw it that's so funny i don't see a basket there it is this  is just a glitched out basketball ready you guys are seeing something completely  whacked out when i'm throwing it it looks like it's hopping like a rabbit  yeah okay guys i am going to guess on rio   and i'm going to go unreal really  she's she's going for a guess uh one more little test here chad what do  you guys think here just to me to put down   i can't i can't uh ask her  not to she's gonna go for it   i know that i think it's it was going after  you like crazy but uh screwy girl was there too yeah chasing pretty fast but we were  talking and yokais hate the talking part   true i don't know okay well um my sanity's still  good so i could probably try so many choices i didn't touch the pills me either thank you for getting there there actually where are you i don't know i mean let's just say  okay you saw i mean i even have five early on   you think you saw it that would be an old bakery yeah i think i saw emf but it was like it was  hard but it was so quick but you know what   that makes sense because it it was hitting  four is pretty high radio is a concise power   from nearby electrical devices making it  move faster and it could have been that and this one over here the bake is right when  i interacting with environment really um leaves   a trace okay no so it's gonna be too because we  haven't even checked the thing should i like go   or should i keep trying don't forget it might be  emf too she did mention it okay they weren't sure just make sure because we're talking  here a voice from beyond i think scrooge scrooge i looked for fingerprints  i didn't see anything oh that could be   a i think it's between those two oh or like i like to say oh baked  needs fingerprints right you need i think you guys select pikachu's you don't think so either i think it  might be it's my first time playing   it was tough you did good trust me it takes out  all of us kyle everybody gets kicked out this map   yeah this map is tricky it looks cool though   yeah i think it's i really think it's  a it's a richer good very well-being then it seems like even the chat is  going at it now there's blowing up 71   it's going down actually wow it's called self preservation imagine  if they added in an amusement park   there's so many possibilities in this game  yeah let's get those like buttons going   and show some love by hitting a like button  it'd be really much appreciated if you're brand   new don't forget to join up into discord  links are always in the description field yeah leela you yeah it was it was a  quick uh this one was a tough ghost   this was a tough ghost it's not hunting  anymore there is enough power sources here it did seem like it would seem like it was  a little faster at the end did the power   get turned on and yeah it did seem like a ticket  faster because we got a flashlight there we have   these cameras and i put in a new camera  on that side so he could siphon that power   true and he darted at you pretty  quickly from over by kyo's body oh see it may be just that interesting happy halloween everyone yeah we did we did kind of push in power   dropping stuff around on it seemed to  react when we were playing with the uh because it did seem to react when we were playing  around with stuff in those rooms especially we   were doing do your voice there during this the  box it was just automatically started pulling in   i don't know it's so tough there's so many of  them now it used to be so easy shade yuri revenant   wraith phantom it was like easy as possible   yeah i think he wants out more from what i heard  did you look at the book there's still room i don't know poor screen being left alone  doing this is a big pain and you know what is it hunting right now no sammy joe has become a member for eight months in  a row fist bump member thank you so much for that   thank you so much for that wonderful support  big big hashtags out there to show that love   subscribe and come back get eight months in  a freaking row that's awesome thank you thank   you thank you thank you back for the bits too  appreciate it firefox thank you for the follow woo yeah i think you guys are right  too i mean i i both are could be   but it's just the ibaki is just uh  you guys want to have a barbecue interacting with environment rarely  leaves a trace it seemed like it was   goes with shape-shift leaving behind the  unique evidence it did have a blur but it's   tough to tell and it's capable to take out  many forms it seemed like it stayed pretty   stable they seemed to be see-through and  power-wise would not look like i don't know there could be a whole bunch of other ones too  as much we know right i could be completely wrong   and she did not see em five and  then we got a banshee rev that yuri   and two on rio two of jesus that's a lot a lot to pick yeah i got killed fast but i  did add electronics here and that would kill   with ray judo would actually speed up  that's what said it was pretty fast not kill   and doesn't seem like a revenant  but it could be revving too she's holding a candle spooky yeah jade i don't think it is either the revenant  would have been super fast she would have said it   you see how fast it's enough that it darts and you  can't keep up with it and you said it went faster tough choice i think i think maybe   thank you by hitting the like button by the  way or 212 likes very much appreciate it sorry about yourself dude baby in  poland danny polar thank you subscribing go with your guts okay you know i just have this feeling  that i'm just gonna go with my gut   i i don't know where that came from but you know   i believe she could do it all right i'm going  to stick with the read you i'm going to think   that's what i think at least i mean i'm  guessing but of course but it seems right all righty do you guys select your stuff we're  all dead anyways but it's fun i'm so sorry yeah yeah i'm good all right maybe we'll get lucky let's see pause and oh break everybody in chat who got  obamacare congratulations there was a good   percentage you guys are really good at that we  should have stuck with obaki oh well we were close   we were close the emf 5 was true at least you  should always wow what are you guys doing thanks   for that reminder i i wouldn't remember good job  on that what's that movie you guys are doing over   there i forgot about it too wow you guys are like  completely weird weird that's cool that was nice good job chad uh 33 of you were completely  right the rest of you that didn't vote   did vote my way i'm so sorry that i was  completely wrong on that one i was so sure   it felt right it just felt right in the emf but  yeah it's okay would you vote for us you took the   obaki no i checked the right shoe i'm  sorry no it's okay i just thought you know   we weren't finding anything anywhere so it's tough  isn't it yes yes all right let's see we could   ask the people here what they want us to put us  through here let's see here uh we got the willow people want to get involved through high  school well that's always a dangerous one   too they're all dangerous yeah that's not the same   yeah there's there's no safe one so willow you  got a choice between willow high school or grafton   farmhouse i knew which one's a good pick already  i already know i already know i have an idea too   you guys like it yes toxic tink thank you  so much for the gift sub really appreciate   it uh very very kind of you thank you for taking  time and support streaming that means a lot more   you know thank you thank you everybody  take your time hit the like button too   that's pretty darn moss of you tells me enjoying  and having fun thank you all for being here we   have over 430 and 235 likes if you could crank  that up a little bit it'd be pretty awesome of you the first one to die by the way well that  that was just tough that's all it was just   a bad he was bonding in different locations  it doesn't take very long we got caught i got   caught running right into him and i was gonna go  for me ge well not really we could have we could   i it's just stupid i knew he's behind me and  i'm going that tent was just stupid so i was   like nope not happening i couldn't see him so i  started running towards him but then i realized   he was in that direction and it's like oh shoot  i cannot count the number of times i've done that   and i thought i was far enough away  from him but apparently i wasn't   i think they need to tweak that rarely changed  room because it's not rarely he they are   constantly changing rooms on uh unprofessional  and as predicted as predicted high school   i actually thought it was going to be willow  really no i i knew high school was going to   be the one i had a feeling i don't know i  just had a feeling they were going to go   and push us into a hard one do high school  it's tough because the the amount of time   and four people is good to go in there with  that so let's ready up into killers i mean let's stay alive this one it's actually  a little bit easier to hide i think   in um in this unless it's  that back room they were kind yeah we are really screwed thank you for   everybody voting appreciate high  school one by 4 including with for help twitch right there's not  really help in there nothing to report   but it looks like whoever was here left in a  hurry how does he know that they left in a hurry i guess it looks like it looks like it's  been abandoned for years yeah i guess it's   true yeah books are left everything's  just screw it we're not taking anything all right and those can't bring in here all right oh [ __ ] i didn't see a power can be a truck   no this guy don't have to go  back i could have come back uh i think it's under the right-hand stairs actually i'll go through the gym if you're  going right and we'll clear that one out or four gets split up we need to do it fast jim oh phone ringing on the right side  in the back area right side downstairs that was a quick yeah i got a little  scared with quickies like that too oh yeah kyle young thank you for that that's  very kind of you for the kind words too   thank you big howard the door  thank you so much for that too   appreciate it appreciate it appreciate it thank  you i think the phone was in here or maybe the   next one over that one oh there's yeah just  bathrooms there yeah this is off the hook it could be this one here show us a sign show us a sign make the phone ring be my monkey phone just went off i know it's off the cradle okay cool thank you for turning power on now we can check a  little bit here i'm getting warm warm temperatures this room is not it where are you this is like 14 degrees in that one is it moving around though it  could be moving around too early oh i just heard the power  gets shut off is that correct like back room of the science lab  i did not know the door is open   oh yeah some might be open pro yeah they made sure  of it now bums the devs really want to screw us   over i definitely was for the right side  on the downstairs that's what i sound like i mean again we've had times where  upstairs was the other one right just to