Members Community Night Halloween Stream | Friday 13th The Game

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so so so so thank you so much for joining us tonight we are  live with actually friday 13th on halloween eve   that's right actually we hit halloween and east  coast in about two hours from now so very exciting   times always love halloween i'm a big halloween  for neck as you guys know i i'm a huge fan huge   fan of halloween stuff so our whole front is ready  to go for the kids lights camera action everything   you think of so there hopefully you could be out  there rain or no rain oh my god people like it's   raining i don't think i'll go get your kids out  there i've stood in the rain with my daughter for   about four hours trying to grab every candy for  many years in a row so get your butts out there   make them kids happy because they've been a  rough few years and they deserve to go out   there and do it hopefully people open your  doors for them oh well they must because i   went to walmart to go pick up just last bit of  candy and there was a whole aisle full of candy   on monday and i thought oh plenty left because  there's always there's sales at the end   not one not even a freaking caramel piece of  crap i don't buy all the gun not one pumpkin   nothing like all right people got the point  go out there and celebrate have some fun all   right ladies gents i'm joined by a whole bunch  of people tonight this is members night and of   course we'll be playing some five three two teen  and tomorrow will be some phasma phobia and also   remember community nights will be a lot of fun for  us all kind of chillax and play together tonight   i'm joined by we the lost soul of rain jds oh crap  we're all gonna die square girl [ __ ] anarchy and   kyle we have both them lost and reign are  really good at jason so that should be fun hey everybody how you all doing hi hello thank  you for joining me and having so far with me i   really appreciate all of you very very much this  will be a fun night uh but a lot of people are   asking by the way i got a lot of questions about  sully bear uh she did have um she did go through   a whole bad night and tons of love to her she's  on them well not on mend yet she's still sick so   tons of love out there to celia if you're  listening i don't think you are you should be   sleeping right now if you are so turn it off  go to bed uh if you're listening to this yeah   tons of love about this celebrity she really was  not well yesterday at all so yeah not fun but we   do uh we do want to show her tons of love out  there so if it gets big hashtags for silly bear   it'd be awesome of all you thank you dress  for the 40 months in a row and thank you uh   candy mariacs is that kenny marie i can't  agree it's x candy breed thank you so   much for becoming a fist bump member that's  pretty darn awesome thank you let's get some   doritos and cokes up there and show some love  to the new member of course and welcome welcome   thank you thank you how you doing packing w near  side on twitch also ruling thank you so much jerry   corville appreciate that hey just have fun with  a crew yeah a whole bunch of people here be fun   now the question is thank you sherry big hashtag  um what are we gonna do here um there we go i know he can't help himself he  just he loves to murder people so   why not give him the uh the chance to murder  him it's his favorite thing he loves it   and everything does for cutie here so  danielle thank you so much happy halloween eve   i remember my dad taking me out to the ring  halloween and we appreciate it darn right   darn right daddy we did it we all sit there  smiling watching the kids run up them they're so   often followed i mean i've seen it in the snow  before exactly yeah i've done this snow yeah we're talking all nicely while  jason's preparing herself i'm just waiting for it lost all  the 500 ping coming from australia   nope i don't know what's up with that oh it's  just a lag i think hashtag bring back halloween here we go leaves daniel thank you so much me big  big hashtag team meeps and no offense thank you   so much for that for screwy grill yes and tons  of thoughts that's screw girl get out of here   now oh crap i picked oh actually oh  wow this is a character in arabic also the worst possible place  i could be i'm gonna leave oh for freak six screw girls  here she took everything ready i'm working on it though i  hope there's something of no   one in this place because i need to get in there oh no i threw myself through glass again   good oh [ __ ] please let there be some spray  in this freaking drawer freaking firecrackers she okay yeah i got to fix my settings okay  if you see kyle please uh hold on silly oh man i'm bloodied already damn  it i'm gonna die so freaking fast i sense the death occurring in about a few seconds  from now hey screw okay there's a pipe there not really what i'm looking for um okay i'm good to go now back in action um so yeah just in case uh i got changed  in my pockets going down a lingo lingo   screw so yeah you heard me see what i've i'm  good the guy changed my pocket for ding-a-ling   ah gotcha i love that song well mine  i love georgia satellite they're good   there's a healing spray here too that  copperhead road worth two favorites copperhead spoon man for a night of fun  yeah if anybody has a spray they want to   come over and just you know play doctor  in a weird way um i would appreciate it nope no one has uh i don't know where you at  buddy i do not have anything no no i have i   have something that will guarantee a night of fun  though oh oh [ __ ] oh death murder kill death   murder kill okay i sprayed him with something in  his face there some flair and he's coming after me don't run you see me don't you son of a [ __ ] no oh you  broke that door down what did you break it down   for oh [ __ ] i'm dead i'm dead well take  that little knife man swiss army has it all   buddy you shouldn't kill me first man  there's tons of food to play with oh you're   i'm not biased i know you're nice i know you  have to i give you like i mean he said go ahead   play jason first and then say go and kill me  first hey when lost is jason voorhees what is just were you yeah that's what i was worried about oh i'm dead good thing you had that  healing spray you had it ow thank you ring picked out oh there's another one in here by the way  you have a whole bunch of healing sprays oh [ __ ] i'm daddy the frick and lost and they're playing  again jason oh dude he could oh what helped my body there dude   that was creepy holy crap well i'm dead wait  um look at him in the afterlife thank you derek thank you so much for that really appreciate  those periods where gee is hiding all those lies oh [ __ ] rain you didn't shoot it i  couldn't i would have killed her oh   yeah i still care it's a fun way i'm joking did  he release her he released her no he killed me that's a quick show oh wow lost been practicing  a little bit too much huh yeah me either me neither that's why i died boy  i felt bad for anarchy ran right into his arm   like clearly where he was i wasn't even  expecting him to be there to be honest i want to go climb through the window and  next thing you know there he is like ah   man can we talk about this loss   no you can't do that with lost loss doesn't have  um he wants a kill he'll just kill us yeah he has   a little he has a little bit too much fun playing  jason voorhees he does where is he there he is you pissed him off you sound good rain a little  bit crying going on just a bit i think anybody could blame her you know doing that stalky thing and then trashing  the dog kind of gives you away you know that yeah thank you so much for that i really appreciate  the support really appreciate it thank you all for   being here happy halloween community night here  a lot of fun thank you tony nice and quick depth i don't know where she was hiding in supplies i   was placing it in that vegas suit  just fit a lot more than it looks no mercy kyle no mercy you're right smoking he  had some hate on it for me there let him kill   anarchy first so that yeah i think he was being  biased like he said just want to kill everybody don't forget to stab the like button love that help oh god the guy was supposed  to protect you saying help jazz and that thank you so much happy  halloween and uh yes get well soon sleeper   that's love out there thank you so much dads  really appreciate it big big hashtag out there   thank you thank you thank you  you're not bringing death are you   no i definitely that is on me and  still it doesn't leave me alone hey yes bonus carcass bonus carcass oh [ __ ]  that scared the jesus how did i kill you   i shifted through it dude  kyle shot you dead on wow wow i didn't know that at the time no he did  it right when he was brave shut up this is   skill nothing could do without that i would have  done the same thing as you can no leave him on no bad day for that no because he was on me the  whole time oh you know lost killed me though   yes he plays his food very much chelsea anyone oh my god who got away reyna me  good job screw it i almost made it   almost i'm so sorry i was gonna help  you but he already had you yeah i know holy [ __ ] is that a dead body  why is she stopped boys on top the girl just like yes   nicely done all right weed it's the precious audio  down for your sacrifice oh my god you're welcome   you know i'm that kind of person anyway yes you  are track 99 thank you for describing tier one   for 22 months it's quick and cool thank you for  support thank you thank you pick hashtags up there that's wicked boy play pipe  okay thank you that was good to escape but they're also veteran  players too so i mean it's tough oh i think you did a good jump up oh heads  up that's a quick kill [ __ ] uh are you   gonna think that if i kill you if i get a chance  yeah can i kill you two wow well good job lost mom will be pleased come to mommy she's  got a reward for me toxic thinking mommy all right well i i they should have  just said you don't get any xp for your   horrible maneuver to killing someone else i  didn't see you coming though i felt so bad oh [ __ ] good job blossom just decapitated backstabbed all the backstabbing  should be mine yeah that's probably what i should   have done all right i haven't played  jason a while i'm going to kill you guys but i don't pick him wait a second i i've played  a while so this means you guys can get away   where does it get for right  part four i think it's part four   yeah it's part four yeah that's that's my  dude yes okay there's another killer it does   oh yeah okay that's one that's the  one all right so where should we go where's the crystal didn't we  yep we'll do a pack of necklaces by the way ladies and gents uh if you're not  aware also if you're members that will also   post it up in general chat afterwards you guys  want to check it out too help you out scree girl   unfortunately tons of love for community you  know that screw um lost her mother so yeah   i'm gonna if i don't the girl the um the mods  can post that she's been around forever and a   really dear friend of the community in mind  so if you guys can some help support her too   and uh trying to help uh send her mother off if  you can so i mean tons of love out there too so   if the mods can post that up here and then  on discord general chat it'd be awesome   thank you you guys can help them  out tonight it'd be superb of you   superb no thank you thank you for the years  of uh enjoyment and support you've given me that is for sure this community  definitely appreciates it yeah   if you guys could do it show that  love appreciate it be awesome again   all right yeah i should be a member of the link  if you guys are not uh mods if you're not sure i think you guys scramble all right just remember get lost first i like to play my food problem is i don't play a long time  sorry that music sold out there's   no way adjusting that either you go really  low and you can't hear the rest of the game they're out there jason i know mom stop  stop get your revenge okay well you know   she's saying revenge that's pretty  cool i appreciate that all right let's see we're gonna go first here hmm kind of surprised no one here you all ran off why is  that they trying to last were you here because you're sorry won't you  come on home cause he's worried thank you draz for finding it appreciate hi who is this it's me oh damn it i don't have my my speed yet so if can you  be gentle and not run so fast because it's   making my life a little harder to use  through knives really suck at the knife i'm i'm i just need a little  assistance that's all i'm asking just a little assistance and  killing you that's all we need   yeah just a little bit of love that's all stuck in my head what do you like to have hmm i think you  need a little circumcision demonetized   i'm sorry hope you come back and say stop jason   they deserve to die i know he deserves  me it seems a little early to kill them all right who's inside here hi oh hi how you doing oh not too  bad you good good feeling good   you got a knife flare gun i'm going to find out looks like up oh you bumped them kill them who is that my god i can't look  god i almost forgot how to grab chasing that hand oh no no  no you're going for a mom   screw a girl you better not be touching my mother no you're not i left it there for  anybody who would like to find it it's okay at least you're a gentle i'm sorry it  was a little gentle time but kind of felt bad   damage being gentle i don't believe it  gentle as gentle can be i promise you   hello where are you how old are you where are you wrong you're the head of their therapy   um yeah i might have screwed that up i think  it's like we're not phasmophobia tonight damn it this is not the game i remember where's the revenant wrap  this one here anymore gotta go   i don't have a map i have no idea where i'm  going i don't have a map either but i could   give you have a memory i can give you a tour guide  if you want to i mean i'm an excellent tour guide no a tour that will scare you today who's that who just got a little  bit of a knife in the butthole we just got a second knife we like to go through the window  is that you lost no that was me oh   oh no they deserve to die jason make  that thank you thank you scrubbing   thank you and adam thank you so much  for that very generous thank you need okay well um i hope you have passed away i don't know where the rest of you are  now you never eat ghosts talking to you nope