Meghan Markle : A Less Than Royal Narcissist : Part 38.2 The Duke´s Demise

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[Music] a less than royal narcissist part 38.2 how will meghan markle regard the demise of prince philip and the forthcoming funeral privately it threatens her control the death of another person is at best an inconvenience to a narcissist why it's everything about the person who has died and not about the narcissist narcissists generally respond to the death of another person in one of two ways dismissiveness pouring scorn upon the individual barely acknowledging the death of the individual exhibiting contempt as a consequence of the absence of emotional empathy and the absence of a facade the alternative response tends to be going over the top in terms of grief the fact of missing this individual an outpouring of i miss them so much even though they've had very little to do with that person in the last five years or i can't imagine life without this person even though they'd barely spoken for the last few years tears declarations of how much this person was loved and missed and admired all being done because the narcissist has no emotional empathy but has cognitive empathy and commandeers the death of the individual to make it all about them to triangulate everybody else with the death of the person so that they comfort this person in their apparent grief or speak highly of the wonderful eulogy that the individual has provided like any other time the narcissist utilizes this occurrence for the purposes of their own need to assert control and draw fuel so in some instances the fact that this person has passed away barely gets a mention from the narcissist because the narcissist truly does not care and where you have a narcissist that has no facade they will not do anything in terms of demonstrating grief or upset and indeed where the death keeps being mentioned to them that will threaten the narcissist control because it's about somebody else and the narcissist which operates without a facade is likely to respond in a dismissive way possibly talking badly about that individual to provoke a reaction from people which then of course gives the narcissist fuel and allows the assertion of control because it has then become about the narcissist and not the person who's passed away and then in other instances the narcissist that operated facade will talk about how much the person is missed how wonderful they are offer condolences to other people and put on a show but often going over the top in terms of the extent to which that they are apparently upset going over the top to be the extent by which they will miss this person going over the top with regard to the extent by which that they had a meaningful interaction with the individual and many times people notice this they think she's talking about him as if they'd been best friends for 30 years she barely knew him she's only recently joined the family or she's had nothing to do with him for the last five years why did she talk about really missing him or only last week she was talking disparagingly about him and now he's gone we have this vault fast where she's talking about him being this bastion of wonderfulness and how she don't doesn't think that she can go on without him of course this shows the compartmentalization the contradiction the hypocrisy and black and white thinking of the narcissist so the passing away of the duke of edinburgh will threaten meghan markle's sense of control because it's not going to be about megan it's going to be about prince philip and the outpouring of condolences and use items about it the fact that every news channel around the world will be reporting it in some shape or form and it will come to her attention will threaten her control she will privately if harry is in a respite period offer false compassion for him to be supportive and in that respite period to give him the impression that she cares offering words of sympathy offering him support if there is no respite period then she will be asserting control through a more malign method and i shall refer return to that in a moment publicly of course there will be the maintenance of the facade although of course the statement thank you for your service you will be greatly missed as i mentioned in part one you can almost hear that being said through gritted teeth it pays lip service to the compliment there is no warmth no emotional empathy within that and harry really ought to have done better but it demonstrates the grip that he is under with regard to the fact this statement is being made about his grandfather there are comments from people that were far removed in terms of relation to prince philip who spoke with far greater eloquence warmth and defection and here's prince harry unable to muster up any decent message about his own father their grandfather rather which exhibits of course the impact of the narcissist upon his way of behaving and those of you who have been ensnared by narcissists will recognize the instances where perhaps you or other people that you know that have been ensnared in a sense were no longer themselves that they didn't participate that they didn't involve themselves in the family to the extent that they once did this is the impact of the repeated control over prince harry manifesting prince harry will attend the funeral he has to otherwise that would be it between him and the other members of the royal family and notwithstanding the level of control that he's under he will still stand his ground and attend the funeral there is no alternative however this of course serves to threaten meghan markle's control over him it actually serves to threaten the control in two distinct ways the first is the fact that he's going to go away somewhere else and attend the funeral of somebody else means that it is about somebody else and not meghan markle and therefore that threatens the sense of control secondly there is the additional threat to control served by the fact that he is going back into the orbit of his extended family his brother his father his sister-in-law his grandmother his aunts and uncles and of course meghan markle's narcissism regards them as the enemy they are threats to her control over her intimate partner primary source which is harry that is why of course that she removed harry to canada and then to california to reduce the reach of the royal family upon controlling him her narcissism sees them as painted black hence the recent comments made about them much of which has been demonstrated to be untrue from the oprah interview they're painted black they are viewed as a threat to control and it is a common narcissistic response to remove the intimate partner primary source from the influence of other people friends family colleagues even in order to ensure that there can be no interference with regard to the continued assertion of control now because prince harry will return to the united kingdom for the funeral that risk to control comes again so the fact that he's going in the first place will threaten control and secondly the fact that he's going to come under the influence of the royal family again in his visit no matter how long it is a few days or a week accordingly what will happen well privately meghan markle will need to