Meghan's New Life: The Real Princess Diaries

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ever done anything by the book she is redefining what it means to be a princess it's a moment of pressure but now that she's princess what's Megan's royal life really like I'm Alistair brews an Officer of arms to the Queen which has given me a privileged view of Prince Harry's upbringing now his wife is expecting a baby how exciting so can this couple really modernize the thousand-year-old monarchy the dinner party conversation is about to change as a palace bring it on showing us for a look inside Megan's new life the real Princess Diaries [Music] Megan personified the American dream before she ever met Prince Harry that is now just back and fight on the world stage yeah I mean doesn't it just seem like a pot right out of a movie like glamorous actress needs handsome prince regular person can be process your impossibly beautiful and humanitarian and clearly a superstar I mean who really thinks they can actually marry a prince mega maka has done that [Music] there's the car she's leaving Clinton house right now we've been fed this story of the royal family for decades perhaps centuries were supposed to care what happens this really rich people in England well finally a black girl gets to be part of the fantasy but she's gonna have to find a way to be herself and yet be part of an institution it's been going on for a thousand years and which has survived when so many others didn't because it constantly reinvents itself and Megan is a part of that reinvention she's a self-made feminist well sure any of us ever really expects to see that although it's high time that that happened just by being mixed-race American actress divorce you know these are all really unconventional terms when it comes to talking about the wife of Prince in the UK bride has arrived it was in a word really magical people were just excited to see that Harry was getting his happy ending I just felt like there was lots of symbolism in this wedding ceremony that both of them probably wanted to embrace there was the choir [Music] [Applause] well there were small slaves in America's antebellum South those Royals they have never seen a black bishop in Windsor Chapel talking about slavery they didn't know what hit them I think because Britain hadn't seen quite so much of that celebration of different cultural intensities it was a really refreshing thing to see happening in the firmament of the Royals story and the fact that the Queen was there when she was ok with all of it so the Queen's okay with it everyone else should be ok with it I think the Queen has come full circle and embraced the new generation but I know that the Dutchess of Sussex hopefully will not bring any scandal to the firm the firm is that what they call the family the firm the Buckingham Palace people often laugh when when we say that Meghan has joined the firm but people forget that yes the royal family is a family but first and foremost it is in the business of running the interestingly within a month of getting married the Queen took Megan on the royal train girls trip the royal train is you know not many people have ever been on and you sit down and have kippers or whatever with the Queen and she's is most probably the most famous woman on the planet Kate didn't do a solo trip with a queen for a year the queen is incredibly smart the Queen sees Meghan as a very nice a useful tool in securing and symbolizing the future of the monarchy for decades to come there are very strict rules when you're a royal highness and you're a full-on working royal I think as an outsider especially as an American it's got to be incredibly hard [Music] I think there's a temptation to look at an American girl marrying into the British royal family and thinking got her life's going to be palaces and yachts oh it looks so wonderful they're dripping in jewels they get to wear fancy tiaras but you know it's not about path you can't have social media accounts can't take selfies you can't work you can't take money I mean and she just married in like ten minutes ago which she's got to be cool for a while I don't think she's going to be hosting black lives matter at the castle anytime soon she is going to be one of the most photographed women in the world and that level of attention must be pretty stressful actually nobody can really describe to you what 76 engagements over 16 days when you're utterly jet-lagged is going to feel like to arrive in a car the door is opened and then you meet the Lord Lieutenant and then introduced to the head of this the head of that having something else you have to spend most of the day saying the same thing over and over again like have you come far how did you get here thank you so much that engagement could be a 10 o'clock at night it could be at 10 o'clock in the morning then you go run the factory you meet everybody in the factory you then unveil a plaque you then get into the car you go 50 yards down the road there's another person to greet you it sounds fantastic the Duchess of Sussex but Countess of Dumbarton and Baroness kill kill in the end it's graft the biggest adjustment the Megane has had to make in these six months is learning the difference between walking down the red carpet as an actress and a celebrity and walking down the red carpet as a member of the royal family you can never see him you're alone every time you open a newspapers someone's being horrible about you everyone on social media has an opinion your life is no longer your