make sure wow that's  a blue seam outside there i   never realized that i could see the outside that's something he needs to fix oops my guy wishes a way to put up some stamina  this guy what get some extra stamina get some   skill sets on them after you hunt a certain  amount that would be awesome and very helpful maybe since you're mentioning  mentioning it the devs will   possibly do it in the future i think he has  i think this is one guy he's like a filmmaker   style guy where he has an idea exactly what  he wants to do in this game that's my gut   feeling it's coming together so nicely that  you're like it has to be right guy is sick sweet little sign tell me tell me why did someone just close the door uh roger i did yet okay i'll try uh see if you can try this room here let's see where are you no it's hot in this room give us a sign it's so warm in this room show us a sign give us a sign they just cut off show me a sign thank you again kyle appreciate we were upstairs is it traveling the hallways it could be i hear dirty water where i don't hear it i think it's upstairs oh this is a tricky many bait is  so tough up here in the right side there's nothing here i'm not here it's fine i can't hear the water at all it's on the left side wow okay that's weird phone rings on the  right it moves to the left that's spooky there's water on his side screen left-hand side it's still bloody warm in here oh four  celsius okay it's as low as i've seen so far i think it's hunting yeah upstairs what was it upstairs is it hunting it  was on off that's you still hear it you're dead she's dead oh boy well  what the frig now we gotta find her   she's right around the corner  i saw her she was right here but i heard the footsteps close to us again these devs are trying to kill me that's what it is  just slowly but surely killing us one time or kyo 23 celsius in here it's just  bloody warm it's hunting coyote packet w thank you yeah poor q song goes upstairs okay so so it's close by here yeah spawn down  here somewhere buy this room here yeah i think   you're the right one i'm gonna go get a smudge  yeah this one smells like team spirit nothing nothing in locker room we could fit  the lockers now too it's kind of nice   okay well our sanity is down to zero is it hunting um white balls still hunting i think it's done as i ask you a question  flickering lights outside the door like   what the frick so he walked into the room i was in  again a different one this time by one of the exit   doors and as soon as he started hunting i heard  heartbeats so he's spawning by this door somewhere that is weird i think you might have gone  in the right room because it sounds warm these move around a lot it was close enough that he was near  you right it wasn't like upstairs   we should probably take some insanity pills yeah i don't think it's gonna help yeah probably  not anything's worth a try down at this point is i think so too jared because i gave you heartbeats from  upstairs it's quiet right now isn't it this is still hunting because i can't hear  anything i'm gonna i'm gonna left side nothing   it's hunting yeah the ghost he like  pants but it's very very very quiet oh [ __ ] okay we live now it's done oh no it's done holy balls i  walked right into him i noticed holy moly   okay so yeah it was pretty close i was  wondering if it was upstairs or not but no holy moly i got lucky in that one balls to the wall there's a door up  here open on a left hand side upstairs nothing is the power off yes  he keeps turning the power off but the temperatures are staying high in the 20s i'm not seeing fingerprints anywhere but yeah his panting is very very soft even with  him being right next to me i could barely hear him   it's hunting not upstairs that's why i  made sure upstairs nothing wow where the frick is this ghost maybe the library but it's close enough i got to get the emf this is obviously not working it's so crazy this one both  the back to back is brutal i'm not hearing anything all right nothing upstairs for sure so that's  confirmed yeah he's definitely downstairs you   think i'd be near a library or he's close  enough here right yeah he's around here show us a sign please no please  screw it show us a sign and kill kyo i don't see anything right here oh yes he is library what the freak library i don't know where he died wow this game totally kicking my butt   hi i kill he's is it in the library  is that responding right here i don't know i didn't see  it this time well according yeah this is uh not right it's so quick  it went through the door wall and got me defeat doesn't like it oh it's on the right hand side of  the school i think okay it's like   when you come in the entrance and go to  the right and then you immediate right he might be hunting no i just opened the door oh  okay well it's on the library okay back to the right side i don't see that man oh i found it i found a room wow he's running fast is nato quick enough to go  through is there any books i can grab from here   damned there's no kids leaving books behind we don't need no other hero where the hell is  the book somewhere let's give me one book one   we're good they took off a lot of books today  there used to be a lot more this to grab you're clear okay thank you look for  a bouncing ball on the right side uh is the right side the opposite side that coyote uh i don't know but okay now i don't see it the hell is it bouncing so bad and balls suck i suck at the balls oh i'm not muted i think he's hunting who's saying it's out loud  grab some paint cans uh and caulking out is there   that's where's that room up  to the right that's what it is not much stuff out here lots of balls that's a long trick to put  down a whole bunch of stuff and he's upstairs he's upstairs i can't tell you where the hell  is this thing is everywhere okay that's a little unfair you're  clear thank you you're welcome   i feel like i was standing out here  but i feel like it's helping i know   you guys heard that but that wasn't  they weren't supposed to hear that a parabolic might help if that's the case true  did not even think about that i will bring one   to the front door okay okay so it's definitely  we had one here and next one he spawned was   definitely upstairs because at that walk he  was doing this hunt okay it just locked in it was upstairs no downstairs i am so freaking confused of this ghost is  off the wall crazy thank everybody hit a like   button appreciate that love showing  there thank you thank you thank you steve mcmahon thanks much for  describing welcome to ciao yeah all right so his favorite place  is definitely downstairs to the right   should have stuck with that with the water but the parabolics tell me that there's  sound coming from this way somewhere oh i hear now that game where she go is it hunting man this is the quietest ghost i ever seen  or heard in my entire life he barely walks   he's so quiet he's upstairs again  no where the [ __ ] did he come from so this whole side is where  he spawns that's his nuts wow he spawns everywhere on the  right side kaiakio everywhere i went out to the truck for  a minute for a little bit no for sure yeah he's got two sinks going it's on the bathroom is that the same one or is it a  different one does it have a camera   nope it is the one on the  opposite side of the school   you have got to be kidding me nope  this ghost is all over the place yeah no go something is  good speak to me if you can   pour it off an area but you're doing a whole  bunch to a point where you can't cord off an   area it's just insane and then spawn rooms are  here there there there upstairs somewhere else i think it's just a little too  too much do you want a ball sure oh it's rolling far over there i can't see him he just walked past us did you see him no i didn't  wow he's shape-shifting uh bushy thank you so much   for the balls balls balls really appreciate your  support appreciate thank you so much pacquiao   thank you um thank you again for the very kind  bushy tube i saw it before too thank you thank you   there's your ball oh he just missed  it it's back the other way down sorry no no it just it keeps on rolling  to the end of the thing it doesn't stop it doesn't stop quad honestly oh freaking  it's just just like this stupid ball oh my god don't you dare  go through that fence okay wow i rolled all the way outside all right uh toxic tank thank you so much  for that i really appreciate i don't know   what they're gonna do here uh you need to find  either concrete room one we can talk about is   probably the bathroom being available let's  start with that bathroom work our way out   yeah i'm still alive sorry don't  scare me like that did he do it's killed her she's dead i'm dead really welcome to the afterlife   yeah i didn't even know where where he was  okay so spawning i was trying it's very   tough to show you spawn here spawn down there  spawn over there spawn upstairs spawn to a left   and i don't know if he doesn't spawn underneath  us uh its whole right side is his oh wow   and i think he chose left originally then he moved  over to the right but there's no record that's off that would suck they came from behind you down  the hallway and it just it would wait for you   i went to that classroom and didn't see me  but i went to that classroom and went right   through the door and killed me so just like  you i think you had the door closed at you   i closed the door a bit too late because i  didn't get it closed all the way at first   so i think he might have seen me in  the stall oh [ __ ] it's like oh crap here comes fresh meat oh i know  that i died right in the open yeah well you didn't you could he  spawned close to you to die like   that or we couldn't hear him he's  so quiet i didn't know he's near me   right like i said he is really really quiet like  i said it almost makes me think it's a milling   because my legs are quiet when they hunt it's  a quiet one she's going off for full lights at least we know it's on the right side  now instead of left but then again at one   point it did come down from the left hand side  middle and down here too forgot to mention that   yeah i think the whole school is a spawn spot   there's no crucifix going to help you  here yeah it seems like it it's insane my brain is actually hurting it's too  much screw girl it got quiet there it's a tough one to be left alone on too because  they're even just four people we didn't work out oh yeah my god this is bad chris patrol thank you follow  appreciate that i lasted as long as i did though   how many times he spawned like  right next to me it is crazy well you guys had two of the two toughest   hunts i've seen in a while actually they all  seem to always be hunting now really bad yeah   yeah she's going for full light now  she's not sure i mean i'm not sure we could see the ghosts we're not sure yeah i had a horseshoe up my  butt for a little bit there   no you hit perfect he wasn't even near you  did a good job but he just walked past and   that last one was just unlucky i think  he just pinpointed you like crazy yeah he was quick but not revenant quick  