they're um definitely not very pleasant yeah but one's a giggler though  i think we got lucky on that one   i think so too oh you were there damn it i have fireworks hey oh dear oh it's not cute all three of you in the same  freaking place who's playing with fireworks   he's never done nothing one of me hi guys how you doing   no one's here no no no no no no no just  i'm here just to redecorate a little bit lights are off but nobody's home  do you ever just go up to the top go at the front door nobody at the front door  who just walked in my trap are you on trap   what this one's just walking around oh  [ __ ] all right holy crap you shot me   nice shot anarchy yeah real  freaking nice you'll love it oh oh you bastard you're touching the freaking car i'm coming  for you oh wait no trap would have been   you're oh you're trying to call someone's  hanging a hard time with something all right how you doing i'm doing pretty good i might  actually let you live through this one if you want no okay missed i need to go um check  something out i'll be right back how you doing bushy oh he got a  knife that's why you were in a hurry   don't let that damn those things hurt i was there two seconds ago  too you know that too right something in the bathroom i didn't i forgot i didn't know  we could do swirlies on this one   i forgot i'm sorry it was it  was a quick chop i i'm i'm busy   busy day yeah you're welcome yeah i take  paypal for mother paypal credit cards too huh anna and isabel thank you so much for being  with this book but let's get big hashtags   out there thank you so much dude therefore  dot two minute i mean and then adams thank   you so much jack you sure buddy it's a great  hashtag so i'll read them all in a second here   okay so you guys are all  gonna head for the place so um kind of surprised you guys not  sticking around here a little more you know what i'm saying like i feel  like there's neglect happening here hmm interesting i found you all in case you didn't notice need a knife knife knife knife pretty sure it's a radio or something on that one hi neighborhood watch neighborhood watch how you  doing how are you doing bushy saw you fixing   that car last time yeah sorry for that that's  okay i apologies but good job uh split decision they deserve to die jason make them suffer am  i angry yet i'm not even freaking angry yet i thought you're with me by now is is that a person no she's not with me it's  okay if it makes you happy it can't be that bad oh i'm in rage now thank you crap you're  actually pretty far away going all the way here   ah stabby stabbies there we  go i want to hurt you jason   don't let them you look like a little  injured that wasn't from me was it nope okay good i do want to didn't want  to be the one damaging you for no reason   why are you not walking i  forgot it's a dramatic thing oh god okay that's it anarchy's getting a  hoochie killer i had enough of this [ __ ]   no hey mike can we talk about this let's pull your way through it oh is that just do you hear that crunch that's  good to last drop dude i'll keep it satisfied   i'll keep you from mother hunt them  down and make them pay yay i'm a trophy hi scurry i see you what are you doing in this  exit you're trying to hide from this this side   or yeah okay well totally are you going the  opposite direction i am going to walk around the   other way okay i think that was what the second  time that you killed me this morning i'm sorry where the hell she go now oh nice move nice move nice move oh man wrong uh  shoot yeah i can escort women all you want across   the oh well we can run together though if you want  no no no really that's okay it's good for cardio   isn't it you can dance if you want to no come on  just run let's do this we can do it together you   feel it but wait do you think my mother's asking  me do you think my butt cheeks look good in these   because oh damn yeah totally yeah hey make the  elsa myers looks better i mean oh yeah yeah i   mean i feel good my shirt never gets dirty is  it like a creative kill around here somewhere   creative there's some crap there's a knife  there my mother leaves around here all the   time i think someone would take these down  the interest you know okay yeah let's do that   okay let's find a creative way that you can just  you know completely decimate me here i feel kind   of guilty i kind of want to make you walk there  now there's there's really nothing creative in   this area you'd have to go towards the houses  all right all right well okay well let's let's   do that then what come is there a house this way  no there might be a house do you want to lift or   ah you know no okay i feel like is there something  over here i've never done anything there no   no nothing in the cans the ladder would be fun  no i don't know if the ladder could do anything   it's a house here's a house i mean at least punch  me once make me feel better yeah at least at least   you know maybe maybe you can throw me through a  window well i did the window thing rain does an   excellent job oh there's a swirly here i didn't  get this we're lost okay let's do the swirly is   that we'll do this all right so i gotta bring  it to the he said it's really thank you for   being such a good uh good murdering subject  to me appreciate it really nice just wrenching well yeah i flushed that out that's my jason oh  quickly sorry lady shane thank you so much joshua   she was being cut uh and noble thank you so much  that big big hashtag really appreciate it 19   months in a row and isabelle thank you so much for  the fist bumper skipping hashtags and three years   of cokes and of course traumatized loss gee scared  the [ __ ] out of him he didn't hear me coming   he uh speedy wants to catch everyone's packing w oh it's packet w and adams right there we go  oh i need a hug i got as a badge that's nice yeah didn't get anybody hugs but  all right who wants to be it now i'll volunteer is that arnicky sorry i didn't hear i heard  oh yeah let's make sure just   make sure i got the right there  as positive as your voice but   gotta make sure a little crack can't thank you so  much for following yeah it's member's night it is that's your fault thank you uh do you have a  special map you want to go to gotta be all big   ones because the other ones crash so you have  crystal lake you got higgins which you haven't   done yet you got pack and act we just did or you  also have uh pinehurst or jarvis which are tough   you could put it up to a boat that'll take a  while they're smaller too they fixed them they   fix the small ones all right so you have  a packing neck uh hey higgins haven small   crystal legs small too those are all different  maps no i don't know clue there pack and act small   pinehurst where you want to do random let's do a  random brand of it is oh crap it's gonna go really   bad really fast um all right we need to switch  up sorry for you i'm gonna give you something special oh yes it's time don't  let your son go down on me that's right you can dance if you want to or  you're gonna let your friends behind it's my tiny   dancer oh my god thank you for that song christ  if no one knows the inside joke i got stuck in   an elevator hearing this song everyone went for a  week i heard the song and then every time i played   with uh with the screen girl and ray what's screw  girls not nailing this out for the song stuck   you could dance we want to you leave  your friends behind leave your football well god it is every time i hear that real the um   but the tiny dancer and keep thinking of what  you say every single time i'm sorry but don't   let your son don't let your son go down on me  yeah it was awkward to hear until you hear that are you a big aerosmith fan yeah i love  their rock yeah we are spent the lovers   with you hey boy don't you lie on the track  flying track whoa what's that one maybe i   don't know what hangman jerk aerosmith that's  your stuff isn't it yeah yeah yeah yeah okay   let's say i listen all the time but  i do i have them all over my list   and stuff they pop in i do like the older  arrows that's for sure dream on dream also a big zz top fan loves easy top i got to see him live once all them together and then the big thunderstorm occurred   and canceled the concert in  albany new york that's so bad anyways i got i i did get some good  songs so it's all good he did play well anyone out there you have to come to camp  crystal lake thank you six months as a member   thank you so much for your support let's get big  hashtag please help us thank you all new members   pushing that scale over and everybody's been  here before thank you so much for that anyway   um well there's nothing in this house i  picked like the worst freaking house possible did i miss something else there must be  something that much either they must be moving oh i hope not oh my god i hate when i put these  down so close to my legs well i called   i'm the long god but i called so if you die  you're fine you might have a chance to come back why is there oh that's why that's not good anarchies seem to have  found a little bit of an area here i see you anarchy oh i'm coming for somebody good good you get them i found another cassette nice i don't like that music whatsoever though   you think i can hide in the  bathrooms like the revenants bathroom phobia stylist is hiding  the bathroom's closest dogs my guy is not good at running  whatsoever good dancing though oh yeah   that's the only thing i request before  dying hold up if i could dance for you   just i'll let you kill me no don't do it dad  or get down no you didn't let me dance for you oh well there goes alton john's career  in one fail sweep i had a concert tour thanks greg hello oh god well   i didn't take long looks like anarchy's  been playing it he knows this game hello i should have said the bathroom  right the stalls that's what gave me away as soon as i said the stalls in the  bathroom i was like that's pretty   stupid of me to do that and staying here well  i knew somebody was going to go for the phone   yeah i think this bond right in there  we're in front of it was someone else are you killing anarchy lost oh my god it's  between me and him that's going to be jarvis   hold on jervis week's name there got  his name awesome what the hell smile did you come back to life  hey wheat i don't know yet   i guess we're gonna fly down two  seconds hey wheat i'm bad what i am back again i saw you it's your bad but  with the other stuff i thought you might want it you need the purple jason they have the  purple jason too and the music drives you   nuts i'll pick i'll be choosing the next day  that's what i use all the time purple jason what do we have in here oh my god oh so this is an archie's  first rodeo playlist game right i i think he's played this before oh you gotta mess up wow i took you down hard too i have a flat head now oh that was funny that was scary happy halloween everyone oh no help me please killing  me softly with your knives   run run you didn't give me that  chance i couldn't dance for you slow down oh wow his tongue is way out there now bring jds left screwing and anarchy just killing them off okay yeah she's here oh sorry i  was scrolling through i saw him really over 100 i don't know  what the hell i'm at miss levels i am not even at 100 yet i don't think uh i don't  know it takes a while to get up there in this one this can't be a while before we  can get up there lots of gaming's i got that stuck in my head now what the knife you have it right there oh thank you everyone hitting the like button too  thank you so much for that appreciate support oh run i'm running i'm running did that hurt a little jason  oh my gosh no it tickled six months yeah there is tons of environmental  kills we're just playing around with uh screwing   seeing what we can do bird baths we've done  the underworld chairs are probably a fair one   i do like the um marshmallow  there that's the best one oh here goes the door oh  what the hell my camera swing   there we go at least you got to see it  yeah i think he's going to get me rain   well i bought you some time it's you and kyo  that's doing this wow okay thank you so much   for following me no no you're kicking me  help oh god no little knife there we go the flare action i see my dental plan isn't gonna  be coming pretty popular today probably he said please no oh environmental right  there too isn't it oh no where'd that come from at least i'll die in an  interesting way that would be nice i'm sorry here the april hope everything turns  out okay that's a love to you too thank you oh boy getting sleepy already it just started   well not sleepy april saying that her father's  been missing for a month now so let's see find him yeah that's not good they should have made it to jason yeah  i wish we could throw that spear too it would be pretty cool like a serious like   kill two at once if you're both  running from each other it's just good no there you go tom grist thank you subscribing  tier one for eight months in a row thank you appreciate it thank you  welcome thank you everybody let's do the time warp again you know i have never seen that movie oh my you  gotta find a theater that's actually doing it with   and you get to go and watch it live people like  actually throwing bread and doing the whole thing   it's pretty impressive i sit from  the back row just to watch it rocky horror is one of the fun ones i died just good died got killed really quick  too right in anarchy didn't uh he dry rubbed me   like smoked meats and stuff what  the hell are you talking about dude   get your losses during your mind going eric he's like where did screwy go  he's gonna find me now he's all raged   you think don't you have the special skills  though i do it's only a chance though oh look there's a whole bunch of spray for  you guys it's nice yeah that's where i died   well there's where you died all right birdbath  kill is one of them where in the hell is she no idea where she could be what she being   hi hello the caterpillar oh my god what no candy bar nope ugh apparently not  you did all that work for nothing oh done   your job is through hey mommy's proud mommy  that was a painful slap in the freaking tree   yes it was but mommy is there but who's the left  of mommy is that like bodies we piled up i always   wonder who the left the one on the left is  oh i got 97 there you go i am not 100 yet what's the max you can go in here 150 150 the  people who got 150 are saying that right now   the ones who didn't are going  what i don't know all right