Let's Play - Mario Party 8: 50-Turn Extra Life Extravaganza
Video Statistics and Information
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Channel: LetsPlay
Views: 3,044,065
Rating: 4.8152456 out of 5
Keywords: Achievement Hunter, AH, video game, gaming, game, gameplay, game play, lets play, let's play, multiplayer, Michael Jones, Gavin Free, Meg Turney, Lindsay Jones, Extra Life, Stretch Goal, Mario Party, Mario Party 8, Birdo, Toad, Yoshi, Daisy, goomba, pirate, facecam, webcam, water, pouring, long, longest, 50 turn, fifty turn, turns, 3 v 1, gold space, island, pirate cannon, four hour, four player, 4 hour, 4 player, team nice dynamite, team winners, team winner, full game, complete game
Id: MAaPwvpbueM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 228min 6sec (13686 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 16 2017
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
Gavin:"guys i'm proposing domething for dinner Meg:"you're finally proposing?"
Best part of the video by far
Heads up if you haven't yet watched it...
The fuckery is glorious.
"BLOW HIM!" ~Michael to Lindsay on Gavin.
If anyone wants to play a drinking game for this video, these are the rules me and my friends play. Best played with four people. (We usually play with beer, as this could get real ugly with liquor)
Pick a team (In this case: Yoshi, Birdo, Toad, or Daisy).
If the character you chose lands on a red space, rolls a 1, or loses a minigame, you drink.
If the character you chose rolls a 10, everyone EXCEPT you drinks.
Everyone drinks whenever someone lands on the gold space.
For duels: Both players in the duel place "bets." They both pour as much or as little of their drink as they want into the same cup. Loser of the duel drinks the cup.
For Battle Minigames: Same rules as duels apply, but with everyone involved. All players place their "bets" into the same cup. Last place drinks the cup.
For those interested in stats:
And yes, I had far too much time on my hands. Will continue to update with miscellaneous stats as the day goes on.
Random fun facts:
Gavin asks the difference between a Steer and a Veer in both this video and a previous Mario Party.
This one
Shy Guy's Perplex Express
"Today's the day I start getting my work done during spring break!"
sees this video
"Let's be honest. I wasn't gonna get work done anyways."
Not nearly as much losing-the-will-to-live as Uno, but still a damn good watch. Hope they do this again next year like they said.
Hold my workday, I'm going in!!
Gavin Free has to win the award for "Most Expensive Free Gold Space Star." That double thowmp was brutal!