own she has been criticized for the way she's had her legs when she sat next to the Queen her hair her hair stars how long her dresses have been she has been raised eyebrows because she closed her own door of her own limousine but that's weird because that's not what Royals do good on now I hope you keep shutting her door still ahead the Royal baby bump I think there's gonna be a huge spotlight on this kid and growing up royal in Kensington Palace what must that be like the primary function of a royal wife is the delivery of an heir and despair as quickly as possible we also generally couldn't think of a better place to announce the upcoming baby Duchess Megan is expecting a child in fact they were able to get pregnant so quickly is the icing on the cake of this whirlwind romance I think when we saw making it princess usually is wedding wearing that coat we will thought okay having a real baby is a big deal and we can definitely expect to see in the run-up to this baby being born every time Megan appears there will be a lot of bump watch there'll be a lot of discussion about her maternity fashion Oh babies Sussex is everything I hope it's a girl I do and buyers I think we will expecting this baby to be incredibly cute with his or her mother's fantastic looks and dad's impish sense of fun there is excitement and interest in the fact that this baby will be the first biracial baby that is born into the royal family this is a family that for centuries has been made up predominantly of white European the thing that every woman of colors oh my goodness is the baby gonna have curly hair of course priorities people are wishing to see is this gonna be a brown haired little baby so here you have this child who has ancestors that are British royalty and african-american slaves how powerful I feel so proud to live in a city that can have so much diversity I felt so immediately embraced Kate will be a great resource tonight in kind of how do you handle being pregnant and being a new mom in this incredibly public strange way it's not a fun tradition for royal wives to arrive pretty soon after the birth on the steps of the hospital and stand there in front of the world's media presenting their baby to the world I was outside the hospital when Kate had her children and I think everyone was blown away when Kate came out looking so perfect and she had her hair done she had a high-heeled odds and mean even showing up four hours after delivering the perfect makeup relenting babies to the world [Applause] what they were doing we're not even saying a word spoke volumes first of all we saw Kate's baby bump that's how women look once we've just given birth they don't immediately just snap back in to shape we have this lovely moment with the Duke of Cambridge coming out with Prince George in the car seat doing the classic dad maneuver of trying to get it into the car as smoothly as possible in front of the world's cameras it was very much a message of we are going to be hands-on parents Megan and Harry want to be really hands-on parents so I think that's Harry and Megan clearly thinking how can we give this child a life where it doesn't automatically have its life mapped out for it Harry has spoken very much about how he appreciated his mother Diana trying to give him as normal a life as possible he wants to do the same for his child episode as Megan [Music] Diana was very much the first real physically hands-on royal mother in fact that she breastfed them the fact that William was immediately being taken on official trip to Australia when he was very young the Queen notoriously had to leave her kids at home when she was doing that in the 50s often in royal households and parenting is outsourced but for Diana for her being a mother was the most important thing in her life and her children and really were able to feel that our children deserve as much love and care and attention as I am able to give Harry's talk was a lot about the fact that his mother was so much fun to be with you know we've seen so many beautiful images of her really letting them live out or where their childhood dreams she wanted to make sure that Harry and William understood what life was like outside palace walls I'm sure it's been over the moon jumping up and down and I was so excited for it for me but then I said it would have probably been best friends best friends Onegin there has been a lot of talk that Dorie Raglan might move to London to be closer to her daughter I love the idea of his Ragland in the palace come on over teach them all yoga she's a yoga instructor I would love to see her leading Prince Charles in some downward dog when the boys were very young they all live together at Kensington Palace with their mother although it's a palace it's made up of lots of smaller properties but there are plenty of gardens there are walled gardens and areas where the children can play Kensington Palace is really one of the nicest palaces to be at this is the Regal Melrose Place because usually in jackal living there now Harry and Megan William and Kate at the moment Harry and Megan are based in Newton cottage which is a two-bedroom property it sounds very dramatic but actually a tiny weeny little cottage Harry hasn't spoken with her about the fact that it has very low ceilings and he bashes his head so we definitely got them to move into a larger apartment so I say apartments loosely we're talking like 31 room apartments four-story apartments the one that everyone is talking about his apartment one which is right next to William and