fine   uh but sorry kyo you say want to be at a you  please okay who should i play with you oh yes perfect you have a special map you want now let's do higgins the higameister small  or large it doesn't matter let's go with   the large one large it is rain's off not  rain but rain rain all right we're good   lost when you're ready yep  take the click baba trick yeah i don't know i never reached the uh  when we played it but it's a string point   lost ready okay i was switching to purchase  oh i don't know sorry no that's fine when you   had it on random i put the map because chances  are it could have been jarvis or the other one   no idea those maps gotcha no  i'm lost i'm not that mean you have no perks i have perks  i have tons of perks in there   well [ __ ] it showed no perks that it's possible  i didn't it may be the last update to reset them   i'll check next show the perks are you getting  perks his percussion looks fabulous so perky i was just about to say that 1984 where you had to talk to people  because there's nothing else you could hear you had a landline for a phone yep yeah  that's right that's my sister walk around   the corner with a long extension i gotta  get out of here now hello i'm eric estrada from chips that's really dark in this  freaking winter let's forget it's somewhat pillaged here  already because it's all empty alleged yes ransacked taken  murdered oh crap yay firecrackers oh look another empty drawer and a  walkie-talkie it's not useful gonna get   i'm playing about walkie-talkie saves your life   yep it means i can't touch you i'm a special  moment place right now for lost soil me fq remember i'm dead meat i might let you live you never  know i don't think you will wow this place sucks big time not even a freaking weapon to be found   oh i heard someone drop something they dropped  a piece of wood was that freaking gonna help me there's another poker over there yeah i  grabbed it you want a big machete i'll   give you like java machete it's in this  room there's nothing in the drawers though at least i got a lot of books up here   yeah there's nothing else do you want the  machete i'll give it to you i don't mind   i die pretty much um i'm good you sure yeah  thank you though all right i think she's here i think she found my special hiding place oh sorry frankie what we're not gonna have a dance party oh yeah  i'm going to lights my light shows right here all right ladies gents this one's for classic  and a lot of people out there i don't have a   map shake it baby there's a map here in there i  mean i know how long it takes him to take off this   this must take a long time to take off your  clothes off this this stuff is like sticky please give me a thumbs hey bob hit subscribe  thank you so much for that bob thank you   yeah i forgot to set my uh emotes up on this one oh yeah sure so yeah that means my i do have stats   i mean my things are all set up  those kind of emotes are here birdbath for us i'll come find you yeah um marinex  bird bath number three four one and he's replacing   everything nope it's special oh [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] she's really here i'm dead i'm dead no no what the frick three for  three on early destiny what the freak i did think she'd find birdbath 341.   she knew exactly where that was dang oh  excuse me oh [ __ ] oh you took me out cold okay i'm happy now got my event thanks so much tom for the give a sub i  appreciate that very very much it's good hashtag where is he there he is  oh yeah i forgot to tell you death   lost thanks so much tom for those uh give  subs and uh rescribing tier one for eight   once in a real happy halloween  to you tom nice to see you buddy you better run i bring death with me  yeah i've been dying i think he killed me i wasn't even going for the boat you  know for [ __ ] sake told you did say it oh cat that is so freaking generous thank you  so much that is absolutely very very kind thank   you so so much for that big big hashtags for  a massive there thank you thank you for the   amazing support that means a lot more interesting  there you go oh god thank you thank you thank you come on come on come on can i make a  pause for you you can do it thank you cat please no it's pretty cool how you been there we thank you captain oh my god  he's going back and forth on him   kyle you know what to do when you  play with food like that right oh you suck thank you hey that's kyle cool of you i found all the stuff   tonight for that i want some pizza but  i can't get after this it's too late pizza dude your bill and ted's adventure   oh oh oh it's right tommy tommy my boy i called i'm going to go visit you where are you i got my fifa spray and all  my bubbles can't hurt me   oh i'm not taking sabine where are you buddy  coming i'm coming i'm running i just ran through   a little pond got a little bit wet i'm at  the main cottage if you want to come over actually we're next to each other   i'm going to stand on the porch for  you if you want to come and visit   i'm on the porch could use a little raking   suction or something what is it  1984 we know it's suctioning huh   no that sounded bad what there  was the leaves big suckers   the mulches i'm next to birdbath 241  which also looks like an east replacement   um starting to feel like you really don't care i'm trying to find you oh there you are   i mean you know they're going to get  away right while i'm doing this so you have some pretty hardcore players what do you think is that you're  not i just need to use a bathroom nope i don't want to get away i'm tommy i'm  supposed to protect you them against you thank you again cat thank you for amazing support   chelsea don't waste your shot  no i don't waste my shot chelsea i don't want to lose my i don't want to drop  that load really that quick yeah pick the   right time to drop that shot get lost with  your goddard freaking laughing all seconds oh i can't dance great this is the bridge you should've said out loud right bye now sorry i'm now working for  jason i must shoot you all why is that not working uh you want to do it  i'll drop by you yeah are you dropping a shotgun just exchanged there you go there's a gun oops a little spillage just a tie bit on my shoes if you guys are leaving can you possibly drop oh  okay just run for your lives it's all gonna happen   oh good time oh my god panic  go get it go start the car start the car oh dude you  that's that was a shotgun   thank you that was gonna be the  only way for me to survive this i'm out of here oh [ __ ] i don't know  what happened and my gun just blew i swear i oh oh my god stop better go get them i mean i  i i totally told them to stop get them coyotes go chase  them i'll be here for you   oh don't waste it on me go after them you  need to kill them they're gonna get away   go stand for the cargo boom i have a knife  i mean it's gonna not be nice for you they're getting away kyle go i'll wait for you   i'm not going out of here i'm  not leaving i didn't hop that car yeah go get them go get  them good job what do you do she was there at the end of the street oh yeah  shitty wasn't accepting [ __ ] from you guys   leaving me behind they're going the other way kyle do the other exit   did they get away you guys have left me  here yep well i said hey it didn't come out   like kyle kyle look i i know you're gonna  kill me but i mean i'll wait for the last   moments if you want to i i can do is wait for  you to give me the birdbath kill but you should   go and kill the other ones first i'll be  right here for you i'm not going anywhere   it's just me and you left yeah yeah  i'm i'm sorry oh don't kill him everyone see a bird bath everybody wants to  see a bird bath it's a moist proposition but   all right come and give me a bird bath we  could go to the cemetery what cemetery do   i know the fence there oh that's  true but the bird bath is so   beautiful what about the water pump oh wait  wait i just dropped my knife one second   okay one second okay now i'm safe now i'm safe  yeah do the water oh okay everybody's feeling   i want to pump over there you might want to  pick up the knife where is walking next to   us here go pick with the knife energy oh  what happened you kick out really quick   oh i'm sorry i'm sorry i actually i seem to  be a little bit over go to the water pump oh this is so rough it's probably one of my favorites oh it's okay it's all good though kaio didn't it  oh yeah yeah i know sorry alright   i left the knife outside by the way there's a little knife in there for you i plan on going out with a blaze of glory  anyways that's awesome now that's a good song too chicken nugget lover i had kentucky fried chicken  last day and i have to tell you they cheap their   [ __ ] out their food holy crap the bucket  was all brown meat i was so pissed to pay   for that [ __ ] please no we missed oh god  no you've not done a good job of this stuff   definitely not the old recipe i remember and what  happened to the freaking coleslaw why isn't it   neon green anymore did i not go for five  years but jesus where's my neon green coleslaw   kentucky fried chicken is  messing around with my head you do it once kentucky fried chicken that's  what it is you do it once and then you regret   it for next four or five weeks afterwards oh  jesus and then you don't go back oh no way one job's going out in a blaze  of glory you let it all out oh my god that's four right now is that it yeah  yeah okay damn it those fondo guys thank you guys   and girls thank you yeah that was fun don't forget  to check out two uh screwy girl the guys girls the   link is they got popped up throughout the chat  also then inside general chat discord if you're   going to show some love for that i also put it  if you're watching afterwards i'll put inside   the description of the video they'll be after  it's monster so check it out and if you can help   out that's love to screw and your family we're  out there for you thank you we're here for you   guys happy halloween everybody happy halloween  thank you energy thank you pushy thanks for being   so much fun kyo also too lost reign spooky girl  and of course which is uh scary girls but spooky   girls and weed thank you so much for uh being such  uh good sports and having fun you guys are best   on to the grenox group see you guys soon have  a good one thank you bye bye all right we   are back and we have here we have always broke  chelsea are you doing demented we have uh never how are done doing yes papa for my fellow  canadian too raptor and suey yeah yes who's suey   nice to meet my nephew am i that forgettable oh no you're not forgettable unforgettable now i'm going  to start singing that song   that's what you already said the small maps  are all fixed now right it took them to three   years but they got fixed that's good i never done  them before so it would be interesting to do one   trying to do one crystal like small i'll do  the uh jason on it mustang man thank you so   much for subscribe prime appreciate that very  much again can i very much thank you so cute big   big hashtags out there you guys are absolutely  awesome thanks for the support all right are we   jumping in jump my bones on uh if you can on steam  everything's alright so we get this launching everybody's good we got uh   valet we're missing here papa i'm  coming okay just make sure making sure yes never not is from the same place where around  the same areas i live so the morial montreal been around for a long time and miss  actually haven't seen him in a long time   thank you for staying awake i know you work hard for  a living too it's not easy   i appreciate it yeah i'm drinking  a lot of coffee just freaking like i can't sleep okay i'm having a problem  jumping in on on uh on you game edge uh air bills   it's just joined but i click on that and  it won't let me okay and unfortunately i   can't invite anybody i don't know if he has  papa four on his list they can invite him   i i have a broken a broken invite and it's never  been fixed yeah it's always been broken for   two years i think now it looks  like i don't have papa foreign try and try to get a pup before uh definitely   everybody else jumped in on  it so you should be okay now i have red bull the lights i  don't drink those things at all   don't uh don't do energy  uh drinks at all whatsoever   i think it's a hockey thing i just never like to  boost because then you get that fall afterwards not a big fan of it i don't wish i  could invite somebody but i can't   oh it's not letting me commit game what the  heck i don't know are you in the game already   i've got i've got the uh the start page up what  the frick i know let me just see something here all right we'll try and see oh you're coming it was a delay oh okay perfect i  thought it was just me for a second   no no it's probably delay with uh steam  and stuff it's all good all right let's   go and kill you guys i mean let's go enjoy this  house no no no no papa 4 is off limits tonight   oh yeah okay just like all the  characters making sure first oh okay i saved the best for  last does that sound about right   oh my god i i remember jessica i said the  dossier thing there i don't sing that i   i couldn't stand it when i hear it i  just shock you can you play a song no a few songs barbie girl that would be  two songs i never played my entire life they bring a cd and you just go dope sorry montreal it was the biggest song  i think was bombaleo gypsy kings   yeah yeah i didn't mind that because a lot when  we're dancing and it's fun to watch jason find   them i enjoyed it the gypsy kings all right uh  please no one touch the phones and stuff i have no   idea where stuff is in this map holy balls this is  different oh just happy i'm not the only one then   yeah this is a this map i've it's been broken  for so many years i thought they gave up on it well uh i'll see what i can do if i can keep my i got new powers if you guys  are all happy about this hey the prince is in the house who's princess you're going to be the first to go oh could you stab me like that demented what what the  hell is up with that i don't know that hurt dude hey good morning i hear someone playing  so i don't have time for any of the   serious maneuvers i'll have to go back out there  they look like they're playing with the car and   messing up they just dropped the keys too  well yeah i gotta go for it kill for mother   hi please oh don't say please don't makes  me feel like i shouldn't can that stop you oh god slow down slow down battery boy   or girl sorry there we go what are you