extract her pound of flesh before he goes there will be the use of guilt repeatedly talking about how this has come at such a bad time i and i know that it's difficult in the history of your grandfather but how am i to manage with archie and all the help that we've got here and of course i'm pregnant so haru made to feel guilty for the fact that he's going away and elsewhere he will be triangulated with the pregnancy there will possibly be some sort of emergency that occurs in order to make him feel even worse about going she will make it difficult for him i'm not sure that i'll be able to manage without you do you really have to go well they've never helped us have they do you really think that you ought to go back what about the coronavirus situation and so forth of course harry will still go but it will not be an easy ride for him in effect it is the equivalent of what occurs when the narcissist is making life difficult for a person before they for instance attend a night out and if you want to understand more about that listen to the video anti-social why the narcissist makes going out so difficult in effect when you choose to do something of your own volition with other people that undermines the narcissist's sense of control and therefore the narcissist instinctively where an unaware narcissist exists has to respond in a way to then assert control by pity play threat tantrum sometimes physical violence there are many different ways and there'll be many of you listening that will have experienced that whereby you gave up your social life because not only did the narcissist isolate you from your friends and family to begin with in benign way by monopolizing your time and then say oh can't we spend time together i so miss you when you're not here we have such a great time when together that when you entered sustained devaluation when you were the intimate partner primary source you were treated to malign behaviors silent treatments sulking threat physical violence verbal violence all because you just want to go and spend a night out with your friends which ultimately meant that in the end you stopped doing it because it just wasn't the hassle prince harry will still go but he will be met with similar behaviors he won't necessarily be met with physical violence but he will be met with pity plays pleading guilt-tripping triangulation all as part of the assertion of control it might even be the case that meghan markle drops the narc bomb by way of some kind of preventative hoover feigning stomach pains complaining about some kind of health problem which puts him on edge and of course she will then play the martyr no no go go i'll be all right here without you you have to go you have to go and see your family don't worry about me and archie we'll manage just fine and of course he we may feel bad to go rather than being supported rather than being given an understanding response of well i can't come because of the advanced stage of pregnancy which of course is convenient and the narcissism will utilize that of course it is a fact and as i've explained before that the narcissism will utilize what are facts and what are invented facts with regularity and convenience for the purpose of asserting control so as i've explained elsewhere piers morgan's behavior where he continues to assert control over meghan markle is utilizing information which is generally accepted as the truth it isn't because he's on some grand quest for the truth it's just that it happens to coincide with his needs and therefore his narcissism utilizes it similarly the fact that she is pregnant many narcissists utilize pregnancy as a means for certain control over their intimate partner primary source with miscarriage scares with phantom pains with backache morning sickness etc whether real or in or fabricated as a means to assert control over that individual and there's a possibility that meghan markle will do so in a similar way by dropping the narc bomb but it won't stop harry from going whilst he's away of course he will be repeatedly hoovered he will come on her radar through the various spheres of influence he will be expected to call and not only will he be expected to keep in touch he can expect repeated hoovers by way of telephone calls and messages which will alternate between false compassion pity play triangulation oh aren't you me made some woke cookies we're managing absolutely fine without you again to make him feel guilty and isolated and then pleading with him to come back soon and talking about everything that she has been doing and not really mentioning and asking about how he is again those of you who have been involved with the narcissist will recognize all of this standard narcissist fair with regard to the assertion of control on his return there will then be the necessity of asserting control over him he will enter the first sphere of influence of course and come on the radar by returning home and he may find himself the recipient of a silent treatment doled out it's quite common for a mid-range narcissist to do this when someone has returned from a trip or a weekend away or a holiday no matter how necessary it might have been or to perhaps pick fault with something that he has done no matter how pleasant if he returns with a gift it'll be the wrong gift that he will be lambasted in some shape or form and a series of signing treatments are likely to be high on the possibility on his return prince harry will return to the united kingdom for the funeral but he's not going to be given an easy ride he will face aggravation before he goes in the various forms of the manipulations that i've explained he will be hoovered whilst he's away and on his return the price will be exacted for what will be seen by meghan markle as his treachery it might be at the early juncture she is supportive if he's in a respite period but his attendance at the funeral is going to threaten her control and therefore he will be subjected to a range of unpleasant manipulations ranging in the manner that i have described earlier we may also see some further pr being thrown out by the markle pr team to try and bring attention back onto her during the duration of the period of mourning for friends philip of course it will be done in a way which is seen as subtle about is about returning control and for the purposes of asserting control over the wider audience of followers and listeners and viewers so there we have it the passing of the stalwart that was prince philip the duke of edinburgh once again provides an opportunity for understanding the reaction of the narcissist appetaining to the death of somebody and the impact that it has upon a blood member of the person who's passed away's family's response and how the narcissist reacts to that within being a mid-range narcissist how control is threatened the control has to be asserted over the intimate partner primary source primarily and that there is means by which that is done thank you for listening i'm hg tudor
Channel: HG Tudor - Knowing The Narcissist : Ultra
Views: 39,063
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: hg tudor
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 52sec (1012 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 10 2021
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