Kate's apartment 1a there's even an interconnecting door between apartment one and apartment 1a so they really are living on top of each other in a nicest poshest most ridiculous royal way and that'll be fantastic for their son or daughter to be able to grow up very close to Prince George and Prince and Princess Charlotte [Music] giving their children freedom away from the confines of Palace life is going to be keep London brings with it all the burdens of royal living there's members the public taking photographs on their cell phones there's paparazzi loitering and one of the things that they have been so adamant about is that they and their families will not be subjected to media scrutiny because this is going to be a child that is biracial I think there's gonna be a huge spotlight on this kid so I think Harry's going to be the ultimate grizzly bear when it comes to taking care of his family how could he not be when he at the age of 12 had already witnessed for his whole life his mother being chased by the paparazzi he'd witnessed her crime because of something that had been written in the newspaper about her he knew that William had cost issues under the bathroom door because Diana was upset at the moment Harry and Megan is saying that they don't want to title for their baby so as a result this baby's unlikely to ever have his or her honest Prince princess title and they will be expected to work for a living there's no chance that this baby will ever be king or queen this baby has so much more freedom than William and Kate's children do and this baby will not be expected when they get older to carry out full-time role duties they can really carve their own path and I think Harry a Megan will be really excited about that next are Kate and Megan really friends and is Megan changing royal style when you look at the Duke and Duchess of Sussex there is an enormous electricity between them there was a fairytale feel like you're watching a very private interaction on a public stage every time they're out there holding hands is touching a small of a fact they're laughing and smiling together and I think that's what makes them so endearing Megan and Harry are so open in their affection for each other and we haven't seen that with our royal family really the Queen had a tradition of never ever shaking hands with people in crowds the Queen's view is if you don't touch anybody then everyone's contempt really and I don't think anyone would dare try and reach out and get her hand but hey you know it's a modern generation and that's the way they connect is a much more touchy-feely world that's the world of Harry and Megan Harry saw his best with the Royal hugger in chief Harry is like the golden retriever of Royals everybody loves him he is this warm fuzzy presence for me they've become the Duke and Duchess of cuddles you want to hate them but it's too cute so you love it [Music] [Applause] marry and make them have Sparkle and glamour and Hollywood style appeal which I clearly is going to make the royal family feel a bit more up to date I think we'll never forget Megan Merkel's official entrance to the scene which was at the Invictus games she wore an oversized white button-down shirt and ripped jeans I'll never get over that as long as I live and I'm so excited about it she wore ripped jeans do you remember the white coat she wore for the engagement photograph no other member of the world man would ever wear that that was a very kind of corny choice it's modern it's funky it's young it's sexy we want to feel that the monarchy is working very hard on behalf of the country but we also want to be entertained we want beautiful pictures of beautiful princesses smiling fashion it's very important in the life of the royal Londoners cheer their gracious and vibrant Queen wearing a gold brocade dress and diamond and tiara hui divisible has her own personal designers clothes are selected clothes are vetted colors are studied Queen Elizabeth's wear bright colors so she could be seen from afar Oh elephant we love Diana Princess of Wales was fabulous all the designers flutter the late John in Versace love the Karl Lagerfeld loved it and she was so accessible to the world of fashion when Diana came in into the royal family she was a breath of fresh air and then Kate was a breath of fresh air Kate Middleton the Duchess of Cambridge is worth about one point four billion dollars a year to the British fashion industry when Kate wears something it sells out instantly now we have the Megan effect I think the Logan effect is even bigger than the coat effect what Princess Diana was to the world of fashion and style the Duchess of Sussex is today she wears Yvonne she on her wedding day she falls she needs clothes won't you have their little black dress and Breakfast at Tiffany's there were Roma's issues gonna wear sparkles and spangles and beads and diverse flashy and trashy that was all just you know fake dues it was very simple which I was surprised by because I don't know I think I would go for pretty fast in that moment but it's almost like a designer endorsement now Megan arguably is the biggest fashion a producer in the world people are gonna go into a square roots or advancement say I want that dress that the justice a sex war in Australia you're gonna go into Bergdorf for Neiman Marcus I want that Shirtwaist dress button up to the collar long sleeve I know that some people have complained she's wearing too much flak or too many neutral colors but it works for her and it means that the focus isn't always on