that's for sure peter kay thank you   for subscribing appreciate it very very  much it probably would have gotten me   the very first time yep that's it's true wow i'm like relearning the game all over again  because i haven't played it in a little while this community plays a lot so i'm jumping  i'm sure you can find some it's fun as hell   this game yeah i haven't played in a while  either so it's a whole brand new game yeah i'm not sure screw girls believing  that's where it's going to be a month   ago or something oh my god you come back into hell so she believes here now he did coming down  from out here too i think maybe it was his   cafeteria maybe but he spawns to the right uh i  don't know i'm gonna stop guesstimating but i mean or walk through the dots or something just give us one piece of evidence man but why not because spawns point is everywhere all through  the school we do do we have evidence already   they don't know about no evidence whatsoever  nothing nothing we can get i am related to murphy it's not even hunting her what the freak  she wants brothers she has a candle on this   issue something non-aggressive please yeah should  keep your senator assigned to that that would be   i might have taken pills too because she was  sitting out on the truck for a little while you   know writing the book or walk through the dots or  something since i have no idea where the emfs are oh it's near my body that's  right emf is where i died yeah she's in one spot where i  don't think he's well he could   spawn behind her and kill her  but why is he so quiet all sun the lights are all on yeah halloween gotta get some spooks in there check the truck and try and see how high our  sanity is probably reason why here there's a good thing a bad thing for sani it's   good to do it but then you won't get  any evidence sometimes out of these   and yes she's rocking right now much too high  sani to get any kind of information from this   so it's because of the candle she's holding up  pretty good now there is activity but it's not   peaking enough to go to 10. she would have to  rock or sang it down it's just a tight bit okay yeah she's rocking almost 100 sanity with that  candle so you know it's not demon or anything we don't give any evidence  i'm just gonna stick with you   hoping they don't blow out the candle guys  the girls this is crazy guys and girls in   chat if you guys want to guest me what  do you guys think i would love to know   and we've been here for what 20  minutes already or more this is insane   i've never i mean i don't i've never seen  it this bad this is like seriously bad temporarily stopped by this much dirt we have a  right to keep guys reaction salt my kitty cat just   give me a kiss baltic guys nice throw a triple  which object there's no objects being tossed no we need to actually my family will only target   one person at a time i know that halloween  is actually my dog's birthday oh nice my   brother's birthday is not on halloween but his  birthday was yesterday so i mean close enough you guys think it's twins dude we didn't see two  of them though they had to mimic each other i mean   that would be tough would make sense because  that's because they could spawn all around hmm someone brought a good point to  twins that ghosts are reported   mimicking each other's actions  and alternating okay the attacks   confuse their prey the twins can uh get  angered initiate attack with a prey the   twins will often interact with environments but  they split up into school completely you think   i don't think so maybe i haven't seen him yet so  i can't even judge that's gonna take um yeah with   100 sanity definitely you have to show somebody  signing down no candle yeah and it's not using   the left lonely that is known as a quieter okay  yeah my leg is quieter goes that's for sure right more i freakily make paranormal  sounds which is water they have been doing a lot  of water running very vocal   and active ghosts they're rumored  to be quiet when hunting their prey she did ring a bell with the twins too it  could be them because it says they you know   um alternate to confuse their prey and i mean it's  they've been spawning all over the freaking place and i don't think you miss or sully  have gotten the twins yet to see   kind of how they are not  at all from see them at all should i just um yes and go i don't think she has much of a choice aaron  alford thank you so much for 38 months in a row   thank you everybody's going to vote this is tough  i can't believe i'm going to do this with zero   amount of information i'm curious  to know what you guys are going   to believe that these two are it's  either milling or twins we're gonna   give up on those two maybe array two  three possible it's gonna grab to you   that seemed to make somewhat sense here  and i'm probably completely wrong about it i don't believe it a dk it  does sound a lot like it too nice to see you aaron always great to see  you here thank you for your amazing support   donna wilson thank you for  subscribing appreciate that   i i don't know this is we're gonna give you  information we got from the other side here   people some people think it's a twins  and some people think it's miling yeah with how quiet it is i wouldn't doubt it but she's also rocking that candle with a  very high sanity so the only way to do it   other way is just make sure you drop your sani  and go in there full throttle and see what he does okay i'm pretty much sure what he's gonna do you don't have to i will do it for  the stream don't do it full stream um now emfs are left bathroom in my my body   because you're left in a really bad  position like right now in a massive area not if you're hearing dirty wire left the emf is uh where my body is we  missed it right in front of the lockers   okay she's left alone i'm gonna try to help  bros much again not reading us is he um wraith is always a possibility try crossing off some evidence  yeah i should figure out this body i don't know what there's if you cross off the  evidence what evidence you're gonna cross off   okay no freezing temperatures let's say  that but i can't really say that because there's nothing i can really  cross off to to tell me what i to get freezing temperatures at  least the twins would show up but then i'll count out the milling hmm it's tough because you have to place  that somewhere in here that's what the   tough part is thank you pacquiao  we appreciate it where'd you go i don't know i have no idea where she went is it hunting damn it this thing is i can't even find  the people are in here with us where is she where did she go there's no nothing holy crap it's not  even like a sound made by that thing   that's me who's saying that off i have no clue the same door as she went all right um wiggles was hunting that's so tough this one you can go for the guess yeah she's not gonna figure  out myself that's unfortunate   force of these played that two they  had to play with me end up being the   two toughest i've seen in freaking ages  there was zero evidence i will get smiling in chat let's see what you guys ended up including  and i heard some wreath on the other side   and even on youtube i've seen some sort  of twitch and stuff but i'm gonna go   um i'm thinking it's pack you're  right and everybody's right here uh   milding is gonna be the one i'm picking my  gut feeling see if you guys are right or wrong but with your uh i i can't even pick an evidence  i can't believe this first i'm gonna say i can't   tell you i'm in the truck by the way hey my sanity  wasn't that low so i picked uh i picked barley   i went with miling too yeah me too that's what  the uh chat to you so everybody is a green   yeah there's a gut feeling i  have because just how quiet it is   go for it because literally you can hardly hear it   by the way even if it's right next to you i  think i'm losing my sanity i'm hearing voices oh my god that was the toughest to be left alone  you guys are the two toughest to play with me   tonight by the way i hate this room already   if not you guys the actual room that  gave us that was horrible those two really hard they're twins are you kidding me bye that was just not right you know i can't  even judge the twins anymore now i know a   little something about the twins how quiet they  are yeah and now they freaking spawn everywhere   and they spawn left and right which would make  sense it would mimic the water and right and left   oh i didn't even think about that  because me and either they mimic   each other and but there's tons of people in chat  words telling me they're mimicking but how can i   thought they stuck together i guess not well at  least we have a little bit of information now   wow that is crazy i'm sorry if i yelled  that out i just couldn't believe what i   saw friggin first time i see a twins or i  actually saw twins and yeah the expected um wow   yeah on the professional setting it says rarely  change ghosts from rarely my butt but if it's   twins it never really changed it separated the  school in half yeah one took one half and the   other took the other half i will have to keep  that mimicking thing in mind but that means   finding that goes through no kidding wow you can't  kill one to kill both that's what they had to do   because he did a great job thank you  all for that thank you you too sorry for   the shitty one we'll try and get another uh one  going and hopefully you guys can jump in on that   uh those are tough those are the toughest i've  seen and obviously we picked the hardest ones   um but yeah i i'm sorry i'm sorry guys which was  it was a better outcome on this one but thank you   very much good job thanks for having us thank you  thank you guys for having us thank you there was a   ghost hunt yeah next time we'll have a little more  time hopefully we'll get killed in the bad ones   thank you guys even though we died it was  still fun you guys are awesome thank you   yeah it was yes thank you thank you thank  you happy halloween happy halloween thank   you all right how you guys doing history  boy that was ball busting those twins   so it was twins it was close it was twins  and mimicking on each side of the high school   identical one started water on the right side  did after they started water on the left side   oh and that would explain the phone rings  that you heard so on a left to the right   that is nasty isn't it i mean it's i've  never seen a twin so it's very hard to pick   but i have to tell you i am um i've  done it i've no i'm i'm happy i got to   to see that part of it i just felt bad for screw  girl and the rest of them because that is that is   that's hard and there's no way of picking how  you find a ghost room for the twins that's why   they need to figure out you have to fight one of  them and just kill it and it kills the other one well how do you do it i don't know i  can't figure out oh god i've seen it like   our whole group of four just died before we  got any evidence because it was just everywhere   oh wow wow that is deadly i felt bad for screw  girl and skye and kyle i was like god that just   was brutal so