going to  get you're going to get the uh yeah circumcision i'm sorry there's love with that one wow oh your body just went flying don't stop  chasing they deserve to die make them suffer   where'd you guys go now something's happened like jason  got really happy oh that's why where'd you guys go oh here and  there oh wait oh we wanna oh bright that'll teach you yep oh you cannot die you can never die you don't see me  you don't see me i saw someone inside there why say you is that you papa that's you pop  before you got a nice battery on you   yeah you weren't sure right for a  second you're like no no i can't be   no it is me i don't know i'm sure yeah it's  just like you weren't supposed to see that sorry   okay wait let's pretend there's a battery that's  a nice gift to carry what's inside the box i'm out of knives for you papa it's just special oh no   well i haven't played with you in a  while i'm getting that swimming feeling now fight this feeling you can just anymore me wishbone yeah you're  done i cut you incorrectly i think i might   have to do that again my back that's  my boy hunt them down and make them pay oh found another knife that's nice that's nice i'm living a little  collection though especially run out that's what you get why  scaring the jeebers out of me dude i was about to good idea you got to move like jagger no i found  another knife my collection were you   guys all hiding it's like there's  cars everywhere you know all right   last one thank you subscribe probably 13 months  ago wind decks vro thank you so much for the   follow and matthew price thank you for following  theresa gandhi thank you for subscribing and shane   thank you so much for that really appreciate it  that's awesome big hashtag where'd you guys go i think it's super quiet here and being a pooper one nope just making sure wrong game nope actually opened up  pooper number one i split it open where are you guys are you over there   oh you went to that building here all right  i see you inside with your flashlight you   shouldn't leave a flashlight oh someone has  hit my trap i'll be back for units to type it oh where's the other one coming for you oh you're trying to spark  up that blue car aren't you i'll be just there in a second oh all right here we go do you remember how to use a uh hairspray   yes if it's under one shouldn't i just tap the  one key and that should do it it's highlighted it's not working for me oh yeah is it highlighted it is don't know what to tell you where the hell are they where can they be i have no idea  where the hell these guys go hey   hi damn it oh man give thank  you so much because you got map i was trying to be smart what do you think who has another battery seems like batteries  are very very popular around this time   everybody touched up barry died but everybody touched that  barry they died you know right so just saying hi who's this let's talk about this please  uh yep we'll talk about this just gonna   put you down here one second oh it's a little car yeah really going to uh check that how the  insides work yeah it's science class sorry dude look you're underground already splitting  headache already deserve to die jason make them   suffer never you can't help yourself right  you have to come back to the car didn't you   yeah no it's i'm not there it's  not me i'm far away from there then go man give ryan uh ryan sorry ryan ryan  pinto thank you so much i got it wrong thank   you follow appreciate that where'd you guys  go anyways the cars right here if you guys   want to come and meet me in the blue car i mean  i'm alone one car had gas on it and the other   one have the battery on it oh that's good to  know i'm just grabbing a knife here i hear you   over there by the way you're running across  look hi hi say hi to me that's not very nice oh you're just gonna you're gonna  you're gonna do with me right the hell happened oh there he is yep i'm just here don't just  pretend nothing happened we're all good well that was a nice try that was a nice  try are you trying to protect the ladies oh that was nice there's a spray around the corner  if you need some by the way   oh now now now we're going to want to swing  right all right let's swing this stuff up i've been raged by right now that was reactionary look uh never not  pick up the spray there and heal yourself   no seriously i didn't mean to slash you go ahead  oh it's okay no no i didn't need to slash it was   it was a reactionary click i'll take care  of tommy i don't want to kill you like that okay i'm good fresh as a daisy where are you is  that a person yes it's a person do you want to   see what happened to that person well i walked  over here i did this then i threw this person   to the ground like that nice banging suit by the  way it looks a lot like something i'd see and uh   my advice oh there we go hey that was a good show  it was great you want you sit there watching this   so my knee advanced oh my god i can't look  are you sitting here watching it never done my boy hunt them down and make them  pay oh i'm so happy i'm enraged now all right we're gonna grab this for you hi i'm home why she cannot run she's  so scared i'd be scared too oh you bum thank you so much for that appreciate  it really kind of you thank you hi oh it's tommy escaping too no fixed it i'm out of here thank you you actually if  you would have stayed near   that rock i couldn't pull you out for some reason okay tommy you got a little  knife funny don't you still come on jason wake the hell up dude okay all set   time to get out oh he's got some  kind of special perk for this [ __ ] go domentic girl new little bob dramatic oh oh i just can't get there huh way to go demented job hmm no we were just a distraction he was so quiet i know he was trying to kill thank you so much for the tier one for nine  months in a row that's wicked cool thank you   big big hashtag you know dimension i think  we should have just stayed where we were at   maybe it worked out for him though   it did do work a good job for that  one yeah got a little lucky there i put the gas in that one holy [ __ ] get up how many freaking  traps kill them say thank you   damn every freaking door i walk into i got a trap oh oh that looked like it hurt oh no give me more no not this time oh oh that's like a paint job the small  ones are fun because i don't know   them at all mommy is proud they look  so different it's time to come home now oh mommy's proud of you oh she's  almost proud to be demented got away well he killed me once it was tommy tommy ran and and mommy loves tommy so yep it's all good  who wants to be the next one who wants a kill   oh i can give it a shot i'll go after silly okay so we have suey and who's next sorry i  could barely hear it put you louder broke   it is okay one second i put you a little  out broke i think you're a little too low   there you go you're up don't change  your volume i changed mine for you   okay there we go i hear you that's good all  right so suey so we need some love we're just   gonna go for a nice walk in the woods yeah  see what happens that could be cheek chong okay i give you to be happy with a lot of good switching or  characters there holy crap   just mirror it's a little bit laggy oh that's  good yes perfect can't go wrong with this one   all right you have a special place you want  to go and uh have a romantic evening with me all right let's see what pack next small looks  like are you wearing what i think you're wearing i   i hope not there's some good lighting in pacquiao  kyle thank you so much had a blast thank you no he   is you're awesome oh yeah thanks so much for kyle  appreciate your support be here it's a laughs man   the last you can't get that's that's the best  medicine just know i bought a special kill just   for you ge oh did you a special one now remember  you got to use it on him i know oh damn that guy   that guy asked me to kill my uh well then  again i didn't pick a good character so so it makes it feel better okay but at least let me dance for you before i  die okay i i like dinner in a show oh okay good   for those who don't know what i'm  wearing you're about to find out the pink one let's pick one yeah  i think what will be next this is   my favorite one it irritates everybody and i think  you can actually see right off the ledges there just a little bit of a peep show and i think jason enjoys it so i hate this house i know this  house is going to be like nothing this is a shite house did you really  just do what i think you did demented   i don't know what you mean i can't be here already i may have i think you did hello hello  oh god help us jason's real please help   oh is that over here wait wait i want dinner movie uh i'm gonna have to let you go i don't think that  kill's charged up yet okay wait wait wait okay   wait okay what you have to you got to do it i'll  dance for you after let's just all right i won't   wait to call okay let me just close that door oh  can i switch over to the baseball bat thank you   let me just close that door  behind me security safe it's time i've just not been lucky why  do i stick around as stupid radios for   gonna say that that wasn't the first one i it's  all through at night every time it's like crap   it's gonna go back in my little  area here and relax a bit   oh my god what's wrong with me tonight been  unlucky but i've been manscaping anarchy very much i mean nothing like going to oh geez that's  really close and personal going to the beach   with a little wow that's a little too close  see it's shake you gotta move like jagger did sweetie disappear yet or i think you're safer now okay good all  right is anyone there this is not a prank   we need your help jason is killing us we need  your help help help please someone there we go that was a whiff man that's got her  going through a window with your   speedo on i mean i can't  imagine that being comfortable i mean i personally do not wear speedos  that's just my own personal thing   shorts kind of guy but there was a time where  you didn't have anything else you could wear   oh wrapped i'm so happy it's you  first who are you killing raptor   [ __ ] try him he got away karen  quartz to five in the morning uh   get extra hour of bed so oh that's  awesome is the time change for you guys   that's awesome ours is  freaking three great here right here there papa demented watches workout that's from a workout dude wrapped  you got lucky i found another brain there's nothing in this room  hey i have a little spray so you're still at it you're  going full guitar there prince   purple rain perp there's a baseball bat  over here i got one oh check your map sounds like death is on his way oh no lucky thank you karen yes i do it's all in fun what you call  luck i call mad skills holy balls i don't want to see that never  done nope never died look nope come here oh [ __ ] can you tell me something  we keep this secret between both of us okay   yeah very very important but do you think  my moves have style oh [ __ ] oh i shouldn't   um try number two no balls balls balls  he's killing people he's killing people   zoe um let's see who's next no no no no  no no no the fuels inside the freaking   the oh crap i'm gonna die he's  gonna break that frickin door oh i have no spray for this [ __ ] is anybody home there's a the gas is inside  the the main hall guys right against the wall oh zooey ah such a lovely view  right my backside oh no okay i don't know it was chased me two seconds ago thinking you're giving me some kind  of good compliments here oh my god oh look i found another gas too [ __ ] out of me okay you got me for real oh  i have a knife yeah you got lucky there well   you know what it's it's gonna be death so  we'll do it and uh that here you're moving   once again dude nice and open  first first thing first here   that's my first move oh you're so kind it sounds  like people are shooting yourself and that's my   my new like disco move when i go pick up the  girls you know i'm gonna have to try that next   time it's a bruce springsteen it's nice oh okay  all right go ahead and all right yeah you got me   um i believe it is this one oh i  can't what okay i'm patient all right oh dude that's a little low there just to type  it low and under the neck oh that's that's a   good one i like it i'm not thank you for being  such a considerate victim well i mean you got me   in theory you got me twice so it's kind of feels  like it's time to give up oh oh no that's anything purple rain purple rain actually  should be called purple pain there's nothing in there you're wasting your time is there an end oh bro why don't you come join me over  here by the campfire real quick   i got a ghost story to tell you sure why not thank you karen thank you thank you for  joining us don't forget the like button   oh you're so considerate  yes community night tonight oh you're supposed to put me inside the fire  oh no this is better this is look how you   struggle afterwards oh oh it's the worst one  oh i hate that one so much i love it anybody   anybody ready to roast some marshmallows  oh that was close that was close oh no see i don't think i've done this  oh geez a little rough there dude not the radio not the radio  i didn't like the music oh not the cherry gummies you came to the wrong place at the wrong time anderon deck and iron deck android x oh  damn it i had the wrong neck kill anderon   i'm sorry holy [ __ ] is that a dead body  yeah it's a dead body you're about to go   dead body too yeah i don't think i have  time to reach it i had to run out of chairs i've never seen that one before  don't ever get to the other   checkpoint there he folds the chair and  though oh that would have been perfect yeah   all right it's tough it's it's so  many of them i don't even know through did great though turns it widow oh no  damage now who's doing a good job of hiding   yeah he realigns very good kelly well no back  pain after that no you don't feel nothing after   that at all eric it's over with now are dead  people allowed to talk and friday the 13th yes   well on the back porch  there's a set of keys and uh   on the other side oh i didn't think you said talk  like that though i'm sorry i'm all quiet i'm like i think we just talked to  each other like yeah oh okay so anyone know where the stuff is it's  coaching that's the problem then it's   on the map anyway so it is on map  yes yeah yeah let's play yourself   i love it that was perfect  oh yeah i had a set of keys   that's right they're all over the map now i think  it was everybody else instead of keys after