Megan thee Stallion is a TOXIC boss like Lizzo? (Meg's LAWSUIT) | Amanda Seales CONDEMNS Issa Rae!

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hello everybody Welcome to the impressive Channel recently Amanda seal sat down with Shannon sharp on his Club sh Shay show anytime somebody sits down with Shannon you know some te's about to be spilled and somebody is about to be exposed well this interview was no different because Amanda SS talked about her riff with her former boss and co-star from insecure Issa Ray and her real issue was really with isa's publicist Vanessa Anderson now Amanda felt like Vanessa was being rude to her and she didn't like her and Amanda tolerated it but things really hit the fan when Amanda went to this black emy's party that was hosted by Vanessa Amanda was actually invited as a plus one so she arrived at the party but Vanessa had four security guards take her out of the party and this of course infuriated Amanda and she ranted about it online a few years ago and after she ranted about this she slowly started getting backlash from black media and she started getting blackballed from certain spaces and she feels like Vanessa is the reason for this also Amanda felt a way that Issa Ray didn't really step in to handle the situation soon enough she felt like Issa didn't defend her or protect her at any point in time Issa seemed to be pretty hands off on the situation as a whole there was a moment when Issa tried to intervene and and she tried to get Amanda to talk to Vanessa however that didn't go well and since then things were just awkward between them I mean truthfully Issa is kind of awkward I don't think she's the type to really want to entertain drama she doesn't seem like a confrontational person and on top of that she's juggling so many different things so she probably saw the issue between Amanda and her publicist as something trivial and she's like listen I ain't got nothing to do with that I'm not in any drama just leave me out of it okay but Amanda didn't like that she felt like Issa didn't protect her and she called her out on it on Club sh and I said to Issa like I don't know what's going on with your publes but like she she got something wrong she got a problem with me and she was like that's between y'all okay I said well it's not really between y'all cuz I don't have a problem with her right but she seems to have a problem with me and she was like that's none of my business okay okay at the end of season 1 I pulled Issa aside at the after this I said can we go to dinner I want to I want to take you to dinner I took her to dinner I said you know I said I feel like you think I have something against you and I just I don't know why you feel that way cuz we have been cool from even before this right she was like well no I said I feel like you have something against me and she said well I think you I feel like you have something against me and I was like based on what so I said well why she said well I I guess I was looking at you like your character and so I I said you know what so let's clean the late cuz that's that's not I have nothing against you I I really don't and if that came off that was not my intention but by the end of the show um you know there were just certain scenarios where I had to really always be the bigger person and be be the bomb to the situation and then in season five she came out of her face one she just came out of her face at me one time too many and I just chose to stop being the bomb because the show was rapping I just stopped communicating oh she wasn't empowering to me she didn't feel like I needed she didn't feel like I deserve to be protected I'm only giving a a mod I'm only giving a portion of the situation yeah so but that was my experience so Amanda obviously felt like Issa didn't protect her in these situations now I do find the conversation they had about not liking each other to be pretty interesting because Amanda felt like Issa wasn't feeling her Issa felt like Amanda wasn't feeling her but how they handled the situation was interesting because Issa never brought it up until Amanda invited her out and talked about it so Amanda is the type to confront the problem head on whereas Issa probably would let the problem slide under the rug so they have a different way of handling conflict Amanda is outspoken and she acts as an advocate for people so in her mind she kind of expected Issa to advocate for her but Issa was too passive for her liking she almost came off as nonchalant and Amanda didn't like that because she felt like nobody was taking up for her even after that whole emy's party incident she came back on the set of insecure and people were just icing her out it was a very negative experience for her and it took a while for ISSA to even acknowledge it now we have to go back to shooting cuz at this time it's just the women shooting everybody knows what's going on they don't say nothing to me and that's just fing mean so now we're on set and I I finally say to EA so were you just not going to talk about this because it's now going on for 3 weeks and my mental health is suffering okay and she's like well you know like what what do you want to talk about I said listen like the this was a terrible experience right this was terrible I like literally cried like face to face with her like this is terrible and she's like this is the first time she finally says like well I'm sorry that happened to you it took three conversations mhm and I said well you know I'd like to talk to you further because I need you to speak to Vanessa she is trying to ruin my career she's like I don't think so now listening to this is kind of messed up and I feel for Amanda I do I'm not going to dismiss her feelings at all I think her feelings are very valid but I'm not going to look at Issa as a villain in the situation either I think Issa probably needs to make changes in how she addresses conflict and Amanda needs to make Chang changes and how she addresses conflict there's nothing wrong with confronting things headon but sometimes there's a way to do it and also there's nothing wrong with trying to avoid drama but sometimes you can't Overlook everything now I'm sure some of y'all have heard about this story because it was pretty big this week but Megan D stallion's former cameraman amilio Garcia is suing Megan D stallion for unpaid wages and he's also accusing her of creating a toxic work environment in fact shaming him and also having intercourse with another person in front of him against his will now these are some pretty wild allegations but I'm going to go through what the lawsuit said it said on around June 2022 plaintiff was traveling on tour with stallion in aasta Spain after a night out plaintiff who is ailio Stallion and three other women were riding in a SUV together suddenly Stallion and one of the other women started having sex right beside the pl plaintiff could not get out of the car as it was both moving and he was in the middle of nowhere in a foreign country plaintiff was embarrassed mortified and offended throughout the whole ordeal the following day stallin inquired whether plaintiff was in the SUV the previous night plaintiff confirmed that he was in the SUV subsequently stallion instructed don't ever discuss what you saw stallion berated and directed her fat shaming comments toward plaintiff such as fat be spit your food out and you don't need to be eaten those are some pretty wild allegations now I do think ailio needs to back up some of these allegations with proof because it's just not going to land if he doesn't have any proof to back it up