fast i was spying to the left  spine to the right up and down i was like   jesus you guys are nuts it's always yeah it's  all cool everybody in the room we have a jasmine   hex oh jasmine you're down the room oh do you  have are you on someone's friend's list or mine oh i give you oh do you know what the  friends love is true i can i love this   place that's right it's not friday 13th  where you need to be you have the codes   yeah i just waited to hit enter i didn't want  to intrude no just give one second i'm just   gonna get a quick drink like gents uh while you're  getting entertained here i'll be right back okay hey jasmine real quick come over to  the store i know about that door okay oh that's better no i don't get enough   i don't get enough frames to be able to see the  actual ghost uh okay that's better i heard uh   i had the cans all rattling around underneath  the shelf there oh no oh everybody doing tonight well here they're everywhere everybody ready to play again i'm still scratching my head about that one by  the way i guess what they're gonna drink i'm   sitting like this and i'm sure my daughter's  looking me crazy going what twins it's winds i'm just trying to grab it i see  a fridge on me and i went okay   all right that's okay you know what shake it off  we're in the same room and we might hit twins   again let's see here let's see here what do we  have um right we have let's try see tanglewood   you have a raid on twitch oh thank you oh thank  you so much for that thank you so much uh you   look uh you you mean look lee come see my god so  sorry you really see my mouth is gonna work it's   it's there somewhere i swear to god thank you very  very very much i appreciate it all right let's see   here we got tango and we have campsite and we're  gonna throw in a farmhouse ago let's see here   crafted farm you guys go ahead and vote on of  course you're on youtube you're voting uh here   but you also can vote on tuitious by market down  uh running about 1 500 on youtube thank you for   the like 321 almost 25. if you guys could hit that  up you'd be pretty darn amazing thank you so much   all right oop ask your community it helps if i  can actually click that button thank you so much   jess really appreciate fun fact according to dev  team maple camp is named after the tan fluffy cat   photo the black white cat photo is named willow  but the map is not named after the cat what you're interesting well ain't that  just messed up yeah that's dick you   know what he's playing tricks  on us thank you so much jess like almost like the twins emily mc thanks so  much for that i really appreciate the rain thank   you for of course follow holy crap cakes thank you  so much 100 bits kyle lover thank you so much for   being a thunderstruck member for 27 months in a  row had a blast like sorry kyle it was tough you   hit the toughest room but you know what you guys  are superstars who just act the way you do it so   amazing uh thank you for being so fun to play with  appreciate it thank you community like this is fun   i really miss this sack uh full of cream  what sac oh my gosh i just said that out loud   um all right thank you for the follow appreciate  that donnie wilson thank you subscriber pacquiao   thank you so much everybody holy crap cakes and uh  eastern fishy thank you all right the votes are in   and where are they going to torture you  you guys guess you ready look at the board   they want to put you to farmhouse  death house for all of you   man i don't want to go now jersey that  that's my daughter's nickname by the way that's so weird to see that that's  what oh my god jazzy's in the game what that is her nickname yeah that's funny as heck   okay i'm gonna die either way  i give the max of five frames   oh you could you could you could survive you  could survive uh just if you guys have a chance   hit ready we'll get jumping in and let's see how  fast we're all gonna die a horrible death together   you could do it jazzy i know you could do it well  the last game i had i was like trying to escape   behind and i got stuck in the wall and then i went  farther into the wall when i died in the wall yeah   so when my friend tried to take a picture my dead  body was just my arm sticking out of the wall and   that wasn't it holy crap you found a way to break  through to the other side that's pretty awesome no it's a suck full of crevices got me off guard and mic jack roger wilco oh my god it's one of the first  times i'm always at the first one in a truck   this is nice this is nice of being here so this  is what it looks like before things show up   yeah but now you gotta wreck down your  hearts my god once are you cut out i said now you got to get a better rig   better than myths and no and it's jelly  bear well actually it is well almost the   same i think in this rigs it's a connection  bringing them in i think i'm not positive why   i'm not sure if the guy who runs it ends up being  the last one in or not but i always seem to be   there sometimes like the maps will show up at  the same time or before them we had a couple of   times i wasn't like a brand new rig there's no way  any brand new rigs anybody can afford that today   that's just insane predictive barrel yeah i just  actually upgraded my rig not that long ago as well   that oops it's expensive it's video cards  alone just screw that jazz is she still in here yeah oh [ __ ] there she is all right you guys pick what  you want all right let's try   to use the b button so we can keep uh the none it's less live for me then four good buddy let's do this you guys  pick everything you want do i pick you what   you actually want to go something it looks  like there's a bunch of goodies left over here you're good jazz you got everything oh honey ghost where are you okay do not go upstairs  someone's screaming ghost where are you i don't want to die show me a sign please give us a sign i'm getting 0.3 near the bathroom   i'm sorry i bet my god the kitchen no i  don't poop where i eat but it was there i would kind of hope not that as um that room with everything in one  so she must be in the right room you're knocking this nothingness room are you here where are you broke i think you brought  me a defective ouija board ask you what his favorite room  is what is your favorite room apparently you don't like me oh door just open somewhere did you say his favorite where are you in this room here i think i found it it's hunting we have even a fiver it's a kitchen yup kitchen where did you die   24 257. oh he's here um i heard some strangling going on because i don't keep oh oh broke hey didn't come out for the back room  it came with that room over there   it came out of that room over there pretty sure it came out here didn't it where are you how old are you where are you kitchen yeah you're right oh yeah there's a lot of yeah looks like we  got our friends here from the other side broke   putting out some backroom stuff here where are you   yep spirit box spear box confirmed everyone  tried it's a i'm here in a very deep voice spirit box confirmed so wraith  spirit poltergeist mirror yokai   oh boy everything twins write something oh i got some more stuff it's  the definitely not backroom esther fish thank you so much for that  i appreciate everybody for taking time   and hit like button too thank you for cranking up  there definitely is extremely helpful morning now do we have a camera in there yeah writing a book nice job so we need fingerprints emf5 and ghost orbs we definitely need a camera in there now who is rocking the emfs uh i think we got two in  there now i know me and broke   had a couple cool go go no just make  sure we can uh someone's carrying that   so that's pretty good concludes good job good  job good job yeah emf's going off pretty heavy i might be wrong definitely a good chance i put a uh  one camera down across down in there oh on the outside too a little scared that's not good no who's gonna change my fine who's gonna help  me change my pants after this it's gonna go bad all right we're going to get out of here um yeah we need to see if there's a  spirit uh ghost orbs oh [ __ ] hunting watch out it's coming from a different angle hey crystal oh wow okay good stuff yeah i  walked past i hid behind that seat it's by the way spot left  everything's locked up in this place oh yeah that's fun to see here oh yeah we definitely have that what  else we need a little board here smudge okay well it's chasing i could do that oh no no well we could yeah i tried again i tried getting a photo  of it but apparently it wasn't quick enough   all right just break guts of you i don't see uh yeah there's no spirit orbs  here ghost storms at all is jazz okay good oh she got quite all scared me  i don't know i think it might be in the kitchen   most likely it might stop working roger that oh there's actually  one in the kitchen to you so right all right uh it spawned this  time in the bedroom to the right   which is right side then go left right that's  when it's spawned in the big master bedroom back i believe so didn't sound like  it came from the back room did it no because i managed it okay definitely all right  um who ate all the pills i didn't have any pills no it might have been not brought by mistake wasn't me uh do you guys have dmf i left  one in the truck but if you want to grab it   if not uh i'm going to bring the smudge  in and try and smudge them white chases   all right i'm going to try to capture a  photo of it okay it's super red hot here now the other one i put down did nothing hmm there we go show yourself don't throw stuff in the back room yep oh my god i screwed that  damn it i screwed you damn it i killed him you know it's the fourth time in a row where  i shoot a freaking smudge without lighting it   i'm feeling like i'm inept with  this smudge with instant new update i threw it too fast wow i'm so sorry dude i wish  i gave you cpr or something where's the other emf holy balls that scared the  crap baby how did the mf go off was that all right i walked into it good job i think the smudge is going uh this much  this thing is going off all the time the uh ouija board could let me be this the uh letter here well he got the [ __ ] he actually  got the photo of the ghost too i   can't believe that's pretty amazing  why let him get killed that's great so the only way is for having these doors  closed and for him to touch the door you throw me beers all right i'm gonna check oh crap that's a whole bunch of doors i  close all the doors to make sure i not see anything lots of beer it spawned  around there or they destroy me beerus um   they're not touching the doors too much  or there's no fingerprints on the doors so i sure thank you so much  kill you off the team again good left okay uh uh get out of there yeah we still haven't got the mf5 did you get that we still want clue left no it's not you saw a ghost orbs yeah it was in that back room oh i didn't okay  sorry i didn't hear you dude okay it's like   still triggering fingerprints i'm sorry all right  good all right oh my god i'm so happy that's right   right there good catch oh yes i see  