Easily Restore Faded Paintwork with Meguiar's Ultimate Compound

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hi guys today we're going to be working on a  2002 a voxel corsa life now this one when it   left the showroom 18 years ago was actually a  beautiful red car well it wasn't beautiful but   it was a red car anyway and gradually over the  time being left out in the elements and facing uv   damage it's gradually turned pink so what  we're going to be doing today is breaking out   mcguire's ultimate compound and we're just going  to see if we can bring it back to its former glory   so as you can see the paint works quite faded  it's very pink and white and patchy in places   so what we're going to do is give it a decent  wash going to give it a clay bar then we're going   to break out the maguire's ultimate compound  and we are going to do a 50 50 comparison on   the bonnet just to see how good it really is and  how close to perfection we can actually get this we're kicking off with the wheels which were  covered in brake dust on the front and the   product i'm using for today's detail is young  wheels which as you can see in this satisfying   time lapse it actually shows you the true  cleaning power of this wheel cleaner in action   as it breaks down the heavy brake dust and in my  personal opinion i always recommend starting off   with the wheels first before doing anything else  because the last thing you really want to do   is wash the body work let that dry and then  jump onto the wheels that's just madness   after the chemical reaction had done its magic  it's time to bring out some skinny wheel woolies   now these ones are perfect for getting in  those little tight areas that normal brushes   simply can't get through and the great thing  about wheel woolies is the fact they combine   so much agitation power with a soft brush without  causing any damage this bendy brush that i'm using   is also a wheel woolly and these are a must-have  tool for anybody in the business because these   are great at cleaning behind the spokes and they  really do help speed up the entire wheel cleaning   process plus they're super tough if you look after  your brushes these will save you money in the long   run because they last for many years unlike  the cheap fake ones that you can buy on ebay with the wheels and tires all done and dusted  it was time to jump onto the door shuts   and being an older car this one had a fair amount  of grease so i always keep my old demoted brushes   for door shuts on cars like this and you can pick  up cheap brushes for a couple of quid on amazon   so you don't have to use the fancy ones if you're  doing an old banger and if you want to see how i   clean a car in the fastest way possible then  please go check out my previous video where i   take you through the step-by-step process the next  stage of the valet is a quick pre-rinse with water   just to blast off the loose dirt before i jump  onto the chemical stage so if you love a good   transformation video then make sure you stick  around till the very end to see what happens these brushes i'm using are  from yum cars and these are also   crazy soft so you don't have to  worry about causing any scratches   and they're perfect for getting  around the badges and the letters although we're in mid-october it was  freakishly warm and the sun was so intense   given the time of the year so i had  to be quick with the brushes as parts   of the car was starting to dry out pretty quickly with the agitation complete i had to  then give the red car another rinse down   so this is a premium shampoo which was perfect  for this day as i didn't get any smears when   the car dried and it's incredibly slick  as the wash mitt glides over the paintwork   as always i'll do one side at a time to save  anything drying out and it keeps me working at a   good pace because i was given less than five hours  to transform this car so i really had to optimize   my cleaning process as quick as possible and  i want to ask you guys and leave your comments   below if this is relevant to you and here it  is if you could have one just one product to   make your car shine for life what would it  be and why so what's your favorite product the towers of choice today are my good  old-fashioned auto smart microfiber drying towels   which if you're in the trade can be very useful  because they cost five pounds each so i tend to   buy a fair few of these every month and now i've  got loads to keep me going through the winter the next stage of the valley i'm using  a clay bar and a detailer to quickly   remove some of the nasty surface contaminants  which ultimately will make machine polishing   a lot easier and make the bonding process  better for the final layer of protection one hour later and the car is completely clay  barred and now it's ready for a machine polish   and i'm breaking out mcguire's ultimate  compound and i just want to mention a few   points here because when you're a mobile valiter  or a detailer you don't have things like a fancy   studio or perfect lighting and you don't have  two to three days to restore the entire car   the way you want to you have to perform a  near impossible task in just a few hours   on a smaller budget so the gains