that oh that's wonderful i was  on my way down to bring gas and um well i had suey chase me because he thought  my speedos looked wonderful and he wants to wear   them for myself what the hell hello good looking  what are you doing out here all alone tonight   come back here stabbing you it's a deep voice  for a good looking hello there good looking yeah you want to lead me to a nice uh  environmental uh let me see if i can find one   this is courtesy kills you know i  know you guys are the nicest victims   ever i'm definitely going  to give this a good rating broke was great he was a fantastic  person uh four stars we want to kill   would definitely kill them again in a fire fire is one all right here's a  little bit of leg there we go oh there you go ah nice and toasty i was saying fireproof might invest in a lot of  fireproof clothing oh there's more of you where   are you hiding at one more yeah never dots it  always seems to be never dot to be the last one   he's smart he hides himself takes care of  himself eats those extra fibers takes the   insurer before he runs out i'm running all  the got 45 time before the police show up yeah and maybe oh [ __ ] you knew you knew that he was there oh god i hope i'm going the right way i hope so there we go oh no oh that's done oh i haven't seen that  that's what good environmental kills   are damn dude that's what you get  for game one to lose every time never don't use moves you guys love  that come to mommy jason come to mommy good game everybody thank  you for being so so courteous all right let's see what's next  here who wants to sorry it was uh   broken yep mr broke wants to kill us all dude 13 16 thank you follow appreciate that  very much thank you thank you it was a good   kill a lot of environmentals now i like that  maybe uh sorry brooke you have a special place   you want to go and uh kill us off you  can do random you wanna do random okay   um i think i think for uh we  got we gotta do this all right and off random and ready to go really what are your guys are oh  wait i didn't pick drugs person   sorry jacob my bad now we're ready thank  you for not clicking away too fast fun size that's funko popsy those things are like crazy  kids want those things i think they're expensive   now too what am i doing anymore i bought well  i got my daughter the karate kid both of them   the crowbar kai and the um daniel whatever and i  don't forget the other names but otherwise i got   both of them for 10 or 14 bucks now they're worth  55 dollars already one they're having relief so   yeah they go up in price like that but i did see  angus and ac dc ones and i have to tell you it   would look nice on my shelf but then we look  at the price it went no it's not that nice   groceries food or angus little plastic miniature yeah i like that miyagi well i can't  watch i have to watch the old one my   daughter was like she's auntie i gotta  [ __ ] listen it's really disappointing oh dear i fortification this house hopefully  didn't spawn at a damn bad house you've got to be [ __ ] me i can't what the hell how  are the people know i'm here how is that impossible we have a person i'm out of here already oh by the way check  your maps i'm being very kind right now do you see it okay yes sir now i own it  i'm gonna drop it in water oh my god all right yeah someone  already killed the power yes wow broke went right out and wait for the  power didn't take him long at all either germinator thank you so much oh yeah it's  members yeah they got filled up but i mean   keep your eyes open with this  oh [ __ ] mother of cripe doesn't sound like it's going well over  there gee no no it's uh it's really not   broke spread on me he's oh [ __ ] he sees me you're just an easy target look  i'm i'm getting rid of something i   look i don't want it i didn't want it  did they made me do it i dropped it i i told him it wasn't a good idea oh no  go ahead do it jason doesn't mind no no no   i'm doing that [ __ ] for nobody anymore  that doesn't keep that damn thing i think brooke's playing with his  food right now don't like that can i guys stop hyperventilating jesus all right we got this oops what did he find you yep what were you doing nothing just going to save slightly into her that's all sightseeing tour okay for lack of a better term man  oh demand where'd you go nowhere holy mother crap whoa you guys are very much welcome that's right   doing some distracting track the  uh check the map uh what i was done nice the guy's a little brillianter  than i thought he would be and yes brilliant is my new word here we have a flashlight keep on forgetting it open wide oh no who is it who's getting killed now never do you know where this goes i don't have  a map yet you have something that's red yeah yes   oh god find a boat don't have a map sorry  did me twerk i have something too but i'm   trying to find it oh for exactly i've inserted  everything i could inside of it i hope you're   leaving me the right way never i hope so i  know i don't have one either for some reason   i got lucky i spot next to  it oh he's on me he's on me   this way yeah okay wait wait wait okay wait can  i dance for you oh holy [ __ ] no no no no no no no over here look dancing time now watch me   watch me watch me watch me don't kill them  look look no wait wait it's dancing and if   they you can kill me if you want to you leave  your friends behind just give me a little bit   of dancing time here i'm working double time  those handcuffs are not cheap where are we going   don't don't don't come here look i'm i'm clingy  and needy look i i'm a i'm a great friend there we go you see look what they're  doing to you i wouldn't do that to you no no you got that sweeping no stop it watch  the show you're supposed to go oh come on   you know the girl i'm chasing him why am i  chasing i'm getting insulted though broke man i'm coming really out for suey there hey hey there bro no not get out of here never get oh balls balls balls i don't want this didn't  want it from the beginning oh wait did i change the same way maybe do it   oh oh my god oh my god oh my god oh my god  oh my god i got a second chance of life i promise i never touched the fuel again you know   if i brought a couple more steps  closer to its final destination no no no stop patting oh my god guys what am i doing underneath this bed wow did you say out loud oh my god i'm look  i just wanted to see how sharp that knife was well is there a weapon in here oh yeah he's there is he playing with his food oh never not they brought a little closer or  yep hey look sweetie come here   a raptor you want to play it oh i  didn't have time to close the door close the door well you wanted to get  in i just helped you through the window   yeah are they picking up passengers not or i don't  know did you guys did you guys bring the fuel   to the wrong place nope you did  oh no no no no no oh thank god there was a motorboat ready to go it's who has a second fuel it's there julie get it oh  silly i'm too far away i'm going for the card hang   on no oh god i don't know where the hell i'm  at anymore by the way i got lost i have no map broke you don't see me i think i  supposed to take a left and to the right could someone tell me where the hell i am please uh you're by a building okay cool he's being  distracted i wish i would do a right helmet   didn't get a map i just said south that's all  you need to know okay sorry who's on the road   with me here do you know where we can find  a a vehicle that's uh they're leaving no i was jason i was not doing that i swear you i  i wasn't broke i'm not please just let me dance   okay come on look let's talk about this look i'll  dance and let you kill me okay look huh all right   let me get over here kill him kill him just for  that one second one the lights right here okay   okay just can you just ask your question do you  find the tights a little bit too tight to short   no no no pretty tight no okay couldn't get out of  that one please no damn dude okay give me a hug   and he's kicking my body around  that's a rental by the way no no a rental uh my suit my little my uh   picture okay okay i'll leave the  sweat and all they don't wash it completely don't look behind you no ah there we go you wanted to go through  the window i just helped you out   thank you very much that's  a benefit yes you're right well it's funny as hell two of you again the hands like dude toxic what you're doing demented i feel like you've  returned yeah you turn the outfits that's why   you don't use them you can rent the outfits i can  already use it they say they clean up this [ __ ]   i see you put it back in our hooks they put them  back in the closet and you're just sweating on if i could i'd probably find  one that's funny to wear oh good def wow tommy just shut up what are we   about to get die there holy crap who's  there pulling up stuff fix that battery   oh for crying out loud oh time to get out of here our  shotgun and a knife thank you oh thank you demented yeah whoops oh thank you right back happy halloween  arnold key thank you so much for that i   really appreciate your big support to you  being here a lot of fun had a blast to you   great support that's for sure thank  you oh wow what happened there whoa   whoa they kill you just a little bit  no you survived it oh yeah mm-hmm this is true papaya he was creeping up and he just  walked up he came back around oh my god   no way out of that one he's in rage anyways makes  a difference george peters thank you subscribing   yeah i just created a new drive-through window rescue dog good job toxic thanks for risking that pup yeah i'll tell you why he's not  been lucky for you tonight at all actually everything has not been lucky with  me i think we are bringing some muffin power oh sorry demented sneak skills yeah i don't have those high perks like i swear  i rolled so many times for those things and   i'd never get them everybody's like oh look at  that guy look at that guy i'm like stop tommy   it's all done now jason your job is  through return to mommy impact my mother if you want to see more of that george  peterson subscribe again appreciate it   again anarchy appreciate your time jimmy  yeah again if you guys are wondering what   this is just there's community nights and stuff  that's what this is from that some people ask   and that's what it's from so it's a title  all right who wants to be the last one   is that it would know what we get everything wake  up do we get four no we're on three right yeah   this is what coming up yes fourth that's right  yeah don't make sure it didn't screw up because   people wait too all right who's  next here who wants to be it   could i give it a whirl no uh everybody except  for demented who wants to be i'm just joking   of course it could be do you have somewhere you  want to go in particular matter doesn't matter   all right so give them the biggest map well except  maybe something like that um okay one second oh go   small it's quicker for us to get in and  out that's my muffin shirt and there we go muffin has to make an appearance  at least once yeah she hasn't   she's been kind of in the closet for  a bit with this so it's time for it to   accept it and get out here and work so okay so  randomize and off so i don't know we're gonna   go do you know the muffin man muffin man  the muffin man yeah he lives on jerry lane   oh what are you ready stewie oh i am very sorry  why are you sorry for it happens to all of us   you need the torture game edge it's lovely i  appreciate it i just wasn't ready to to get   hunted by demented yet i had to focus myself yeah  i'm not pleased but i hope you all take your cars   and vehicles and drive right past me slowly didn't  make me look really bad i hope i could do a 70 tim you made me look really bad that just might happen  i don't know no yeah it scares me more when people   say that guy where we have i think we're at uh i  can see where we're at aren't we at higgins league i love crystal lake i've got the moist  chase i'm moist let's do something yep moist and delicious okay okay absolutely freaking nothing [ __ ] yes not uh the hell someone's in the same house  yeah me hey rap he's stealing my stuff   there's nothing in here every  drawer is empty what the frig there's an accent here if you want  no i got something i have a baseball   bat but if you want the accent i'm fine i  don't use it oh balls i was just about to   do something i should leave after saying that okay oh that hurts just a little bit wiggle it you got a map  actually yes i do did you look at it just i don't see anything special oh so we picked it up dory i got your your back holy [ __ ] there okay now check your map any more than that though survive  was there a map near here somewhere oh shoot one on the billboard yeah sure   you must have missed this this is small  in front of me i see i see that zoey no it was an accident you got me flustered  oh hello oh there's a spree here uh go for it you wanna grab it grab it you found it no  no no i have i have one yeah we can grab   another one in case you did no i'm full  oh okay well if you needed to know i'll   come here i'll smack you with a baseball bat all right well if i can find a  freaking map it'd be beautiful   uh go to the billboard over there  yeah it's too far back near death oh wow that's nice oh this is even better checker maps question is uh two four being you know uh already yeah four better than two i i don't have the holy sorry   so i have something to help you out here  if you want to if you have the other piece   did you want some help to get out of here yeah if  you don't mind yeah we got [ __ ] not showing up just one thing oh well damn you guys didn't say  that i said if i do that you i just   yeah that's what you've been saying  i thought you had that's magical demented we've done everything else what oh yeah  well you would have gotten the car and got some   nails i ran i was trying to save you guys oh  is that that was such a trap on the ground   well it was well he had a trap by  the fuse box oh did he yep nasty nasty you're telling me but uh yeah if someone can get inside  the house we can call the cops now really interesting but now jason knows that hmm   or will you go there thinking we're not  going to go there because you said that or is he nearby right now and to try and kill us beware silly i got that one thing yep oh go for it i'm with you raptor i got your back no suey i'm waiting for you  i'm just gonna back you guys up with the uh   some flaring go go go i'm gonna i'm not gonna  be a team player here