it good job right woohoo oh thank god   that was like i was the thing is getting  closer closer killing us all all right we   have it's amer good so you guys are checking out  it's a ghost orbs uh spirit box and of course   uh what the hell i got rid of one of  these things here goes right there it is ready to go you want to click  it click or go and click it we're good everybody's good let's do it let's do it well we walked out what a life well good job um wow sorry uh anarchy you  would have you had been alive if i did uh   throw an unlit smudge oh [ __ ] i can't believe it happened oh my god  well um yeah that that was bloody interesting okay hey at least i got the photo that's all i care  about i can't believe you got the phone that was   super all-star dude that was super all-star no  i think i saw when it changed rooms to the back   because there was absolutely nothing when i was  staring at the camera and then all of a sudden i   did see the ghost orb like spawn so i'm not sure  if i saw it when it changed rooms hmm well the   good one because i i that that is good when you  say it was over with us we come it's over with and   yeah i was like oh god my mic hasn't been picking  it up half the time because earlier we did a test   run and they didn't hear me say fingerprints yeah  you they see you sound perfect here but you heard   almost robotic inside the game that was weird that  was very strange yeah well my computer fan is on   no no it's probably irritated access throughout  the boat because you're doing great with this it's   gonna get good oh my god uh gee not even premature  smudge just chuck it i just threw it no no it   didn't it chucked it i threw an unlit smudge right  at it and it was it was it looked at me and went   thanks smoke that after i kill your buddy here  for take a picture me oh my god so yeah i put up   campsite asylum and ridge view there we can vote  please also actually i got i actually got a two   for one on that one not only did i get the ghost  but i also got a picture of brooke's body as well   did you get two for one yep i checked the book  after no that's amazing picture for the ouija   board was just a picture of someone's butt for  my for from my end that's the important part my god put the lights up there we go all  right so he gets frightened a little bit   she always gets me love it i love that door they're voting right now they got  42 asylum seems to be kicking some serious butt   tonight i don't know if people already i mean the  campsite's tough as nails i don't know if people   like it as much because when it's outdoor doesn't  rain no they just want to see baroque go home   yeah i've gotta go home go i need to stay with  someone this whole time because i am going to   get horribly lost it's okay stick with us  we'll find you around all right guys it's   gonna be asylum professional it is down pat  looks like even with twitch is about close   to about forty seven fifty percent that's pretty  insane thank you everybody twitch for voting of   course thank you everybody we're 354 likes 525  people watching on youtube if you guys could   time hit the like button tells me of course you  want to see more of this and of course enjoy it   always appreciate taking time to do that  take a little tip if you don't like it put   a thumbs down i just wanna know spicy noodles  for the win i love spicy noodles ramen noodles   mckenzie thank you so much for taking time dude  that toxic tink thank you so much and basher man   thank you for the uh team kill thing there yeah  yeah how can anybody not like watching us die it's   it's a must it's a must they all  came for ge that's all yep they do now they give it just watch everybody  and have fun this community is awesome   you guys is amazing i was surprised that i  was able to like escape because i literally   walked straight towards him and ran around the  bookshelf with my 2fps two frames holy crap poor thing that's not easy  you're right this community yes i am actually glad to be a part of this  wonderful crowd that you have created well   we have i think everybody created plus wonderful  mods you make that rounded round and i think i'm   so lucky to have so many wonderful people honestly  throughout the years it's just been crazy yeah   i mean honestly this community is just absolutely  amazing i'm glad to be a part of it well thanks   for making it like that you guys are honestly very  cool uh honey bunny lamb thank you for the follow   i love the names jeep worker thank you for the  follow appreciate that all right she'll pop in   am i gonna jump into asylum which means it did  show us what power is really it does right side upstairs wow that little uh shed the first room  there right side the little first uh storage bathroom and uh gee if you get anarchy killed  yeah i got a well i mean i know i'm like did you see bashfully wrote gee if you  get anarchy killed i'll donate some more thank you you're awesome man these  shows they've played together oh my god bob ross   as now a member for two months in a row thank  you bob one of my favorite paints love it thank you so much for that you're awesome thank you so much take your time to  do that bob and being a member really appreciate   memberships you guys are very very amazing mel warren thank you so much for the  volunteer everybody got their favorite goodies and who's gonna gain the power you want to  get it i'm on my way to get it right now roger i guess i'll go left i'll do left uh bottom floor guess downstairs be cool watching uh that is coming back quad  we are um november well this month coming up   mid-november some of this guy's supposed to come  out alpha 20 and i haven't been a part of the mod   their stream team so i will be playing it they've  already put me in the green room and sat down and   told me all the goodies i'll wear my seven days  dye t-shirt they sent me and have some fun with   that one i miss it like crazy that's the reason  why i'm staying away from it i want to enjoy   it thanks for the pirate buddy uh  i miss um i miss it a lot crazy yeah i'm on twitter is coming back so make sure  you're on youtube too check it out there we'll   be doing some stuff plus once a stream weekend  i'll be able to play with a bunch of people there do a little check all right well awfully freaking quiet show me a sign where are you howard doesn't want me to give extra  support yeah that's right 500 likes get 50 dollars   from howard indoor but it's fine howard if  they want to it's fine they don't want to as long as you're here buddy it's all  about us thank you for thinking like that   it's very kind of you for making that gesture i'm sorry i got an 8.0 on  the power bottle upstairs god been a while actually february  february march it's the last one roger that thank you show me his time yeah i missed the static i missed it it's  so badly it's killing me like the last day   i was like i want to jump into it i'm  not running water alpha 20 is coming   just need to see what they're going to do with it looks like some pretty cool stuff i mean  it's gonna be the same a little nicer you did say left right correct i'm in the  left side i'm not i'll see you guys at all but i got running water downstairs though are we in the same asylum yep you guys are not here i'm very confused i'm dirty okay are you guys you guys are on the  right side then we got freezing sorry it's on the   right side oh roger okay dude that's what i was  on left wing oh my god here were you guys all dead and i i do that playing time so yeah no problem now broke though works in the  place where he needs his directions well i did for two years there you go you see yeah it's downstairs bathroom we do  have freezing temps confirmed wow just listen for the faucet i'll drop the   thermometer i'll come back i'll grab  at least another camera or something hey who the hell is that i think that might have been the ghost  that sounded like a person in his room i'll bring some upgrade dot down with  me someone didn't put their headgear   yeah oh come on man i gotta pay homage to  three ass you got me dude i jumped a little   bit going what the hell do you uh anybody  missing a headgear on them one person is they want to live not just tonight i have to admit yeah but the  other ones are giving the girls they died   unfortunately where are you get one  no i'll take it daddy did this one   this is a dangerous one the  barber shop damn it where are you are you here do you prefer a female voice let me let  female voice work here go try that out where are you oh she says that sounds like him that was you was that you born how old are you that was way too loud i was like holy now you know that would be awesome if it actually   was allowed to throw back everybody in  that room running the opposite directions happy halloween awesome sauce i've  heard that a while that's awesome um yeah bring bring a camera down and another dot copy that i'm right here okay trying to see if we can see any ghost orbs i think i see a ghost orb is that ghost orb there yep that's a ghost orb if you guys  want to grab this let's look at over   the barber chair here grab the camera  on this thing we're going to top the   barber chair i'll turn off my lights  because you can't see it without it it's definitely floating on there isn't it the right the last one in the right very cool all right so go storm confirmed i have a i if you're in a truck i've got  the cameras up and there's dots everywhere i should probably put one in that side eh there we go put him next to go  start going back for more gear don't die or else everybody's gonna  blame me that left you down there please no i take full responsibility for anarchy though  he was just doing his pictures i felt bad still   oh you said freezing temperatures too right you  said freezing right that's right yes thank you   chad thank you for helping out okay so revenant  yuri and to or uh unreal okay orio so spirit box   we need a ghost writing fingerprints so no dots no we need dots for uh no if you have freezing  temperatures and ghost orb yeah i just did it um   dots for yuri spirit box for unreal ghost  writing for revenant i thought i just do   oh because i clicked off demo i was rechat and  do the same time i screwed myself over with dots   all right i'll wake up today oh [ __ ]  look at that good job oh that was weird so like i said oh my god fingerprints my head is not there behind you be careful be careful out there guys and  girls it hasn't really picked up at all   show yourself our sonny needs to be 25 let's  not pop any more pills anarchy you're in 98 capture a photo of the ghost repel the  ghost of smudge stick what well chase gotcha so we need an average sanity of 25. what the frig man trying to kill me oh i don't mind it just fine don't be sorry ask  my daughter she's probably happier do it to me we can do it anywhere we just can't uh  we can't do it in the bathroom and what   we're sleeping or while we're cooking beyond  that everything else is wide open for attack i should probably grab one of those put towards the exit here yeah i got one right down by the door and  i got another one by