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[Music] hi this is the scratch card king back with another video scratch card mega carry on okay so i thought i'd give it one more go 300 pounds worth we're gonna do a carry-on we're going to see if we can beat our five days let's hope sorry let's hope so here we go let's do this hopefully if any with any luck we get a better result than last time on the first day but the first wins two quid dude i've looked into this uh national lottery thing a bit um about the scratch card stopping or they're phasing them out and stuff you're talking 2024 it looks like to me so uh yeah no need to worry guys no need to worry we've got a few more we've got a few more months left yet um whether they start phasing them out i can't see it because it'd be the new company that starts phasing them out so really technically we should have um two years yeah just under two years it'll be because it's february 2024 so good good we're getting up it's gone to two to four now i'd like to see a blue double bubble though not see a full card didn't continue this best be at least a fiver all great again so we've got two two two fours we could go up to fives now maybe if we're getting oh we've got another win it might be best not be too quick to tell you hey fiverr maybe another fiver now if we get any more wins out of this lock i don't think we will do do do do do two fifty two fifty will this be a fiver oh we're jumping back down we're jumping back down hey [Music] next batch here we go 1429 [Music] 29.24 [Music] heat it's getting quite hot this week uh 25 15. 1425 nope it's magic 13 number eight oh [Music] tenors [Music] 17 4. 26 23 26 yeah cheeky little five and now would be all right 1701 give us a bag yeah that's all right that makes it not bad but not great 28 11. you can sneak one more little win out of it that'll be a lot better even if it's too good it all count 1822 fingers crossed 1927. no no no shame shame let's see some red sevens they're gonna be old and they're gonna be faded or not faded faded seems to be the faded ones that do alright for us did didn't even say i knew it was just knew it what ideally we could do right now is a red red sevens times ten two times ten now four quid again which usually means we're probably gonna get another two pound win b10 nice nice that's what you want yeah that is what you want all right one more fingers now [Laughter] boom two quid news here we go five um [Music] oh yeah i think i've got a bit of a hay fever hmm probably another win surely oh yeah he's got this that was first card win come on full card [Music] stars are here five hmm dude [Music] really hold on to you my friend number 86 oh slight excitement then stars one more one more one yes yes yes yes come on four pound five pound four pound two pound five pound nice 20 quid happy days boom boom boom i want you in my room i want to see a 20 quid win on one of these or a win the win symbol to win on i think it'll be that one because it was 50g you know that he knew 35 11 24 18 28. i wonder if the wind's always in that bottom right hand corner i'd like to know that you idea 39 oh hey lots of two pound wins today thirty nine again same place number nine twenty six 16 13 33 31 18 okay 13 22 33 thirty-one twenty-one [Music] little drinking pill i think keeps vibrating all right we're gonna see enough i don't know oh it's literally just about celebrating we're going to see a fiver win best not be too good yeah four as much alright not be it surprise of a nice tenor would be nice that would have been nice too good come on just the two just the two got 35 25 26 36 [Laughter] [Music] all right being funny but we need to make some money back on these because i ain't looking clever trips at this lot we need to see 20 can you see a 20 pound win or cut tens or a 70 g nice two four ten nice need at least one more in a minus four and twenty will be nice [Music] yeah next one's a winner wow [Music] oh b10 oh no leaving the man went too greedy should have been five [Music] the last one looking good cheeky little father too quick just hope these black ones stay good for us come on you need to embarrass the other ones [Music] [Music] one [Music] on that side 40 40 500.55 six six nine oh no these two comments have really really done us not good what are you saying something magical is gonna have to happen to make this uh a good video for tomorrow hundred hundred two fifty two fifty two and ten two fifty two fifty ten ten five thousand four thousand uh 250 250 200 200 525 250 255 55 40 1000 didn't even see a case mate 100 252 5500 right and [Music] come on man you need to proper make up and this card has probably got the pits already my i think the worst thing about it is you're not even seeing father's album now um okay so that first first time we did these in that pack god had some luck at the beginning 2020 [Music] that was a surprise oh four quid i love the four quid two to garden hmm [Music] wow that's all i can say wow here we go so bad for a first win last nasty magic um nice nice 10 pounds right 7 anyone uh watches [Music] oh nice three quid nope never read something today here we go bag and gold nope no no hey fingers fingers [Music] nice right five 10 20. nice and a purse nope nope wally um gold and gem maybe a cheeky tenor [Music] [Music] nice five five five that doesn't make sense oh five twenty quid 220 quids out of six cards very nice very nice indeed four and get 20 pound out of these five cards here that won't be so bad five five [Laughter] come on booty no this is it this is it come on four oh tennis come on uh one of these make it a fiver just make it a winner [Music] nope right 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 28 32 40 48 52 56 56 66 76 86 96 96 96 106 116 120 636 146 146 149 152 155 155 175 [Music] 195 195 195 215 pound never in a million years that i think was going to get that never in a million years wow happy days guys happy now that would that come from really because i really don't think we can get that much 215 pound to spend tomorrow how about that right let's get one thing straight no three pound cards apart from these because it takes too long and i don't like doing them and the hundred time x don't do something stupid maximum of sort of like two free tops on them anything else five pound two pound whatever just not stupid cards that are going to take forever because people don't like it and i don't like them either so yeah comment below tell me you want me to get sub buttons down below as well subscribe if you're not ready i'll see you all tomorrow with 215 pounds worth of scratch cards peace [Music] foreign
Channel: Scratchcard King
Views: 17,981
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: lottery, top, prize, win, won, scratchcard, sunday, PLAY, YOUR, SCRATCHCARD, RIGHT, EPISODE, SCRATCHCARDS, HOOK, DUCK, Scratchcard, United, Kingdom, the, national, big, Sunday, (Day, Of, Week, new, ones, jackpot, sandwell, vlogs, scratch, off, cards, sandwellmobiles, snakes, Laddlers
Id: u2Djns6ec8I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 18sec (2418 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 24 2022
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