what she's wearing but what she's doing and saying as well there was a brief moment immediately after the wedding she wore basically the same outfit over and over again a lot of blush suits that were very stiff and sort of in kind he's looking with pantyhose and I freaked out like oh gosh what have they done to her is she still hurt but then I think that was a conscious choice and she is sort of telling a story of I am a royal now well you can see that she's sort of buttoning it up just a little bit but on the other hand she seems to be flowy and and different so if anything maybe she is adhering to tradition with her own sense of flair what she brings is Hollywood glamour has a purpose I think the things that she has to be careful of is OC she has a lot of showbiz friends and I love them for it if she's seen as somebody that only associates with celebrities that's not a kind of message that you want to be sending I think she really needs to make herself you know much like what Princess Diana was which is the princess of the people I think there has been speculation of kind of the marquel Sparkle as it's called is lighting a fire in Kate yes perhaps she is upping her game a little bit because suddenly there is a little bit of competition but I don't think Kate sees it as competition working together as family do you ever have disagreements about things working as family says everybody was laughing the photographers used to complain that Kate would get out of the car and she wouldn't look at them she wouldn't give them the picture Kate is now looking at the cameras she's smiling he's that because of Meghan I don't know but we're certainly seeing Kate's confidence grow the other day Meghan is a performer she knows how to act in front of the camera she's always got the perfect smile she knows how to look really interested when she's bored to tears if anything kate is a little bit more of a homebody and she's more happy to at Meghan Marshall take some of the spotlight and the scrutiny off of her Megan and Kate have unique experience because they are sea merits to my side is real bachelors in the world and they're gonna be living in the goldfish bowl or live the rest of their lives kate is the only person with Meghan confirmative who really understands what it's like their marriage as a young woman into this bizarre crazy family everything points to getting on Harry a Meghan had a big bust of rau well Megan can't just nip down the road of a glass of chardonnay with her workmates I wouldn't mind betting you she's straight round to Kate oh why ramped about the royal princes to get but stay with us because families are complicated it's one of the reasons we are all interested in the royal family is that they are relatable because they are often going through the same issues the royal family modernizes but is never modern but it does sometimes have these figures that come in and transform it and Megan very much is a transformative figure she was the first royal fiancee to attend thundering him a Christmas historically it's only been when people married into the whole families that they were able to have Christmas with the Queen it really shows how much we have moved on as a society that Harry was able to fall in love and marry a divorcee Harry's marriage to Megan definitely historical particularly because of course we have that situation where King Edward the eighth had to abdicate the Queen's uncle had to give up being King because he was in love with an American divorcee Wallis Simpson back then you could not be an American bless on top of it an American divorcee and marry into the royal family they weren't going to have it they were not having it as a result his younger brother George ended up on the throne and his daughter Princess Elizabeth became heir apparent she is our current queen rated to your service under the service of our great imperial family to which we all belong people didn't tolerate and the church wouldn't admit divorce people to get married and the Queen's own sister faced that again Princess Margaret the Queen's sister fell in love with a divorcee and was prevented from marrying him because it would have been such a scandal the Queen was the head of the Church of England she couldn't allow a marriage like that to go through to say to your sister but I know you're in love I know he makes you happy but because he's divorced who cannot marry then just imagined doing that attorney a sibling I don't know anything about it because I knew the pressure was on both of us and it was a difficult decision in the end it's what I wanted that's what I want Dinah is very naive 19 20 year old she didn't really understand what was going on I'm sure that Prince Charles didn't want to marry Diana he felt kind of boxed in by his father by the media I think it wouldn't have had to have had a crystal ball to say hmm this might be a bit of a problem the United Kingdom expected Prince Charles to marry a virgin well I mean who's worrying about that sort of thing now well it was a very real concern for those who thought the monarchy needed to be better than everybody else I think put enormous pressure on a young man at that time [Music] at the end of this year when I've completed my diary of official engagements I will be reducing the extent of the public life I've led so far three of the Queen's children separated and divorced in 1992 three out of four of them and the Queen as the Queen as the head of the family was held responsible I sometimes wonder how future generations will judge the events