the wall all right so uh maybe a truck that told me  and they all didn't check the name   we're going to check the name oh dorothy dorothy dorothy that's true dorothy dorothy imagine if  this was nightmare mode there she goes they're   just standing in the ghost room dorothy taylor  show yourself dorothy taylor show yourself dorothy now this we have water in this sink here door next door she's in here now too maybe we should smudge this room and keep  her steady in this room then we'll move out all right well i'm on my way back to  the van to grab a camera you want to   smudge it yeah i smudged i smudged her to keep her  quiet okay yeah i'll grab another smudge oh i'll   hang back too so if you want grab okay okay it's  more to bury down there i guess the way i throw last few used to be so good at smudge  text and updates screw me up they're not impressed with the uh  ghosts not being able to hunt like that   thank you everybody hit the like button by the  way appreciate it uh harold marie thank you so   much for being member booyah member thank you  so much for that happy halloween to you too go go guys go go go go go i'll get killed  oh wow this stuff in time oh my god   that was so close good job  buddy i smudged it i did did you smudge too yeah i threw it right  out of here awesome yeah you got lucky i got my thank you harold really appreciate   it sorry copyright in there ma  basherman don't worry anarchy gg   don't worry anarchy ge will uh been really good  at the smudge sticks tonight the faster you pound howard the door thank you so much again for that  dude do i hear more money yeah the third one by   the way the ghost came out of this room all right  uh what do we have left here that's it though all right everybody turn off the lights turn off the lights upstairs there you go you  guys going to turn off the lights here there we go   and bring yourself in the ghost room oh sandy's done good job we survived get me out of  here i didn't kill anyone sorry to disappoint you yeah i wasn't going to  let it happen either too i walked backwards to   make sure that corporate doors kind of hide it  and i didn't want to be the last one not to die   i was like not gonna happen ah heck you know  what as soon as i was spearheading i think i'll   actually get bash for what he wants no don't  you dare we're walking out here all together   alive and kicking with howard didor  thank you so much that okay going   to bed you get a porsche oh  i didn't have to do it howard   thank you so much for being here thank you for  your support by the way thank you everybody   really appreciate if you guys take time hit like  button show some love us back to bash youtube all right oh it's hunting that happened that was a quick eh ghost orbs it's still hunting howard metairie thank  you so much for that i really appreciate it   he just took another picture i heard him snap it   yeah get to go slow that's okay  good job guys come on in we did it for the get well celebrating yes we're always tons  of love thank you so much cheryl think of celia   bear after she got sick there he'd be a rough one  for her i think they're trying to keeping track thank you so much harold i'm  good uh i got done too yep good job what are you doing over there good job we survived it my god first dude died  they got the rough we killed these two off that   was good except for all i actually killed one  off for real feel bad welcome back look at that   payday holy [ __ ] yeah pretty nice payday dang  would be nice to make that in one day all right   walk out yay thank you guys and girls really  appreciate it thank you for being here   really appreciate uh all your amazing support and  uh being so fun to be here thank you thank you   no thank you we'll go yeah thank you so much man   really appreciate me and my family are a  big fan of yourself oh thank you that's   very kind of who's saying a big fan of all  you guys do so how do your family for me oh they're probably watching  the stream we'll say hi to them   see you guys soon on the action bye jazz bye  bro bye thank you have fun thank you hello hello   here we jump my bones there's some bones in here  too so you can jump by boeing 669. chelsea hello   how you all doing you're ready to go see if  you're gonna survive this room has been rough oh well actually last year have been pretty  decent haven't they so let's keep that roll going try not to kill any of you by mistake so it was  good i'll try to keep my smudges close to me   and away from us so i muted no okay cool coco  camp sites here we got um okay let's pick   some interesting ones campsite willow gonna give  capsicum brand new willow or roadhouse there we go   let's try those out let's see  which ones we haven't done yet   boom you guys select if you're on twitch we'll  go ahead and do so by selecting those either   of those three there so select all thank you  lady debbie thank you paul that was a pretty   good one minus the little smudge incident but uh  yeah he's a great photographer i tell you that   damn i never have that knack of taking  pictures of those darn ghosts they seem   to always flick away to me at the wrong time 10  running away hello battle wolf how y'all doing   the votes were now pulling on the  campsite 51 percent willow at 29   and right now it's a 20 please vote  prison yeah we can add prison for next one   well next one we'll add that in the  list you guys can vote for that one but you can right now select campsite  willow or roadhouse please vote one of   those ones i promise you'll put prison for  next one that's always a ball busting fun it is enjoyable go easy on me go easy  on me i'm sorry here's the thing if   i've got a smudge and i'm saying i'm  throwing bones i might actually fail   just like that for last week i don't know what it  is inability i just throw g instead of lighting it   oh my god now i want g to spot  slenderman i do want to go and   check it out i'm going to go back to  the campsite in order to look for it i've yet to see him i saw that blair wedge didn't  see the slenderman does for sure all right let's   end it here with the other people voted not prison  uh in his campsite almost at 50 sorry ladies let's   hope it's not rain i wish you could turn off rain  it would be really nice if you could do that um   oops got a lot of heads in front of me let's  see here campsite select perspective okay good   we're good um i think it's missing some  stuff here i'll just press add there you go   got everything in there cool all right let's  ready up and let's get ourselves rocking   this one here french fries 76 thank you is  that because you like heinz ketchup or is it   50 of heaven is it 57 heinz recipe i think  it's 57 i think it is i love french fries   though exactly buddy thank you again thank you  loopy mike thank you for following we should all right so let's do this oh perfect and the power is i  could hear you oh my double   no i'm not no okay oh crap the generator  okay no general is not bad it's right   going towards the camp right there okay  no it's not bad that should be pretty easy so man it's raining isn't it [ __ ] oh  that's gonna be hard to hear anything   through this whole thing uh the rain doesn't  bother me living in the pacific northwest   it's it's an everyday event for me no more we have okay there we go there's a house how you doing should be here in a second  now don't tell me we have rain   we do have rain it's gonna be just difficult to  hear very much but four people should be able   to spread out that's somebody feels like they  should be in a truck all right there you go   bones is moonwalking pick whatever  you guys feel like i'll pick last violence left in a hurry that's that's  that's not good don't forget the guys   have uh beautiful cannon that discord so  we can uh we won't double up on each other kids it goes blow a candle to walk through salt capture a photo of a  ghost and then yeah that happened no sir i hope so don't forget your head gear bones bones what  are you using right now that's your gear voice box all right do you want do you try the mf  it's a good little thing to gadget to find things   maybe a camera because it's just  for you especially brand new right at this game if you are yeah i mean emf is a nice nice uh   capture of an area if you can press g to  drop if you want because the camera is   good for afterwards i drop my uh emf on the  ground for you so you can use it right there there we go especially if you're just starting off oh my god all right well you're  hanging towards the generator   i'll start ripping up intense  yep i'm ripping the tents open i gotta see if i can find slenderman back  here is it still blair witch this time   i forgot how to turn my headlamp light on t sorry about it t just in case oh okay that's not good oh is blair witch this time i don't see a slayer man in the cabin so skulls and  cabinets not that's not good   don't forget to uh bones don't forget to uh if  it's chasing for some reason make sure you turn   off your equipment including your teeth your light  and to turn off anything you have on your like emf   that way if it you can hide anywhere in these  places you ever open up a tent before it bones click and hold across is shut and open with your  left click so you can shut this and hide in here   you might have done it before i  wasn't sure i just know you started yeah i just don't want you to die early i'm joking that's awesome okay well yeah we almost we're at 1.6 2.6 and   that's pretty cool 0.5 we might  hit freezing if this continues oops oh yep no i don't sorry i complete i'll  head back if you want you got it okay   i have a camera i don't know where  you are though oh at the cabin   right down here i can see your light  yeah i need to get around the tents   oh you're far all the way back  around and head left from that part   after you come back around yeah you're right  there what are you doing back from it all   right i'm going to move this up here i think are  you doing the voice box good job press v for it where are you oh the lights are on you gotta  turn them off sorry go for it now do you want to build a snowman  mf2 how moist is it in here that's funny all right i'm not getting freezing   okay wait wait it's hard to get is  it no no no it wasn't it was faking uh try to ask it where are you how old are you  how many uh those kind of questions very direct where are you i'll see a little x show up near uh  thing when it's it's finished it doesn't answer how old are you fingerprints right here look at this bones  come and check this out before it goes and this is regular suppose there's different  kinds of fingerprints and there's another   one of the claw which is special oh it's  chase it's hunting run run bones come on head left it's hunting here jumping at that when you'll be there no it's actually not hunting the gates are  open what sort of god thing was hunting us well i feel pretty stupid now sorry dude max that  went was five oh my god this game is gonna kill me wow so just fingerprinted so far um fingerprints yep your emf is going off still has stuck up to you nobody took a picture of the fingerprints