but I'm not going to dismiss these allegations so easily because I do think Megan has a bad habit of bluring the professional lines with people who work with her I mean there was a video of her grinding on her hair stylist colon and he didn't seem to mine but that is still very unprofessional and she shouldn't cross those type of boundaries with somebody who works for her but it comes to show you where her mind is at when it comes to things like this she sees her employees as her friends and she doesn't think twice about getting drunk in front of them grinding on them doing other sexual things like it's nothing to her because she looks at them like her friends instead of her workers and some of the responsibility has to fall on her employees as well because they entertain it too they do but Megan has to be very careful because her behavior can easily be perceived as harassment and even assault but see she doesn't get that so she does things that she shouldn't do around them like allegedly getting her freak on in front of her cameraman that's highly unprofessional highly inappropriate it doesn't matter if he was just a friend that's not cool to allegedly be having intercourse in front of somebody body without their consent that's wild and she allegedly was fat shaming amilio and creating a toxic work environment I mean a few of these allegations sound similar to the allegations that were brought against lizo except lizo wasn't busting It Wide Open in front of her employees you know but she still was cancelled people didn't give her a chance to defend herself which I do find interesting because I see more people coming to Megan's defense but they didn't show the same energy to lizo which actually proved my point that I made in another video I said the reason why lizo got cancelled is because people don't like her people only protect people they like and Megan seems to be more liked and more protected by certain groups of people than lizo is so I do find that to be very interesting now let me get back to the lawsuit this is what was also said after confiding in the makeup artist styan learned of the plaintiff's contemplation of quitting due to Stalin's possessiveness combined with lack of appropriate pay for the amount of time asked of him as discussed fully below later that night stallion drunkenly facetimed the plaintiff and after plaintiff expressed his belief he was being underpaid for the amount of hours actually asked of him they reached an understanding with stallion affirming we're good despite the conversation plaintiff remained scheduled for stallion's upcoming gig the following Friday nevertheless on or around June 2023 Rock Nation unexpectedly reached out out to Plaintiff the night before the scheduled Friday gig and informed him that his Services would no longer be required by stallion so Emilio's main complaint here is the fact that he got fired and he wasn't properly paid for the work he did with Megan the stallion in the lawsuit he went on to say that he worked all times of the day she would call him and tell him to do this and ask him to edit and he would work hours over time without getting paid allegedly and his work hours weren't properly recorded because he was misclassified as an independent contractor instead of an employee of a company the lawsuit said as a personal cameraman plaintiff was forced to take on a myriad of Duties and work much longer hours specifically plaintiff worked in excess of 50 hours under the close scrutiny and explicit discretion of stallion who continuously contacted plaintiff at all hours directing him to brainstorm Tik Tok videos to edit content that plaintiff had not captured and complete various assignments for all relevant time stallion controls and directs the performance of the plaintiff's work who does not provide personal cameraman Services independently of his relationship with stallion stallion specifically told plaintiff that he was not allowed to service any other client other than herself on more than one occasion on multiple occasions stallion explicitly directed plaintiff not to engage with other clients expressing possessiveness over the client services as her personal cameraman this exclusivity requirement meant that PL tip was unable to offer his filming services to any other clients while working with stallion now this is interesting because I do remember when Megan no stallion had a riff with her former hair stylist Jonathan and I do think it was over the fact that he wanted to Branch out and take in more clients but Megan allegedly didn't like that however Jonathan didn't want to be known as just Megan D stallion's hair stylist the only reason me and Megan not working together I mean I'm not doing making her right now is because I'm a hustler we both from Dallas we both on our come up so at the end of day I can't stop my grind when we both trying to grow and just be dedicating myself to Megan no because at the end of the day I don't want to be just known as Megan her sellers now Jonathan was able to Branch out and get his own clients at the expense of his professional relationship with Megan however it was pretty hard for ailio to Branch out because people saw him as just Megan's cameraman and that's kind of how Megan wanted it allegedly he said in his Facebook post over the last 5 years I sacrificed and went through a lot if you know you know I had one main client and made time for local clients when my schedule allowed me to with that I lost out on a lot of opportunities local and within the industry because people thought I was exclusive to one person or they never knew when I was in in town he also said the CEO of Rock Nation Desiree Perez altered his pay and made him receive a lot less than what he was owed and he even liked this tweet that Nikki posted hinting that Desiree was behind him getting fired so there's a lot of things going on and some people might say that ailio is only bringing this lawsuit against Megan because he's mad that he no longer works with her I could see how he would be disgruntled about that because that was his mainstream of income at one point but I don't think he has any real interest in working with Megan anymore at this point I mean he claimed that the work environment was toxic and stressful for him and he wants to get compensated for all of the unpaid work he did however Megan's legal team is clapping back at ailio and they're basically saying that this is a money grab and it has nothing to do with harassment and they will deal with this in court so who knows maybe they might quietly settle to shut him up or maybe they won't pay him at all because he's going up against a heavyweight Megan's lawyer is Alex Sparro he represents Rock Nation and Jay-Z so we all know how that's going to end I mean this lawyer is going to find loopholes in this lawsuit if possible so if ailio doesn't have substantial evidence to back up his claims this lawsuit can possibly be thrown out anyway tell me what yall think about this video down below please like comment and subscribe and share this video if you care thank you so much for watching and I'll see you next time bye [Music] [Music]
Channel: Empressive
Views: 217,420
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Lizzo, issa rae, megan thee stallion, amanda seales, interview, live, emilio garcia, insecure, club shay shay, shannon sharpe, roc nation, jay z, tory lanez, nicki minaj, lizzo canceled
Id: 5T0lqFu8Xgc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 22sec (922 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2024
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