of this too much was yeah I am quite sure but most people try to do their best to do their jobs as best they can even if the result is not always entirely successful [Music] when Diana died and I knew her very well the nation felt they'd lost somebody who each of them identified with in their own way London was silent other than the sound of the clip-clop of the hooves and then the occasional sob from the crowd amidst all of that his boys walked behind their mothers a funeral procession what child should be expected to do that on such a public scale there live since and particularly the choice of their wives has been somehow shared and celebrated in a way that the monarchy hasn't quite reached before then you could see that Harry over the years had a hard time trying to find his way and he was kind of the wild child the untamed child when details of Megan emerged I think most of us in role core feel like we're thinking she's no offense American she is a famous actress she's a divorcee what an Earth's Harry doing Ben the penny drops Harry's never done anything by the book he's just broken the mold and that's a fantastic thing the fact that he's chosen this absolute kind of megastar she's got everything she needs to kind of really pop on the world stage that's the brilliant most brilliant thing he could ever have done yeah actress yeah that's good that works when the king is in residence hundreds of people come to watch the ceremony and the changing of the guard because pumpkins people still attack the curious in the idol Wallis Simpson and Princess Margaret must be rolling in their graves but from sheer joy because suddenly they're saying it doesn't matter anymore when they've tried to put their foot down and said find a virgin Protestant and anglo-saxon aristocrat oh it's been a disaster I think that is Diana's lasting legacy that she raised to songs that were open-minded enough to marry whoever they wanted to marry there's a famous quote about for for everything to stay the same everything was changed the Queen was 25 when she became the monarch and that was in 1952 and she's changed remarkably I salute her for being able to move at the times because I think a lot of 92 year olds stops changing their mind somewhere in their sixties [Applause] when it comes to Harry and Megan's marriage I think her main concern is that Harry happy the marriage is stable yes she's the queen yes she's the head of state but she's also a grandmother and she wants her family to be happy [Music] coming up Prince Harry and Megan on tour keeping it real but keeping it royal Megan's role now is of course in partnership with her husband to create a bond and a relationship that works for them but in particular beyond that it's to serve Prince Harry in his delivery of support to the Queen as head of state I think the perception of Harry and Megan around the world is that they're a couple who are keen to make a change globally but she's got to find the right way of doing it that means something to her and as long as there's nothing to do with politics there the British will support her women don't need to find a voice they have a voice they need to feel empowered to use it often we don't know a lot about what members the royal family think because they try very hard to keep their personal opinions to themselves however with Meghan because she had all these years where she had no idea that she was going to become a royal we know a lot about what she thinks because she's written about it she's spoken about it she's been on television talking about it yes of course Trump is device to think about just female voters alone and she was a very very savvy outspoken young woman a real feminist women need a seat at the table and in some cases where this isn't available well then you know what then they need to create their own table and now she is in this world where she's got to pull that back a little bit you're not supposed to come involved in politics if you remember they're all family so she's gonna be walking a fine line for the rest of her life in a goldfish bowl [Music] mehgan's big test a big test in the six months was the big first overseas war with a new husband to meet the people of the Commonwealth you can see hundreds if not thousands of people have turned out we've been seeing this everywhere this couple goes everyone wants to see them however Megan has a Rockstar welcome wherever they went there was chanting there was screaming it was massive it was box office when they got off the plane at each stop on their tour they walked down the steps side by side Harry has been very clear that Megan she might be the one that married into the royal family but he's made sure she's an equal member of the royal family she's not walking along behind her husband when Harry Megan went to a rural area in Australia Megan arrived with banana bread that she had baked just the night before even though it was the second day of this massive tour and she was pregnant they're a bit taken aback because it's the Duke and Duchess of Sussex at their door but her response was I was raised to never go to someone's house without bringing a gift women's suffrage is about feminism but feminism is about fairness did he remember the royal family talking about feminism the giving speeches on it is quite punchy when she gave one of her first speeches and Fiji she had notes with her that it all had handwritten scribbles on before she went off and I asked a panel say it has she written this herself because that's quite unusual for the Royals there's