too actually i don't know where the fingerprints  are well someone took a picture of the picture   oh is that you sorry i'm  mistaking that character sorry they were in a window uh for a bit  sorry i thought was you taking a picture   i thought you had the camera up there oh  it's okay all right let's check to see here what what the hell is that sound is that that fan   that's bloody loud at that fan you turn it on yeah  that is the fan i thought it was the generator did someone turn that on not me that was a good find oh it's not taking for real it's going that way guys you're going towards it night raven thank you so much try watching tv yeah not minus so is it done is um on stiller is it off i  was in front of someone's cabin okay is there more control for this uh   people were asking me to watch  the tv why is that oh there it is oh balls no boats come here come  here where go in front of me   she's crawling towards you go go  go keep on walking to your left it's coming this way it's coming this way it's really on us i'll drag it to there i'll keep on talking  okay take a right or something go go go this one to your right inside no no no well that sounded bad yeah  rip roaring i think holy crap holy balls this one's just mean it's crawling too that's even  worse i can't see i hate that well my tent wasn't even  closed i expected to die there yeah give me a close one well you don't see this anymore snow on tv why do you want to watch tv for them  watching rub running hunting something all right i'll take this one  it's coming for us go left left oh it's gonna kill us all right remember this gone all right i i was trying to figure out  vhs i oh you just saw the reason why if you guys tell me whether you  see something when you press the   vcr button that's what they said  that's what they're talking about by the way he opened my channel and got me oh my  god i had to stand back they're going to kill her   i killed him off so i figured i'd just stand back  and take a lick that one but damn that was tough   i couldn't see it i mean i just held  back but damn that was that was not easy   i would like to know what  the hell shows up on this now   well that was glowing for a bit you stand  right here it's glowing see look if you   stand here the whole tv is like glowing oh  yeah it is that's weird that's very weird so yeah she opened my tent oh no so i think it's hunting where is  it oh it's going back upstairs yeah it's worth face girl i just  saw a baby can anyone hear me if it makes you feel better it's a word face girl   oh great yeah feels way  better now run run run brunch i made her feel better because i that's not  a baby that's the word face girl isn't it   oh it's a different model is it i can't tell  with her like that it's so different now   he's dead oh stop the hunt  stop the hunts don't kill him oh no so what the hell did you want  that vcr you got to tell me what it was back and tell me thank you so much for that  i really appreciate that raven thank you   wow you just came out of the sky what the freak   i've never seen that before pool  it's like superman landed on his feet yeah bones is down for the count it's tough that   it's tough to see this one i knew she was behind  us behind us uh andrew young thank you so much fingerprints and vcr the ring oh damn i did not know you could do that is it the ring movie in there no no she's dead yep i'm okay with that she's   oh no oh [ __ ] the baby killed you the  baby oh my god okay supposedly for what   i'm hearing is i that if you press the  vcr button you can actually see the ring i did not know that that's cool to check out  next time we're there yeah next time i'm there   sorry when you set up baby i didn't need to  cut through but when you said that i could hear   the panic in your voice and i was like i just  want to make sure she knows that's a worm girl   uh it had a different model than usual i don't  know if i was it was running sideways in front   of me so it looked like a crawling baby yeah it's  not pleasant it was not pleasant that's great   you couldn't see it i mean bones you  almost made it around the thing it just   charged you like it wanted you dead like  really bad my god but you ran pretty good   all right we're gonna put up uh three new ones  up for grabs here ladies and gents if you guys   see them pop up on youtube you can pick them up  here and select which one you want for a vote   we got prison up for grabs we have willow  and edgefield street house so select this   last one we'll try it out to see if we can survive  this one it is prison that wouldn't surprise   me and a lot of you want to try it out and see  what looks like it is a deadly ultimate deadly   packet w thank you so much for the rest of peace  appreciate it picture at 11 yes thank you thank   you to never even who wanted me to die by sending  me back to that tv just joking it's not your fault   i felt like people were like go tv  i did not know you can do the ring does that thing crawl out of the tv  or it's just the that you see the ring because if it crawled out of tv  i would i would scream that's   probably one of the most horrifying  things i've ever seen in my life people ask me what's the scariest move  you ever seen i think the ring was   i don't like things seeing things come on my  tv here whoa that was scary but was it really   like i mean it was scary those days it was  to make you watch tv properly after that the one i hated was uh the gate  growing up the gate which was that one   where there's uh little troll things come  out of the ground i don't remember that one   interesting now i have to go look at that  one gorf and or if i gotta find that one out guess what yeah if you've never been here  before stick with someone close bones   it's prison the prison of course it is the main  thing that well there's a map we walk on the wall   there but yeah it's a b there's a whole bunch of  little doors so you should be okay all right i'm   gonna add everything here don't bring it okay good  there you go everything's in we should be okay everything fire thing back oh no maybe not i  didn't buy any more smudge sticks one second here   seti strong flashlight tripods oh my god  i guess i lost all my stuff parabolics   motion sensor lighter ocean  sensor actually kind of need that   head mount to camera glow sticks pouring crucifix  candle just missing that's like type eight anyways let's say i'm missing oops thermometer smudge sticks did i say smudge sticks  i bought them damn it there it is uh no no there's only one out of four all right   that fills everything up right i put motion  sensors to you in case i forgot to bring it   up this could be helpful to have it's one of our  challenges all right let's do this to prison we go how uh how confident are y'all in prison it's the worst place for spawning until i  saw high school with the twins it's been a   long time since i've been in prison so drop the  soap baby drop the soap don't drop the soap baby all right testing one two three comms working don't forget you had gear and a wall  oh thank you let's remain careful he said mary poppins and peacefulness in  this place so that's what it's all we need   we're all in a good mood  we're all gonna survive this uh don't forget bones your head gear so  we already died i mean i'm just joking uh oh we got their head gear good  and we got their stuff they wanted cool and the power is in a donut room which is um i'll go turn yeah that's good purple gravy thank you so much for the follow  appreciate that what is purple gravy what kind   of gravy do you see that you gotta tell me  where you what what kind of grave that is break on through to the other side uh bones   you know where the power looks like  by the way when you show it to you i know what it looks like okay good yeah it's  ready to open the doors oh left click left flick   and hold all right try this one here and it should  be the it should be inside there the power right   here although these things yeah slide but it's  in here should be right inside this room i think   if not mistaken click and hold to move right yep perfect i was on thank you yeah unfortunately now we have to  all doors can be partially opened and pro i don't think even medium   it's throwing me off all the time  because i see those doors and i'm like because we have a door upstairs also open here could very well be just gonna keep on searching just in case one circle of pictures right  there pjo uh pigeon thank you yeah i have about one two i  think two or three open so far yeah there's like three open up here too so purple gravy do you gotta  tell me what purple gravy means   is it something you make for real it's not  to show your name right now i'm just i'm a   gravy fanatic i've never had purple gravy or is it  like a specialty thing i don't want to talk about again not to make fun of you i'm actually curious  it could be barney purple gravy i don't know yeah it's super quiet up here i'm opening up the  stalls upstairs in case we decide pick one i'm gonna chief security officer  upstairs room see if there's anything you uh guys and girls you  all being bones you guys okay yeah totally fine where are you and b i went i got 6.5 in a room upstairs interesting  but not low enough yeah actually this is   so i hear water now and that's the b-side there's water coming out of b is that you need do you have water do i have water yeah yeah i think you have  water pouring in your bathroom next to you   no it's not me the shower's on too we have actually uh the showers are on too  oh that's quite refreshing about freezing   temperatures oh you just turned it off on me holy  [ __ ] that scared me uh freezing temperatures yeah -10 that's freaking cold yeah the tap got shut off in front of me oh you got your mf good aim at three oh someone grabbed the sexy flashlight are you  having a hard time seeing with that flashlight   i can switch out with you and going back  to truck who has that flashlight this one is a union view yeah here's this is a better flashlight for you  to see with you want oh she's hunting hunting go go go go come down here oh she's right on oh she  stopped she wasn't hunting   oh my god that was so close okay here they'll  naobi drop your flashlight press switch over   to impress g i'll have it better with this  one you got a hard time seeing with that one oh my god this thing sucks  so badly thank you no problem did not load out i don't think i'd  load it out with enough flashlights all right we're good now consider the ghost of  this out the mall [ __ ] yeah   are they really er that's good to know crystal do we find out about gravy  what where is it funny dude is kid's name mixed together plus favorite colors  at all oh that's cool all right that's what i'd   like to know it's like tattoos nicknames and  stuff it's hunting it's hunting hide hide oh no yeah the hunt is done [ __ ] ah crap all right oh it helps if i grab a camera that's not good oh we got  freezing temperatures that's all i don't think it was fast enough to be revenant  where are you it was right behind him i saw him   running at bones and it doesn't seem like uh  well