Meguiar's Scratch Remover: Why you need this product

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hey guys let me show you why you need one of these products on hand if you are a car owner regardless of anything else in your world why would one of these serve a purpose this is what I call a first responder the reality is this life is a jungle especially as a car and especially out on the roads of the world along the way you will incur some unwanted damage to your car in the form of abrasions scoffs scrapes scratches chips the reason I call these a first responder is because it will be a simple way for you to either remove some damage to your car diminish it camouflage it or assess it or all of the above if I had to pick a single product what would it be well in my world for something that's a retail product easy to get economical and is very effective is the Maguire's scratch x 2.0 more effective than these two because this represents what I call the winning balance between aggressive enough but not being too aggressive or it's gonna do damage in the wrong hands but it's not so wild or it hasn't been dumbed down to the point where it's not effective these to me have been dumbed down water down point where they're just not as effective so what I want to do is show you two specific reasons why you need this in your life as a car owner miscellaneous scratches and damages and specifically because it's such a common problems as fingernail scratches underneath the door handle very common problem common complaint this product can handle both what you need to know about scratches is that every scratch is created differently it will in fact be unique I'm going to show you scratched in a moment but what I want to illustrate is a you need to use a microfiber cloth pyrius doesn't mean you can't use something else it's just that this is the safest cloth that you can use when it comes to this type of work in my world all I use is microfiber cloths as a rule now there's different versions meaning you cannot get a waffle weave a double-sided textured one but the point is is they're all microfiber cloths here have a pea sized dollop of my scratch axe very straightforward when it comes to FINA nail marks you just rub it's that easy which then leads me to an endless debate of oh you never go in a circular pattern because it will create swirl marks well guess what if I can create swirl marks in a circular pattern you don't think I'll have the ability to create marks going horizontally or vertically well logic would tell me yes and experience confirms that let me also add this if I have circular patterns in my paint versus vertical or horizontal with a circular pattern be any more difficult to remove or to fix than a horizontal or vertical coincidentally I've heard some people go on record and say that horizontal or vertical marks are easier to remove and swirl marks or circular patterns which is just not true the real determinant in that is how deep did you put the scratches in how deep are the scratches that you're trying to remove regardless of whether the pattern is circular or straight doesn't matter so that I'm gonna debunk that mess with that said I believe the reason for that is because people will reach for a product like this and the natural inclination is to do a circular pattern like that now if you choose the wrong cloth or a dirty cloth or you happen to choose a product that is aggressive enough you can create a pattern that will reveal itself in a circular motion after the fact so I get the reason why the debate is there because most people automatically go in in a circular pattern doesn't mean it's inherently wrong it just means you need to pull back if you've created a pattern and say oh okay something's wrong here either I'm using too much pressure or I have a polish or compound that's aggressive enough to create that or the cloth sucks maybe you've chosen a cloth that's abrasive by Nature that's why I recommend a microfiber cloth in order to fix that it's very simple just like you're going to scratch your way to success initially now you're fixing something else and you can scratch your way to success that way also so you just go in and you finesse it back and forth up and down you have to figure out what works in your world based on the car the color is the Clerc Oh soft or hard because those in fact are the permanence into the results that it will produce for you so is a critical thinking species called the human species you have the ability to pull back and apply strategy so you go in life you finesse it until you get the desired result let's deconstruct a scratch this is a perfect specimen because it's very long in nature and every length or every section of the scratch is going to be a different depth so this is what's called the fingernail test now the reason we do a fingernail test is to try to assess how deep it is the deeper it is the more of an edge you're gonna be able to catch now I can tell right here and right there I can literally sink my nail into that valley of a scratch and I can tell through visually inspecting as well as feeling with my fingernail that is all the way through the clear coat the color coat the primer coat it's all the way to the metal that's gonna require touch-up paint to fix and by fix I mean literally what you're doing is just camouflaging it I look at touch-up paint as permanent makeup on a car kind of like temporary makeup on a woman's face it's meant to camouflage it's just doing it at a permanent level but in the meantime we can clean up the scratch or we can at least see how effective this product is at cleaning up that scratch knowing that it cannot be removed a hundred percent because this has gone through the paint what we want to do is two things one is we're cleaning out the scratch because what happens is the car gets scratched it will induce some dirt into it which will create that line the line has also damaged the paint in that area which is now changing the reflective surface so we're trying to remove the dirt and we're trying to abrade down through these abrasives the edges to the scratch itself that way the light will reflect off it differently and the scratch will appear to have disappeared or at least diminish greatly so those are the two goals is to remove the dirt and to wear down the edges of the scratch and if there's just simply transfer in the form of dirt on the paint that it's going to eliminate that area completely which in this situation has now I know if I was to take the right lighting in the right angle I can scrutinize this I would still be able to see a permanent line where the damage is in fact permanent to go a next step further I would have to take some either a buffer with an aggressive pad I could use some sandpaper sand that away first and then polish it back to life that would be the next step but right there was the winning ballot for most people because my eye cannot pick up the scratch any longer and that took all of what 10 seconds of rubbing with a single product a single tool and bam we're good to go which another reason why I think every car owner should have this stuff on hand so let's attack this area and I know this area here leading up to the big damage is even more significant than this was so I know that my results will be a little more limited or maybe I will just have to go in with repeat applications and wear this down more and more and when I say wear this down what I mean is the edges of that scratch in cleaning out the dirt and wearing down the edges now there's still some more visible line here but I dramatically diminish that and removed