i'll help you guys out   there you go he's flared go oh thank you i'm just gonna go hide that  little locker over here oh there he's going he's he's well he's on me  now again the way to go kicking me around okay   okay i see that there's a problem oh we're done  he's killing me right now bad time for dancing   i ain't got a choice no that's the same here well  my i'm dead by the way yeah i'm dead there's no   more um no just be careful just be careful um  it wasn't for props it was for he's now pissed george peters thank you  subscribers i get together just go   thank you everybody take a time just go go now oh it's too late now that's why people left broke i'm still alive you  like that go go go go come on oh [ __ ] stop it oh nice oh i'm out of here why won't you [ __ ] die no more i have nothing on that car is gonna be a death of all of you oh yeah [ __ ] we got a little tremors  going on without kill what the hell   oh oh my god what is on the rampage well uh you guys just keep  them busy over there go go go go go go go no you're too much a nice guy  you're trying to stop atlanta that's something i ever made through  here oh no never get there never die   someone leaves that damn car oh that's brutal dude no no he's gonna kill you oh look i just made you say oh man open up and say ah   i hate that car though i hate that  yellow car is always bad bad luck holy [ __ ] [ __ ] you oh wow the  language i'm coming out coasters rage little never just keep them busy you're alone you're alone never die is not a heartless and he's enraged too well  he's looking pretty moist   yeah he is actually very moist are  you glistening glistening moist that car is deadly oh yeah there are so many bodies for that one little car i should have gone back for that car no  no let's hope you guys will get in there sloppy joe thank you so much  for following love sloppy shows   two and two minutes 45 seconds i like  sloppy shoes but uh it's definitely cool first off you've chosen a better  mashed potatoes oh that's good   you could dip the sloppy joy  to mashed potatoes even better   like that anything with mashed  potatoes sounds good gravy yep it's now time to go eat i'm gonna say  hungry i've gotta freak out now after well afterwards i gotta go and  tamper mama a little bit more i just did not need some biscuits and gravy oh [ __ ] what the cheeseburger one puts  in no that's well that is good stuff   definitely it would smoke me on top it's pretty  good too oh yeah oh no he knows where you are he's she's underneath the bed a minute and  a half left yeah you're underneath the bed good job demented good job good  job killed everybody yeah good job they went to grab it back to run it back all  the way to the yellow car i was starting to   worry there for a while it sounded like  you were getting things done pretty well   oh yes you killed us one after  another yeah like for nothing garbage   you ripped my jaw out for freaking second guys  thank you guys and girls who have one more group   to jump into but thank you for the fun and laughs  and shits and giggles so i appreciate it thank you nice to see you everybody fun  playing with you thank you   this time when you heard when  you said that i appreciate it   thank you all you guys are the best see you  soon ladder good night all right we're in live   did you guys say anything  inappropriate i don't know yeah give us man we'll think something it's gonna  be a very moist and juicy round this one oh no   i knew it was gonna say it it's very  voiceless i didn't have to raven no it's a very uh interesting round for you  raven we're going to kill you yes yes i've selected to kill you oh god but we'll find  maybe maybe the toilet's nice and moist place   it to it oh yeah give her a swirly that would  be awesome some of those kills once you get   get get to cut and it's gets really moist too  if you guys don't know everybody hates moist i   think she's desensitizing off it sooner there oh  i'm getting there we're just helping you along   with aversion therapy yes i appreciate it uh okay  everybody's got in here right there he's gonna be   jumping into the game yeah i'm ready yep i'm in  did you jump my bones please oh i already did   you know i would appreciate it thank you you're  getting watching my caffeinated and semi-awake   you for being here we got knight raven in the  house max pitbull's in the house angie you   guys all know too you know all these people were  ninja basher men starlight and j-rod in the house   a lot of long-time members in here  wow very amazing so yeah thank you   all for being here you guys are awesome  be fun to jump in and kill y'all and um i'm i'm gonna i'm gonna slowly but surely take  you down but uh hopefully you guys can get away   i'll give you a higgins all right all  right i'll do it for you okay game edge   just i'd like to just state that i am not driving  me neither you wouldn't no car drive i don't mind   oh good see but i'll drive we got we got word  you guys are ready let's jump in all righty   voice thank you sorry i was caught my throat  there i corbs corpse sprinkles thank you to follow   some of these names guys though i  swear to god you made me laugh so much   that was awesome corpse sprinkles what made  you come up with that i'm sorry i need to know that if you die while holding a cupcake i guess i  don't know that makes sense a corpse sprinkle yeah maybe not maybe maybe you get hit in the back  of the head and face plant into a cupcake   actually yeah it could happen next perspective  i'm a barbie girl in a barbie world that song oh you can dance if you want to guess it's not nice for that one oh cool thank you so much uh cyber ninja super my  god viber ninja with the raid thank you so much   i appreciate it big big hashtag much appreciate  what i just do that for yes halloween community   night we're having some fun with this one  thanks for joining us if you're brand new uh yeah that that's too quick there damage  come here look what's that like how you doing   yeah hi how's it going oh i'll be okay actually no  i'm not gonna kill you right away can you come by   and say hi do you want to see him up close i won't  kill you i promise you oh let's get him to me   it's a it is a little suit you know like  i like to play my food a little longer   you can go back in there i'm going to leave oh  that's quite alright i gotta find someone else   to kill i think they're doing something over here  nope nothing's going on okay good good good good   we'll make sure security yeah yep we're fine  i had to let go of one because it was a little   early playing with the food you know you know if  the environmental in that kitchen was very handy   the pot is always nice that would have been a good  death yes yes it's it's respectable death it is i too rude for your death quite often thank  you oh yeah i must appreciate that you know it's moments like that i know you care knock knock nobody's home oh some angie  no at least they seem to possibly fix the   hurling yourself out the  window no i jumped right out   i mean unintentionally you found the  only window i didn't break really check your maps you say shut  your mouth check him out gear's a little loud i heard you  say shut your mouth i was like and i'll huff hella puff and i'll  break this door down the base it   looks really nice on you by the way  oh it's a knife over here one second   we're leave back alone you don't need it oh i  think they do i like the little jabby jabbies hi hi oh shoot no of course i  can grab you through this did you   try this look look at the knife stare closely sorry oh no i'm so sorry oh lisa was a  hoochie killer i'm sorry thank goodness   oh another one yeah there's a bunny rabbit  coming here for fun no no no no no no no they want to take you from me jason oh  what's up everybody's this is a convention   people's watching i'm lucky what's going on  what the hell is going on over here did they   just get killed i think they got killed  i was gonna dance for you you didn't oh   damn while you even oh that's true i forgot  about the dancing part yeah hell no no idea streamed us and there's  still nothing in the drawers   no there's still nothing i think it made it  worse than before too came to a point there like to reduce the rng from like 1 to .01 um hmm some people are hiding pretty  good i can't find you guys thank just means i'll have to kill you guys all that quicker afterwards but i  don't think i'm gonna find you guys you guys are   taking a while did you call back for uh johnny  tommy um yep good someone did did you come back yeah guess who it's you right it's me and  you can't dance i can't no tommy doesn't   dance tell me it's intense oh but yes he  does i taught him all kinds of moves really you know her those well yeah you gotta teach  the guy to dance swing it let it loose yeah yeah sorry just one second i'll be right with you oh  yeah you go right back where you were oh my god   where am i going out cara's going out don't worry  about it i'm here at the service please i'm here   to service it that's okay i think there's only  a window we have there right i broke it yeah that's not a very good place you got a gun   no they want to hurt you jason  don't let them it just gets me angry you know what happens yeah hello moto for you  doing what you just did max it's always fun   demented with the two-dollar donation moist thank  you so much thank you so much for that appreciate   it moist and delicious yep that's pretty moist  juicy and crunchy too yep it's moist on the inside   one would hope yeah kill for my what someone's really creeping very slowly over there it's kind of cute to watch from a distance  no one's creeping anywhere now they're   running because they figured out that the  pink bunny rabbit doesn't work too well stay away from the money oh  okay i'm sorry don't type oh getting closer to you anything  else you could shoot me with don't   let them that bunny's gonna get  the hoochie killer oh no yeah yeah that buddy that but that buddy just  hurt me a lot lately hey star yeah oh you know what i just had this part for him plus x very very quiet i found myself  a rabbit oh tonight's rabbit which one and it keeps going  and going here i'm from duracell we prefer the holidays are  coming right here we go thank you they deserve to die jason make them suffer lightly   i also know where hell you guys are at  right now just kind of driving crazy a bit we're in the water gamers well you scared the  [ __ ] out of me i'm so sorry you're scared   like i mean you scared me you  scared the [ __ ] out of me holy [ __ ] because i feel bad you don't have a spray i mean i   want to make sure you can clean  yourself off before i kill you   well she wants to full health before he kills you i mean i think she ran away yeah i did  why i mean i i have i have a feeling too   yeah it's a good feeling when my  character has the feeling too good oh oh   you have a spray on you no you'd like to  die at a bird bath or a kitchen come to the   kitchen with me we'll die you'll die happily  all right you want to see a kitchen uh there   there's people on traps and stuff but it's so  important to show the kitchen would you want to   do the kitchen because i'll show you the kitchen  sure all right let's let's kill you in the kitchen   come on in here no matter what they do to you  you cannot die it'd be like the all-star death   today is there anything cooking on there oh  this is not the one with the stove is cooking oh that's really disappointing oh it's  just uh there's really nothing here to   kill you with that stove i think you  feel they missed out in this one a bit what's the best i could do i think with love jason  that's why he shows his tenderness deserve to die   jason make them suffer yes a whole  lot of led zeppelin left hold on thank you being such a good sport sorry for  the non water and this cooking that's the   other one isn't it pakinak is it packing neck as  packing act as a water gordon raven mm-hmm too ah hello hello oh you're slowing down already ow i just got these pants at jc penny's  i'm sorry we got these shoes at sears   i bet those uh pants have a little hole in them  right now yeah once you use your little spray oh like the pink rabbit what the hell the pig  come back yeah you're just hallucinating okay kill the people okay night raven that is  it for you i'm sorry but i've had enough   yeah yeah go ahead and you just sit here  and watch ashley appreciate the the artistry uh split me with your best shot no no did  you whoa that one oh yeah i split her   yeah he did oh that's my special special all right stabby thank you yeah you're  welcome okay i'm more angry though where are you i didn't see where you went to i'm  nowhere ah oh god they scare you a little bit   just a little bit well once you come close the  door security come back here close the door   seriously good this is not a safe  neighborhood i don't know if you see it   thank you lock it oh i will thank you  all right that was that was much better okay it looks like someone's playing  with cars and stuff oh no stupid trap okay now i gotta go i'll be right back  a few minutes i have to deal with this   okay okay got a bunny i got loose no you want to  get in all right give it a shot one culture play no i'm a good bunny it's  curbside assistance how you doing how you just angie yep little old me you wanna put all the  way up there in the hill damn girl climbing skills   yeah you seriously did climb  all the way out there i do it's gonna take me a while to catch up to you what are you hitting right now i  was trying to cut this tree down yeah icarus yeah yep i'm just gonna get another knife is that okay  okay that's fine okay i like collecting them hi oh no you can climb run and she runs i'm running serpentine serpentine please okay can't hear you walk you see i see that  can you hear me welcome carefully i think i   can there is an environmental all the way over  here but i can't get to it oh thank goodness   yeah you're going to right spot though thank you   somewhere right here i saw there we go oh there  you go ah oh yes oh i remember this one no step oh they deserve to die that's a discount chiropractor is that would that actually be fatal or just super  painful oh i think you're fatal you don't want to   live after that he just ripped your arms off you  know so who wants revenge now who wants to be it really i did it oh there you go raven  raven i will dance for you are you   the boys jason or the non-moist jason  where is moist jason he's water jason   that's the one i use do you it's a couple  yeah well