are never going  to be exactly the same as someone who wants to   put it in a studio and then have factors like the  weather to contend with as well it is incredibly   difficult to get it done and to get it done  perfectly even today i had strong winds blowing   dust all over the place so i had to keep starting  and stopping but at the end of the day you have to   make the best of the moment and the best of the  tools and the best of the environment around you for anyone starting out the compound i  recommend is mcguire's ultimate compound   because it's very easy to use as long as you don't   overload the pad and prime it correctly  you shouldn't actually get too much powder as you can see from the before and after  polish on the bonnet even with a few passes   it looked good enough for the customer and  at the end of the day is for his daughter   and she's learning to drive so it's not as  if we're going for royal family standards   so now it's time for an x factor moment as i  give you a sob story and tell you all about my   struggles today wow right okay it is absolutely  windy out here i don't know if it's going to come   on the microphone but i've just finished machine  polishing it everything's all done and dusted   but i'm a little worried about as to how much  i can get done because i haven't got a location   where i can actually put this in i have to do  it outside in the element so it is a struggle   i've got some real dark rain clouds coming over  that way so fingers crossed i can pull it off with the wind picking up and the rain  clouds heading in i had to kick it up   a notch and go at lightning speed so  i got out my favorite product to 2020   which is yum ceramic and this is because it's the  fastest way to clean your car without all the fuss   of using loads of cloth so i had one cloth for  application and one for the removal of the ceiling if you're brand new to the channel and didn't  know this we ran a facebook group for like-minded   detailers and this is also great for beginners too  as it gives you a chance to engage and learn new   tips without getting any negativity from others as  we're all in this together so do go check out the   detailing network and i will put a link in the  description below where you can find the group   and if you want a channel that's fresh relevant  and real then don't forget to hit the subscribe   button and turn on your bell notifications as  we bring out epic car videos every single week   and we feature some pretty incredible cars well  apart from the one today of course but yes 99 of   the time we feature all sorts of cars so stay  tuned because we might have something pretty   out of this world coming up in the next couple of  weeks so do stay tuned for that especially around   halloween you don't want to miss it the glass  stage was next and using some powerful glass   cleaner and a flunky and a towel i got crystal  clear glass in under three minutes and it was 100   smear free and if you want to see my video  on how to clean glass i'll also put a link   in the description below and i promise you you  will not be disappointed i literally had a few   minutes remaining and all that i needed to do was  dress the bumpers and dress the tyres so i used   this epic dressing and it transformed the look of  the car in seconds and this gel is so tough and   it gives you plenty of protection from uv so it's  not exactly going to be turning gray anytime soon with the tyres done and dusted all that was left  was for me to give you guys one last inspirational   speech so as you can see to get a finish like this  all it took was a decent wash a bit of clay bar   a nice bit of maguire's compound followed  up by a bit of yum ceramic that was all i   use there's nothing else there's nothing else  to hide here what you see is what you get and   no this isn't in a normal wonderful studio with  led lighting you've got nowhere to hide out here   literally you are out in the elements if it  rains you're screwed but you just sort of   gotta get on with it today i had a few spots of  rain we've had crazy wind today that's why i've   had to have the microphone off of just not being  able to do much talking but i've still managed   to get a really good finish on this car so this  has got to be relatable to more of you guys who   are your weekend warriors not everybody's  going to be able to stick it in a massive   warehouse or a fancy facility to do that this  is raw this is real and this is how you do it you
Channel: Epic Automotive Detailing
Views: 270,656
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: meguiars ultimate compound, faded red paint, car detailing transformation, meguiars, machine polishing red car, ultimate compound, detailing red car, car transformation, meguiars compound, faded red car paint restoration, car cleaning, auto detailing, car detailing, meguiars polish, meguiars machine polshing, machine polishing, red car faded, vauxhall corsa, mobile detailing, yum cars, ultimate compound meguiar's, meguiars machine polisher, detailing business, filthy car
Id: md3WI_qZqOQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 8sec (668 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 22 2020
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