then again it was it was a mock contest keep my game but that's changed so much maybe two people all goes down the room with you  well unless you want to stick it there it's fine   i don't believe you where hurry where are you how old are you where are you he wants us to leave how old are you oh i just opened a door on the other side how about here just playing with doors  now oh we have any um fingerprints check   we have any uh you view them no no he's back in your side damn it all right i dropped this yeah let's get out of here and  go back to morning equipment this way let's rally up in a truck [ __ ] hunting over here turn off your light if you can over here okay you can't see it back here yeah it's pretty bad crystal  saturday on youtube board this will get false once taken off too is it still hunting thank you let's get out of here you see anything on dots or spear orbs i need another dot in there so bone said sometimes it doesn't cross this  thing it's so cool to watch when we get them   and sometimes some of the ghosts enjoy to be  running through them when we're not in that room it's so cool boy this is the dots bones here that one there you can place on the  walls and everything too is pretty cool i'll bring another camera into maybe a different angle yeah i got it wasn't make fun of your  name i thought it was really cool um let's see if we can do this here seems like  they're playing with shower heads like crazy sorry is there an imaginary one dropping on me look there's water to the right but  it's not there do you guys see it it's imaginary oh balls should've said imaginary hmm starting done touched a bunch of stuff just don't know where well fingerprints are back door oh an imaginary water tumor rate which the  developer needs to fix it's it's very important we took a wrong turn of albuquerque all right i'm gonna go back and just check out  something here let's see what we've got um demon so we need emf5 we need ghost writing   no dots ghost orbs yes no spear box  so emf5 ghostwriting and ghost orbs so do we have emfs here popped in yeah there's  someone look around here okay did you mark off   your book with a j maybe you had a truck there far  away from here but oh she's hunting heartbeats or   she's not i'm not sure yeah it's not like she's  happy yeah she's not she's chased me the other way oh no bones damage oh the frig  he was going the other way oh no damn she's surprised she came in  from the opposite way near the front oh boy all right let's go get some stuff here  we're gonna take pictures of dead bodies too oh balls so i don't know what she said it's alright that wow she's still hunting all right it's over good job hiding i did what no i turned around he was hunting  him in front i didn't know he was in front   of me it wasn't possible i was supposed to  know he was there didn't mean to do it um the camera froze that was interesting yeah i'm not seeing ghost yeah storms it starts  to come back to the truck and the camera's frozen   together click it uh the emf there's one  inside the truck right i was our one over   there we have our no i think they're both inside  for ems yeah let's just grab one pill at least maybe they'll help lord all right and we need to still take a  picture of this son of beeswax crucifix   goes from hunting crucifix and salt holy crap who's fix all right i'm gonna find an  emf i have a feelings that don't see orbs that's not me i didn't know i played i like  like 200 episodes i think now   200 streams why do you play since  the first day it came out pretty much did anybody give me thank you for  joining up nice to see you oh no yeah it's hunting you just finished so so image are you muted oh i must be muted i think it was i think i was i had a sneeze  for a second thank you all right uh i don't know what's going  on here thank you kyle by the way a   big big hashtag appreciate it i i don't  know there's a fake shower driving nuts and i have no clue i feel like i need to put one  here get a lot of action here she switched is she in cafeteria now excuse me this are you in cafeteria oh she died there yeah it's there so she's in a cafeteria okay that's over all right so you must have  walked right into her when she did that it's a big ass area to be alone in here contemporary too though all right i'm gonna go  smudge the shower and see if i can bring her   back there mackenzie thank you so much yeah i must  have been beauty sorry for that guys i had a cough   thing going on i'm gonna sneeze so i end up  muting and i flipped order and i've screwed   up my bad thank you starlight two big hashtag  mckenzie starlight thank you so much for that   really appreciate it thank you  so much for 15 months to row all right i'm gonna go and place she's back again she's over  there yep nope she's here i can't smudge this area teal guy and kate thank you father appreciate that give him hell i don't know if  it's gonna happen she's lengthy definitely she's staying in there  right yeah how come i got heartbeats i don't know what the hell is going on all right i'm gonna go smudge  a freak dmf went off near side one holy balls that just scared me oh you you bastard oh writing in a book i'm gonna take that outside  screw you with your emf buddy it is a demon so we got ghost writing oh my god you uh a few close calls in the shower there thank  god the taps are on i'm feeling a little better okay i'll take a picture of this i'm  trying to take a picture of his body   i'm not sure if it makes difference in  which it is pro but just to say we did it okay we have a camera and i still need a crucifix  oh not enough prison damn that's not working now   it's not gonna work forever and presence with a  motion sensor right we got those they're great it's not motion sensors it must be they changed it up now  i don't know what it looks like   i never ever use motion sensors it's  always the girls to do it for me   but they must be near where they  walk the salts will take care of that i know it's probably just  gonna take a picture anyways it's just gonna be cordial sure that matters i'm not sure i'll find everybody she was standing up when she walked so she should be able to do it and  i've seen her walk through salt here   so it should light up but she's stuck over there that's my emf that's close that door left yeah she's approaching it i  left it there so i could hear if she approaches it or not she is yeah i should make her way here um there's a second crucifix i'm gonna  throw one in that room and i'm just gonna   uh there you go it went off she's here she's in here too oh your son  i picked the cross up your back you're just nasty you're nasty ghost  nasty what a nasty ghost i swear to god   okay drop this cross in there it's gonna  be impossible to find exact locations so   she's now spying on your side  because i took this cross off yep she's just appearing over  there screw it heartbeats   she's on me she sounds like she's far away but she's on me try to take the last dead body and  i'm getting out of here screw this   curse never gonna happen in prison  we're gonna take our money and run professor nasty okay it's enough too long of a hunt okay try to take a picture  of god where's the other body   just to make me feel better that i did it blanking out here i don't know where the other one died one there one there one flashlight two flashlight i had no idea where the other one died okay   well i i i figured out two of you  but we gotta get out here oh balls that's it i'm done just the boy disappeared that's what it is it was here wasn't it there you go all right the switch is only  away from me now all right we're good   we're calling quits that's good enough demon it  is decomponent demon it is a demon 100 done except   for of course that cruise fix so it looks like you  guys are probably up everything on the keyboard   should be ready to go hopefully and we're good to  go starlight good thank you everybody we did it   so yeah the only thing it's crucifix it probably  won't build pinpoint since moving around we got   some missing one dead by which i don't see the  other one so i think it might not be visible   and we have fingerprints uh ghost writing and  freezing temperatures which gives us a demon   hope you guys get everything a book let's do it that was a little nutty sorry guys it took so long  to pull back out but um yeah did you appreciate   me and bonez's artwork you guys do some nice  artwork in there oh freaking crap i i think one   body was disappeared on my screen i couldn't see  anymore those was all their own little water fall   that was going on too was kind of nice next to me  throwing me off well it's okay it was fun so thank   you all for being here really appreciate we're  going to put credits and thank everyone out there   again thank you pack and w thank you everybody  for being here i will should be back sometime this   week i'll keep you posted too uh just waiting to  see how silly bear is doing hopefully she can feel   better uh this weekend she's gonna recover what  she's going through so tons of love out there for   that again thank you all for making us so amazing  our wonderful mods to everybody out there for   being here every single day and the three groups  were fantastic i had a lot of fun i'm so sorry   it was kind of tough on some of these i'm not  sure if we should have done professional on some   this game's brutally hard yeah harder than it  looks just watching it i think we i think we   might do next time is like a a first group easy  or like you know medium and then where once you   professional could be the last two groups or last  group you know like just have one at least so   people can join in and enjoy without the stress of  it because it's it that that is brutal stress man   it is it is it is it's not fun mean it's it's  fun but it's not fun when you first start you   don't want to not like the game so that's what i'm  trying to say uh it once you get going to bones   you're going to be in love with this it's start  off like an easier and then enjoy it it just gets   better and better it's getting so difficult  and nightmare mode i can't even do it yet i feel we have we uh i think  misses what i want to survive   with the smudge yep so wow i never see it so it's  pretty amazing but thank you all three of you   thank you for being here and thank you to again  everybody out there thank you so much for being   here every single day really appreciate it and  i'll keep you posted again if you want to check   it out i'll post up on in uh when i'll do it next  just check it out on my comments so hold on for   that i really appreciate this game edge i'll catch  you guys on flip side good day everyone good night
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 16,517
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: phasmophobia, gameplay, let's play, new update, ghost hunting, survival horror game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: vbQAOACv08o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 204min 48sec (12288 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 31 2021
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