Megafruit Paradise - Super Mario Party (PART 2) | Let's Play
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 470,664
Rating: 4.9325871 out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Michael Jones, Gavin Free, Ryan Haywood, Jeremy Dooley, Super Mario Party, Nintendo Switch, party game, couch, Mario, Yoshi, Goomba, Dry Bones, Wario, Megafruit Paradise, roll, dice, minigames, coins, star, Big Blooper, fruit, tropical
Id: VQ5Nm7K4sXA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 54min 45sec (3285 seconds)
Published: Thu Nov 01 2018
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I think Jeremy misplayed that towards the end. If he had chosen to take coins from Michael and subsequently bought the star that was in front of Michael, then I think he would have shut out Michael from winning. Michael wouldn't have enough to steal a star from anyone, as he starts the last round with 33 coins and Lakitu steals at least 5 (I think). Also, Michael would only collect one star his turn instead of two. So Jeremy would have had 4 and Michael 3. Add in the Bad Luck star at the end and Jeremy beats Ryan at 5 stars since Ryan ends at 4.
Edit: Spelling
What will happen first?
Gavin gets a license to drive in America
Gavin wins a game of Mario Party on recording
So did they just get super lucky or is there really rarely a piranha plant in one of those gifts.
With all of the people complaining about Jeremy's attitude in the comments, I was genuinely surprised to find out that Ryan won and not Michael.
suddenly Starwhal with trains
Jeremy finally doing what ive been waiting for someone to do during the quiz show minigame. I was surprised Michael seemed so annoyed about it considering how much they try to fuck each other over otherwise.
I love watching Super Mario Party so much I went a rewatched the old ones I skipped. Now I have a reason to revisit Ray videos too! Win win.
When I first watched SMP I might have quickly judged it and thought it wasn't as deep as the originals, but it actually has some interesting mechanics.
I'm convinced that because Ryan is chaos like Lindsay, Michael lets him have fun and genuinely enjoys seeing it happen. Also unlike Lindsay, Ryan is controlled chaos and chooses to let fate decide, even better for Michael
I enjoy Jeremy in a lot of videos. Mario Party isnt one. I'd like to see Matt or Lindsay instead.