usually other people and they said this was all her she's been up for days working on this speech it was through scholarships financial aid programs and work-study that I was able to attend University I think anyone in the world that he's ever had to worry about paying a university bill in these times and for this family it is pushing the envelope to give speeches on feminism and it's certainly something that the Queen does not do nor does Kate Middleton do megan is the feminist princess of our dreams and for Americans we sort of take pride in that because we say look there's our American girl over there shaking of the monarchy there's something in the American character which is very different from the British the much more open infection er and bubbly in the way that they deal with the public my goodness me that's what the royal family needs Megan has that human touch that Donna was so famous for there is actually a lot of Diana's qualities I think Megan has as well and one of those is very much that she is very open she leaves with the heart Princess Diana had a real sense of compassion it's almost like Diana's legacy continues it isn't enough to simply talk about equality one must believe in it it's always been my concern to touch people with leprosy trying to show in a simple action that they're not reviled nor are we repulsed diana did so much as just sort of an activist humanitarian I mean mind-blowing to see her walk through a minefield HIV does not make people dangerous to know so you can shake their hands and give them a hug her brilliance at reaching out and touching people who are dealing with HIV and AIDS was a remarkable expression of quite frankly what everyone in this country needed to get over which was a hideous prejudice at a time of worldwide challenge and the need for change Megan has just begun her steps down the road I mean what Diana offered it was so much greater than just being a royal it's like she took that and she said okay I'm gonna use this and the spot like this gives me to actually make a difference in the world is Meghan gonna show that kind of courage I have no idea it would be great if she would but you know the remains to be seen next up modernizing the monarchy to the work princess the dinner party conversation is about to change at the palace the world of the monarchy for hope this hope in the distance is a canary this hope for the beautiful child that she will have this hope there is civility something we are lacking in today's world in America they connect with the public in a way that the rest of the royal family has never been able to do I think they probably do as a couple represent something really exciting about cultural change in the United Kingdom making it's not going to conform to royal norms I think she's going to force the royal family to embrace her cultural roots she can speak to all those who always thought British royalty is a very distant racial concern to them and workers the kids say actually the work princess the dinner party conversation is about to change at the palace it really is and now we have people who aren't even that interested in the royal family they're there for Megan because she represents something that they're passionate about or she represents them I'm not quite sure how he wants to go forward in embracing herself as a princess or a duchess of color that kind of remains to be seen I think we have to be very careful about you know talking about her mixed-race heritage indicating that it's doing huge amounts of preservation as we can and well I don't think it's as simple as that it doesn't mean that we are suddenly in a post-racial world Harry made a great choice you know good for him but that doesn't mean that the world has suddenly solved its racial problems but there's no doubt that it projects a much more relevant image of the royal family than perhaps we've seen before Berrien Megan are global stars of the volcanic moment but Harry in particular is very very aware of how quickly that can fade in a matter of years people be much more interested in what Prince George's doing what Princess Charlotte's doing the concentration of monarchy is always on the main line and it's the Cambridge's who will be the story their children were the brain up have love affairs of their own marry have children of their own and the Duke and Duchess of Sussex will become less and less relevant because of that they will try and pack in as much as they can in the next couple years when it comes to championing the work that they want to do and I hope she changes things because her energy and her freshness will help improve the brand and its delivery of support to the Queen it's already becoming clear that megan's exactly what not only harry needed not only what the raw family needed but what the british public needed and long for his power i think the wonderful thing about megan is she's pushing it as far as she can go and i'm interested to see how much further she will take it as she settles in even more and so if she is an iconoclast bring it on because actually throughout history people who come into the royal family of all of them in their own way brought a style a way that has worked for that time has challenged the past but is probably been the very foundation for new traditions [Music]
Channel: Kirbster10
Views: 2,251,142
Rating: 4.4684019 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 39min 56sec (2396 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 22 2018
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