now you just ask you for it then that's the one i always use this is the water  one i call it one that was because uh 80s i   think it's slippery and wet that's what i like to  call it oh yeah well it's from uh bon jovi rancho   yes yeah yeah so don't think anything negative  about nothing bad where do you want to go dealer's choice oh god you sort  of randomize it maybe here have   a special map they want to do us they miss  all right just as long as there's no rain well she played in the first round  it's not very nice well not that rain i was just thinking she is  tough though yes oh she is   big damage thank you [ __ ] good job i  like those gg thing there it's nice quad is she really the moist jason no she is all right well that's a tough one to play too but  super fast in the water boat ain't touching yeah she could outrun us in the boat um raven yeah okay you know i'll dance for you or whatever um   edges did you just say that i can't believe  he killed them wow i gotta live i'm so oh he should have said out loud now  i will share my fifa spray with you   the barry i just found oh battery  yep i'm going to throw that away now you guys are not going to take a look with me oh i  will i will i promise okay after you scroll up i a   map though that makes a lot easier doing what  i need to do i have a map all right let's see   oh north think north uh think north  okay i have something you would like to that way i draw some baseball bat where  i'm at starting out your baseball bat   you say you're out over there nothing gets muffin yeah yeah i am smarter   okay because she's muffin as much as she's very  pleasant a young lady she uh um she had she she ain't the brightest screw in the shed  you know what i'm saying it's the sun   takes her a long time to screw things together that sounds really bad i'm trying to say it  properly without sounding bad so i'm at the let's see here well she's a little slower  that's good oh my god i was looking i'm so gonna uh i mean honestly i'm just asking for it  now would you like me to do it no i suck i   could clearly see what freaking i'm supposed  to do but why for some reason i'm able to do it   oh my god i'm guessing me now damage let me do it  i did it oh thank god it actually fit all right wow where's the other thing oh yeah i don't  i got the thing yeah no we're still missing   a couple uh oh okay we're missing that thing yeah  that thing because you think this thing's over oh   the other thing for that thing's down there by  the thing too look what i found in this thing   sort of beeswax stupid ass  place to put that oh come on now i'm gonna do things to your mom's  sweater you won't believe oh oh shoot   raven out dance for me jason mother is talking  to you come closer i got him enthralled by me he's running after me and i'm  gonna die a horrible death   that's me behind you gaming no no no it's on me oh wanna come for a swim with me and show me how  fast you are oh yeah okay i'll race you to the   uh the side over there all righty look look i can  do the backwards that's how smart she is i guess oh my god you are here you  don't have the other thing   where are you oh you're there you have the  thing it's the end i mean you have the thing   no i wasn't carrying anything uh oh that yeah that hey richard thank you there you go go ahead we need the  special thing thank you for killing me yellow cars kill you all the time [ __ ] it out   yeah no someone jump in that  car while she's getting killed she's in a bad position okay oh  she's actually letting you do   it go go wait wait for a good  night now god can't look gold no no oh yes look at this what am i  doing go go go oh what's happening oh no oh yeah you're right that yellow  car is death all right it is god my arm's still swinging too man we ran over a poor thing too i'm sorry  i didn't know somebody don't be sorry   it happens i run over people  by mistake too you back it up   i actually drive right into them i couldn't go  forward that's three kills on the yellow card that was [ __ ] picking [ __ ] but i love it  wow angie just kicked the bodies around hi angie   hi sweetie how you doing i'm doing  real good oh you guys come for me   yeah that's so pretty just just ignore  that someone's dancing next to you well gets away from dancing dancing is your  safety raven stop come let me give you a hug nope spray yeah oh my god oh oh i like that one a lot you call it deep throat you become a doctor oh i  could cross your legs since you died that's polite there's not near enough there no no no no no no raven can we can we just talk nope no come on   so you can there's other spots you can kill not  just that one murder fielder it just gets stitches   good job raven thank you yeah  she's slaughtered all it's really thank you so much 21 thank  you subscribing uh ender   men boy thank you so much to follow keith has  become a member whoo thank you so much keith   really appreciate that welcome and of course  make sure you connect that discord let's get big   hashtag three other cokes out there showing some  love to a brand new member too thank you thank you   thank you uh smoking lady family smoking lady  good save together smoking lady hey corolla   good morning happy halloween happy halloween who  wants to do uh to go and kill get revenge now hmm going once i could do it if you don't want to angie i'll do it we could  do it afterwards too you guys could go back who so angie yes you're gonna do it yep okay j-rod's next okay  so you're okay any special place you want to go um they feel at ease uh any um  i can kill y'all just the same killing you softly with this song yes what is that fuji's like   yeah no i know it's not the original but i just  remember the fuji's version that's how it was   but to say is one of the few songs  was hard to play it was just shocking yeah yeah yeah just to be  clear y'all may still get out you said you're gonna kill us  all well i'm gonna try my hardest   look you're making basher not  show up the game because of that   oh yeah i know you're there i just think you  took wild vote in here so it's like you scary way   basher damn it i feel like a bachelor of the game  with here bells did that start later we showed up now i do also have the water jason oh  nice he's magically moist and delicious   oh i picked muffin again she's  not right this can't be real i swear god this game has been spying me at the  other place for once at night i've had the worst   spoons yeah oh look the phone again oh look the  phone again oh look the freaking phone again   angie he set the phone yeah i i heard that oh  i'm not actually for once but yes if you want   to go there it'll be a perfect time i'm in a uh  something that's wood and uh looks like a cabin and i'm spreading open a trap for you oh  thank you hey no problem i got your anchor up oh i found a map my day just got better hmm  mine did too did you find somebody i did oh good   uh who'd you find there oh i don't  know knock knock anyone home oh no oh word yes dear word come here i just want  to give you a hug no that's okay everybody   there i'll dance okay okay okay i'll just give  you a little hug though okay oh i just wanna   dance they put these maps in here so you can pick  the place there's anyone there this is not a prank   we need your help jason is killing us we  need your help please help us if you want to leave your friends behind oh damn it just got the song on my head i was singing  word out from cameo word up everybody say yep remember that little jock strap with leather  jack strap it was fine oh yes i remember that like nobody wants to wear that in real life   probably one five that never  went too far that in spandex oh found a tape all right i called uh for help so   uh-huh all right oh we're all safe thank you  yeah well again one of us will be once we die hello hi hi i did get a chance to dance for you   oh but i'm just gonna do this i'm just gonna  what the no dad said that's that that's not nice   i'm i'm helping you do your stretches oh oh  okay thank you you're welcome thanks keith   again welcome welcome angie's favorite song  is baby shark doo doo doo doo doo doo doo baby shark holy [ __ ] jason what the freak's a  little early you're gonna be doing this to me now   oh [ __ ] can i dance feel  these i will let you kill me   i will let you kill me you know i  won't i want cheats that's for sure   oh okay that was a i can't believe you  spot right my god she's very slow i'm sorry   i think she kind of enjoys that choking by the  way it's really horrible i know it's kind of warm   there we go there you go okay and uh  then there's of course why when you move are you trying to find a good one you seem to enjoy not to oh what the hell  oh i didn't make a judger with a rock yeah   oh that's a nice one oh nick oh look at you  game edge yeah yeah not much to look at anymore   god oh my god she was a nice view to kill but damn emma naughty deborah mitz he's never been  naughty no she's a saint not mitts slate bits angie's and really bad about that i left in a drawer i'm such an idiot   damn never even just took what i left  behind i never checked that drawer 16 candles nice molly wiggle impression she molly rainwell boy i had a buddy without a crush  on her come back here no no no no dar come on oh you missed me i leave that place  tonight too it's the 4th of july the relate star breaks oh yeah she is polite angie until she kills you wow you really like choking people make them a come here star softly with her stock oh wow she lost the head wow what the hell happened there i  don't know everything exploded wow   i really did throw you but it exploded before when  he grabbed her what the hell is that i don't know   that was that was super weird oh i need  a knife those are important yes barry oh hello tommy hey come on home come here tommy no appreciate that i have to help i know no way it has to help with a shot in the head  yeah who can i get now let's pick bunny's sure   stand out you know i know it's horrible oh and  you got a little bit of gas oh well that didn't is it right behind them yes you are oh come on now i'll dance for you see okay that's a cute bunny dance i like it yeah it's watching oh i didn't do it raven that looked  like your outfit nope it was my raven oh sorry it's the only one wearing that  outfit oh my god whatever i did i didn't do it   uh-huh she came running quarters  shots you while you're dancing   now the deaths are all over with  it's only murder murder murder he is very moisty in the back damn doesn't sound good man i just found something too oh come here and i will light it i have something you might need yeah i see that   i think you do have something just  checking my map to see about that snitches geez so glad that you're already moist  six feet under oh oh that's a good one girl so   glad you are already moist six feet under i like  that i said girl thank you that's fire's freak check your eyes good lord heavy screamers knock knock oh rage oh no that's weird i can't get through the window holy [ __ ] just shut up and hit your  bong again it'll be all right what the hell you guys  talking about fashion oh god he's freaking that's a whole different kind of yoga holy  [ __ ] oh i can't open anything okay oh no   i don't know what that  means cut come this way okay that's just so much fun  isn't it oh i love it yeah oh   well you want me to do that mm-hmm uh  i've never done that okay oh oh yeah i don't do that holy [ __ ] it started first time  for everything right yep uh i guess oh not that way but not that way we got no choice  that's the only way oh that's the only way it is isn't it oh the hell she spot what the hell is  up with that there's an opening there no oh i couldn't get i don't think you're synced  with them because you were when you were   you look like you spawned from  one area to another i know oh no okay i'll say and either way that's all  right let's go watch halloween skills   left yeah well i think hashtag  thank you so much thank you so much yeah well hello nice oh nice job how do you like that  one how'd you get two of those   hal not sure oh weird huh yeah  weird holy [ __ ] it started oh hi oh that's that jay nice try though good job well two got away i tried yeah but  two is okay at least you got majority   it's what matters you guys every kill's messy  mommy is proud of you yeah what's what but it's   time i said they almost kept their busy long  enough for me to get out it was very close   well i did hit a few trees for you so you know good try thank you that's awesome all right so j-rod wants a beat yeah  yep he's so close to 100 so close return to lobby there we go okay do you have a special map you  want dude j red nope no preference i'm level 74. so i've got a little ways before  i get to 100. you can do it you could probably   beat me before me i'm level 21 so i don't  do it i could do it all night long nevermind okay she saw it wasn't it yes that's right  oh no no yeah i was it's hush oh my god you just google it all night  long or what's your ass   new halloween movie yes i saw that it looks cool it's the uh the theme song elsa being like   the regular halloween theme is gonna  be baby shark gonna kill you baby yeah it would be here wouldn't it  the moist baby shark got michaels okay j-rod you want to make a  deal here i'll dance for you just don't kill me this wish my  girl's mouth would be so tough oh   she's a man she's got a  mouth on her uh-huh she does you guys gotta stay and not do anything what i think i'll stay where i was at  don't do anything well like a muffin oh no   she's pretty at all but very slow pretty oh um i got something pretty right now let's have here oh nippy's come on map check your maps maps and  you'll see what i got i need a map ah you have a   map i can see oh i can't see it isn't it yeah it's  a nice blank area i can't see anything it's very you like some gaming and irish votes gorilla thank you not very good security can unlock the door from  the outside with our key yeah it's here oh word   what it's here oh i just spawned oh he's gone okay i guess i should get out of here all right that's where we have here sorry well that could have  hurt i did hurt myself [ __ ] was that far oh that was pretty don't jump out  of the window word that's a lot further it looks   yeah all right it's like seconds  floor i mean jesus gravity   yeah it's just the law i take it it's  not just a good idea it's the law you always though you spray their word time oh  i got some i do toilets i'll change for coniffy   who is that going to test here okay i'm on my way it'll take  me a