it and erase that call it whatever you want and to me this is the winning balance for most people here we are close the scratch is completely removed outside the edges here and then you can see a subtle scratch still remaining right through here but as you pull back under normal viewing distances it almost completely disappears and that's what we're trying to accomplish here we have our second test model car chose this Audi because back bumper is notorious for getting all kinds of scrapes and scratches on it as people load their stuff in and out of the car it represents a whole cornucopia of opportunity because there's so many different types of scratches that I encountered on this here we have our two products once again so I'm gonna pull you in I'm an exam and just as a note you do not have to test every scratch with the fingernail test and hyper scrutinize it this is what I call the first responder you just go in with one of these products and it will determine very quickly the depth and severity of the scratch itself and that will determine if you need to take additional steps moving forward to fix or diminish the scratch I'm using just a little dollop about a pea-sized just in this one little area here we've got and this is based on experience by the way I can look at these very quickly and come to a very quick determination as to what's going on this to me is a little bit of transfer now just so you know transfer is when two parts collide it's when they change DNA how about that so this was hit by something it left a little mark it could be plastic could be paint who knows here's some scratches now typically what happens is scratches will occur when the car is dirty often what you're seeing is in fact damage to the paint the reason it changes color many times because it has skidded the dirt into the material so you may not be able to remove the scratch a hundred percent this will allow you to clean the dirt out of the scratch self if I was to examine this under the right lighting I would in fact still see that there's some damage here but now I've just cleaned the dirt out of it and now under normal viewing distances and lighting you cannot see the scratch I simply go around and I treat these individual scratches see how quickly that came off because it was in fact transfer this I know is scratch with some dirt in it so I'm going to use this see right there you can still see it that transfer came off that quickly but this is still clinging to life we use a little bit more and I'm gonna go back and forth until I have the desired results here we have a deeper scratch once again experience dictates that I know this is going to be some permanent damage but I want to show you I can tell that this is a common problem where the hatch came up and it rub against the garage door so I'm just gonna go across this and I can literally feel the damage paint through this cloth so I know that these results with this just single product is gonna be very minimal this is where I would have to bust out a little bit of sandpaper finesse it very carefully because it's an edge and then fill it in with some touch-up paint here we have some more scratches once again I'm just gonna go in pretty hot and if you have a black car you will have to apply some more caution because black is going to reveal your pattern if you create one more than a light-colored car like this one so this is what you need to do you need to first focus on the scratch and if your harshest and full of fear go and light go back and forth check your result now if you start seeing a pattern that you've created because maybe your cloth isn't as good as this one there's many ways you can create a pattern don't go into freakout mode you take some this stuff Wow brain fade and you lightly go back and forth and you finesse it and you wipe it you check your results you go back in if you need to finesse it some more and that's where you can start if you're overly fearful now because in most cases I know what I'm doing I can go in hot because I can fix any mistake that I happen to make which is gonna be literally nothing with a product like this it's that safe but I do accept that not all clear coats are created equal there truly are clear coats that are softer than others so your car will be unique unique to your situation so this is where you can test the waters go and softly and then graduate to more and more pressure until you have the desired results once you've rubbed it sufficiently enough and now you're beginning to question yourself you can feel and see if there's some divot or line something that you can catch a fingernail with so this little mark right here which is probably not even showing up that well I can catch a little edge to it so I know that I'm gonna be limited with this I can keep going back in and rubbing more and more because what I would want to do next is try to wear down any edges to that scratch if I can wear down those edges which is often the only thing you're gonna be able to do then the light will reflect differently on that scratch and it will camouflage it because you have worn all the hard edges off of the scratch so that was a better it's a better result it's part of a better winning combination also if you think or you're in fear of wearing down your clerk coat and going through the clerk coat or burning an edge by hand you would literally have to be built like a gorilla and have that kind of strength to force a burn into that edge with this stuff so that's just a non-issue unless of course you decide to sit here for about a week and just rub til your hand fell off then of course I suppose I could probably do it so you just go around and you just treat these individual scratches and when I'm done I will have cleaned this bumper dramatically to create a more desired result with all that said in 10,000 words or less this is why I think you need at least one of these products on hand you might already have one collecting dust in your garage bust it out see how you can quickly improve the appearance of your car by simply removing and polishing away these miscellany scratches and scuff marks if I had to pick like I said between one of these products it would be the Maguire's it represents the winning balance between aggressive and mild very user friendly very easy to get very economical always refer to the show more box below every video there's gonna be links that will take you to my website for a greater more comprehensive description and that's how you can help support me in my efforts because if he shopped through the Amazon links I in fact get a little bit of a commission so thank you in advance we'll see on the next video don't forget to subscribe and don't forget when you subscribe to hit the little Bell button next to it that will alert you whenever I upload the next latest and greatest video we'll see you next time on the next video and you simply go around your car with your microfiber there's our ambient noise with an edge besides the Lessing of every other person's video in the moment of course no video line would be complete without some unwanted ambient noise in this case a delivery truck
Channel: Auto Fetish Detail
Views: 693,777
Rating: 4.6207294 out of 5
Keywords: meguiars scratch remover, meguiars scratch x, meguiars scratch x 2.0, car paint scratch remover, car paint scratch repair, bumper scratches, auto detailing, car detailing, car detailing tutorial, car detailing fro beginners, car detailing tips tricks, car detailing secrets
Id: 1uHqNlJp5Zw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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