BigStackD Only Fans - So Close To Target - Copper -ASMR Metal Melting - Trash To Treasure
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Channel: bigstackD Casting
Views: 291,147
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: aluminium, aluminum, aluminum casting, bigstackd, bigstackd casting, brass, brass casting, bronze, burning, casting, coin, copper, diy, google, how to, ingot, melting, melting brass, melting copper, metal, metal casting, metal casting at home, mold, molten, molten copper, molten metal, pouring copper, random, scrap, scrap aluminum, scrap copper, scrap gold, steel, tin, trash to treasure, asmr, dumpster diving, motor meltdown, scrapyard, scrapping, scrap metal, Nordic Gold, copper cable, taps, silver
Id: Po9z9YBazPY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 4sec (2344 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 28 2023
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