little bit to get there but   where would someone need the spray oh it's  me up top foods i don't know where hell matt i was just choking yeah what's up dude so what's going on not much hell too far out run girl run hey hey guys i'm being killed and  my gift is probably by my body   oh well thank god you're older over there  damn it oh sorry you wouldn't let me dance what i'm looking for she let anybody else  dance too she killed us i did let people dance   i didn't get to dance i was waiting for you to  dance you didn't dance but you were sort of knives   at me because you were swinging with somebody put  a trap kind of randomly out in the middle there   i saw that i was just about to step on  it hey all right something fireworks all right um not my perpetual quest for a lighter though forgot oh look at my map and oh no  that's what happened to me give you   a big hug bunny don't don't stop and look  at your map that [ __ ] will get you killed actually saying that i'm  actually i'm looking at my map seconds before like oh it's not good oh [ __ ] you okay yeah i just as just walked into  the bathroom and i turned real quick i   saw a trap toilet paper holder but i thought it  was a thing i saw it crap that was good timing now that would be uh i think much of his campsites jesus ain't nothing around nothing around here no i have to say there was a lord at one point it  feels like there's a lot less oh my god where the   hell did you come from oh just around the corner  here got something for you oh that wasn't nice i think it's dark oh i got it thank you that's  what she said hey i heard something jingle   bell jingle jingle i don't know why it was oh wow this map is so big where was those fireworks  grown from that's what she said   uh something jingled where i've died so yeah  saying uh hi how's it going uh can i dance first   well no no just this once okay uh here you go um i don't think i have any  dances oh that's disappointing that's not a dance that's not a desk don't i guess  they're not loading up but uh how's it going here   you go i got something special for you though  i missed oh i'm back in the same place oh no   we chat just realizing in the wrong place we're  going out in circles all the way through this okay ran into a friend which friend  wow we're friends yeah oh [ __ ] you   got death holy [ __ ] yeah that's friends  hey guys what's going on here little party little stumble there oh boy you haven't got nails oh [ __ ] the door only thing i saw was some jewelry no don't break him let's go hurt me when  i was oh damn that's good that is not nice unicorn what happened i died i died  ripping myself to shred i'm sorry   i think it was good fast game that you like uh  dying like that don't you no it's not supposed to   what damn no i mean bent over back oh my god oh my god being a party that question yeah she got me good with the knife in his head  it was just right in your forehead that was great she does bend over backwards for all his freshwood well you know there is issues doing that hey fred oh my god this is too funny all right jay right up on your side now kill kill kill who's left anyways now you're even a max pitball oh wow two of them left hey are you in range it don't think sorry no jesus see you should let me hit you  with the baseball bat a couple of times   freaking out it's just a dead  body you're right i should've all right happy halloween now kill the both jason working on it daniel tinsley thank you subscribing  welcome to the channel thank you it's a very operative radio oh oh did you like that pretty good huh tie dye oh hey by the way oh good job now you're going to get killed really good is there a as opposed to being killed really bad  yeah i guess the dad's dead did a good job gateway i'm convinced that not all the items spawn  on this damn map it kind of feels that way you don't sound too good in there stomach problems   you know somebody's been throwing knives  at me you know they're real panty ass well i'm out of knives if that helps you   no not really there's a knife right  there for a nice environmental kill you're awesome thank you  thank you big up there for you   not any longer i'm out of  stamina you want some more what happened to my baseball  bat it broke you broke it   i didn't even make contact with him he's pretty  chinsy yeah you hit him remember you knocked   him down yeah but not that time oh no but it  only has just a couple of hits on it please no any more knifes that's it i never  found that damn lighter oh man   i wish you had said something i  had one in my pocket the whole   oh it's time good job one left to go battery find the battery finally yeah man hold on there's a knife out here i  need to grab hey sour patch mafia   i hope you have a nice smile  i think thank you so much hey look there she is no oh in your butt he threw it in your butt oh my god first he's sticking my head  then he's throwing my butt   it's awesome j-rodger's a  little dangerous that was nice wait what am i she right doing oh yeah there she is oh that was  a nice all right knife for a knife yes they're dead they're all dead oh no can you throw the battery at him  oh yeah that would hurt my car   that won't be a knockout there holy [ __ ] the  acid flying out and everything oh sorry how little   parting gift wait i want that back i just sang it  good job jay good job good job nice job good job jesus that yellow car to your car all right for a final round which one who wants  uh who wants it for you come home sweetie start either you or me so you guys pick who you  want you it's fine you can be you sure it's   a star you think you're you you but he's gonna  kill you no no no no gametes can be jason okay   you sure you want to beat it though anybody else  might be it because i've been a few times tonight   we want something uh word what about you man i  can't believe game edge took my kill away from   me i'm sorry that wasn't meant to be that if  you didn't unicorn me i'd have a warmer window   i took one away i've got one taken away from  me because somebody ran someone over you're   good what oh that's right mg always suggested  that because she knows i'm the the one that's   never going to get anybody i didn't dance well i  wanted to dance for you word i really did oh okay   whichever although i think ge should where you  feel like i just want you guys to have fun so   i if you guys feel like doing it doesn't make  a difference you how you end this or what you   do that's what makes you guys are happy  so what do you want wanna do it word or   or why not okay just for detective yeah all right  good that's exactly it's a random actually turn   off that uh chris lake is small you want to  try that right get small that's right here   yeah small heads whatever crystal regular  yeah make it super easy for everybody well   smaller crystal lake is easier for you it's a much  smaller map you have more abilities to get around   so it makes a little more tight that's  perfect that sounded really bad and i was   press clay and get going max press a little  button there please don't fall asleep with me max   oh [ __ ] thank you for something awesome ladies and gentlemen we  must finish it off properly oh god it's real to johnny yes because i didn't get to jiggle all  the way through someone killed me too fast   okay all i ask is one dance one well you get more  than one dance i give more we really want him   to dance in that character hell yeah when i play  jason just gotta dance for me once when i see you   and then second time all's fair she gives  away i do she lets you run with a little dance   okay i'll make mine a really slow dance  so you can't kill me real quick no i'm   just gonna see you dance and then i'll  walk away oh she lets you go one time   yes that's what i do the second time  yeah you're dead camp crystal lake 1979. it's all bad gibbs oh jesus oh  [ __ ] big hashtag it's come on small it was itsy bitsy teeny polka dot bikini  that she wore for the first home today i reckon we're not gonna have  any of the bigger ones what amazon don't have the big  ones anymore do they damn it   well i mean it's somewhere around a small  map so we're not having any other penguins books yeah do you dance do you dance  all night long what the hell i don't   have that oh he seems real let's dance though  please okay please help us oh please someone and i'm the camp guy that decides  to join the forces of jason no you would i got my axe oh it's a dead girl a guy  in this place oh yes sure keep forgetting that freaking radios max we had the same idea oh no i think this was the first oh i see  where the one probably should have went   okay if you'll drop it i'll take it over there there we go what the hell are you guys doing   we're dropping it like it's hot i have the  other i have one of the other things for that um oh that thing again you went for the wrong color you went for the death car yeah if i'm  not touched that would touch a pole   you're gonna go near it well  there was another thing for the   other one so that's the best thing to put in  there you want to stick into blue not to yellow   anybody dancing no nobody's dancing oh  i'm dancing i'm here to see the dance then   see hey that's an interesting noise it's dancing again that was me a v v yeah hold on video of  the emotes all there unless you didn't set it up i'm sticking with you because i have nothing okay  come this way the other thing for this thing goes oops oh crap threw himself through a window again oh no ah oh [ __ ] hello hello you're cute oh hello dancing i already saw you dance  oh hey i'm sorry i don't have   it i don't have it yes you know what  we're attracts in what left to right okay poor basher but she's she's too busy right now   you're here bash where are you i'm  hiding here i'll drop this for you here you're not armed are you no i got one  of these if you know where it goes   where are what no no no i'm  strong oh i'm gonna dance   yeah my guy's pretty smart i don't know  where to go but i'll go and drop it okay yeah yeah you might not want  to go that way excuse me oh there it is right here what are the people running for i don't know needed oh here it is okay oh my god okay just yep i guess so   i'm just like it's open holy crap people  are coming from the lord right behind you please send help crystal lake it's jason he's back good job that's interesting yeah it's starting to start not doing  the uh the dancing part killing no no holy [ __ ] shots fired i had to spray on my body at the archery and park oh my god oh my god who is it no one's here i'm here about  your to your extended car warranty no that's okay i'm good the  door's locked damn it just stop oh she's gonna be in a range by the  time she finishes with this yeah   that's why she's accepting it too she's like  fine i'll just arrange myself if you want oh the how close are you doing rage now you wish you're almost there not bad  yeah that's pretty close with all those my guy's got his mouth open like he's  raised for action oh another one seriously   did you have oh yeah i got her with another trap thank you corolla good night thank  you for that that's pretty funny   thank you thank you support even say thank you  follow randy again longfellow dance for you   yeah she's she has no time for  that oh people are leaving here well that was a nice hug their word oh balls actually i'm good let's start heading for that one yeah my guy's having a conniption fit right now he's never last this long and now he's  dancing his way through dance night away i'm going a 50 50 marker let's go  to the fire where he's on there got a minute to kill keep it nice and warm to the fire and it looks like you're uh about  to get your your butt burned are you roasting chestnuts no they're escaping jesus bye everybody hi um yeah they just  left us what the frick is up with that   was the yellow car dude i could i had  no chance he left us to the yellow car   charlie they made sure to get the yellow  car so they couldn't pick up anybody oh it's over here we're going towards a cop word last son of a i want a dance few words where is she next to you guys   i don't see her oh there you go behind you  i promise you i was gonna dance for you oh my god that was really bad  fireworks oh no you almost had him   oh no no oh so are you voting for weren't you dancing i was saving it for later batman bob thank you so  much subscribing drink something subscribing too   that's funny as hell there's still people alive you're  not supposed to leave with charming oh my god that was funny it was fun  good job everybody like your words   well deserved he danced and he died  oh man it's like rewind and died   wait a minute there's supposed to  be something else added with that   quad everybody thank you so much that was a lot of  fun by the way yes i really really appreciate it   you guys are 99 i'm actually one level  away damn it that's too much oh no   all you are next time we play  so we'll have to do it again   when's next friday 13th like think  of may isn't it i think it's far probably it is i think it is we're checking that  out but thank you everybody for being here really   appreciate thank you to all the wonderful members  of course being here i really really can't thank   you all enough and again thank you of course our  wonderful mods and don't forget if you guys can   go and check out the uh if you have you know if  you have 45 bucks whatever you think you got to   help out of course uh screw your girl with the  you know that uh her gofundme page always it   should be on uh on discord 2 and also here i'll  put a link of the description again no pressure   just know if you can it'd be great and we always  love to help out everybody else we can and here   and again thank you wonderful months for being  here of course everybody else taking time every   single one of you for being here every single  day hit the like button and make it so special   you guys are the best good night everybody  in this room you hope you guys are good angie   max starlight everybody's here i think everybody's  name right and where did jen's in the house   so thank y'all this game edge i'll catch  you guys on flip side see you tomorrow night
Channel: GameEdged
Views: 12,943
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: friday the 13th the game, gameplay, let's play, multiplayer, horror game, playthrough, walkthrough, gameedged
Id: Lk8auC6h33Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 229min 58sec (13798 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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